Japan Today

80% of art scene workers in Japan harassed within last decade: survey


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Nothing surprises me anymore. how much worse can it get?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Harassment for harassment's sake?

The sexual stuff is terrible and apparently it's been too commonplace for far too long.

About the other stuff, they just gotta suck it up. People trying to bring you down, that's life!

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Early in my former translation career, I worked with people and groups in the arts, thinking it would be cool. They were the worst clients ever, and these findings don't surprise me at all. They'd phone at 10 p.m., asking for work to be submitted early the following morning, and generally be selfish, demanding and inconsiderate and would get very noisy if things didn't go exactly their way.

When I became financially secure and could afford to drop them as clients, I used to

relish their Friday evening phone calls or emails. "Sorry, I've got plans

on the weekend," I'd tell them. A weekday afternoon offer would be met

with, "I'm playing tennis right now and I'll get back to you in few

hours." LOL.


Their reaction would be stunned silence, and then I'd never hear from them again.

Good riddance.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Important issues in the workplace yet, again, NO details are given of ‘when, where, how,...” this survey was conducted.  What was the source & scope and what were the demographics surveyed?

So therefore, like the daily, government ‘propaganda’, how can any percentages and seemingly ‘random numbers’ ever be trusted?

Again, it’s ALL just a ‘spin’ by the media to generate ‘clicks’, when a very, real issue could be addressed with accurate information for a better understanding.

Plus, *more simply, ‘the Arts’ would be more ***inclusive **of all disciplines and vocations. No one has used ‘art scene’ since the 70’s, ‘man’.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

A cartoonist in his 30s complained his editor had ridiculed him, saying, "Since what you wear is uncool, your work is also unstylish." An actress in her 30s said she was told on the day of a theatrical performance that her costume had been suddenly changed to a swimsuit.

Not exactly power harassment or sexual harassment. "Annoying, opinionated boss" and "the show must go on" is more like it.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

It’s a ‘hipster’ term @expat. “The Arts” can be less ‘condescending’ than ‘trying to sound cool’ with ‘the scene’.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

At least this article shed a bit of light showing that men also have to deal with all kinds of crap & stuff in the workplace, that is refreshing as you pretty much never hear a peep about what guys have had to deal with suck since well.....FOREVER!!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Really that low? Now , what’s the rate for all other branches or all unemployed? My guess would be 36500% per year. lol

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Snowymountainhell is right. How many people were asked, and how many responded? Without this information the article is meaningless.

Of the respondents (i.e. people feeling it important to respond), 80% said they had felt power or sex harrassment in the past decade. What percentage that is of artists in general, or of the total asked, we do not know. Only 80% of the replies received.

The first and second paragraphs show that the headline is misleading, to put it mildly.

Semantics aside, there is obviously a lot of crap going on under the carpet.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

80% of art scene workers in Japan harassed within last decade: survey

What percentage that is of artists in general, or of the total asked, we do not know. Only 80% of the replies received.

The answer is clearly that 80% of the respondents to the survey report being harassed.

You know, guys, there IS such a thing as hyperskepticim.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

"I absolutely refuse to believe there is any harssment at all in Japan."

This was said by an 87 yo neighbor last week. I feel this is endemic here and why it continues.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The Johny Kitagawa scandal is proof that harassment is not limited to women.

Unfortunately the art sector is made up of bigger than life talent combined with bigger than life egos.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Yes... *@girlin Tokyo. *It’s a word You made up. - ”You know, guys, there IS such a thing as ‘hyperskepticim’.” -

And, stop using “*you **guys**ALL the time. - The way You use it could be sexist **and only serves to ‘give more power to masculinity’. Isn’t that what this ‘informative’ article, with its unidentifiable source of data, trying to teach *us?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"Shoganai na.......... That's Japanese way"

the entire country is like that. Somewhere it's written, that nothing can change or improve in this country........EVER.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What is an "art scene worker"?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

snowymountainhellToday 03:47 pm JST

Yes... @girlin* Tokyo. *It’s a word You made up. - ”You know, guys, there IS such a thing as ‘hyperskepticim’.” -

All words are 'made up'.

And, stop using “*you guys***” *ALL the time. - The way You use it could** be sexist **and only serves to ‘give more power to masculinity’. Isn’t that what this ‘informative’ article, with its unidentifiable source of data, trying to teach *us?

Guys is used for women and men.

And frankly, I don't care if you don't like that I use it.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

You know, guys, there IS such a thing as hyperskepticim.

Girl, you sure know a lot. Problem is that you know so much that isn't so.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Considering the topic @girl_in_tokyo 5:17pm, WE would think you were more of an activist Against harassment in the workplace yet, *you persist in using ‘hurtful and demeaning’ language that ‘suits only You’**. - *To quote Your comments directly:

*“Guys” is used for women and men. And frankly, I don't care if you don't like that I use it.”*

Despite all the ‘daily’ rhetoric and the incessant need to pontificate, WE would think, in the last 3 years, you would be more well-educated about how ‘mindless insensitivity’ affects others. GLAAD officially published Nov. 17, 2017 that ‘guys’ was no longer acceptable as a ‘gender neutral’ term, especially in the workplace. They broadcast that ‘folks’ is better and included everyone in most social and work situations. “Team” is also acceptable when working conjointly with others on a project.

For women having to work in male-dominated industries particularly, "guys" can ‘reinforce their sense of being in the minority’. The phrase can ‘make women feel invisible’ when used in phrases such as, "This was built by the guys at..."

Additionally, the term is also ‘problematic for some gender-nonconforming or trans people’, for whom "guys" could be an instance of 'misgendering' — a consistent obstacle to LGBTQI+ people feeling included at work”.

No apology necessary, just awareness, mindfulness and more sensitivity for others, is all we ask.
0 ( +0 / -0 )

snowymountainhellMar. 25 09:40 pm JST

Considering the topic @girl_in_tokyo 5:17pm, WE would think you were more of an activist Against harassment in the workplace yet, *you persist in using ‘hurtful and demeaning’ language that ‘suits only You’**. - *To quote Your comments directly:

I get that you think you're helping, being a good alley. But one thing that allies need to understand is that it's not their role to gatekeep - and this is especially the case when the person whose language they are trying to police is a member of the community they are attempting to gatekeep for, while the ally themselves is not.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You assume too much about other “People” that ‘may not fit Your little boxes@girl_in_tokyo 5:56am.

You’re the one being ‘exclusionary’ and ‘gatekeeping’. - That’s quite unfortunate and very disappointing for us.

By the way: the word is “ally, not alley“ ... unless you’re continuing to throw jabs at ‘certain segments’ of LGBTQIA. If so, then it’s extremely hurtful.

Again, no apology necessary, just awareness, mindfulness and more sensitivity for others, is all we ask.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

SnowymountainhellMar. 26 07:38 am JST

You assume too much about other “People” that ‘may not fit Your little boxes@girl_in_tokyo 5:56am.

No, I do not try to fit people into boxes.

You’re the one being ‘exclusionary’ and ‘gatekeeping’. - That’s quite unfortunate and very disappointing for us.

What you seem to be saying is that you ought to be allowed to dictate to women and trasnpeople what words they do or do not find offensive towards women and transpeople.

I'm merely pointing out that the issues is more nuanced that you are making it out to be, and that it is not your business to tell a member of a minority how they are allowed to speak about themselves.

By the way: the word is “ally, not alley“ ... unless you’re continuing to throw jabs at ‘certain segments’ of LGBTQIA. If so, then it’s extremely hurtful.

I have never "thrown a jab" at LGBTQIA. Ever.

I'm bisexual and date women. I have a brother who is gay. I attend Pride every year. I'm not only a member of the community I'm also an advocate. Pointing out that you may not understand that there is much more nuance involved in language that you may be aware of is not akin to demeaning an entire group.

Again, no apology necessary, just awareness, mindfulness and more sensitivity for others, is all we ask.

This is like telling a disabled person to be more aware about the needs of the disabled. Can you be any more condescending?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Disappointing. 12 hours and that’s the best ‘You’ can come up with? @girl_in_tokyo Today 8:09am Stop trying to associate Your ‘antiquated choice of words and phrases’ and trying to cover Your errors under the ‘shield of any group’. The onus is on You.

“You’re the one being ‘exclusionary’ and ‘gatekeeping’. That’s quite unfortunate and very disappointing for us.”

What you seem to be saying is ...

No. No ‘seem’. We’ve directed our speech at You. You’re responsible for Your words. Not any ‘group’.

I have never "thrown a jab" at LGBTQIA. Ever. 

Then, please stop using “guys” when addressing everyone. It diminishes and misgenders.

I'm ...

Don’t care. Shouldn’t matter. Ours doesn’t matter either. WE are people, regardless ...

This is like telling a disabled person to be more aware about the needs of the disabled.

Are you NOW comparing LGBQTIA to ‘mentally and physically ‘challenged’ persons.?? They are for more challenged than WE ALL, could ever imagine.

Please ‘think’ before you speak and write. We offered you a ‘compromise’.

Maybe, apology is necessary, plus awareness, mindfulness and more sensitivity for others, from You.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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