Eight crew members of the USS Ronald Reagan are suing the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) for lying to them about the radiation levels to which they were exposed during rescue operations near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant last year.
In a suit filed in San Diego this week, lead plaintiff Lindsay R Cooper accused TEPCO of intentionally concealing the dangerous levels of radiation in the environment from U.S. Navy rescue crews working as part of "Operation Tomodachi" off the coast of the Tohoku region following the devastating series of earthquakes and tsunami that resulted in the nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011.
According to Courthouse News Service, the plaintiffs assert that the government and TEPCO possessed data about the radiation leakage that they suppressed, thus willfully exposing Navy rescue workers of the U.S.S Ronald Reagan, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier based in San Diego, to dangerous levels of radiation. The suit claims that TEPCO covered up data suggesting that rescue workers would be exposed to the same amount of radiation that resulted in cancer at Chernobyl.
The sailors are each seeking $10 million in compensatory damages and $30 million in punitive damages for fraud, negligence, strict liability, failure to warn, public and private nuisance and defective design, Courthouse News Service reported. The suit also calls for TEPCO to establish a fund of $100 million to pay for the medical expenses of crew who they say face "additional and irreparable harm to their life expectancy, which has been shortened and cannot be restored to its prior condition."
The plaintiffs said that TEPCO, as a "wholly owned public benefit subsidiary of the government of Japan," misrepresented radiation levels to give U.S. Navy workers "a false sense of security." TEPCO's policy of deception caused U.S. rescue workers to rush into an unsafe area which was too close to the stricken plant.
Although there were 5,500 sailors aboard the Reagan, the lawsuit is not a class action. Of the eight plaintiffs suing the government, six reportedly worked on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier, while the other two worked in air contamination. One of the plaintiffs is also reportedly suing on behalf of her infant daughter.
© Japan Today
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Nippon Nation
Operational Tomodachi - For starters, the Japanese didn't ask for your assistance in the clean-up effort, you offered it with no strings attached and was made aware of radiation levels. Whether radiations levels were high or low has no relevance because you exposed yourselves willingly and had full knowledge of the risk before you engaged - uninvited.
Throw this case to the dogs!
Perhaps govt will settle it promptly for two reasons : fast money flow through Abe-nomics and no health problems reported at present.
Here you go, Japan. I've heard about this rumor many months ago, now this is a real. Wow...probably many more will follow the suit.
Heywood Jahblowme
It seems to me that Japanese courts don't award punitive damages (as it would be “incompatible with the fundamental principles of the Japanese system of compensatory damages because the Japanese system just purports to restore the actual loss caused to a victim”), they'd have to sue in another jurisdiction and hope to have it enforced by a Japanese court. Good luck with that.
Americans...by the way, why sue them in USA and not in Japan? this looks like a lost case because Tepco is not Toyota, they are not on US market. It is like me suing Southern California Edison from an Osaka court...
Well, the assistance was offered by the US and it was accepted by the J. Gov. I believe there is a binding for remedy.
Embarrassed to be an American today. Please don't judge us all like this, most of us really do love Japan and are happy to help a friend in need. These are idiot swabbies who can't sue their own military (by law) so they are looking for a payday elsewhere, not realizing that this is shameful and stupid. There's a lot more danger on the nuclear powered carrier they were on than anything miles offshore in Fukushima.
This is the problem with mercenaries...they are just that. They don't care about Japan. That's the same thing will happen with all those Okinawa forces....sue Japan for a fight, if they have to face one.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
Get real you BEEP.
I won't go into whether Japan and TEPCO concealed the radiation problem. You were from Ronald Reagen. I can't believe it did not have radiation-measuring tools and they weren't employed. The US military knew how much radiation you will eat (whether it was a lot or insignificant) and sent you anyway. Clearly, any problem is elsewhere.
Both the government and TEPCO lied, those are facts. Whether or not these lawsuits will yield any fruit is one thing, the fact that they may bring the lies to light is good any way you slice it (unless you are a TEPCO exec). As to the government, they can easily fob it off on the DPJ.
Jasmin Oshima
The 8 U.S. sailors need money.
If the plaintive feel they were deceived and due to said deception can prove that it will lead to adverse affects, well, they have a case. WE new there was a chance of contamination. We left for two months.
Heywood Jahblowme
Of course they concealed it; at best they were negligent. And all your friends in the LDP are the ones that put all these nuclear plants in dangerous places in the first place.
What makes the US navy so special? They have been lying to the whole bloody country since the outset and they still are.
Bet if some Japanese had been sent to help in the U.S or another country and they said they had been lied to, this forum would have been full of support for them.
Disillusioned: "What makes the US navy so special?"
They're less unlikely to just sit down and take it.
These guys are the shame of the US Navy. I have friends in the navy, and one is a recruiter. They are all avoiding the topic hoping it goes away, and gets forgotten about.
Jason Stiles
I understand that information about the levels were lied about but, really? Really? Sailors that live on a Nuclear powered Air Carrier are sueing? Ok to me this makes no sense.
I was one of the many US service members that volunteered to go down to Sendai with the rescue teams from other countries to look for survivors during Operation Tomodachi. When we were done down there, we were all tested for radation by Bio teams before being allowed back on base.
Which the point I'm making is why haven't the other countries (including the US Fire Fighter Teams) who sent a hundren civilian rescue workers to heavy affected areas during that time haven't filed for the same thing? Sometimes I question my Sister Branches actions about weird stuff.
I think this is great. The Japanese government and TEPCO might actually have to come clean about radiation levels and all their cover ups. About time someone demanded the truth and stepped up to get it.
smithinjapanDec. 28, 2012 - 02:19PM JST
smith, "they may bring the lies to light is good." Indeed.
We are watching what Abe will do for the nuke plants. The disaster has not been forgotten by me. I was there.
Safety of citizens has to be the No.1 priority for Japan, nothing else.
Jason StilesDec. 28, 2012 - 02:47PM JST
I think these were dispatched before Sendai clean up team.
Simply pathetic and shameful behavior! These sailors should be discharged of their duties. People die in such missions and these guys are suing for the damage that cannot be seen or calculated. Please leave US Navy and work for walmart if you dont understand the meaning of working for armed forces!!
Didn't the Navy have Geiger counters or something to check themselves??
These 8 sailors are what are known as the "UGLY AMERICANS". Let's not paint all Americans with the same brush as I am sure that Americans, which I am not, will also be put off by this "money grab". These eight so called defenders of freedom have shown their true colours and Red, White and Blue have been tossed aside for the almighty green. Let's wait and see if their brothers in arms make them walk the plank for this money gaff. I doubt any of these eight will ever set foot on a navy ship again after going public with this sad get rich quick scheme.
TEPCO have offices and business interests in the US and the UK
that should read: unless you are a taxpayer in Japan. Remember the government now owns over 50% of TEPCO and has been bailed out by (and is still being supported with) taxpayer money.
They already have come clean. That's why they are being sued.
The US State Dept ordered Americans (civilians) to move away (outside of 200 km radius) on 3/20 while J. Govt. was still concealing the true radiation levels.
My 2 yen.......They did this, in my opinion, to bring, hopefully, a light on the actions of the Japanese Gov. and TEPCO, in the days following the disaster. There is little if any chance as I have been led to believe that they can receive any compensation and are just trying to get the Government of Japan to show a little more responsibility for their actions and that of TEPCO (which the government now owns).
I can understand the disgust that some may feel about the situation as well, seeing as how Operation Tomodachi was between friends, but in the case one of the friends (Japan) didnt tell the whole truth about what everyone was getting themselves into around Fukushima in the days after the tsunami and reactor damage.
It wouldnt surprise me one bit if these sailor are more than a little scared about the potential for cancer somewhere down the line and in their paranoia are looking to lash out at the easiest target.
Why all the ugly American comments? These folks were lied to by the Japanese government. The same government and TEPCO that are still lying to the public. This might help Japanese victims in the long run.
billyshears: "that should read: unless you are a taxpayer in Japan. Remember the government now owns over 50% of TEPCO and has been bailed out by (and is still being supported with) taxpayer money."
Yes, and already asking for another hand out, which they'll get, while people in Northern Japan STILL live in shelters. Here's what's going to happen: TEPCO will get the THIRD bailout package, and within a few years declare bankruptcy. Then they'll just change the name, let's say New TEPCO, and no more payments will be made to victims while they demand energy bills be put up so they can make a profit. Abe and co will just let it be, blaming the mess of the DPJ's inability to live up to promises. All Japanese not in government and/or the energy business will suffer while they line their pockets.
"They already have come clean. That's why they are being sued."
Tell me, when did they come clean, Billy? and then tell me if you honestly believe they have said everything.
Well, the RR had all of it's NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) detection gear operating, so if there were any concerns about radiation levels the ship would have known about it well before any press release from TEPCO or J-gov. As a matter of fact, that is why they moved the GW down to Sasebo. The Sailors can't sue the GW or the US Government, so they have done the next thing. I am sure their "shyster" lawyer is going "Full Speed Ahead" in getting this out there. If this case does even make it to a trial, the real winner will be the lawyer, since now he will have a client base up and down the west coast of the USA where some of the debris has been washing up with people saying that somehow the piece of debris they may have found has caused them some harm.
I feel they don't have a case to stand on, but I hope for them they win. They do something the Japanese people should too.
papigiulio: "They do something the Japanese people should too."
The sad part is that, much as the Japanese should take a cue from this, there are already people doing the usual 'Imperialism' and hogwash commentary, and the Japanese are more likely to react in some anti-American base rant than see that they have suffered at the hands of the government and energy companies like TEPCO.
This is not going to happen. No japanese court will recognize any judgment from a US court and TEPCO is not on US market. You want to fight them, sue them at home.
TEPCO has business interests in the USA and they could be held liable if found guilty in court. But that will take years and years.
Please enlight us. They have a small office in a small building in Washington DC, no business, no nuclear plant on US soil. It not like they have billions in US banks with 50 offices and 3000 US workers and thousand of contracts.
It is just a US representative office, they also have one in London UK according to their website.
Oh for heavens sake! These eight were on board the Reagan the whole time and never went near the coast, only close enough for helo ops. And since when can members of the US military sue a foreign government or entity regarding anything that happens while they are on duty, on orders conducting HADR ops which by definition are understandably hazardous? This is absolutely ridiculous and embarrassing.
They have investments in corporations in a number of different states and it doesnt matter how large their office is, just having one there makes it a target. Now they could very well pull out of their investments and close their offices, but I highly doubt that this case will ever get that far.
They could counter sue in the US as well, nuisance factor.
That's their job, to go into harms way under orders and sacrifice their life if required. What these eight are doing is dishonorable in my opinion and should be punishable under the UCMJ for bringing discredit to the service.
I dont trust TEPCO and the japanese responsible for the lies, but i do hope the money that could potentially flow out to these so called 'rescuer' could be diverted to the needy in the disaster affected areas instead. The survivors are still recovering from the disaster and these so called law suit could deprive the needy from the financial help needed by reducing the financial source at hand.
Wow really embarrassed by this. That ship would have had knowledge of rad levels and knowledge of what was going on. I mean come on. So they can't sue the navy so they sue someone they were helping knowing the risks. Please toss this case out and dishonorbly discharge these sorry excuses of service members. I was hurt during Operation Tomodatchi or else I was stationed in Okinawa during tomodatchi and volunteered to help knowing the risk. Not for reward but to help a nation ive always respected and admired. Sadly that request was denied but man these guys really are sad excuses of human beings and total scum
Just try googling "TEPCO admits" and you'll get a pretty comprehensive list. 359,000 results, in fact.
Akemi Mokoto
Thanks for possibly giving the Japanese public more of a reason to dislike the US military! Discharge these clowns from the military at once.
That's a strange way of putting it. The company is now controlled by the government of Japan, which owns a bare majority, and was previously a listed private sector enterprise. Wouldn't somebody drafting litigation be a bit more careful about factual matters like that?
Peter Payne nailed it.
This is now showing that the American mentality of suing for anything that can give a paycheck has extended outside the USA . It's this sad mentality that causes insurance rates to be at a premium and displays the arrogance (stupidity) of many (not all) individuals in the USA.
What makes these individuals think Japan will honor any settlement that a court awards over there ??? They ( the Japanese courts ) have a hard time having settlements honored here that were finalized in their own courts.
I agree with some of the people on this post about that there were probable measuring devices aboard the carrier and any aircraft that ventured in and around the affected zones. If individuals weren't notified by their own personnel then they should sue their own government.
What a embarrassment to the Navy this is.
Hope they lose in a huge embarrassing fashion !!
They never came close to area and where on-board the carrier the whole time. These 8 are a disgrace to the Sailors that were part of the helo-ops flying into the affected areas doing search and rescue and food drops from the ships in Yokosuka that were sent to help ASAP and those on the Reagan doing the same.
It's to bad they can't be counter-sued by 8 representatives from those that were involved with the helo flight ops, put themselves in possible harms way and made a difference to those on the ground for impersonating a real United States Sailor.
check out clause 13 in the submitted court papers:
"~defendant TEPCO derived substantial revenue from its activities via goods used or consumed in the US~through its operation of the FNNP"
First there is not enough info in this article. Are they still active or are they out already? That has some bearing in the message this sends. Also as said above the ship has plenty of equipment to monitor levels. I happen to know for a fact that none involved were in that much danger from radiation. The other issue is that that ship was a stateside based vessel not a ship from Japan Naval Bases. Sounds like some idiots looking for easy cash. TEPCO lying or not has nothing to do with this. Last they were doing what they were ordered to during the operation. If anyone should pay its the American Government.
As Matt Simon says above, not much info in this article. Do these guys have radiation sickness? How much radiation did they absorb? Too vague to even give a sensible comment ...
I also find a bit of irony in a bunch of people who were working directly on a large floating nuclear reactor suing the Japanese government for their radiation related problems. I know the ships are safe, just saying.
Tepco and the Japanese gov should get called out. It's plan and simple, they lied to everyone including the Japanese people. Hard to believe they put the safety of others before the truth.
Hot board here. Not complete article, not enough info to make those 8 guys look bad even in some American eyes.
Those 8 guys at least don't follow their leaders as bunch of sheeps.
100mil is way too much. It will be jp taxpayers money. Even Tepco is sucking on taxpayers.
But let's face itl. If those guys win I will sue my company for sending me to those places support all those poore people. All my friends loose jobs if I win and my company colaps. I'll be rich stupid idiot.
Everyone should sue TEPCO ! ... and it still not over.
More info here:
What an ironic turn.
"The sailors allege a host of medical conditions, from headaches and difficulty concentrating to rectal bleeding and thyroid problems, as a result of the exposure and say they will have to undergo more medical tests and expensive treatments in the future, their lawyer Paul Garner said Thursday."
papigiulio: . . . . They do something the Japanese people should too. EXACTLY . . . . TEPCO has come far off too easy - considering the 100's of thousands of people whose lives have bee ntraumatically impacted . . . The CEO's ALL ought to be in jail for negligence . . . . and WHY are there not class-action law suits ???????????????
That's their job, to go into harms way under orders and sacrifice their life if required. What these eight are doing is dishonorable in my opinion and should be punishable under the UCMJ for bringing discredit to the service.
In war situations. Not in nuculear meltdowns! More so on foreign soil.
Charles M Burns
Glad to see someone willing to man-up and take on the corrupt Govt and Tepco. And "Nippon Nation"' you haven't got a clue of what you are talking about.
Little Boots
Hmm.. sueing on behalf of her infant daughter? Disgraceful. I was out on the REAGAN for Tomodachi last year and I did work on the flight deck. I feel fine; no hair loss or extra limbs. We did have geiger counters scanning people and just about everything. Everyone made it home safely. These eight are looking for a payday.
billyshears: "Just try googling "TEPCO admits" and you'll get a pretty comprehensive list. 359,000 results, in fact."
Cross-section it with after-the-fact and you'll get the same number of hits, but check out the dates on them admitting their problems; most are within the past couple of months alone, and after heaps of denials.
Those who nonchalantly rebuke the sailors did nothing but watch the catastrophe unfold in front of their TV. They certainly helped us a lot, so I wonder how they can be so callous. They might have started their rescue mission too early out of humanitarian consideration just like the JSDF members who risked their lives to save the survivors.
ROTFL. One word : Americans. I am waiting for a new Hollywood blockbuster about brave and desperate American Team, saving Japan and the whole planet of nuclear disaster.
Love of Japan has nothing to do with hate of TEPCO, Anyone that sues them is getting cookie points on the karma counter. I wish there could be so many cases against TEPCO and J-government of that time that Prime Minister Abe would have to open a special court for it and MORE important, SOLVE the TEPCO issue (pay the victims directly and immediately, nationalize the nuke mob,close what can't be managed, sell what can serves...) instead of doing what he has started : pushing all dirt under the carpet. But well, these persons are very low on the list of victims and they were on duty for a job they chose knowing the risks.
And 15 minutes of spotlights...
Jietai could say that but anybody in US armies signed for potentially working in nuclear disaster and abroad.
I heard that in US some people can sue the factory of microwaves if they don't write in the manual that they can't dry a bird or other animals using it. That is interesting.
I'm an American, and love my country, but that was some funny s*** you said there. Funny because it's true. I don't believe it'll be a blockbuster though. More like straight to dvd. =P
I sure hope that these sailors win!!! TEPCO the evil empire of nuclear power in Japan needs to be royally sued for all what they did to not only these sailors, but to everyone both in Japan and in the entire world. TEPCO has not only contaminated Japan with radiation, but also the whole environment. From the ocean to the land, it is has all been radiated by the actions of Tepco and the Japanese government.
I've been forced to repatriate and have suffered financial loss and personal hardship due to the disaster. How much of a claim to the trillions am I entitled to? Hmmmm?
it doesn't make sense that they would be trying to sue the Japanese Government, It makes more sense that they sue their employer (The US Govt) for negligence in NOT conducting the necessary precautions in the aftermath of a nuclear disaster that they were obviously aware of....
Mirai Hayashi
I'm not sure about the US military, but I think there should be class action suit against TEPCO for putting the whole country in danger in exchange for financial gain...teaches other companies not to cut corners when it comes to safety regulations
Incorrect Tmarie. Their responsibilities are to follow any LEGALLY given order, war situation or not. All branches of the DOD perform humanitarian missions as part of their overall mission. It's a known factor.
And as the RR, and others, were directed to sail down there and assist... it is a legally given order. Because these jacka$$es can't do anything about that, they are suing a civilian agency (TEPCO).
And they will lose. The floated down there on one of the largest, most reliable, and certainly most capable of reacting, radiation detectors in existence. If they believe that TEPCO was lying about radiation levels, then they must ALSO believe that the nuclear aircraft carrier they served on also lied. Either that, or they believe that the USN trusted released reports about the levels instead of using their own detection systems. And guess what? I'm not entirely 100% sure, but I am pretty damn confident that an underway vessel of the USN that has a nuclear propulsion system, is not capable of being at sea in an operational mode without radiation detectors being on and active at all times, including on the weather decks.
I would have to assume that they have separated. Being retired USN, I can only imagine the grief any one of these would be getting if they were active duty.
I am not sure what was initiated the lawsuit. I am sure some lawyers were waiting for someone to take the bait. Anyway... these are sailors serving on a [ nuclear-powered ] supercarrier right? Mmmmm.....
Incorrect. Some of us who rebuke them were ALSO there... or are active duty... or retired.... or an involved civilian. Performance of military duties are things a lot of us on this board can discuss due to personal involvement.
8 out of 5500 (on the RR) as well many many more on the other ships, etc. "They helped a lot" was the USN. "callous" is slightly less than .2% of just this crew, even less if you consider the others.
When Chernobyl happened, a great part of Europe was hit by radiations. Nobody asked money to URSS, even though they weren't transparent about the accident at all. Also, are these sailors already ill? I doubt it. Shameful attitude. Plus, the quantity of money that they want is absurd. There are tons of people in Fukushima in poverty, but I doubt they care about them.
Reminds me of the Minamata mercury contamination case that went on for decades. I think the suit is excessive but I believe they just want to make a case out of it.
Peter ...funny, I feel just the opposite. America lent its support to Japan after the disaster as a friend -- hence the name Tomodachi. And, as a friend, TEPCO and the Japanese government had an obligation to come clean and let the U.S. Navy know exactly what the risk levels for its personnel were. But they could not do that, for fear of the panic it would set off among the residents of Japan. Now, obviously, for political reasons the U.S. Navy is not in a position to sue TEPCO or the Japanese government now that the truth has come out, so it is up to individuals to seek remedy through the legal system if they feel they were injured. I say GOOD ON THEM, for not acting ike Japanese folks do and simply shrug their shoulders and say "shoganai". That attitude led to this disaster and a cuture of deceit and cover-up in the first place.
Reminds me of Massacre of Cermis.
You know, United States Marine Corps EA-6B Prowler killed 20 people in that accident and they tried to deny their fault all the time. They were totally guilty, only read some informations. Look at how USA acted about compensation. A joke.
From Wikipedia:
USA can do whatever they want everywhere and to pay peanuts when they kill innocents. And these guys are asking for all that money, when they knew for sure what was happening at Fukushima.
For starters the U.S volunteered. Secondly the members were part of the armed forces thereby they are under military jurisdiction to obey orders and do not fall under civil law.
Thirdly anything that occurs in japanese waters falls under the japanese judiciary system and not U S law.
The plaintiffs have to prove they suffered health problems and even then for reasons above there is no case as Japan does not award punitive damages and the whole thing smells of 8 greedy individusls trying to maje a fast buck so to speak.
Blair Herron
Today (March 22, 2011) the U.S. Department of Energy released data recorded from its Aerial Monitoring System as well as ground detectors deployed along with its Consequence Management Response Teams… On March 15, 33 experts from the Department’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) arrived in Japan along with more than 17,200 pounds of equipment. After initial deployments at U.S. consulates and military installations in Japan, these teams have utilized their unique skills, expertise and equipment to help assess, survey, monitor and sample areas for radiation… Since arriving in Japan, NNSA teams have collected and analyzed data gathered from more than 40 hours of flights aboard Department of Defense aircraft and thousands of ground monitoring points… That data has been collected, analyzed and posted on the Department’s website at www.energy.gov/japan2011. Consistent with the President’s commitment to share important information related to health and safety with the public, the Department will seek to update the data posted on its website daily.
My son "explained" it to me... Being on a nuclear ship, they already had a problem with their "neurons"... so they didn't really know what they were doing...
I wonder if anyone knows who financed Operation "Tomodachi?"
I managed to establish that it cost 90 billion dollars.
Does anyone know where that money came from?
Blair HerronDec. 28, 2012 - 11:29PM JST
Blair, you have just provided the most critical facts for this case. This is IT!! GOOD FOR YOU!!
This legal action against TEPCO is nothing but a blackmail. They are just looking for a deep pocket for anything they can get. I left here on 3/21, and I remember how two reports; one from Japan and US were different. The US side had an accurate situation analysis from the day 1 while the Japan did not as TEPCO was hiding all the facts to J. Gov (PM Kan).
Kobuta Chan
Easy money.
My question is this, are these people still in the military? What was the motivation for their lawsuit in the first place Yes , they were under orders, and I understand and respect their position, but were they put into harms way without proper notification of the circumstances?
I really don't think they have a case and everyone knows the US Military moved their ships way out to sea after the incident (a clear warning if there was one). If fact I believe US Military aircraft (Japan) turned off their radiation monitors. Radnet (US mainland) monitors were turned off or serviced.
Should there be money set aside for these people that helped for medical tests and needs = yes. Do they have a case = very doubtful.
Blair Herron
According to Wikipedia, the total amount that the U.S. military used for the operation was about $90 million
In the plenary session of both houses on March 31 (2011), the Democratic, Liberal Democratic, and Komei parties approved a special agreement on the so-called “sympathy budget” to use one trillion yen in tax revenues over the next five years (20 billion yen per year) to support the stationing of U.S. forces in Japan. The DPJ-led government claims that the “sympathy budget” is necessary to reward the U.S. military for its relief operation named “Operation Tomodachi (friend)” in the Great East Japan Disaster-hit regions.
@globalwatcher, I still appreciate your help (and operation tomodachi and all) right after 3/11 disaster. This is a separate issue, you know :)
Nelson Surjon
The Japanese govt and TEPCO lied through their teeth about the meltdowns ! They should be sued and sent to jail ! As for these sailors, they should sue the US as well. They knew very well the amount of radiation spewing out of Daiichi. In the meantime, the inhabitants of Fukushima are also suing most of the same people. The more lawsuits against these goons, the better. The way Japan is dealing with the aftermath and its consequences on its population is absolutely irresponsible and borderline criminal. Furthermore, the rise of Abe, Ishihara (sr and jr), Hashimoto and the other fascists now in power will try to minimize even more so the true danger of radiation exposure, will resume the restart of most of the NPPs in Japan, will return innocent people into the most highly radioactive areas, will continue to incinerate radioactive debris (now known to contain randomly isotopes such as Strontium, Uranium and/or Plutonium), will increase its (silly) propaganda that all is fine and will continue to force feed young children radioactive lunches at school!
Nelson SurjonDec. 29, 2012 - 01:23AM JST
Nelson, I hear you. Japanese are in "dekinai" culture not willing to change. Sometime, Japan needs a pressure from outside world to change.
Nuke plants on "tofu" islands lead by corrupt politicans is a perfect cocktail mix for the next major disaster.
Looking for a legal advice on this as I was within 60 km radius of the area till I left on March 19. Lost > 50% of my stuff but worst of all I lost my life insurance I had paid into for more than 4 years due to a temporary loss of my job and a dispute regarding payment afterwards because of the disaster.
Tyler Vandenberg
Well lets see, one of whom was pregnant at the time of the exposure... you guys can talk all you want , but if your wife or you where pregnant when you got hit by a radiation plume like the Regan they got a month’s worth of nuclear radiation in just one hour and then more b/c you stayed in the area after you would probably try to get money too.
The plaintiffs are suffering a variety of symptoms that attorney Paul Garner says were caused by the exposure, including rectal bleeding, thyroid problems and persistent migraine headaches, and all face an increased chance of developing cancer and requiring expensive medical procedures. "The carrier was less than two football fields away from the Fukushima Daiichi when it released a cloud of radiation," said Garner, speaking to NBC News on Thursday. He said the crew was unknowingly exposed to high levels of radiation in numerous ways, including when they cleared the carrier's decks of snow that was contaminated, and washed down the helicopters with sea water that was contaminated. http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/27/16197507-us-sailors-sue-japans-tepco-for-post-quake-radiation-exposure?lite
TEPCO has settled with the families of Japanese citizens who died during evacuations from the affected region, and the Japanese government has guaranteed payments this appears to be the first lawsuit involving American servicemembers, which 4 of them are still active duty I think..... so i guess we will see how this plays out
One main fundamental concern I have is the notion that the USS Ronald Reagan would need to rely on information supplied by a foreign government, even if an ally, much less from a Utility company as regards radiation levels.
So Operation Tomodachi goes from being helpful to hurtful and hateful. This will be the last rescue mission the USA will be allowed to do. As I feel these jerks are just the first and it will not stop with the eight. So there is now no need for the Marines in Japan. They will sue soon is my thought and especially if these "ugly Americans" receive so much money. Oh then the dependents will sue as well. Maybe we will be better on our own. Depending on the outcome of this and other actions.
Shi Yuehan
Courts won't make you whole, they'll only make an a hole out of you.
I was going to say I don't believe this... but as it's Americans we're discussing, yes I can.
Rick Kisa
At last some courageous group of people have decided to sue TEPCO, and this is good. Until this nuke radiation blunder thing goes international, TEPCO and gvt will always try to cover up. As I said before, radiation pollution is a global issue, not a national one alone. The JP gvt, nuke village and co usually want to portray it as a nationl one alone and at times even warn outsiders not to interfer in japan,s 'internal' nuke affairs!!
Yes, well, so what? I initially said TEPCO had already "come clean" in response to tmarie's assertion that TEPCO hadn't yet "come clean" and you asked "when did TEPCO come clean?" so I showed you how to get the answer. Everyone knows TEPCO didn't start admitting the truth until well after the catastrophe. And, as I mentioned, that's why TEPCO is now being sued left, right and center.
Omg!! This is dumb. Japanese people are trying to sue TEPCO everyday! Why do US Navy Sailors that was only here in Japan so little time gets the right to sue? They better not get any money. My son was born on March 11, 2011 in Yokosuka, Japan. I have family in friends like family in Fukushima. I should be sueing and they should sue instead for making everyone panic and stressed out and lying to us about the radiation level.
I had a c section and the navy hospital discharged me after 4 days when there are black outs, panic, and aftershocks was happening. I didn't want to leave the hospital cuz I was scared and my husband was on leave and had to go back to work! They flew a lot of people back to the US because of this radiation in a week on the base. I had to stay in Japan cuz I just had surgery and I could carry nothing but the baby and I wasn't command sponcered yet. The Navy didn't care about me and my newborn. I should sue the Navy for not taking good care for me and my family.
highlights the culture of two countries. One will blindly use the law to try and effect change, the other will blindly follow it's leaders following the path of least resistance. Both are not perfect but in the end the truth is better than a lie. Who lied? And there lies the greater share of responsibility.
They are also suing the Government of Japan. They had their own radiation detection equipment. There was no need to ask TEPCO about where, what and how high the radiation. If Japan has to worry about being sued by American troops then they are not worth the bother. I mean any of them, these troops are just looking for money. They are a disgrace to the uniform, the US Navy and USA.
The sailors can file for disability from the VA. It was in the line of duty so they can get free medical care and a pension. However they have to be sick and not as I suspect faking it for the money.
TEPCO should dump their holdings in the USA. Transfer their assets out of the reach of the greedy.
Now the whole 5,000 man crew will be suing the government of North Korea for negligently inflicting emotional distress and/or terroristic threatening for launching a missile to put a trash can in orbit this month in the sea of Japan.
Some very few soldiers looking for an easy payday. Spoiling the name of all good Marines from the USA.
Nelson Surjon
Emotional distress of carrying a missile attack and inhaling radiation exposure from freshly blown reactors only a couple of football fields length away, is a strange comparison! You people are making light of it all ... What a shame!
Nelson Surjon
A couple of football fields away? Please, you're the one in need of some perspective. The Reagan was miles and miles and miles and then some miles out at sea off the coast of the Tohoku Region. They were well briefed on the hourly radiation plume forcasts and stayed well away from any dangerous levels of radiation. If these Sailors were on the crews that actually flew in and out of the disaster area or worked on the ground it would still be illegal for them to sue TEPCO or the GOJ like this but their fears would be understandable. But these Sailors never left the ship and were well out of harm's way the entire time and were constantly under the the ship's RAD detection protocol. It's bad enough that they have no case but despicable that they would try to make a fast million or two out of simply performing their lawful duty as service members. If they were to sue anyone they should sue the US Navy and the US Government, but they can't, and for damn good reasons.
Oh, give me a break! If these idiots who spent a short time a hundred kilometers away from the plant could be bleeding from their backsides due to radiation, half of Japan would be dead by now! The hypochondria of these eight people is an insult to the millions living a lot closer than the RR ever went.
US ninJapan, precisely Military warships that are nuclear armed and powered have the most advanced radiation detection equipment anywhere.
The ships commander is in charge as to where the ship goes and what it does, the sailors aboard fall under military rule foregoing civil rights and the main one is to obey orders, if those orders are to perform perilous life threatening tasks that is exactly what military personnel are signed up and briefed to do.
They are supposed to risk their lives in the course of their duty.
I doubt their rectal bleeding has anything to do with fukushimas radiation quite likely more to do with their after hours activities. Lol.
Seems to me these sailors are a low quality bunch lacking in character, honor, respect or honesty.
The quote from the lawyer:
"The carrier was less than two football fields away from the Fukushima Daiichi when it released a cloud of radiation," said Garner, speaking to NBC News on Thursday.
What planet is this guy from? That's only 200 yards, what super carrier is ever going that get close to land? The only time they come close to land is when pulling into DEEP WATER port to handle her draft and that requires tugs to assist.
200 yards? The length of the carrier itself is OVER 200 yards.
Note to the 8 sailors, your attorney is an idiot, good luck with case as you fork over money to him to represent you.
Radiation doses strong enough to cause headaches are always, always fatal. So these guys won't be around long enough to see the result of their lawsuit. Unless someone's imagining things, of course....
I predict that the whole thing will be thrown out.
First, there is the obvious incompetence of the lawyer made very explicit in posts above.
Second, the entire nuclear power industry will focus its efforts on smashing the case because of the damage that will be done when people learn how dangerous nuclear power is. There have already been several disasters, but people don't learn very fast.
Third, the US military will smash the case because, as pointed out by others above, evidently this will make the Navy commanders look very bad.
Tyler Vandenberg
@ YuriOtani
No b/c most of the people that they helped are trying to get money from TEPCO too, They are not suing the Government of Japan they are suing TEPCO, but TEPCO is now owned by the Japanese GOV'T. Japan needs to wake up and see that the Radiation did not just effect Japan, but others from the Wolrd..... as for it being the last rescue mission if the Japanese Gov't takes the same approach you did it probably will be, I can't see anyone trying to help after hearing something like what you just said. What TEPCO should do is setup a fund for any rescue workers that have medical issues. As for your post, I used to respect what you wrote now I just see you as a bandwagon nationalist.
@Tyler Remember "Atoms for Peace"? It was a program set up in the 50s to kick start the American nuclear power industry. And Japan, recently defeated, was asked to take a few, in spite of its being seismically unstable. We were not in a position to say NO. And the Daichi plant, which has so much trouble, was directly constructed by General Electric. Two to four were built by Toshiba and Hitachi based on GE's plan. GE refused to allow change in plan when Toshiba and Hitachi pointed out the danger of putting emergency electric suppy underground, knowing that the emergency would be an earthquake followed by tsunami. So is that karma? Also, the basic design was found to be flawed by the Atomic Energy Agency (I think that's the name in English). When TEPCO sued General Electric for building a faulty reactor, GE suddenly had a "fix" and the suit was dropped. Well that didn't work. So is that karma, your past sins being a little irradiated?
Tyler Vandenberg
@gokai wo maneku
I read the report...... don't try blowing smoke you are only going to convince NHK viewers, the fact is that makes it even worse that they knew there was a design flaw and still didn't make a plan or train their crew to do a manual vent without electricity...... when the Japanese Gov't can use money from the Earthquake Rebuilding budget for "Scientific whaling" and the Japanese don't make a peep, and its hardly on the news. Now you have 8 American trying to get money to pay for alleged medical issues and every one is up in arms I'm sorry that is just deplorable.
Wow man good on you way to sick to your guns I really thought I would have to wait years until I heard Fukushima was cause by the American and Japan was the victim......
@Tyler The design flaw was supposed to have been fixed by the GE "fix" they provided. That is why TEPCO dropped the law suit.
But we also have to acknowldge that the reactors should all have been decommisioned at least a decade ago or more, but due to collusion between Japanese politicians, bureaucrats, business interests, etc, license is almost automatically renewed. It is a "perfect storm". We we also have our own karma.
And now that the LDP is back in power, the same LDP that led Japan into the nuclear age, guess what's coming? Already scrapped the no nuclear power idea.
Tyler Vandenberg
Here is the court paper filed , if anyone would like to read it.
to think that a military apparatus, supposed to be one of the best equipped in the world does not have the facilities to measure or keep its own troops out of harms way is astounding especially in light of all the atomic tests the US govt performed over many decades they were not even able to ascertain the risks involved here....they are obviously the ones at fault...
Omg!!! So this is just so wrong. Don't join if you don't want to be put in harms way. I went there too. I'm not complaining or suing nobody. Whatever brings radiation one day in far future or tomorrow, I won't regret cause I'm happy that I served those in need.
@Tyler Vandenberg, Thank-You! for that link, I read it...You can sue anybody for the most trivial resaons, but that dosen't mean you will receive anything. Shame on Tepco for being stupid or just out right lying, and shame on the Sailor's, as well. You put your life on the line when you join the Military. I do not think these sailors no what true honor is...I beleive that they are just out of luck, and are wasting their own time and effort's. They deserve nothing more than their paycheck.
I am afraid that how it will be interpreted by ordinarily Japaneses people. Especially, knowing how people were moved by the campaign called TOMODACHI in the time of real trouble, ( In this case, deep or unconditional friendship how people sensed then because they jeopardized their life to help the situation.) No matter what, based on the common sense, there were some danger there that should be understood as tacit level of understanding.
Eautaceux Janais
Unfortunately, Americans will be seen as even more greedy because of what these idjits are trying to pull off. You're in a carrier, you follow orders, the orders take you close to Fukushima Daiichi, you can't sue your superiors or the Navy, so sue TEPCO.
Whe encountering nuclear reactors in states of criticality we should.....smile! Japanese government advice is clear on this matter;had the US sailors been smiling there would have been no problems. Any chance of compensation will be countered by the 'smiling defence'
Personally, while I have no sympathy for military people complaining that they were put into danger (risking one's life comes with the job, IMO), much less suing about it, and while I can't believe that the carrier lacked more than sufficient means of determining radiation levels, I nevertheless think that there might be overall value in forcing TEPCO (and maybe the Japanese government) onto a public, official, international "stage"/spotlight in which it will be much more difficult to get by with bland lies and evasions than it will be in the domestic court cases to come. "The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"...would be nice to hope for, if one were idealistic/naive rather than cynical like I am.
Not that I think it will actually result in such an ideal outcome.
Legal documents are pain in the neck. Wondering whether the plaintiffs seek 10(million$)+30=40 each, or 10 each & 30 for all of them(P.22 item100), I need your advice. Stars and Stripes says 40 for each, but NHK and others say 10 for each plus 40 for all. Thank you! http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/NEWS/z_Personal/Huus/Fukushima.pdf BTW,footnote 9 mistakingly refers to Hosono instead of Yukio Edano, former chief cabinet secretary.
I'm sorry, it should be "but NHK and others say 10 for each plus [30] for all"
It is my belief that the U.S. Navy should not have relied on information from TEPCO or the Japanese Govt.... the Navy should have taken their own Readings. They were aboard a Nuclear Powered ship... they must have had detection equipment. This case is frivilous.... as are far to many in the USA. Suing for reparations ultimately is a good thing.... it forces those that potentially put people in harms way to be extremely dilligent but the byproduct.... frivilous lawsuits does become extremely tiring.
They have every right to sue. What most of you are overlooking is the fact these servicemen can't just take on such a monumental case on their own.
The real question is who is behind them? Someone stepped forward and approached these people. Someone who has it in for Japan.
It's really not that hard to convince these 8 that they should sue. Look how much you are appreciated in Japan......-buzz- NOT. Hell, I'd sue too if I lived closed enough and the government lied to me.
As an American, I don't really mind if Japanese lie to their own people. Seems like Japanese don't want to change their circumstances then let em be.
Anyway, if TEPCO holds any establishment in the U.S then they can be sued. Yeah it may take years as some you say but for 30 Million....I think they can be patient.
Japan offered a measly sum of money for the tsunami debris that floated over to U.S beaches. All that stuff is going to come into play when the judge considers punitive damages.
As you continue to debate this keep in mind that this is a civil suit. Those kinds of cases are not that difficult to win.
Hope you all loved Erin Brokovich. They might send her over here.
American or Armenian, it doesn't matter. The situation when some group of people offered help under slogan of "Friendship" and after that began to demand money looks out wild and idiotic for every person from any part of the World.
But the Japanese government and TEPCO did lie about radiation, and they should be sued. Doesn't really matter who does it. And I get that a lot of Japanese people think it's an honor to sacrifice themselves for their country, but don't expect that kind of subservient attitude from Americans.
...and they're suing in San Diego? TEPCO doesn't stand a chance. Pay up suckers, the fiscal cliff bailout needs you ;)
D.j. KaRma
Ofcourse they lied about the levels. That's why the Govt. is shelling out some YEN now to it's own residents. But it's the same as the BP spill, or the Katrina numbers in America, lies lies lies... but suing for an operation that we went into knowing the dangers present. Hmmm sounds like these kats trying to get PAID $$$. I'd like to see how this turns out.
I heard that the one of women had a baby 7 months after this mission. She should not have had this mission. I do not think JPN gov. could not have controlled if a pregnant woman was there. Also, this is the military ship with their own radiation detector, if it showed any thing exceed the level of radiation it could harm the men and women in uniform, the ship should have left. that mission was a volunteer mission. I have to find out if JPN gov.asked to USA or not. But if my memory is correct, that was offered by US and they should not rely on the information from JPN but they should have kept checking the level of radiation the way JPN defense force did or hyper rescue team from Tokyo fire dept. so far no one has any sickness has been reported. If the system of instrument on Ronald Reagan was not working correctly and put them in any danger situation, they should sue some where else. I am sure 99% of people on the ship must feel not good abut this situation.
Michael P Monahan
Everyone exposed to the radiiactive materials released from TEPCOs poorly constructed, negligently run and ignorantl response all with criminal implications have the potential to suit for compensatory damages. That could be some extensive pay out.
As you are aware that video taken right inside the flight deck of RR shows no clue in the room were wearing masks, though radioactive particles could possibly be floating in the air. It looks like the cotaminated jacket was confiscated by bare hands...Did they know what they were doing? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Xk6Sy1cNgXo There is another video analysing the protocol issue in detail. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-NbRD8_QDI&feature=youtu.be&a
clue → crew. Sorry ,again><
So why not shell out to foreign helpers? They did knowingly accept foreign help too.
D.j. KaRma
I think that's an easy answer.
I'm sorry that that happened to them but all TEPCO did far as for Japan is raise the Electric Bill so, hearing the sailors sueing TEPCO isn't right. Sue the Navy!! Oh yeah that's right ur in the Navy, you can't sue them.
This suit is an example of the tort law system in the USA which is enriching lawyers and destroying our economy. The Judges which will oversee this case know full well that the law firms they are ruling for will be employing them in retirement as "senior" partners, and in some states the law firms are the major (often only) contributors to the Judges campaigns for election to their judgeship. Where juries are involved, the parasite class dominates the juries as anyone with a job seeks to be excused to do their work. So those who live off the government join the lawyers in hope there will be a lawsuit for them someday. Note that this is not filed in Japan where the alleged injury took place, no money in it.
Forgot to mention that the lawyers get to keep up to 60% of any recovery, such suits are really brought by the law firms the "plaintiffs" are really the lawyers who stand to benefit. Recent Toyota billion dollar settlement also the result of this system, a pittance from that will reach the car owners.
This is the kind of lawsuit that makes the world believe that Americans (in general) are moneygrubbing and sue happy. I completely agree with that assessment.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. If he asks for money after help, he is not a friend anymore. Just some sort of hypocrite.
The real Sharks are the lawyers, the sailor's are just pawn's hoping to receive something they didn't earn. It will all be for nothing...They knew their would be risk's, they worked on the flight deck, very dangerous...
Anthony Lee
I hope these embarrassments to my country don't see a dime, idiots.
Mashi Akiyama
maybe these guys should try to sue the navy for making them work on a nuclear powered carrier....send this story to Robin Williams...he'll have a field day with it ;-)
Did TEPCO just lie to the 8 sailors or did the also lie to the officer in charge? Perhaps our Attorney General should look into this matter and see if it is actionable under world law.
Yuri is awesome. Agree completely. I was able to find out the names of about 6 of them suing. At least three of them are kind of gangsta women, heavily covered in tattoos, Two are single moms and ya know they can always use an extra 10 million dollars laying around the house. Its a money grab. Sadly, the Americans still have this occupation mentality. In truth the Japanese Self Defense can defend the country from any threats. I teach English to the JSDF and they are far more sharp than what I see coming over here from the US are. America has get over their fantasy of everyone in uniform being a hero. Many are. Most are. But in the lousy economy a lot of trash gets picked up at the recruiting offices.
What a bunch of tools. What are they suing for, POTENTIAL damages? Good luck winning that case. You can't claim damages unless you were actually damaged. If the judge has any sense, he'll toss this case out of court as soon as the plaintiffs admit they've suffered no effects due to the exposure. So what if Japan lied? Lying in and of itself is not a sueable action. You have to show how the lie damaged you or your business in some way. These guys make me embarassed to say I was a sailor.
Read the complaint. My goodness. What's next? Sue the Japanese government for emotional distress because you really didn't want to be stationed there but was indirectly forced by the said government because of the existence of the current SOFA?
"The maximum potential radiation dose received by any ship's force personnel aboard the ship when it passed through the area was less than the radiation exposure received from about one month of exposure to natural background radiation from sources such as rocks, soil, and the sun," Davis said.
and what will they get from suing? A few newspaper articles. Reminds me of when some families of 9/11 victims sued Osama Bin Laden for wrongful death.
I live in Korea and Koreans.Surf the Internet every day since the earthquake in Japan and the Japanese government to conceal information is collected andJapanese groundwater has been contaminated by radioactivity now Fukushima children's thyroid cancer incidence has seen a more than 40% of the material information.Japan Korea because the people are living their daily anxiety and painful life.Still contaminated with radioactivity near the sea and radioactively contaminated water can sneak away.Cowardice
Aren't these people in uniform owned by the Commander in Chief?
He ordered them there, so sue him.