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84 COVID-19 patients died at home in Japan over 6 months: gov't


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84 COVID-19 patients died at home in Japan over 6 months: gov't

Probably more, unfortunately, considering how hard is to get hospital admission if you get infected...

A wake up call for this Gov to act on time and avoid playing catch up next time.

25 ( +33 / -8 )

The data showed nearly half the patients died in several days after their infections were reported to the health ministry, a sign that the people saw their conditions suddenly deteriorate. were in their 50s, one in their 40s, three in their 30s and one in their 20s. The age of one patient was unknown.

It can effect adult in all ages, after few days then their health condition just deteriorating. So infected with covid the best way still being taking care in hospital with all necessary equipment and expertise.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Shouldn’t this article be placed under “Crime” as that is what this is. It’s a crime that so many people died at home when they should have been receiving medical care. If this number was from January to June when numbers weren’t as high as now, I’d be seriously worried about the number dying at home now.

Oh, and still considering the “spectators or no spectators” issue for the 2nd part of the games is also unbelievable.

30 ( +42 / -12 )

Thinking a few, maybe more than a few more zeros and might be closer to the truth.

7 ( +18 / -11 )

I hope this is “On topic”. (It’s the only update news this morning on the virus)

Is it possible that vaccines have pushed the virus to producing the variants? The variants have seemed to have been coming into being with the timing of vaccines being in high numbers.

What do people here think?

By the way, I ask this as a person who is already fully vaccinated.

-29 ( +7 / -36 )

Personally, if I contracted COVID-19, and the treating physician were not going to treat me with the antiviral medication remdesivir (which I assume can only be administered at a hospital), I would probably desire to attempt a recovery at home — thinking I could get much better quality rest and peace of mind at my place of comfort. A hospital can put a patient on a ventilator, but there are just so many stories of COVID-19 patients not ever coming off those alive.

-15 ( +7 / -22 )

This is scandalous, in most developed countries this would mean heads rolling.

Is it possible that vaccines have pushed the virus to producing the variants? The variants have seemed to have been coming into being with the timing of vaccines being in high numbers.

Completely the opposite, variants have appeared in the middle of huge peak of cases that could have been prevented by vaccination, immunity (even imperfect) inhibits the virus to keep replication for a long time (something that lets the virus mutate continuously until a variant that can escape better the immunity is selected) it also makes it more difficult for any variant to be transmitted to other people.

A population without immunity that sees a lot of cases in a short time, specially involving people with failing immunity, is what originates variants.

15 ( +32 / -17 )

So much info missing even about these 84 poor souls. Why do they not know the age or date of death of some??? Do they not care to even try to find out?

13 ( +14 / -1 )

A total of 84 coronavirus patients recuperating at home in Japan died in the six months through June,

Actually no. Let me fix this:

A total of 84 coronavirus patients refused admission to hospital died at home in the six months through June.

19 ( +25 / -6 )

With the manner in which the government has "dictated" just who is eligible to be allowed admission into a hospital for treatment of COVID, I for one have a REAL hard time believing that it's only 84!

I will bet any money they left out those who died because they had some other illness and died because of complications that arose from COVID and not from COVID itself! Yet if they hadn't gotten COVID in the first place, they would still be alive!

22 ( +28 / -6 )

after their infections were reported to the health ministry

when was the data reported to the ministry?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Not counting these 500+ then I guess?


I’ve been trying to identify a source which gives a clear definition of ‘covid death’ but can’t find one. It seems to me that the only people who will be counted are ‘confirmed cases that are denied hospital admission’, and no post-mortem confirmations of covid are included in these tallies. This could explain how they are massaging the numbers to show such low mortality rates.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Many hospitals still refuse admission of covid patients. For the health ministry has categorized covid as a top tier infectious disease (parallel to Ebola or HIV), and only designated hospitals treat covid patients. This regulation also prevents doctors from stopping by to give care to covid patients staying at home.

In Tokyo, there are 650 hospitals having more than 20 beds, and over 10,000 smaller clinics. Of them, only about 170 are currently active in covid treatment. Japan's lack of beds, equipment and manpower never mean substantial shortage.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

How sad and all the while the gov are patting themselves on the back for the safe Olympics,

19 ( +22 / -3 )

It is definitely a lot more! We are all aware of Japan's ability to manipulate facts and statistics!

19 ( +22 / -3 )

Suga said Monday that getting vaccinations and refraining from nonessential outings were keys in preventing the spread of the virus.

Ok can he tell us where???

My son has a chronic health problem but cannot get an appointment to be vaccinated.

Our ward is out of vaccine and if and when Otemachi opens up slots they are gone in minutes.

"Get vaccinated, get vaccinated"

Lip service that is all it is no action.

Pro LDP will say 99 million doses given out.

No 45 million of those were done by private companies in less than half the time it took the government to do the same.

Private companies have 5 million doses left and then we are back to slow ineptitude of public vaccination

7 ( +18 / -11 )

""Of the 84 patients, 36 died in one to nine days after their infections were reported""

what a shame, So dying in ONE to NINE days is not Severe enough for Mr. Suga and this government.

People deserve to be treated with dignity and deserve the right to receive the medical treatment they paid for all their life's so they can die in dignity when their time is up.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

One of the doctors in our family strictly works with Covid patients. She said that within an hour they can suddenly go from stable to needing to be put on a respirator.

Those with moderate conditions need hospitalization.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

If the corrupt government didn't prohibit the use of Ivermectin (developed by a Japanese scientist) and it was readily available, these people could have recovered with few, if any deaths.

How corrupt and sad it is when the government covers for the profit-hungry pharmaceutical companies at the expense of its own citizens!

0 ( +13 / -13 )

n the early 1980s the Health Ministry helped cover up the HIV crisis by hiding information on Tainted blood.

Only after and investigation was launched in 1996 were the facts discovered

INDEED! I remember that one well! Green cross was KNOWING using HIV tainted products & remember the guy who was running it.......well he also worked for UNIT 731 during WWII....I kid you not!

Clearly the govt has been lying to us form day one to present & here onwards, we will NEVER have an even remotely accurate accounting of those who got sick & we certainly wont be told the truth on the # of those who died from covid that is for sure!!

Scary stuff

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Dying at home isn't what I understand "recuperate" to mean.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

How many people usually die everyday in japan?? I'm the scheme if things this is nothing. What I would rely like to see is howw many were already vaccinated and how many had underlying conditions!

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Dont think this type of news get coverage in global media outlets - one good way to make govt change their behavior is to get these news items out in the world to see how Japan is performing in their response to corona pandemic - public shaming and that too from other countries will make the govt make some very quick decisions as everything here is to project a "good" face to world....

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Weird how the most vaccinated countries have the most problems.

Weird how the countries that are the most vaccinated are also the countries that are testing between 5 and 20 times more than Japan or other countries with low vaccination.

8 ( +16 / -8 )

Only 84 ?? - Are these, like other governments ‘numbers’, to be believed ?? One additional question regarding these numbers: Are we currently witnessing Japan’s version of what later will be taught as 21st Century “History” and the current Pandemic in Japanese schools ??

5 ( +8 / -3 )

If we are supposed to rely on health ministry information regarding this health crisis then wouldn't historical FACTS related to that ministry's habit of covering up or hiding issues from the people of Japan be relevant and on topic?

Things don't happen in a bubble.

The fact the health ministry has a habit of understating facts or even hiding them should be relevant and even part of the reporting.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

snowymountainhellToday  09:39 am JST

Only 84 ?? - Are these, like other governments ‘numbers’, to be believed ?? One additional question regarding these numbers: Are we currently witnessing Japan’s version of what later will be taught as 21st Century “History” and the current Pandemic in Japanese schools ??

Or are we witnessing the 21st century version of the "Tainted blood scandal" and in 20 years an investigation will find documents the health ministry claimed not to have, that contains a far higher number?

4 ( +12 / -8 )

We know now that there are good medications for people to take at home to reduce usage of hospital resources, e.g. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2052297521000883

That is still completely false, once the studies that apparently give better support for the supposed effect are being retired, corrected and retracted the effects suddenly becomes so minor that it has become clear this is just another HCQ situation.

There is a reason why all medical and scientific institutions of the world (those that have produced knowledge that improved health) are uniformly against the conclusion that ivermectin is a "proven" help against COVID.

Weird how the most vaccinated countries have the most problems.

That is of course untrue, many developing countries like Mexico, Brazil or India are having a huge lot of problems with deaths and complications all around, while the countries that are more vaccinated have seen a huge reduction of those problems, even taking into account the increased spread thanks to delta variants.

2 ( +12 / -10 )

I am relieved to finally, FINALLY see this of count being publicized. Ever since the start of the pandemic, the policy has been no PCR tests, no autopsies conducted on persons found dead at home, even who died alone. I have doubted the official tallies of deaths from covid-19 for a long time now because of this policy. This is a step in the right direction.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

It’s interesting that there’s always been this reluctance to try treatment drugs - even ones that could be self-administered at home. Considering, I mean, that there was no reluctance to “try” vaccines.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

This is such a sad story. Effectively these people have died unnecessarily because of lack of government planning, ongoing government inaction and incompetence. Given the snails pace that vaccination is being delivered; I predict that we will also soon be reading about people who have desperately been applying for an appointment to get vaccinated for over six weeks, being killed before they can jabbed.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Weird how the most vaccinated countries have the most problems.

I think you just mean USA and they are not even part of the "most vaccinated" countries. Qatar, Singapore, Canada are at herd immunity levels.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It’s interesting that there’s always been this reluctance to try treatment drugs - even ones that could be self-administered at home. Considering, I mean, that there was no reluctance to “try” vaccines.

False and false again.

Japan at the start of covid invested billions in home grown Avigan and ivermectin both of which failed dismally.

This is Japan had a Japanese made Japanese developed product worked we would not be using an imported vaccine.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

At a rate of one out of those 84 victims not even the age is known? That tells everything about the quality of data, the process itself and the life endangering incompetence of people sending home for dying instead of offering and giving medical treatment.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

84 in 6 months. How many of those chose to stay at home, especially amongst the very elderly? My parents demanded to stay at home. They did not want to die in a hospital.

One of my sisters is a critical care nurse, RN with a masters degree. She took over the hospice routine and cared for them until it was quiet time.

I am wondering how many non-Covid patients died at home during the same time because they were saving beds for covid at first, and then saving them for potential Olympic people getting sick and taking priority over the Japanese nationals and permanent residents. Any answers or data out there?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

They want compliance not debate!

Get vaccinated or go straight to jail! Do not pass go! Do not collect $200!

Anyone with a question is automatically an antivaxxer.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

There is no evidence of the government hiding death numbers or cases numbers. Nationwide deaths from Covid yesterday were 12, they have been around this number for a while. This shows the vaccines are working and the Delta variant is not a more deadly stain, perhaps less so.

Deaths are always sad but let’s look at the figures rationally. If compared to daily flu deaths each winter, the numbers are very low. There is no need for hysteria, Covid is on the way out.

-6 ( +10 / -16 )

Anyone with a question is automatically an antivaxxer.

Of course not, anybody using antivaxxer disinformation would be validly qualified as one. One thing would be to ask "what are the risks from vaccines?" another completely different is to say "why hide that tens of thousands have died because of the vaccines?", the first is a question, the second is just a lie.

Many more people have died from a seasonal flu in the past years. We are talking about numbers in the range of ~25k for just the winter season.

Yes, and they died without terribly taxing measures, now how many died on the last season?

This means that COVID is less dangerous but only if you cripple the economy and change the lifestyle of the people, which obviously is not something that can be sustained forever. Once those measures are lowered the real importance of COVID would come and eclipse influenza easily (as much as the current deaths by COVID completely eclipse the deaths from influenza on the same season). You may consider those deaths fine, but people that actually care for the lives and health of the population don't, and they are people much more worthy of support.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

They want compliance not debate!

Get vaccinated or go straight to jail! Do not pass go! Do not collect $200!

Anyone with a question is automatically an antivaxxer.

They clearly don't want compliance because I have been attempting to make an appointment to get vaccinated since July 21st 2021. It's just not possible. Even now, I am holding on, listening to a recorded message telling me they are very busy and I can stay on the line or call back later. If they wanted us to get vaccinated as there was some sinister plot, they wouldn't make it this difficult to even get an appointment.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

There is no evidence of the government hiding death numbers or cases numbers.

And I again point out that this se claim was made in the 50s 60s, 70s, 80s regarding such health crisises as Minamata and Tainted blood among others.

All to to later have been found that the Health Ministry ( AKA the government) hid information and facts from the public leading to thousands of unnecessary deaths and injuries

To be more precise it to 2 decades in both these cases and investigations to discover the facts and that despite denials the health ministry knew all about these things and chose to cover them up.

It is called a pattern, if the guy upstairs is caught breaking into your home multiple times, chances are he is also the one that broke in again last night.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Agree with Kev James. What Suga perpetrated was a crime. It was a crime of stupidity, not malice. Many can vouchsafe for Suga's stupidity. (Go to eat. Go to travel. And now Go to die.).

Not enough hospitals? Establish makeshift hospitals. The Olympic complex could have been converted into a makeshift hospital with lot of beds. It can still be done before vermin take over.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

11.41 am poster

That may well be, however it does not mean anything is happening now. Many countries have done similar over the decades. Things are harder to hide in these times. It’s looking likely that Covid was made by scientists despite the Chinese governments huge efforts to hide any evidence.

Of there is no evidence of hidden figures, I shall regard it as gossip.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )


You'll have to do better than "These things happened 60 and 40 years ago so they're probably happening" again to justify a modern day nationwide cover up..

Those scandals were awful (and not limited to just Japan) but because of them there is now greater scrutiny and regulatory failsafes in place to prevent such incidents.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

It’s looking likely that Covid was made by scientists despite the Chinese governments huge efforts to hide any evidence.

Nice try at deflection.

No go we are talking about the Japanese government, we are talking about controlled testing, no autopsies, limiting hospitalisation decided not by the doctor seeing the patient but by a government bureaucratic system and someone that never sees the patient.

Simple question if you are sick, your doctor says you need XYZ treatment but the government guy that controls and had never seen you but just looked at the information provided by the hospital days NO his evaluation says no treatment.

Who do you trust more your doctor that actually saw you and evaluated you or that government guy that has seen you?

Because that is exactly how the decisions as to who gets hospitalisation and who doesn't.

1 ( +11 / -10 )

Nine had died at the time of reporting while the dates of death for 24 patients were unknown.

What they must mean is that 24 of the bodies were so decomposed that it was not possible to establish how long they had been dead for. Put that way, it doesn't put the government response to the current bed shortage in a good light.

A total of 84 coronavirus patients recuperating at home in Japan died in the six months through June

They died while getting better? The opposition called the government out on this, so it's not just a translation issue. The truth is, they died at home after being denied access to treatment for Covid.

This is what we pay taxes and social insurance for?

 @IronBeard - thanks for the link https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210806/p2a/00m/0na/017000c

Also this article says that a knock-on effect of the pandemic is more deaths at home going undiscovered for weeks or months:


2 ( +5 / -3 )

Those scandals were awful (and not limited to just Japan

No they actually we're limited to Japan as any minimum checking will show.

And no other major developed countries actively covered them up once they knew the facts.

60, 40 years ago. Really even after the documents were found in 1996 the health ministry continue for nearly 20 more years to block evidence and hid facts, those are the same people in charge today.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Incomprehensible and unnecessary that this number should be so high. I'm pretty sure the person in their 20s was that young hotel worker in Osaka who died at home a couple of months ago despite his friend trying to contact him.

I feel so upset by this story and truly worry for myself and my family if we were faced with this situation.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

It’s interesting that there’s always been this reluctance to try treatment drugs - even ones that could be self-administered at home. Considering, I mean, that there was no reluctance to “try” vaccines.

Those safe and effective repurposed drugs were aggressively attacked and prohibited to allow the vaccines to be distributed. The vaccine EUA would never have been awarded if these treatments were available.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

You can downvote me all you want if it makes you feel better but I know what I'm talking about and a cover up of COVID deaths - COVID-19 being removed from the cause of death of a significant amount of patients at a nationwide/or even Tokyo-wide level by the government seems very very unlikely.

If this government could pull that off, it would have to be far more competent than you and other posters suggest..

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Can any of you covid-believers tell me what makes covid so special to you. Why does it get so much media coverage?

first covid is about 10 times more fatal than the flu, with social distancing and mask wearing the flu infections of 2020 2021 are a fraction of what they were from previous years, nobody was SD or mask wearing in prior flu seasons, also the flu has a vaccine.

come 2021 covid deaths have dropped dramatically and infection in the elderly also, why , because vaccinations. highest infection rates are now predominantly those that havent been vaccinated

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Those safe and effective repurposed drugs were aggressively attacked and prohibited to allow the vaccines to be distributed. The vaccine EUA would never have been awarded if these treatments were available.

Disinformation, drugs that were proved to be effective like dexamethasone were recognized at such without problem, even if the drug is extremely cheap and mean huge economical losses for pharmaceutical companies that could not sell options that are even thousands of times more profitable.

The reality is that some drugs seemed to have an effect, sometimes for expected noise from rushed, limited studies, sometimes because of scams run by unethical researchers that tried to profit from lying. But at the end science is designed as a process that can discard these false positives with bigger, better studies, that is why no respected institution of science or medicine in the world actually vouch for those rejected drugs, because the people that examine scientific data for a living reached the consensus that no evidence of benefit has been found.

Attacking unjustified use of a drug that brings no benefit and instead risks the health of patients is a very positive thing, even if anti-scientific groups try to make it appear as if it was the opposite.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

Raw BeerToday  12:38 pm JST

It’s interesting that there’s always been this reluctance to try treatment drugs - even ones that could be self-administered at home. Considering, I mean, that there was no reluctance to “try” vaccines.

Those safe and effective repurposed drugs were aggressively attacked and prohibited to allow the vaccines to be distributed. The vaccine EUA would never have been awarded if these treatments were available.

Strange because one of the reasons Japan took it precious time to approve the non Japanese vaccines was because the Japanese government invested billions in home grown Avigan and ivermectin both of which failed dismally.

This is Japan had a Japanese made Japanese developed product worked we would not be using an imported vaccine.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Those safe and effective repurposed drugs were aggressively attacked and prohibited to allow the vaccines to be distributed. The vaccine EUA would never have been awarded if these treatments were available.

Disinformation, drugs that were proved to be effective like dexamethasone were recognized at such without problem, even if the drug is extremely cheap and mean huge economical losses for pharmaceutical companies that could not sell options that are even thousands of times more profitable.

I don't know why you keep bringing up dexamethasone as if that is enough to refute all the "so-called conspiracy theories". Yes, corticosteroids have been found to be effective in the later stages of Covid-19, after the viral replication stage, so it's completely irrelevant. Furthermore, dexamethasone isn't all that effective, there are much better ones...

Ideally, everyone should have some ivermectin at home, which they can take at first sign of illness, even before getting tested. It's extremely safe and very effective if taken early. Less effective if taken later, as it is often given in pharma-funded studies.

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

I bet that number includes my 90-something neighbor with several co-morbidities who passed away in June, two weeks after his second vax shot. He had a stroke in the shower. His PCR test was negative but covid was written on his death certificate.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Haven’t had a misplaced fax adjustment to numbers in a while….

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Actually - in a quite recent article in the Yomiuri - it was acknowledged in a quite positive report on a drug used on Trump way back when he was hospitalized ( and quickly recovered) from Covid. This recent acknowledgement was hidden away in a small article, fourth paragraph because - heavens - no mainstream media would ever want to be caught saying Trump was right about something, even if lives could be saved.

And, please. Spare me that lie that Trump suggested some sink cleanser or whatever. I’m talking about the drug administered to him in the hospital, to which he talked positively - and for which he was shut down.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Hervé L'EisaToday  01:45 pm JST

I bet that number includes my 90-something neighbor with several co-morbidities who passed away in June, two weeks after his second vax shot. He had a stroke in the shower. His PCR test was negative but covid was written on his death certificate.

Wow you know that much about your neighbour's life and medical history??

That's very interesting in a country that generally only the closest family knows that much.

Hard to believe!!!!

5 ( +12 / -7 )

@CommodoreFlag is right

If this government could pull that off, it would have to be far more competent than you and other posters suggest..

You're all giving this inept government far more credit than it deserves.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

@Raw Beer

Ideally, everyone should have some ivermectin at home, which they can take at first sign of illness, even before getting tested. It's extremely safe and very effective if taken early. Less effective if taken later, as it is often given in pharma-funded studies

Please state those studies and please really ones.

This is Japan one thing we can all agree on is if something Japanese exists even if less effective the Japanese government will always opt to use the Japanese product.

Japan invested in ivermectin and Avigan tested them both and concluded neither worked the government has stockpiles of both knows they are of no use.

But you and others think that for some unknown reason the Japanese government is now going completely out of character shelving a local product for a foreign vaccine.

Please no big pharma conspiracy thing.

Japanese big pharma produce these 2 products and they are far more connected in government than any foreign vaccine maker and would make billions more than they are with the Vaccines.

It makes no sense that Japan rejected them other than they just don't work. As simple as that

1 ( +10 / -9 )

Completely the opposite, variants have appeared in the middle of huge peak of cases that could have been prevented by vaccination, immunity (even imperfect) inhibits the virus to keep replication for a long time (something that lets the virus mutate continuously until a variant that can escape better the immunity is selected) it also makes it more difficult for any variant to be transmitted to other people.

Again please stop to try to comment about something you don’t understand and provide instead links to publications that would be infinitely more convincing than this pile of words you put together randomly. Your embarrassing lack of science vocabulary and phrasing skills makes your post not much worthier than an opinion formulated by a elementary school student.

This also applies to all your other poorly written and often totally wrong posts on this page.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

COVID-19 being removed from the cause of death of a significant amount of patients at a nationwide/or even Tokyo-wide level by the government seems very very unlikely.

If this government could pull that off, it would have to be far more competent than you and other posters suggest..

Who said anything about removing covid as cause of death?

Let's see if they haven't been tested and no autopsies are required then no problem no covid, right?

Seeing Japan tested 0.6 people per 100,000 (month of August to date) ( compared to other UK 11.8, Israel 11.94 USA 2.15, etc...)

There is no need to cover up or change anything.

Just don't test gets the results wanted.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

Just don't test gets the results wanted.

Why would you want to test a perfectly healthy person in the first place?

Do you also go to the hospital to have your leg x-rayed cause it might be broken? Maybe broken without any symptoms?

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Do you know how to tell when the Japanese government is lying?

Their mouth is open.

Japan police say COVID found in 443 unnatural at-home deaths over 18 months

> https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210806/p2a/00m/0na/017000c


6 ( +11 / -5 )

Japan police say COVID found in 443 unnatural at-home deaths over 18 months

How many suicides are included in that number?

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

A total of 84 coronavirus patients recuperating at home in Japan died in the six months through June,

No information as to if they died FROM Corona or WITH Corona. Meaningless article, as it is safe to assume that these were not healthy individuals. Still waiting for the media to give us meaningful information.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Suga said Monday that getting vaccinations and refraining from nonessential outings…

Who urged "nonessential outing" by holding Olympics is Suga himself.

Japan's old proverb :

"Person who chase 2 rabbits cannot catch even 1 rabbit."

since last year, Japan's conceited PM Suga tried to believe to can do both of preventing infection and holding Olympics, and failed.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

@Not vaccinated

How many suicides are included in that number?

Nice try with the distraction.....not!

If they were suicides they would be listed as such and would not be counted in the 443.

LOL! Try again!

6 ( +10 / -4 )

not_vaccinatedToday  02:52 pm JST

Just don't test gets the results wanted.

Why would you want to test a perfectly healthy person in the first place?

Well here is a good reason!

Under the restrictive requirements to get free testing this was the result for a very good friend of my daughter.

He came into contact at his work with multiple coworkers that had covid.

He is the caregiver for his brother who has cerebral palsy, he tried getting tested and was refused for not meeting the criteria even after developing a fever he still didn't meet the requirements.

Even when his brother started to be sick they were both refused testing finally resorting to ¥30,000 each for private testing and both were positive.

His brother deteriated quickly and it still took another week before they would accept to hospitalise him and well or a month and a half later he is still in hospital and not doing well.

The caregiver brother in the end also embed up hospitalised due to a combination of covid and exhaustion of trying to care for his disabled broth while both being sick with covid.

Had this been any other developed country they would have both been been tested immediately and things may have been very different, things may have still not gone well for the young man with cerebral policy but at least care would have started earlier and the caregiver brother would have probably not deteriorated the way he did having to care for his brother while sick.

So there as very good reason not waiting for people to be very sick before testing is a good idea and why the rest of the civilised developed world tests.

It is Called Commonsense!

3 ( +10 / -7 )

syzyguyToday  03:08 pm JST

Wow you just posted the same agreement that every vaccine from smallpox, to Polio, measles, chicken pox, months, German measles, etc..


But nice try.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

this is a clause in the contract that each country signed with pfizer prior to purchasing the vaccines. the purchaser (sovereign nation) is in breach of contract if they promote any alternative treatments,

Then how come many countries are doing exactly that, including Japan with Avigan? maybe this "contract" is just some imaginary excuse without any basis on reality. Can you even prove it exists?

The "doctors can make the choice to treat patients however they want" is also completely false, if a drug is not approved for any use the doctor that uses it will have serious consequences because it is breaking the law, whatever the source you are using is obviously using completely false information to convince you about something that is not real.

So, your whole point comes from a supposed contract that nobody can see, but we have to trust you it exists, and that supposedly prevents countries from doing things that they completely do without problem? that is not a real argument.

Why would you want to test a perfectly healthy person in the first place?

To contain the spreading, that is what has to be done when a disease can be transmitted by asymptomatic carriers,

Again please stop to try to comment about something you don’t understand and provide instead links to publications that would be infinitely more convincing than this pile of words you put together randomly.

Sorry if you can't understand perfectly clear things that other have no problem with, you know you can always ask about things you can't understand right? it is obvious you have a lot of problems with the topic so just ask, I am sure plenty of people can explain things to your level of understanding.

I don't know why you keep bringing up dexamethasone as if that is enough to refute all the "so-called conspiracy theories"

Easy, because it keeps proving the conspiracy as nonsense, according to it dexamethasone would never have been accepted as effective since it is dirt cheap, but in reality it was easily and quickly demonstrated as effective, so as long as dexamethasone is being used for the treatment of COVID it demonstrates the conspiracy as fake.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

My fellow taxpayers, this is how much your government care for you in black and white!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The word ‘recuperating’ (recovering or getting better after an illness) must be a mistranslation.

As some posters have said above, these patients simply caught the virus, got worse, and died at home,.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Japan police say COVID found in 443 unnatural at-home deaths over 18 months

> https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210806/p2a/00m/0na/017000c


This is not counting the 84 in this article which means that it is a lie or manipulation of data.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Why would you want to test a perfectly healthy person in the first place?

This has to be the most contradictory statement made by most anti vaxxers and Covid deniers.

These people often say covid is no more dangerous than the flu, etc...

Ok then why can we not get tested as easily as for influenza?

I could walk into any hospital or clinic say I want an influenza test and I am given one on the national healthcare..

I do not need to provide proof of came into contact with influenza, I don't have to meet a certain number of criteria or symptoms, heck I don't even have to have a fever.

But not covid testing that is strictly controlled within the healthcare system.

Want on demand testing like influenza then go outside the National healthcare system and pay ¥20,000 to ¥40,000 for a private lab to test you.

So basically anti vaxxers and Covid deniers want us to believe it is like influenza but definately don't want testing to be as available as influenza.

Interesting how that is!

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

I wish people would stop comparing Covid vaccines to polio, smallpox etc. These prevent you from catching the virus and spreading unlike the Covid one. The Covid vaccine needs boosters and doesn’t prevent transmission. Good money to be made by some.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

I wish people would stop comparing Covid vaccines to polio, smallpox etc. These prevent you from catching the virus and spreading unlike the Covid one. The Covid vaccine needs boosters and doesn’t prevent transmission. Good money to be made by some.

Ok influenza yearly, tetanus need a regular booster, even measles one may need a booster as we are now finding out,

So there!

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Me too. Smallpox and polio were FAR more deadly and dangerous than COVID.

Actually no!

Polio isn't really that much more deadly than covid in developed countries.

The dangers are similar, and need help breathing one due to paralysis the other due to pneumonia.

Both have high rate of recovery both have similar rates of long term damage and that is the real problem with polio and what we are now seeing with covid.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Me too. Smallpox and polio were FAR more deadly and dangerous than COVID.

How deadly was polio according to you? is this some polio different from the one that actually infect humans? because that would mean you are completely wrong.

yep... or would people prefer to trust the guy whose name is literally virus pharmaceuticals?

Interesting, from where do you take the meaning of pharmaceuticals? still the imagination? I can't blame you from not getting a reference, but making up meanings is not exactly valid either. And that is the thing, nothing that I write depends on people trusting me, at all. All can be easily checked by yourself in open information or scientific reports depending on the case.

You are completely misrepresenting a generic contract to have an imaginary meaning that is not there, as surely as every country would be breaking it by using and promoting one of the many drugs that are useful in the treatment for COVID, you have not refuted this very clear argument so your only choice is to accept it as valid and if it is valid it means your interpretation of the contract is completely mistaken.

You know what is much less worth of trust than the medical institutions? nameless people on the internet that bring false information easy to confirm as such, vaccines have been extremely safe and effective according to the data obtained from millions of vaccinated people, people that speak without evidence to support their personal opinions can repeat their beliefs as much as they want, without that evidence (as in scientific data) their opinions are still irrelevant.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )


So if they don't test, no cases are known then?

Then why test?

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

At this point, the Covid "experts" shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a position of power.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

I wish when we hovered over the plus or minus it would show our user name.

Anyway, good luck with the testing.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

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