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86% fear Japan could be involved in war as tensions mount


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86% fear Japan could be involved in war as tensions mount

Then don't involved in the first place.

-5 ( +29 / -34 )

Then don't involved in the first place.

Pretty naive outlook, in particular if one of Japans closest friends - free Taiwan - comes under attack from a big bully to the west.

Japan has friends and allies and does not exist in a bubble.

15 ( +39 / -24 )

That would be thanks to the US trying to maintain its hegemonic power...

-27 ( +20 / -47 )

Beating up the Drum War will only bring War.

For the past 2 years all I hear and read about in the local news is the possibility of war with China or Russia, it like PARANOIA while the general public felt the opposite, now that enough of this Paranoia has been injected people start to think it's possible.

0 ( +22 / -22 )

That would be thanks to the US trying to maintain its hegemonic power...

How is trying to curtail Chinese aggression considered “trying to maintain its hegemonic powers” or are you just eternally seething about the US?

16 ( +29 / -13 )

When asked which defense-related issues are of concern in a multiple-response question, North Korea's development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles drew the highest number at 68.9 percent

When Trump ceased the war game exercises NK put a hold on test firing missiles...and now Biden has ramped up to ever larger and more provocative war games while Japan has doubled its military budget and also joined war game exercises, with the obvious result being more NK weapon testing, and a more destabilized East Asia. ..and more people's tax money diverted to the military industrial complex.

3 ( +20 / -17 )

Then don't involved in the first place

That's what South Korea is doing.

If Japan does the same, Taiwan will disappear, USA can't do everything alone, Japan can share the burden of such responsibilities. The price of failure, will have consequences for both Japan, but especially for South Korea. You would be next. Korean War 2.0 is on the table, if Japan and USA did nothing to help.

-7 ( +13 / -20 )

The fear mongering media have done their job well.

1 ( +19 / -18 )

What, exactly, is the news being reported here? That Japanese people are nervous by other country’s wars?

Er.. ok.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

Roughly 53% of 3,000 people polled, responded to the survey. No breakdown in numbers between men and women who did actually respond. But the following conclusions were made, from the survey.

28.2 percent said Japan does not have sufficient defenses.

Ok, so that means that over 2/3rd's, over 70% of the people who responded, think that it does, or that it's not an issue. But....

The survey also showed that fewer people were satisfied with the Self-Defense Forces' current capability at 53.0 percent, down from 60.1 percent in the previous survey in 2018, while 41.5 percent said they believe it should be enhanced, increasing from 29.1 percent in the 2018 poll. Some 3.6 percent said it should be reduced, down from 4.5 percent.

If Japan, doesnt have "sufficient defenses" from 28% of the people, and 45% think they should be "enhanced", I wonder what the 15% think about just what "defense" is or entails, with regard to the protection Japan needs or should have?

The increase in numbers of people who think the defense forces SHOULD be enhanced is due mostly in part to the PM and his harping about increasing the military (cough cough, my bad) SELF-defense forces capabilities and raising taxes to increase the military budget.

I have a real hard time accepting these "surveys" and the conclusions that they come to, based upon the limited information published in regards to actual demographics of how and where the survey was taken.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

I hope people’s fear of war won’t turn out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

No one asked for China and Russia’s aggression, but rest assured, we aren’t going to stand idly by either, that’s for sure

1 ( +14 / -13 )

Everyone fears war. The fear is palpable. Walk down the street and you’ll feel it. However, I can assure you this is not a war China and Russia can win. They face a far stronger adversary in the US, Europe, and all of its allies. Which is why they will not ever start a war with the West. It’s all bark. Calling your bluff. Saving face. They may be aggressive but they are not barking stupid. This is now the end of an era where the West lets China and Russia get away with their unscrupulous way. This is now the barking of frustration.

5 ( +14 / -9 )


What, exactly, is the news being reported here?

Japan becomes an enemy combatant if it allows the US to launch military intervention from Okinawa even if the SDF stays out of direct conflict.

Then China has the legal right to bombard the capital of the enemy combatant, Tokyo.

-10 ( +10 / -20 )

The Cabinet Office surveyed 3,000 men and women at least 18 years old, of whom 53.4 percent responded.

Ignore it then. Meaningless

0 ( +6 / -6 )

These types of polls are always suspect. So many unknowns. What were the questions asked?

Japan will not be involved in any wars unless NK/China attacks the country.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

The people who are commenting in favor of Japan picking a fight with other countries on behalf of its master The US are the ones who will be hiding somewhere far away in case of a real war breaking out! These are the losers who have nothing better to do but say “ yeah let Japan fight with China or other countries “ by teaming up with the US.

It’s important to realize that any war with China will lead to a nuclear battle and countless innocent people will die!

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum. If you ask me, I blame the media on this. Presenting news in such a way that causes fear is on them. On the other hand, considering how pacifist the Japanese are, any news on national security in the country will generally be met with head-shaking and anxiety. The NHK and other local media should really rebrand its news on these kinds of things before they lose public support.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Japan's first commitment should be to the safety of the Japanese islands and territories and people, . . . and not in any long-distance war in European countries . . .

7 ( +12 / -5 )

first one in Asia to publicly sanctioned the Russia and other countries involved instead of standing by and watch just like any other small countries in Asia. publicly annoy the egoistic Kim just to have strong ties with US and ex enemy (SK).

surely you dont expect to get involved in a war if the worst case scenario happens?


-2 ( +3 / -5 )

hypocrisy at its finest. you throw a rock. expect a bread to come back?

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Better to say that Japan is pushed to get involved by USA.

Nice cope, but Japan is being pushed because China is acting like a schoolyard brat

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Really hard for me to believe a country of people endlessly masking out of irrational phobia are really cut out for war. I think if China tried to invade Taiwan, it would more or less play out like Ukraine. What is Japan going to do in that scenario? Send Gundams? It's fantasy. Taiwan's value to Japan is transactional - the former makes chips for the latter, that's all it comes down to.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

Reason,Japan cannot do anything,maybe Japanese politicians shut their mouth ,like they cannot defend their citizens, American pay taxes ,we do not expect other to drop bombs on us

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Being an ally of a rogue state would certainly make 86% a bit on edge.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Bring it on now China, while I still have ability to undergo the endurance of a foot soldier. I don't want our grandkids growing up under the fret of China aggression or a China war killing Chinese soldiers.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Can't blame people to fear Japan will be the next Ukraine in a future China proxy war, the current US administration has been doing everything in that direction.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Really hard for me to believe a country of people endlessly masking out of irrational phobia are really cut out for war. 

Today I learned that taking precautions during a pandemic means you can’t fight a war, lol.

Japan’s history stands in fairly stark contrast to this statement.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Since I learned of the essay “War is a racket”, by USMC Maj Gen Smedley D Butler, 1935, and the documental, (You-Tube), “The Money Masters”, by Bill Still, I changed the way I used to think about “enemies”. I used to be ready to fight communists and terrorists when I was young.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

With Russia and China both behaving like brutes, who isn’t afraid?

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Storm,why should I be afraid of Russia,in America we fight to see you eyes ,most Americans will not run from a fight

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Eastman ,most Americans are not spoiling for a fight, Japanese should of not revealed this , people will try to take advantage of Japanese fear,we have plenty of room in America,we have million of uninhabited land in the US

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

We all should know that China and North Korea have a score to settle with Japan. Those wounds are still there from WWII and they are hell bent on revenge and on showing the U.S. their might. The main thing keeping them away is the U.S. and its umbrella You can pray for peace all day, and I surely hope for it, but you are a fool if you think everyone is doing the same so you better be ready for war. That goes for the government as well as the populace. Time to get those primping pretty boys in the host clubs in Shinjuku into fighting shape.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

86% of Japanese fear because of kishida provocation.

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

Temyong: Is that robotic animal attacks ? and can they take out drones?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.

Ernest Hemingway

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Russia is a forever security threat. Hopefully the Kim Dynasty will topple due to internal dynamics. China is a forever neighbor. Seek areas of cooperation. Getting beyond the petty territorial disputes would be a great place to start.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Kishida has been a master of escalation. Problem is that he is completely subservient to the US, which is clearly hell-bent on provoking wars with Russia and China.

If only Japan was a sovereign country, with a leader that looked out for Japanese interests.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

This is an insanely high response rate. I really would like to see more details about the selection process.

The Cabinet Office surveyed 3,000 men and women at least 18 years old, of whom 53.4 percent responded.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

This aggression will not stand man.

The Dude

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Are people really that ignorant? The peace loving japan notion makes me laugh. Japan has been indirectly involved with wars for the better part of the past 70 years. Koizumi started eroding the war renouncing Constitution by “reinterpreting” it to allow the refueling missions in 2001 and Abe cemented it by “collective self defense”. Japan can’t go back now. With all the US bases, Japan has always been armored to the teeth anyway. Feel sorry for Taiwan. Unlike Japan, it’s not certain the US would come to Taiwan’s defense if the island is attacked.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

It would be a better situation for the world if Japan had a stronger military and was actually able to defend itself without the intervention of western powers, who could then be more focused on dealing with actual foes.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

It would be a better situation for the world if Japan had a stronger military and was actually able to defend itself without the intervention of western powers, who could then be more focused on dealing with actual foes.

Japan is not all that weak.

But regardless, it would be a better situation for the world if all countries could act more independently and maintain friendly ties with who they like, instead of being forced to go along with sanctions...

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Dave gToday  11:09 am JST

The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.

Ernest Hemingway

Great quote Dave g

Remember people Polititians talk do-do....but when the do-do hits the fan...its our sons and daughters that die in trenches and on battlefields ....not theirs !

3 ( +3 / -0 )

All I can say is there are a lot of nervous people out there. I am definitely not in that 86% group of worry warts.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Then don't involved in the first place.

A heavily down voted comment, but there is no better wisdom!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

One thing that can't be overlooked by people say this is scaremongering is the creation of the man made military bases in the south China sea which China now calls sovereign land . What other purpose does this serve than to support war

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

sakurasukiToday  06:50 am JST

86% fear Japan could be involved in war as tensions mount

Then don't involved in the first place.

WAR is something an aggressor brings to you - whether you want to be involved or not.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

People that get it...get it! People that think the US has the rest of the world's best interests at heart don't get it!

4 ( +9 / -5 )

@buffalo It supports unreasonable territorial claims. The man made "islands" are sitting ducks for US missile strikes. They do defend against any move from SE Asian neighbors. It's past time to divvy up the territorial waters to all claimants in a reasonable manner. In this one area the PRC is way out of line (a line started by the Republic of China who published the map in the late 1940s).

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Where is the link to the actual poll? Poor reporting!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Considering criminal China includes the Senkakus and Okinawa in their first island chain, the fear is justified. If you want peace, prepare for war, however.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

As a former imperialist colonial ruler of Taiwan Japan gets a big "time out" in any eventual confrontation.

As for the USA, ""The US side declared: The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves." Shanghai Comminuqe, 1972.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Have to pick a side for 'security' reasons, highly unlikely many countries will choose to align with creators of Covid-19 busy building islands and their military capabilities.

It's the fine line, access to their markets, trade and engagement to solve pressing global problems like climate, while maintaining a credible military deterrence...easy to type but VERY hard to 'manage' in reality!

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Real problem for Japan in terms of building this military deterrence is both demographic, financial and technological:

1) Japan's population's aging and collapsing rapidly, especially now due to Covid-19

2) Japan's simply printing money to maintain its economy today, 20% of GDP last year, MORE this year simply new Govt. Debt 'printed' and purchased by BOJ, not a sustainable source of funding needed

3) Tech's dying here, huge on-going brain drain, hardly the basis for serious military deterrence, we all saw great 'rocket' fail yesterday, there's no true global tech here etc.

Safety in NUMBERS, all these countries are going to have to form a "NATO" like structure in Asia at some point to 'counter' China, seems inevitable/see above

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

China’s like, “OK, world, I own you now! You’re my little b——!”

Pushy, demanding, selfish, paranoid to some extent and overly sensitive, aggressive, arrogant . . . A lot like Russia in many ways.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

America has military bases all over the Pacific. Okinawa, Kawasaki, Guam, marshall island, Hawaii, South Korea, Philippines etc..

And China is making its own around its own country and the media go crazy. China built a wall to keep invasions out before.

The really aggressor is America.

But yeah, if there is a war, it's between America and China, but using a proxy, just like Ukraine, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan etc..

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Yep it's coming.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

If China wants Taiwan, let them go for it. Don't get involved. Taiwan can defend themselves. It's all flatland between Russia and Ukraine and look at how the Russians haven't really got anywhere after a full year. Taiwan is a hundred times harder to invade.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Taiwan is a hundred times harder to invade.

Who said anything about invade, called bomb and blockade, starve e'm out etc., that's what'll happen if it spins out of control, Biden gets re-elected the chances go WAY UP!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Well, if Japan follows US neocon warmongering, there is alas a fair chance they are right.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Seth M

If China wants Taiwan, let them go for it. Don't get involved. Taiwan can defend themselves. It's all flatland between Russia and Ukraine and look at how the Russians haven't really got anywhere after a full year. Taiwan is a hundred times harder to invade.

China absolutely wants Taiwan, but are not going to launch a bloody war about it. Unless the US pushes them to do so. If the US invites Taiwan into NATO and puts nuclear missiles on the island, then yes, you can have your blood bath.

Same for Ukraine.... the whole mess could have been avoided if the Minsk agreements had been been followed. But both Merkel, Macaron, and Porochekow admitted in recent interviews that they had no intention of following what they signed on.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Look, you can't play both sides! You can't send support for Ukraine and house the US when it joins wars and then turn around and act surprise if your nation is put on the targeted list. I'm not suggesting Japan not do those things -- I'm glad they are, and in fact think they should stop trying to Kowtow to Russian business interests while also sanctioning the nation -- but I DO think they need to be more realistic and understand there are reasons why Japan would get pulled in. And besides, if Japan is indeed attacked and/or enters a war, it'll already be a world war anyway by that point.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

China absolutely wants Taiwan, but are not going to launch a bloody war about it. Unless the US pushes them to do so. If the US invites Taiwan into NATO and puts nuclear missiles on the island, then yes, you can have your blood bath.

You are implying reasonableness in the CCP position when there is none: Xi has told his military to be prepared to retake the island and never ruled out force to do so.

Same for Ukraine.... the whole mess could have been avoided if the Minsk agreements had been been followed. But both Merkel, Macaron, and Porochekow admitted in recent interviews that they had no intention of following what they signed on.

Russia's not a party to the Minsk agreements and even if it were and that somehow made war legal (which it doesn't), you'd have to explain the dozens of other explanations for war and annexations done by Russia.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The US will send just enough support to the Japanese people in their upcoming great proxy war with China to ensure that the war drags on in the region as long as possible - or until the very last Japanese life is sacrificed for the restoration of American hegemony and “(American) rule based order”.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

If the US invites Taiwan into NATO

How many times does it have to be repeated?

No country is ever invited to join NATO.

Countries apply to join.

Ask Putin, he knows.

“Putin said: 'When are you going to invite us to NATO?'" Robertson recalled, continuing by saying that he told Putin that "we don’t invite people to join NATO, they apply to join NATO," to which Putin replied: "Well, we’re not standing in line with a lot of countries that don’t matter.”


1 ( +3 / -2 )

Same for Ukraine.... the whole mess could have been avoided if the Minsk agreements had been been followed. But both Merkel, Macaron, and Porochekow admitted in recent interviews that they had no intention of following what they signed on.

Lies, dam lies and politicians, nuff said!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

If such a war is printed in manga magazines or is a virtual war per PlayStation software, I think they can very well handle and win it. lol

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

WWIII not worth it over an island like Taiwan the size of Kyushu with 22M rapidly aging citizens and demographic collapse much like Japan.

Regarding Japan, no great strategic industrial 'crown jewel' here like in Taiwan's semiconductors, so China will just wait for natural demographic solution that's well underway and FAR past the tipping point, SO ZERO chance of China invasion here!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The US will send just enough support to the Japanese people in their upcoming great proxy war with China to ensure that the war drags on in the region as long as possible - or until the very last Japanese life is sacrificed for the restoration of American hegemony and “(American) rule based order”.

See above, laughable to think China has ANY interest in resource poor elderly shrinking Japan!

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Everyone fears war. The fear is palpable. Walk down the street and you’ll feel it. However, I can assure you this is not a war China and Russia can win. They face a far stronger adversary in the US, Europe, and all of its allies. Which is why they will not ever start a war with the West. It’s all bark. Calling your bluff. Saving face. They may be aggressive but they are not barking stupid. This is now the end of an era where the West lets China and Russia get away with their unscrupulous way. This is now the barking of frustration.

God Father! They don't know what they are saying... Non limitus homicus dolboёbicus

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The UN doesn't function because of the un-overridable veto. Either make it to where the security council veto can be overridden by ⅔ of general Assembly (as in the US political system); or, just abolish the veto and/or the security council.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

And I am speaking about all un security councillors who veto: USSR/Russia, China, US, etc.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


WWIII not worth it over an island like Taiwan the size of Kyushu with 22M rapidly aging citizens and demographic collapse much like Japan.

WW1 wasn't worth it over an archduke either, but here we are

1 ( +1 / -0 )


How can a UN-recognized province or a PACIFIC island join the North ATLANTIC Treaty Organization? ;)

The former, I agree, they are de facto a sovereign nation, but the UN doesn't recognize, and China would stamp out any attempts before any ink would hit paper.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Please read the Deficit Myth. Japan has the majority of its "debt" in its own currency (it owes itself). The debt is just considered an investment in the nation. Weimar and Venezuela had their debt denominated in foreign currencies. There's more to that, but I'll let the experts tell you.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

An animal sense of a prey fear,only leds to it demise

0 ( +0 / -0 )

桜川雪 - that too.

The way some posters go on you’d think NATO was some kind of giant Pac-Man, gobbling up all and sundry in an attempt to take over the world.

I also agree with you re the Security Council and its stupid veto.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

America has military bases all over the Pacific. Okinawa, Kawasaki, Guam, marshall island, Hawaii, South Korea, Philippines etc..

And China is making its own around its own country and the media go crazy. China built a wall to keep invasions out before.

The really aggressor is America.

I know you Chinese shills have a hard time understanding the term “sovereignty” but all of these nations invited US troops to be stationed there. The US isn’t forcefully occupying anywhere. China on the other hand is pushing into the territory of sovereign nations who want nothing to do with them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

And China is making its own around its own country and the media go crazy. China built a wall to keep invasions out before.

No, it is making bases IN an area with disputed sovereignty: the ENTIRE South China Sea.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hello, It's called an ongoing civil war.

You are implying reasonableness in the CCP position when there is none: Xi has told his military to be prepared to retake the island and never ruled out force to do so.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If the US can clone Taiwan's chip industry on US soil, there won't be a war. Should China take Taiwan, the US will take the opportunity to establish a new Cold War barrier, dividing the world (and trade) into two.

There are consequences there. Traditionally, the US has turned a blind eye to Japan and South Korea trading with China (or Russia, to some extent) and earning cash from Chinese tourists, regardless of sanctions.

They may more rigorously enforce the barriers when Cold War 2 really kicks in, locking JP and SK out of trade with China, directly or via third parties, for generations. Other Asian nations may have to pick a side too.

JP and SK would then become much more dependent upon the US, for everything they currently get from China and Chinese-leaning Asian nations. That would be very expensive.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Please read the Deficit Myth. Japan has the majority of its "debt" in its own currency (it owes itself). The debt is just considered an investment in the nation. Weimar and Venezuela had their debt denominated in foreign currencies. There's more to that, but I'll let the experts tell you.

Only problem with above? BOJ now owns over 60% of this debt and growing fast, that's hardly a natural domestic investor base you refer to above

Two, just debt servicing WITHOUT interest is over 50% of Govt. spending and growing, that sound sustainable?

Three, where are all these future taxpayers to take on this debt obligation? Brain drain's real

Four, one can read about 'debt trap' and adverse effects of high debt levels on productivity, investment and economic growth, there's NOTHING GOOD/ALL BAD

Five, high debt destroys economic confidence and vitality and encourages strategic rivals e.g. China

Yet to meet a person who believes high debts are a strength, rather to a person just the opposite

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


I know you Chinese shills have a hard time understanding the term “sovereignty” but all of these nations invited US troops to be stationed there.

I am no friend of the CCP, but seriously.... are you claiming that the Syrian government INVITED the US to occupy one third of the country and sell the oil produced there? Please show references.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

So 1600 odd people participated in survey defines that Japan is going for war. Good going.

Rest of us let's continue with life as usual since Japan is not directly getting involved in any war due to current defense setup (only with SDF) as well as lack of capacity to handle full fledged war.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Cenobite, I would like to point that your far stronger adversary may by stronger as Goliath was. If you are thinking of the US, they were thrashed by Vietnam and simply gave up against the Taliban seeing there was no chance of winning.

If the Japanese are worried about war, it is about time they stopped supporting the LDP.

I wonder if they asked if Japan should renounce Article 9 of the constitution and if so, how they answered.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hello, It's called an ongoing civil war.

If China is at war with Taiwan still why did it shamelessly host Taiwanese representatives for decades and encourage trade? No, the war is over and a criminal land grab launched by China will be seen as such.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Cenobite, I would like to point that your far stronger adversary may by stronger as Goliath was. If you are thinking of the US, they were thrashed by Vietnam and simply gave up against the Taliban seeing there was no chance of winning.

Our military didn't crap out in a conventional war with a country not even in the top 40 for military spending, though, so we have that going for us.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Why do the rulers of the world have to mess up everything for the rest of us?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

GBR48 - If the US can clone Taiwan's chip industry on US soil, there won't be a war. Should China take Taiwan, the US will take the opportunity to establish a new Cold War barrier, dividing the world (and trade) into two.

Better hurry up. If war starts it's going to be hard to clone anything because so many of the parts necessary to build a FAB are manufactured in China. That's the ignored weakness.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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