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American woman brings pistol, bullets onto Delta Air Lines flight to Japan


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Seems security at American airports is becoming extremely lax. That couldn't be because the security personnel aren't currently being paid, could it?

30 ( +37 / -7 )

Our goverernment is closed, which means TSA agents aren't being paid, so yeah she probably went through security, but since no one is getting paid, they aren't really paying attention. 7ost of those who show up to work are frustrated and don't care, the rest are calling sick. Welcome to Trump's shutdown.

20 ( +30 / -10 )

TSA is on unpaid forced holiday, and a woman ends up on a plane with a handgun.

You don't suppose they are related, do you?

18 ( +26 / -8 )

You don't suppose they are related, do you?

Complete coincidence.

16 ( +19 / -3 )

I’ve complained about the TSA, but not about their existence, just that a lot of the time they are assholes.

Criticism of the attitude does not equal a wish that they didn’t exist. I think all of us recognize the need for airport security.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Japan should scream at the USA/TSA after all the extra screening the they demand prior to flights destined for the USA.

Someone was asleep at the x-ray machine. Would love to know which security line she used at ATL.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Maybe until the shutdown has ended, all travel to and from the US should be halted.

The UN is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Americans leaving the United States until our we can figure out what the hell is going on.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

The UN is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Americans leaving the United States until our we can figure out what the hell is going on.

That would actually be pretty funny.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

While waiting one time to fly out of Seoul, I was motioned into a small room behind the ticket kiosks by a guy wearing khaki pants, a white short sleeved shirt and a name tag. In the room, he pointed to a display screen which was showing an X-ray image of a suitcase and he directed my attention to a small red circle which surrounded the clear outline of a nine millimeter bullet in a jacket pocket in the suitcase. [!!!!] I immediately foresaw no end of trouble, missed flight, who knew? He just asked me to open the suitcase, remove the bullet, and hand it to him which he then threw into a container I did not see. Kamsa hamnida! That was it. No outsized, overwrought drama. I like Korea.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

It's damn near impossible to get a handgun and ammo through TSA security under normal conditions, unless this woman was deliberately trying to board with it hidden which is not the case. Therefore it is the TSA agents not being present or not doing their job. Clearly this is a consequence of the shut down. Good job Trump. Since Mexico isn't paying for it like you promised why don't you personally pay for it. Sell your hotels, golf courses, airplane etc.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

I find it really funny how, on any other day, everyone complains that the TSA is unnecessary and doesn't do anything except cause headaches, but now that they're not getting paid, suddenly they are essential to airport security...

Yeah that's kind of funny but they're still more important than a stupid wall. Maybe until the shutdown has ended, all travel to and from the US should be halted. Or is that too much? Yeah... so is a wall.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

I think folks pack their suite case forgetting the fire arm in the case.

I’m guessing that’s likely what happened. But anyone who doesn’t check the contents of their bags before flying intentionally is a moron.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

"Seems security at American airports is becoming extremely lax." Ehhhh. Sounds pretty normal to me: "undercover investigators working for the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG) managed to sneak fake guns, knives and explosives through checkpoints earlier this year, getting the mock weapons through a depressing 70% of the time."

7 ( +7 / -0 )

No outsized, overwrought drama. I like Korea.

Just curious, but were you at that time a member of UN/US forces in the ROK and traveling on orders? A different law would apply in such a case. Also such incidents would be more common. I remember being at the Tan Son Nhat airport in Saigon back in the late 60s when a veritable armory of firearms, ammo and even hand grenades was regularly confiscated from military personnel and civilian contractors.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

@extankr everyone complains that the TSA is unnecessary and doesn't do anything except cause headaches, 

Everyone? Distortions of truths and gross exaggerations - hallmarks of the defensive unable to find other ways to defend the indefensible.

In this case the indefensible is TRUMP and his GOP ENABLERS shutting down the government.

Own it.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Two-ish weeks after the shutdown started.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

From NHK's report:

It's not the first time that Japan has asked US authorities to tighten security inspections at their airports.

On several occasions in 2017, passengers arriving in Japan from the US were found to be in possession of handguns and bullets.

Just to provide some context on this. There have consistently been issues with weapons getting through TSA security screens over the last few years.

There are more facts that need to come out of as to how this passenger's carry-on bag made it through the security screen. Particularly if the passenger was allowed to bypass security because she as an LEO.

Regardless of how the gun got through security, the idea that this passenger had a carry-on bag with a gun in it without knowing it was in their before she headed to the airport is just mind-boggling.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I think you all have overlooked one point. She realized her mistake and TOLD the airline crew during the flight that she mistakenly brought her gun. Yes, TSA missed it but at least she was honest about it and reported it.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

TSA employees have the power to end this shutdown. Every last one of them ought to call in sick, and shut down every airport in this country. I guarantee you that Individual One will sign anything that crosses his desk within minutes that opens up the government, even with no wall funding.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Worst part is getting back on a 14 hour flight on Delta after just getting off one. That is punishment enough.

It will give her plenty of time to make sure she doesn't make such a stupid mistake again.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

What is wrong with you people! Don't blame Trump or TSA! Nobody think it is normal to a carry a gun wherever you go in a carry-on!

3 ( +8 / -5 )


I’ve complained about the TSA, but not about their existence, just that a lot of the time they are assholes.

Criticism of the attitude does not equal a wish that they didn’t exist. I think all of us recognize the need for airport security.

You have a good point, but there's been a lot more comments about how they never catch anything and have no purpose. Also, I'm not just talking about people here. I hear a lot of folks all over hating the TSA, until they're needed. Just like cops.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

This story was published as well in other sources.

Apparently, the woman was affiliated with law enforcement.

adding that she apparently owned it for self-protection. -

Maybe something lost in translation? In the Unites States this is very common.

I think folks pack their suite case forgetting the fire arm in the case. It is why you should always keep firearms locked away in gun cabinets or guns safes with trigger key locks. Can not do anything about stupid. But we can send it back.

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Indeed. Really stupid.

About TSA folks. I meanthe job is hard enough. To try to catch everything coming through is a daunting task in itself. Add to it. This shutdown and lack of personnel and then no pay. How do you think not getting affects moral on the job? It's like yes, yes next please. I am not getting paid for it anyways so please on your way. Scary to think that it is happening and hope it is not. But from this story. Is more proof needed? The type of proof that we do not need to see? Obviously, the shutdown is affecting security. 1 + 1 = 2.

Not hard to understand the TSA maybe a little low in moral and a bit light in the duty roster.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

That is why she was sent back to the U.S.A with a slap on the wrist and some severe gami gami.

She's lucky that it happened in Japan, and not Canada then. The Canadians don't take smuggled guns lightly.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The case follows an earlier one at Narita in which an American co-pilot was found to be in possession of live bullets

As opposed to dead one's? Lol!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

people are arrested a lot for trying to carry handguns on the plane. 

But this woman actually got it onto the plane.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


Grr....Post button! Just as I though I was getting used to this new Android.

Indeed. Really stupid.

About TSA folks. I mean the job is hard enough. To try to catch everything coming through is a daunting task in itself. Add to it. This shutdown and lack of personnel and then no pay. How do you think not getting conpensated affects moral on the job? It's like yes, yes next please. I am not getting paid for it anyways so please on your way. Scary to think that it is happening and hope it is not. But from this story. Is more proof needed? The type of proof that we do not need to see? Obviously, the shutdown is affecting security. 1 + 1 = 2.

Not hard to understand the TSA maybe a little low in moral and a bit light in the duty roster.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Airport to Airport what a shame, still lucky though if she flew to other countries they will lock her up, for a few weeks might be a black list or think she's a terrorist ?

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Other media outlets have said she was affiliated with law enforcement.

Or, I am pretty sure she would have been charged with the strict weapon laws in Japan. And would be in custody. That is why she was sent back to the U.S.A with a slap on the wrist and some severe gami gami.

It was an honest mistake. Was it right? No. Am I justifying it? No. Sheer and utter stupidity.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Last week cable television broadcast the original "Airport" movie. The movie shows that there is no checking of any kind, and one of the pilots walking by says "They can walk onto the airplane like they are walking into an elevator". Things have changed a lot since 1970.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Also, I believe that such incidents have happened before, during no government shutdowns.

It is a lot easier to neglect your job responsibilities when your employer is refusing to pay you.!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Dear Murica, please keep your 'freedom' at home and write paycheques to your airport security staff asap. These are critical places you know..

2 ( +2 / -0 )

If passenger looks like very nice woman or gentleman, it seems that they don't check very carefully, otherwise never pass such TSA security.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Actually I just saw the news last night that ATL shut down one of their terminal due to being undermanned because of the government shutdown. It isn't like the U.S. is lenient or anything, people are arrested a lot for trying to carry handguns on the plane. Atlanta seems to get a lot of news of people doing so.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The article says that she declared it to cabin crew 'during the flight'.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Blaming this on the American government's shutdown is premature. It is not known the details of why she was able to board an airplane with a gun.

Also, I believe that such incidents have happened before, during no government shutdowns.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This is what happens when you force people to work without pay. Fun Fact: ATC is also working without pay.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yeah I picked up on that. Wasn't meaning to sound critical if I did... just trying to make a point.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It’s no fun going through security but I’ve never yet had a reason to complain about the workers.

I wonder if this lady went through TSA pre check/global entry, or if she was in 1st class?

Customs on the hand, just don’t take any milk back to the states.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

YubaruToday 10:02 am JST

The case follows an earlier one at Narita in which an American co-pilot was found to be in possession of live bullets

As opposed to dead one's? Lol!

No, "live" as opposed to "blank".


0 ( +2 / -2 )

How on earth did she get the gun and bullets past security in Atlanta? That's scary.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Wow! 70%? That is high. Scary stuff.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

No system is perfect. This has happened before and will happen again. And remember the guy who tried to blow up Yasukuni? He brought in bags of gunpowder from Seoul, twice, without getting caught at either end the first time around. And these gold smugglers who had a system going for years from Hong Kong to Seoul to Haneda and round again, collecting hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of dollars on 'reclaimed' taxes.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

So on Jan 3rd a TSA agent knew they wouldn’t be paid from today and decided not to do their job correctly in protest!

I thought you were a capitalist. You seem to be expecting people to work no matter what that’s socialism/comminis

And it’s Trumps fault!

Yep. By his own words:

If you say who gets fired, it always has to be the top. Problems start from the top, and they have to get solved from the top, and the president’s the leader, and he’s got to get everybody in a room, and he’s got to lead. And he doesn’t do that, he doesn’t like doing that, that’s not his strength."

"when they talk about the government shutdown, they’re going to be talking about the president of the United States, who the president was at that time. They’re not going to be talking about who was the head of the House, the head the Senate, who’s running things in Washington. So I really think the pressure is on the president."

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Hmmm. It's not as though lax airport security ever resulted in a terror attack, it it?

I mean you'd have to be crazy to imagine Trump knows not paying airport security could lead to an opportunist attack. Why, then he could use the attack to claim victim status and usher in a whole slew of Emergency Powers, which would enable him to run roughshod over the Constitution.

Nobody could imagine that, could they?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Please don't bring guns to this country. Japan is gun-free zone.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The real problem is the underlying attitude to guns in the USA, the TSA staff and their attention to duty or lack thereof is secondary.

Perhapse all flights and passengers originating from the USA should be separately re-checked and luggage scanned at the dastination airport (not just Japan).

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@extank Thanks for putting words in my mouth that I never said.

The words I put in your mouth were yours:

everyone complains that the TSA is unnecessary and doesn't do anything except cause headaches, b

Own them.

That's cute. Now, why don't you post your whole comment, bringing Trump into it, which I never did, so that people can get the full context of your exaggeration?

Everyone? Distortions of truths and gross exaggerations - hallmarks of the defensive unable to find other ways to defend the indefensible.

In this case the indefensible is TRUMP and his GOP ENABLERS shutting down the government.

Own it.

Sorry, I guess I should have added the word 'almost' before 'everyone'. Who would think that someone would take the word 'everyone' so literally? That's about the only thing that I'll 'own'.

Now how about you 'own' that you're comment was the one that was a 'distortion of truth and gross exaggeration'?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

According to this, the security agents have not yet missed any paychecks due to the U.S. government shutdown:


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

 everyone complains that the TSA is unnecessary and doesn't do anything except cause headaches,

headaches, yes . unnecessary!? never heard anybody with half a brain state that ever.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Seems security at American airports is becoming extremely lax. That couldn't be because the security personnel aren't currently being paid, could it?

Oh Please, there comes a time when you just want to say shut up already. And thats not politically correct.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

TSA make peanuts. No wonder they’re inept. That’s why they’re probably living pay check-to-pay check.

Perhaps they shouldn’t have taken an oath if they weren’t serious about the job & doing it proficiently.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

What I find funny is one of my staff who's 39 now got arrested for drink driving when he was a teenager, when he went to America the other year he was not allowed into the USA because of this criminal conviction 20 years ago. yet they are so lax when it comes to guns, I think that guns are far more serious then a some one being over the limit for drink 21 years ago.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Date of first paycheck not received: today

But they were worried about getting stiffed. The shutdown had started. It's Trump's fault.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Did she have the USA TSA Pre-check?

If TSA employee don't want to work responsibly, don't come to work. Go to your local bank for a no-interest loan.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


Everyone? Distortions of truths and gross exaggerations - hallmarks of the defensive unable to find other ways to defend the indefensible.

In this case the indefensible is TRUMP and his GOP ENABLERS shutting down the government.

Own it.

Except that you missed the point entirely that I'm NOT in any way discussing the TSA in relation to Trump being right or wrong. In fact, I specifically stated that in my follow up comment. There's nothing for me to own. Thanks for putting words in my mouth that I never said.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Date of first paycheck not received: today

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

So on Jan 3rd a TSA agent knew they wouldn’t be paid from today and decided not to do their job correctly in protest! And it’s Trumps fault! Got it.

Two-ish weeks after the shutdown started.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

If she is law enforcement, she probably has an automatic way to get onto domestic flights like that, and maybe it just happened to work for this not-so-common international flight.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

If there is no security at US airports there should not be flights fromt hese airports. The woman who thought it was acceptable to take a gun and ammo on a flight should be locked up and never be able to own a gun again.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The idea that transporting firearms and ammo is absolutely illegal is false. Having a firearm and ammo in carry-on baggage is illegal, but it is not illegal to transport firearms and ammunition on commercial US air carriers as long as the firearm and ammunition are declared and secured in checked baggage. The issue here is that she got through TSA with her pistol and ammo in carry-on bags and that she was flying to a foreign destination. And hate to break it to you, but TSA was making mistakes like this long before the shutdown. No system is perfect. While we Americans cherish our freedoms, including the right to self defense, we also need to respect the laws of other countries whose citizens don't have that right. Japan is one of those countries. But the same goes for foreigners who visit the US... your culture, society, and you yourself may not value the right to self defense or agree it should be a right, but if you come to the US you should respect our laws and culture as well.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Yeah that's kind of funny but they're still more important than a stupid wall. Maybe until the shutdown has ended, all travel to and from the US should be halted. Or is that too much? Yeah... so is a wall.

Trust me, I'm not comparing the two at all. Just that everyone (including most posters here when travel to the US comes up) complain about how terrible it is to deal with the TSA, but as soon as something like this happens it's nothing but cries of 'Oh no! What will we do without the TSA!?'

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

the plane's arrival on the afternoon of Jan 3

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

@extank Thanks for putting words in my mouth that I never said.

The words I put in your mouth were yours:

everyone complains that the TSA is unnecessary and doesn't do anything except cause headaches, b

Own them.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I find it really funny how, on any other day, everyone complains that the TSA is unnecessary and doesn't do anything except cause headaches, but now that they're not getting paid, suddenly they are essential to airport security...

-6 ( +13 / -19 )

Was wondering why people cared about this. Now I see why, posters can blame Trump and push the new TSA media narrative.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

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