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84% of Americans view Japan positively: U.S. poll
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Happy Day
Americans love Japan. This administration needs to show a little more respect to Japan, though.
This shouldn’t be a surprise. Ironically Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Indonesia are the only true democracies in Asia. And out of the 4 countries, Japan and the Philippines are the only two that have a free uncensored Internet in Asia.
84%?? These numbers are bound to upset ‘The Neighbors’.
jiji Xx
as with all polls, it would be interesting to know what question the pollees were responding to. presumably they are multiple-choice questions, which in my view are suss (somebody else decides your options). then there's the factor of how are the pollees chosen, how many of those approached declined to take part, and etc and etc. even "84 percent of Americans" is disingenuous... 84% of those polled and responding.... how many people actually? aAaand.... postive in what way? to judge from the final paragraph, seems they are favourable when Japan isn't any sort of threat.... and since earlier in the piece Japan is mentioned in relation to Asia, seems the favourableness is relative to, for example, China....
and in any case, what do "84 percent of Americans" know about Japan? other than the headlines.....
See if that changes if Tokyo 2021 becomes a super-spreader.
This was poll about ‘Americans ranking affinity toward many nations and NOT just about Japan.
and here’s the media’s apparent political ‘spin”,
ALL intended to upset ‘The Neighbors’ more; sell Japan’s current drive to go throughwith the Olympics during the current pandemic surge; *AND, *sell Japan’s intention to dump contaminated water into the globally ‘shared’ Pacific Ocean.
The story omits some other interesting poll results. In a Gallup poll conducted in March, 79% of Americans surveyed reported an unfavorable view of China; the higest Gallup had reported since September 1979. Also, in a Pew survey from last year, 42% of Americans surveyed reported a "very unfavorable" opinion of China; the highest percent Pew had observed since it began asking the question in the spring of 2005.
If anyone is interested in a breakdown of the Gallup Poll results - e.g. who was asked what questions), just go to the organizations' website.
That's before Japan make decision to dump its water.
Now if they can get numbers like that from their next-door neighbors.
Nice, *tactful points @jiji Xx 6:38am without detracting or derailing ‘the focus’ from the intent of the article: *‘American public opinions about ‘JAPAN’ and JAPAN’s ‘policies’. We’re waiting to hear from the Japanese ‘flag-waivers’ not ‘other’ agendas.
Not China, they expect this. It's only the little historical revisionist country with the huge inferiority complex that's going to get "upset".
I doubt it. All us Americans will have had our shots by then!
It seems like Suga and his administration needed a feel good puff piece for some kind of win since they are screwing up back home!
Very few Americans without familial ties to their family from the old country have passports.
How many of these people polled actually visited Japan?
How many people polled based their opinion off of American movies, video games, AV and anime?
What happened to the 35-55 year olds? That seems a little odd and skewed!
Bill Adams
Hardly surprising. Why wouldn't they have a positive view of Japan? It is a country that is an important regional ally of the US, has popular cultural exports (food, fashion, anime, etc), is known for its hi-tech, high quality goods and is not aggresive internationally. What's not to like?
Some additional questions:
1) Are more Americans with ‘higher level’ of education in favor of Japan and their policies?
2) Is there more of a ‘breakdown of the “79%” demographic alluded to?
From the article:
By educational attainment levels, respondents with higher education are likelier to see Japan more positively,
92% of those with a college degree saying they favor Japan.87% some college education
72% with no more than a high school education.
85% white Americans favored Japan,
- 79% of non-white Americans showed a similar response.
All aged 18 - 34 positive rates of 81%
those aged 55 or older, showed positive rates 86%
Bill Adams
Only a few obsessives, and those with an anti-Japan agenda, care about this. Most people abroad haven't even heard of it. The amount of water which will be released will be, quite literally, 'a drop in the ocean'!
A relevant question @Numan 8:13a:
That seems a little odd...
Not surprising at all.
Despite the anti-Japanese misinformation and slander campaign engaged in by nationalists throughout South Korea and China, Americans can see through that and form their own positive opinions towards Japan and its culture and people.
Bill Adams
Hardly very likely, given that there will be no foreign spectators. Why are some people always so negative?
The original report shows the positive rates by age subgroups as follows:
18-34yo: 86%
55+ yo : 84%
On Eve of Summit, Americans Still View Japan Positively
Or "possibly" before 1996, more people still associated Japan with World War II, the elephant in the room of the above statement.
I'm sure the Japanese government will love this story, they seem a bit obsessed about how Japan is viewed, but I don't think it really matters so long as you don't fall to "boycott Japanese beer" levels like we saw in South Korea.
fwiw, I trust ordinary people's opinions on some things, the movie ratings on IMDB for example, but do not expect ordinary people to have informed and/or balanced opinions about random foreign countries. My own opinion on other countries is worth very little.
I agree.
You forgot the probably most advanced and progressive democracy in Asia: Taiwan.
What else would one base one's opinion on? Obviously, most Americans, and most non-Asian gaikokujin in general, have no direct knowledge of Japan life, politics, etc. And, are not directly affected by such.
All they know is whatever is imported from Japan, which, for the most part, are automobiles, anime, video games, and electronics. (Although, Korea has been seriously encroaching on electronics, and to a lesser extent automobiles.)
Exactly this! Idk why people are downvoting this Fact. Japan Treats the US/US citizens way worse than how we treat them.
Toasted Heretic
No doubt about it. But some love it for all the wrong reasons. The ethnostate ethos appeals to a small but vocal demographic.
Yes, agreed, the bases need to be reclaimed and the military sent home.
Michael Machida
"84% of Americans view Japan positively: U.S. poll"
Anime goes a long way I guess.
I'll waive the flag any day.
This is incredibly simplistic. 'Positive views' can mean anything. I have some positive views about every country but have big problems with some of their aspects, including Japan. What is this kind of poll trying to achieve? Make Japanese people feel good about themselves?
Polls are indicators and not definitive of trends. Gallup is generally reliable with a +/- 5% differential possible.
Some approval results of other countries.
Country - very/mostly favorable ...% : mostly/very unfavorable ...%
Canada - 92 : 6
UK - 91 : 8
Australia - 88 : 6
France - 87 : 12
Germany - 84 : 15
Japan - 84 : 17
India - 76 : 23
Israel - 75 : 17
China - 20 : 79
84% approves Japan not Suga’s administration. That’s a lot of difference!
Im from Germany, I view America as positive as I view Moscow.
Politics aside, there are factors in Japan's favor. The average life span is pretty long there. And it is a democracy that has been surrounded at various times by dictatorships - Communist and fascist.
No real surprise that Americans love Japan. Japan has been shoulder to shoulder with the US for the past 75 years. They couldn't possibly wish for a better ally or friend.
@ Skeptical -
Also no surprise, and this is rising all the time. Its actually crazy that 21% of Americans do NOT have an unfavorable opinion of Communist China. I would question their loyalty and patriotism as real Americans.
In fact, China and Korea are very similar and have serious anti-Japanese brainwashing.
Majority of he Americans do not know where Japan is and it's values.
Not saying in a negative fashion but reality.
That must have been a foregone conclusion. Americans like others to kowtow to them, making them superfluously feel that they are a notch superior than others. Does that mean much?
Michael Machida
Favorable? I guess when you watch Japanese movies made for America, the view is unfocused.
Exactly @Yotomaya 11:27am
The article is to make ‘People’ feel good about ‘the government’ after so much ‘hand-wringing, teeth-sucking’, ineffective mismanagement and missteps over the last 2 years, all in order to go through with the Olympics.
From the article:
“*American’s positive views **for Tokyo**” ? - The sprawling city? **- Then, ‘Yes’. Agreed. ‘Positive’ for all the ‘superficial’ *reasons stated by many here.
“*American’s positive views **for Tokyo**” ? - The government and ‘continued Aso’ administration?***
If it’s the latter, the majority of Americans didn’t know who Suga until last week. They only knew Abe as a 2 time ‘quitter’ and from his 2016 escapades ‘in the sand trap’ and Aso as the ‘poster boy’ for sleeping on the job’ while the majority of citizens and small businesses are broke, stressed out and dying from overwork.
It's all due to 1. Anime 2. Nostalgia Electronics, not really the people but when far away enemies become best friends, your neighbor is the crook.
Brian Wheway
I wounder how Japan's citizens and politicians veiw American now Mr Trump has left the office?
not sure why comments like the above and many others are getting downvoted so much, when its so clear that the above is correct.
oh yeh, its all the wumaos and anti-japan koreans clicking thumbs down like crazy, trying to hide the truth.
Here your answer @BrianWheway 3:17p -“*Gallup has not yet asked the Japanese public about their approval of U.S. leadership since Biden took office.*”- Thanks to @noriahojanen 9:00am
By the way, KYODO News writer, from Your article:
These are ‘political affiliations’, NOT major ‘demographic groups’ of the overall population.
These ‘political parties’ you’re broadly declaring the country is divide upon is very misleading for foreign readers of this publication. In fact, many Americans have ‘no specific, declared political party affiliation’.
Gallup listed their Demographic Subsets as: “Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Age, Level of Education Attained and lastly, the subset of “Political Affiliation.” Even the parties theirselves are made up of a broad spectrum of ‘peoples’ from a variety of the afore listed ‘demographic subsets’.
As stated earlier, the generalized and simplistic writing in this article is actually, and most likely, intentionally, another way the media is trying to spin the news for their obviously, politically divisive agenda.
Yes, let’s just hand Japan over to China and North Korea FREELY that would be the absolute greatest gift to these two nations and everything will continue to roll downhill from there and while we are add it, throw in South Korea and Taiwan for extra good measure.
Peter Neil
I think a lot of Americans think favorably of any country that doesn't have daily mass shootings, weekly looting and burning, constant demonstrations and screaming about anything and somewhere that doesn't have 100,000 people per month invading its borders.
I remember a time when a lot of Americans held a lot of hatred for the Japanese, for their actions during WW II. It had to be seen to be believed. Time seems to be healing that wound.
Thomas Tank
Meaningless, really. Information broken down by demographics would be much more helpful.
David Shawn Kanda
It would also be interesting to poll Americans who have actually lived and worked in Japan amongst the Japanese people like I myself have.
I would expect the ratings to be much different than those Americans living outside of Japan who have may or may not have visited the country, but are rather influenced by each country's political and economic agenda.
I, myself, having lived and worked in Japan for 20 years would agree there is a lot of good about Japan, but on the flip side, there is also much I would have to say is questionable.
That’s quite an entourage!
Hopefully productive trip for both.
Dunno about you, but I prefer NOT to hand over Japan to China and North Korea with a ribbon attached
Gallup Inc poll. That's a highly respected polling company.
For me, it is really no surprise that Americans generally like Japanese. Most Americans know very little about Japan except a few stereotypes. Stereotypes based in some truth, but not completely accurate either.
Americans drive many Japanese designed cars which usually are higher quality and last longer than other alternatives. Mine is 21 yrs old, still purrs and starts up quickly. A few things have worn out and the outside shows 21 yrs of use, but mechanically, it behaves like new. Will need to replace the timing belt in about 20K more miles.
Many Americans enjoy sushi ... and sashimi. It is available in my suburban grocery store, fresh, daily. Going to a Japanese restaurant is a treat.
When people from Japan visit the US, they are seem polite than Americans and appear to spend money in our stores. Who doesn't like a customer buying things? Almost everything is less expensive in the US, except in SF or NYC which have 2x-5x the cost of living for almost everywhere else.
For me personally, I'd like to thank Japan for introducing me to the modern bidet. Just know that once a day, I'm extremely thankful to Japan for that introduction. Sure, I'd see bidets other places in the world, but they were crude compared to those in Japan.
I couldn't agree more and to add to that, when I was a kid in California we used to have a theme park called "Japanese Village and Deer Park" and although I was little it left a huge impact as the theme park tried to recreate Japanese culture, food, and traditions with shows and various festivities, it was a great place, but sadly it closed down, but even as a 7-year-old it left a huge impression on me and an interest in Japan. So Americans overwhelmingly admire, respect, care about Japan especially in California where the Japanese have one of the longest histories living in the US second to the Chinese dating over 150 years
Yet no Americans noticed the Suga-Biden summit.
Sam Van Den Berg
I wonder if Suga will be quarantined when he returns to Japan like all foreigners have to go thru even you are vaccinated?
Peter Neil
France has daily mass shootings?
Desert Tortoise
I have a hard time including Philippines and Indonesia among the ranks of democracies. Parts of Indonesia are under Sharia law and the native Papuans are heavily repressed in Irian Jaya. Malaysia seems more democratic than Indonesia and that isn't saying much. The Philippines is a corrupt, authoritarian clown state. Exhibit one is the current president. It is the kind of country where the police will arrest a prostitute who fled her job and bring her back to work as a prostitute. Why? Because her mother sold her into prostitution to pay back her own debts, now the daughter has to sell her body to pay off her own debts. Instead of arresting the mamma-san they will arrest the victim. Nice country. The southern provinces have been at war with the central government since Spanish colonial times and the fighting continues to this day. Chunks of southern Philippines are under rebel control. Locals are terrorized by the rebels and the central government is unable to protect them.
Can we do a poll for China as well? You know, for comparitive analysis.
Concerned Citizen
There's so much to love about Japan. Very happy to count myself a resident.