Japan Today

American blogger makes more extensive apology for suicide video


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Another perfect example of the irresponsible behavior we respectful tourists have to try and erase from the minds of the Japanese. Goodwill ambassador he isn't. Hope he gets refused entry in the future.

17 ( +31 / -14 )

I saw this on the BBC and it is reported in a little more detail there:


It takes a special kind of low-life to do this.

I've never heard of this guy, but to knowingly walk into Aokigahara armed with cameras and a little crew of people, and film and joke about a body they have come across, then post it on a social media site is possibly the cheapest and worst kind of self-promotion I can imagine. It's callous, disrespectful in the extreme and narcissism gone mad.

He made all those decisions and certainly had long enough beforehand to think 'You know what, this is actually a really bad idea', but didn't, and chose to pull his little prank anyway. He's not sorry, he's just sorry he's copped negative backlash.

Suicide is terrible, it's not funny. It's certainly not entertainment or fodder for click-hungry little punks trolling the internet. That man had a family around him who would have been devastated by his disappearance and death, and this guy films his corpse and jokes about it.

Quality human.

40 ( +45 / -5 )

Laughing at a dead body, a person who took their own life. What a scumbag. youtube should close this account and remove his videos.

35 ( +40 / -5 )

I never heard of this guy. Why does he have so many fans?

30 ( +30 / -0 )

To film a suicide is not the problem but to make light of it surely is.

Suicide is a grisly business and by hanging is more so.

I had not seen death in a photograph until I read a New York newspaper years ago and it horrified me.

Suicide is an unbecoming and ugly way to leave this world and for that reason those images should be available....

-14 ( +6 / -20 )

Laughing at a dead body, a person who took their own life. What a scumbag. youtube should close this account and remove his videos.

Disgusting as it is, his freedom to express it is an indelible right. If you disagree with it, don't watch it.

-36 ( +6 / -42 )

Disgusting as it is, his freedom to express it is an indelible right. If you disagree with it, don't watch it.

He can laugh at dead bodies in his own home, but youtube isn't his and has rules which he has violated, he also makes money out of his channel.

19 ( +22 / -3 )

The average caring person would've been horrified and shocked upon finding a dead body.... even if the location were known for a high rate of suicides. His reaction and the posting of it... was sheer idiocy and disrespectful. His followers will need to re-examine following him in the future.

18 ( +22 / -4 )

This guy is an absolute idiot. This is the same moron that went to North Korea to espouse the country as not being that bad while ignoring everything around him that pointed to a different story. This guy is nothing but a dangerous, click-hungry opportunist.

31 ( +34 / -3 )

 has rules which he has violated, 

Then if that's the case, may the chips fall where they may.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Japan has a relatively high rate of suicides, with more than 21,000 a year

That's a bit of media sculduggery! It should read, "more than 21,000 'last' year". The suicide rate was hovering around 30-35,000 every year for most of the last two decades, which averaged out at nearly 100 people every day. It is a very good thing to see the suicide rate drop so dramatically in the last 3 or 4 years, but there's no excuse for the media attempting to bury this fact in misleading statements. The statement is true, but there used to be far more than 21,000 suicides a year.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

This slightly aged adolescent drives a $250,000 car, and apparently earns millions of dollars a year in "sponsorships." It is time to pull the plug on such "sponsorships," and put the brakes on the insanity of these You Tube "celebrities." I'd like to see a complete list of all of the corporations which have made this entitled kid so wealthy - let us hope that some of them think better of continuing to enrich him.

37 ( +38 / -1 )

This slightly aged adolescent drives a $250,000 car, and apparently earns millions of dollars a year in "sponsorships."

And therein lies the motivation behind his crocodile tears.


Suicide is an unbecoming and ugly way to leave this world and for that reason those images should be available....

Huh??!! You are kidding right? I don't follow your thought process here at all.

Have you seen someone die of cancer? Hit by a car? Shot? Blown up? There aren't many 'becoming' or 'pretty' ways to die. Our mortality and the fragility of the human body is confronting, and for some, very frightening. It's also someone's death - their own, personal exit from life. People don't have the right to photograph that, let alone post it for their own personal marketing purposes.

People in Japan get absolutely slammed for jumping in front of trains because of the inconvenience to others - they are regularly called 'selfish' here at JT. This guy walked into a quiet, peaceful place to end his life. Most people are sensitive and circumspect enough to respect that.

When I first started using the internet regularly it was about 2004. I can remember a friend mentioning a grubby, bottom feeding website that I can't remember the name of now, that contained imagery and footage of this kind of thing, plus people being killed etc, etc - and it was, at that time, sort of forbidden imagery because it violated social norms of what was considered decent and reasonable, but because the web opened a portal for that kind of opportunity, it was available.

I like to think that those standards about what we consider decent and reasonable still stands.

That's what makes this guy is a grubby little bottom feeder, and I completely disagree with you.

21 ( +22 / -1 )

That's a bit of media sculduggery! It should read, "more than 21,000 'last' year". The suicide rate was hovering around 30-35,000 every year for most of the last two decades

The last time it crossed 30,000 was 2009. Not even this decade.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Certainly was very insensitive but looking at the bigger picture suicide in Japan is a big problem and is something that needs to be publicised and this is what has happened. With the international spotlight turning on Japan in the lead up to 2020 it is a chance to look at the both positive and negative aspects of Japan, not just the stereotypes and start addressing the negative ones in a more effective manner. International attention can sometimes expedite that process.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Ahem, this is not International news as far as the suicide rate ergo the world already knows.

Read the BBC article it will open your eyes, his intent changed quickly after he got slammed online.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

He is not the only Youtuber to go into the forest and make a tacky video. Instead any video about this forest should be done like the documentary featuring geologist Azusa Hayano. It is very tastefully done, but is grim all the same. Mr. Hayano volunteers his own time to check on people contemplating suicide in tents that they pitch in the forest. Many times people will take rope with them to leave a trail in case they have second thoughts and want to be able to find their way out again. The only thing I don't like about the video is 'Suicide Forest' in big letters in the beginning of the video. I don't think that was in the original documentary. Sorry, I am not posting the link. You will have to google it. It is posted as a 'Vice' video. Why did I watch? After climbing Mt. Fuji twice, I was curious why there could be such a forest at the base of this majestic mountain. I have no interest in the other thrill seeking videos.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The original video was Yanked, I found the news on BBC yesterday.

At that time the video was already gone, not sure what is currently up.

As they say even bad publicity = money in the pocket. How many new subscribers/views did he earn?

Just makes me sick.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Can't see what the fuss is about, I've seen documentaries about this place before which showed the same images. Don't remember any complaints then and film makers make money too.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

Did those videos include finding actual corpses, making fun of their finds and showing the find for online audiences?

Remember the initial intend was to make a scary movie.

All that about highlighting suicide rates came after.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

And many of the people here and in Japan who complain about this have also gone there to wander around, and pretend they are just going on a nature walk.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Don’t have the link anymore, but there is a really good/sad/shocking video about a man who goes there and tries to persuade them to not do it. They go there and stay a night or two then...

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Goodlucktoyou: I mentioned this in my post above, but someone voted it down, surprisingly. I don't understand people voting down positive comments. It really is a good, but sad video. Look up Azusa Hayano and you will find it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

My response to this:

LudditeToday  07:36 am JST

He can laugh at dead bodies in his own home, but youtube isn't his and has rules which he has violated, he also makes money out of his channel.

...relates also to this:

CrazyJoeToday  08:00 am JST

It is time to pull the plug on such "sponsorships," and put the brakes on the insanity of these You Tube "celebrities."

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with being a YouTube celebrity. There are YT content creators out there who spend their entire lives trying to educate their audiences, trying to model virtues for their audience to make the 21st century better one than the 20th. The problem is that YT undermines them, even its own rules, with its algorithms. Someone pointed out to me that a video counselling potentially suicidal LGBT youths about the survival options they have available to them will be automatically de-monetized by YT's algorithms and will only be promoted by human action because it's not appealing to place ads on, whereas this video went unnoticed by the algorithm and as it accrued likes, got promoted by the algorithm.

So basically a computer decides that videos that really try to help people in need aren't something that can make YT money so they get shunted off to a dark corner, while a video that actively contributes to making the community worse gets promoted because it's good for YT's bottom dollar.

It's not the first time this has happened. There are cases where a friend dies on Facebook, often making a deathbed announcement or a suicidal plea for help, and the algorithm decides that such a comment isn't good for "engagement" so it gets bumped out of people's queues in favor of photos of people's dinners, ads for products you don't really need, and your uncle's Russian-sponsored posts about how Hillary Clinton is really a yeti.

These tools exist to facilitate human interaction, but then the people who make the tools, either because they're lazy or because they're chasing the almighty advertising dollar, let them become toxic and undermine the very communities they're meant to support. The Internet can be a really amazing way to connect humans, but people who code for it and the people who moderate it have to get off their asses and stop letting it spread the worst parts of us just because that's better for revenue. It's poisoning the people who use it, and though the people who profit from it might forget, the people who use it are the entire reason it exists.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I would say that greed, and self ego has caused this man to completely lose touch with common decencey.

OK, apparently he blocked out the dead persons face, but the fact he posted the video with himself making very insensitive comments shows im-maturity.

To my mind, any normal person who found themselves in such a situation would cover the body (if possible), stop filming and call the authorities.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

thetoleratedoneToday  09:46 am JST

Certainly was very insensitive but looking at the bigger picture suicide in Japan is a big problem and is something that needs to be publicised and this is what has happened. 

I doubt this video laughing at a suicide victim could have led to any improvement of the suicide situation in Japan.

Japan's suicide problem is complex, but big factors are probably a social stigma about discussing mental health and a lack of easily accessible resources for people who are on the brink. What I'm hearing from the Japanese community in response to this video is more a sense that Japan as a whole is being laughed at, that foreigners don't respect Japanese people. And though the generalization to all foreigners is unfair, this Paul jackass certainly doesn't seem to see Japanese people as real people if he can laugh at one of their corpses.

So this video isn't going to inspire any better services for at-risk Japanese people. It's not going to prompt a discussion about mental health issues here. And if you've ever studied depression, anxiety, and suicide, you know that it's a problem you can't shame someone out of, so laughing at a suicide victim isn't going to make anything better.

If anything, it could make things worse.

7 ( +8 / -1 )


Social norms, used to be to take pictures of departed ones(USA), or keep the skull and paint it and preserve in a local condition( my ancestors).

Digging up corpses and parading them in streets.

Now those practices are not uncommon in history, aka sleeping in a bed where ancestors are buried beneath.

But he violated those social norms/rituals. Sure shrug it off not your family, how much else will you shrug off?

3 ( +5 / -2 )


For the simple reason that those contemplating suicide should at least be able to dwell on what the after affects of their action might be.

Without going into gory detail, hanging by the neck usually partly separates the body from the head so that the underlying tendons and veins are visible-gruesome.

Those individuals contemplating suicide might not be so quick to do so if they could imagine themselves in such a gruesome situation-that's my point ...

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

pacintToday  11:01 am JST

But he violated those social norms/rituals. Sure shrug it off not your family, how much else will you shrug off?

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're trying to ask me. I'm not shrugging off anything. Could you please try to reword your question into something a little clearer?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Pacint, good post and it highlights something I was going to say earlier - the other aspect of this is the insensitivity towards Japan and the Japanese by treating them as a kind of sub-human freak show. Would he do this in a forest in the US? I doubt it.

As someone with family in this country, with kids who are half Japanese, with an appreciation of the place with all it’s wonders and weirdness, its cheap gutter tourism that shows no respect. Completely offensive, and his facile attempts to cover his tracks are just as insincere.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Partially agree.

Long drop will result in head separation, short drop is slow suffocation.

In either case the muscles will go slack and can release bodily fluids (urine, feces, etc).

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Poor taste, disrespectful and made a bad choice in delivering since there are many other ways to bring light on this topic. Clearly this individual went there with intent, and no other reason. Now the question is should he be removed out of Japan, In most other country's there is punishment for abnormal behavior, i.e. chewing gum in public etc.  If this person is this disheartening about someone's life, fly to China and see what happens there for trying such a stunt.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

And youtube did what to stop it? Looks like youtube did nothing.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Logan Paul can show a corpse, laugh it up, and youtube places him on the trending page.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

One man’s moron is another man’s king.

Go search YouTube for Aokigahara and see how many foreigners (as well as Japanese) make videos of themselves wandering around that forest looking for makeshift shrines, signs of people who have been there contemplating suicide, etc.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but everyone knows Aokigahara = suicide. And that’s the draw of the place for foreigners. If they simply wanted to be out in nature or a wooded area, there are other locales they could go.

So either close it to the public, fence it off entirely, have roaming armed patrols to keep all people out - or just deal with the fact that lots of Japanese go there to end their life and lots of visitors go there to see signs of those people being there (and a certain number go there in hopes of seeing a dead body).

And yes, if there was such a forest in the US, you would equally get the same amount of foot traffic there with the same pathetic intentions. And it’s not an American phenomenon, nor Caucasian one. Lots of people are fascinated by this kinda stuff. However dumb they may be.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )


My point was how everything becomes entertainment, unless it affects you directly.

And thus tragedies like suicide, etc just become the latest trend, etc to be shared.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

A level of ignorance expected from a callow sniggering simpleton.

I can see this ignoramus smirking openly at the paraplegic.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

So either close it to the public, fence it off entirely, have roaming armed patrols to keep all people out

Um, no. You must be American.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Never trust a man with 2 first names (especially if he's a 22yo blond, us youtuber).

Just had a look at his twitter account; the bloke sounded like an idiot well before his last video. The day before posting the 'controversial' vid:

tomorrow’s vlog will be the craziest and most real video I’ve ever uploaded

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Who are his sponsors. List them and start a movement to boycott them.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Goodness. One of the reasons why I take breaks from Youtube, and thus browse through news sites, is to escape from the Paul brothers that seem to always be promoted by Youtube. If I don't watch one of their videos, I'm most likely going to watch videos of people who talk about them.

And the Pauls have invaded everywhere I go now. That's how tactless these brothers are.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Suicide is terrible. And importantly, this video does nothing to bring any additional awareness to that fact; rather, it deters from it, sadly.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Tragic. Why don't the authorities rebrand this place, change the name and develop it into a nature park, or something that embraces life rather than death. They need to also get rid of the silly published lists of the 10 most famous places to commit suicide etc (like the waterfall in Nikko), as this only promotes this sad and tragic ending.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )


Check the history, etc.

It is Nature reserve with history.

Sorry, you got little understanding about japan

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Committing suicide in a public place is not an act of privacy it is quite the opposite.

Instead of a 'let's-hush-it-up' attitude, we should instead question why there are so many suicides in Japan and do something about it!

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

pacint, apologies, I was actually responding to something Katsu has written.


For the simple reason that those contemplating suicide should at least be able to dwell on what the after affects of their action might be.

Then I think you misunderstand mental illness/depression. That kind of rational, logical thinking is either absent, or overwhelmed by the relentless and all-consuming negativity that dominates the thought processes of someone in this state. It's vicious, evil, and it can make even the most sensitive, kind, caring, compassionate people want to die. I know from experience.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

pacintToday  11:36 am JST

My point was how everything becomes entertainment, unless it affects you directly.

And thus tragedies like suicide, etc just become the latest trend, etc to be shared.

What you're describing is sociopathy.

Which is normally frowned upon in our societies, but unfortunately far too many website designers and moderators of online spaces create systems that advantage sociopaths compared to the vastly large community of users with a functioning sense of empathy.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I have watched the original video before it was taken down and to be honest the guy is actually freaking out about the suicide and the body and he is actually very disturbed by what he saw. The "joking" at the end of the video is really just his way of trying to cope with what he saw.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Yet, he still uploaded it.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Persnal feelngs about bloggers nothing wrong, I can generate one video per day(granted boring).

But when it gets to generating daily videos, etc you stepped inti the corporate sphere.

Look at the person here, 400+ daily videos and each needs to generate hits/income.

He can't skip a day as his followers won't like it.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

pacintToday  01:19 pm JST

He can't skip a day as his followers won't like it.

There are plenty of successful YT content creators who don't publish daily. Arguably, it is necessary to "skip days" in order to have the time to develop content that is worth watching.

But again, YT algorithms advantage people who publish daily schlock over people content creators who polish their content. It's yet another example of web designers half-assing the job.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

No empathy for the deceased, no constrains to the emotional consequences, or an iota of thought given to broadcasting such a tragic spectacle of hopelessness.

An intrinsic need to satisfy a compulsive media driven obsession that intrudes callously into a desperate decision to end a life.

He/It knew that Aokigahara forest would bring tragedy in all it bleakness and desolation.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Tragic that so many Japanese, particularly Japanese men, take their own lives.

Not something your hear much about from women that like to peddle this idea of "male privilege"

I think it takes genuine courage to commit that final act. Contrary to some, I don't see it as "easy".

4 ( +6 / -2 )

My point was us where is the line drawn between a vlogger and someone who uses it for income.

IMHO, guy here like Danny Choo, etc went way over it.

Tired of the video proclaiming bhapan this or that, I know the best places, etc.

Same will hold true for other subjects, countries, etc?

People now at so focused on SNS, they will swallow anything without discerning.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This was done in bad taste, Suicide is NO JOKE. It's a one way out from pain but it's NOT the answer. An old college girlfriend of mine took her life late last year and I ain't been giggling or laughing. I've been CRYING. Whoever thinks it's a joke is an imbecile. It isn't funny and it hurts. Pranks like this are cheap, childish and disgusting. Not funny at all.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

@Strangerland - The last time it crossed 30,000 was 2009. Not even this decade.

But, it's less than a decade ago. A decade is not necessarily '01-'10. It is ten years. Got you again! :D

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

What a muppet. The only awareness he's raised is what a terrible person he is.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

But, it's less than a decade ago. A decade is not necessarily '01-'10. It is ten years.

I didn't say "a decade" I said "this decade". You know, the one that started in 2010, and ends in 2019.

Got you again! :D

Um, what? You changed what I said, then used that to claim you got me. Yeah, right.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Dude oozes douche chills. Smug too.

He's the kind of foreigner that gives other long term foreigners that live here a bad image.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

It's a douchey way to get views. I think it was all calculated.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Did it ever occur to this blogger, just for one second, that this deceased person is somebodies son, brother, father uncle.

Secondly, who would really want to see this video of somebody finding a body. Just what academic, or social value does this have? We all know that people commit suicide. It's a tragedy.

Obviously motivated by sensationalism, and greed, coupled with an im-mature mind. If he was genuinely sorry, he would just shut-up and get off-line.

8 ( +8 / -0 )


Agree, follow-up video from cop-shop reporting the find.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Don't watch his apology video by the way, he monetized it. So he gets ad revenue from every person who comes to hear his weak-tea bid for forgiveness.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

His apology is subjective and superficial, it an automated response to abrogate his abhorrent behaviour. To nullify the actions of a contemptible cheap creepy crawly.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

From the transcript...in his own words......  

Logan: Bro, did we just a find a dead person hanging in the suicide forest? Do you think that's real?............

3 ( +4 / -1 )


Sorry to burst your bubble, but everyone knows Aokigahara = suicide. And that’s the draw of the place for foreigners.

And yes, if there was such a forest in the US, you would equally get the same amount of foot traffic there with the same pathetic intentions.

And there are people who commit murder. It doesn't make it right. It takes someone with just a bit of ethics and morals to decide whether a certain action should be done or not.

I had a quick look at the video above. I lasted all of 10 seconds, going through the swooning messages of 'Oh Logan I forgive you', etc, before I closed the tab. While he's at it, can he also please apologize for the god damn awful haircut.

I think people like him and that big shot who wanted to come to Japan and pick up girls and grope them know where they can go next. Here's another case where I'm glad I'm not a Caucasian in Japan.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

This kind of youtubers are a cancer, posting useless video where they act like a 5 years old children. I am more worried about the millions of his followers.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Go check the Japan Times website now. There is a story there about Aokigahara where the author talks about wandering around and coming upon a dead body. And there is a photo amongst 6 in the story on the dead body without a blurred face. So it's ok for the author to post it under the guise of journalism, but it's not ok for LP to post the video and blur the face. Bit of a double standard.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

If we assume human character is more or less "seamless," then this person's 'upload' is not really out of character. Thus, his overwhelming popularity will hopefully encourage those who promote him to reflect upon their own sense of values.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I used to follow Paul Logan because I thought he would be a good person.

But, to my surprise he's more into making money than actually being a person.

Probably he got too much of fame...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

People should have seen this coming. Most youtubers are ready to do anything for a “like”. Clip baiting has claimed many lives. It’s time to talk about it. Make the world humane again (MWHA).

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I was curious about the argument of YouTube being a private company and therefore allowed to censor as opposed to the govt which really shouldn't (from a democratic pov). Can anyone name another site where one can upload videos and comments besides vimeo (which also censors) or any other that does NOT censor? If not, would YouTube not fall under the telephone and telecommunications act (various democratic countries have different names for such) that forbids phone companies from cutting off calls or preventing repeat offenders from making phone calls (ie swearing, harassment, etc)?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

And this is what we have wrought. Complacency, arrogance, and stupidity. If only people were taught a better moral compass. But this guy looks like he has been spoiled most of his life and never suffered any serious hardships in life.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

It's callous, disrespectful in the extreme and narcissism gone mad.

Just another example of current American narcissist society.

America, as a country, has lost its mind.

What this blogger has done is something beyond the pale.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

YouTube have still not removed his channel despite him violating ther T&Cs. Apparently he makes about 10,000 quid a day on this channel, so YouTube are putting money above good taste as well as it's own rules.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

LudditeToday 12:46 am JST

YouTube have still not removed his channel despite him violating ther T&Cs. Apparently he makes about 10,000 quid a day on this channel, so YouTube are putting money above good taste as well as it's own rules.

As much as I think this guy is a douche for his actions, that's not how YouTube works. One violation doesn't get your channel removed. The video got taken down.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I hope he cooperated with the authorities in identifying where this body is/was. I find it kind of strange he was the one who happened to stumble across this body. Was he off the beaten path? Is it a trail not a lot of people take? Why him?

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Go check the Japan Times website now. There is a story there about Aokigahara where the author talks about wandering around and coming upon a dead body. And there is a photo amongst 6 in the story on the dead body without a blurred face. So it's ok for the author to post it under the guise of journalism, but it's not ok for LP to post the video and blur the face. Bit of a double standard.

Andy, I doubt very much whether the author on Japan Times was giggling or laughing at the dead body.

I sense a disturbing trend in your posts.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The Paul brothers are just click hungry morons. They know if they don't pull these stupid stunts they won't get more popular. Dude is not sorry and wanted this reaction.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

As much as I think this guy is a douche for his actions, that's not how YouTube works. One violation doesn't get your channel removed. The video got taken down.

It depends on the violation. Vloggers interviewed on the BBC yesterday all confirmed that his actions should merit an immediate suspension of the channel by YouTube.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Vloggers interviewed on the BBC yesterday all confirmed that his actions should merit an immediate suspension of the channel by YouTube.

Which matters not one whit. At the moment, the only opinion that matters is that of the lawyers YouTube employs. If YouTube are going to suspend a channel, there needs to be a clear violation of YouTube's terms and conditions, and/or a clear violation of the law, so that YouTube can defend themselves in court in the case that they get sued after suspending said channel.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Didn't see the original video, just saw the apology video now, in which he says this:

"I should have never posted the video, I should have put the cameras down...."

Well I must say, this is why I personally don't believe his "apology" because it isn't a question of whether he should have put his cameras down, rather a question of should he have gone to that place to begin with for the intentions he had.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

another prime example of the Me Generation.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It takes a special kind of low-life to do this. yep hes a well know Youtuber with over 15million followers, makes a considerable amount of money off ad revenue by the number of views his channel creates, all about the views and money

1 ( +1 / -0 )

What a sick individual. Saw part of the video on the news and immediately wanted to go to his feed and tell him off, but then thought twice about it since that would generate hits. Getting his scumbagism out through the media this way is best: different countries letting know what happened and asking sponsors to drop the idiot, like some did his brother for similar garbage.

pacint: "People now at so focused on SNS, they will swallow anything without discerning."

For a guy that has started of a few of his posts on this thread with, "What I meant to say was..." I'm not sure 'discerning' is a word you should be using. I mean, you told katsu he was trying to shrug this all off when it was anything but.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The only acceptable apology from an idiot like this would be: "I hereby delete my You Tube account and all other social media, and promise to leave everyone alone for ever. Goodbye."

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AndyJan. 3  08:28 pm JST

Go check the Japan Times website now. There is a story there about Aokigahara where the author talks about wandering around and coming upon a dead body. And there is a photo amongst 6 in the story on the dead body without a blurred face. So it's ok for the author to post it under the guise of journalism, but it's not ok for LP to post the video and blur the face. Bit of a double standard.

Bingo. The youtube guy is a d!ck, but "journalists" publish the exact same information without comment. Search Google images... or should that be banned too, out of sympathy?

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Free speech without censorship is a priviledge we enjoy in a free society. If we want to censor another's free speech then we are no longer free.

I did not see the video, but from what I can gather from the description, any laughter/giggling was due to a normal human reaction when shocked/embarrassed.

If you don't like the content, turn away. And be glad that you have the freedom to do so.

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I did not see the video, but from what I can gather from the description, any laughter/giggling was due to a normal human reaction when shocked/embarrassed.

Then I suggest you watch the video before you comment. It was nothing like that. He was outright laughing at the dead body and his entourage was encouraging him to get the camera to obtain more footage. And he mentioned in his video that hopefully, something like this had never been done before, it marked a big achievement in youtube history etc. On top of that, he used the dead body as a thumb nail for the video. Clickbait and sensationalism was all this little punk was after.

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And that only scratches the surface of his antics. Watch his other footage where he roams Shibuya and disturbs the public order with all sorts of outrageous behavior.

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Don’t bother asking me if I care.

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Dumb american kid did what he had to do. It is usual. It is frat kid kind of boys. I don't agree with this behavior in general in male. But, all that matter to me, that he is was able to find a body in a street were people are known to suicide. without breaking a sweat.

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There is a petition out on change.org to have his YouTube page removed for anyone interested.

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