Japan Today

9-month-old girl killed in car crash in Tochigi


A 9-month-old girl was killed in a head-on car crash in Kaminokawa, Tochigi Prefecture.

According to police, the accident occurred at around 11:20 a.m. Saturday on a national route. Fuji TV quoted police as saying a light car, carrying the child, Wakana Iijima, crossed over the center line and hit another car.

The baby’s 19-year-old father, who was driving, her 20-year-old mother and 3-year-old brother sustained injuries in the collision. The 41-year-old woman driving the other car suffered a chest injury.

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Another k-car death. They should be banned! They are not safe, especially at speed. They are too light and very difficult to control. RIP little girl.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Ban kei-cars? How about find out the cause of the accident (perhaps negligent driving?) And better train people how to drive cars instead of knee jerk "BAN IT!" statements?

Teaching people responsibility with things, instead of taking them away, is more productive to society.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

What Penske said.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

so parents had their first child when the mother was 17 and the father 16.

The poor thing was dealt a bad hand at birth. Id bet my bottom dollar a child seat was nowhere to be found.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

Very sad. I'm glad to see people aren't blaming the age of the driver here as they often do when it involves those drivers who are older in years.

The parents need all the help and support they can get right now.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Child sitting in lap? No baby seat?

8 ( +12 / -4 )

 I'm glad to see people aren't blaming the age of the driver here as they often do when it involves those drivers who are older in years.

No. These were two responsible young adults who have shown they make good, solid decisions in life. I'm sure the 19 year-old dad had a mechanical problem with the car and he was helpless

I'm also sure the fact that the other 3 occupants got away with only injuries is no indication a baby seat was not used.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

"I'm sure the 19 year-old dad had a mechanical problem with the car and he was helpless

I'm also sure the fact that the other 3 occupants got away with only injuries is no indication a baby seat was not used."

Given the small amount of information available it's impossible to be "sure" about anything in this case.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

How very brave. Sneering at the parents who have just lost their baby.


As Harry pointed out - the information is not yet available as to the details of the tragedy.

5 ( +8 / -3 )


Or just not published until the full facts are made available. This is what gets me about ongoing stories involving a tragedy like this.

(Not having a go at JT, who are just providing us with their news service.)

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Harry - He crossed the center line at midday. 19 years old. With 2 kids already.

You do the math.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

He crossed the center line at midday. 19 years old. With 2 kids already

Every girl that I knew who had a child in high school didn't have the father around 3 years later. They had a 2nd child and he is still around. I see nothing wrong with a boy/man who takes responsibility.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

I don't know where to begin. I'm not going to make any more comments on this, lest I get the thumbs-down too.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I bet the child was in someone's lap. I saw a young father just yesterday driving with a son about this age in his lap, and the son was squirming all over the place.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

 I'm sure the 19 year-old dad had a mechanical problem with the car and he was helpless

You're sure? It's more likely he drove into the bend at speed and the K-car couldn't handle the corner. I'm pretty sure all those who gave me down votes on my previous comment have never driven or owned a K-car. They are dangerous! They do not corner very well and they bounce all over the road over 80kph. Driving in a strong wind is even more dangerous. They have zero side impact safety, as demonstrated by the death of this little girl in the back seat. They don't have any crumple zones front and back either. Many of the back seats in the smaller cars is right at the back window. Being rear-ended is fatal for anybody in the back seat. If you have front collision you end up with the motor in your lap. They are not safe! Anybody that puts kids in one is a fool!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

I've driven a kei car for years. Have had absolutely 0 problems. Perhaps you're just not a good driver in them?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

They don't have any crumple zones front and back either. Many of the back seats in the smaller cars is right at the back window. Being rear-ended is fatal for anybody in the back seat. If you have front collision you end up with the motor in your lap. They are not safe! Anybody that puts kids in one is a fool!

then how come three people survived this head-on car collision? it's very unfortunate that the baby died, but we have no idea how or why she was thrown from the car. banning these cars is a knee-jerk reaction from people who...well you know what type of people you are.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@nakanoguy01 - then how come three people survived this head-on car collision?

Because it wasn't a direct head on. The other car cleaned up the right hand side of the K-car and it peeled like a banana killing the little girl. Yeah, I'm the kind of person who wants to see k-cars banned because they are dangerous. That's what kind of person I am. Anybody that puts kids in a K-car is a fool!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I assume at such a young age the child was strapped in a baby seat. I could be wrong as children, toddlers or over are rarely strapped in and can be seen sitting/standing between the two front seats, hanging out the windows and climbing all over the back of the car like its a jungle gym. While the parent/s are usually strapped in. Go figure. A 9 month old child was surely secured in a baby seat. Though.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I'm not going to say anything with regards to age and cause. RIP.

I am however, going to address this gem.

Every girl that I knew who had a child in high school didn't have the father around 3 years later. They had a 2nd child and he is still around. I see nothing wrong with a boy/man who takes responsibility.

Perhaps this is because the country you lived in didn't basically force unwed mothers into marrying the father of their child like Japanese does. If a woman doesn't get married here when pregnant her, and her child, are stigmatized from the minute they pick up documents at city hall with regards to funding. This stigma continues every time she needs to use the family register for her child. Many dads don't "stick around" because they want to but because they socially have to. There is plenty written on this topic. Something like 50% of marriages in this country are shotgun marriages so not exactly something to be giving kudos to.

Just to add, I know many teenage moms from "home" where the dad is still in the picture even though they are not married and never lived together.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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