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© (Thomson Reuters 2018.British warship arrives in Tokyo as UK expands presence in Asian waters
By Tim Kelly TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Britain's navy is pathetic these days.
Laughable. "Ship tours"?? "Four months"?? Global reach??
The Royal Navy is pretty pisspoor these days.
The Royal Navy and the British Army and Airforce can still pull a punch. The Russians or the Chinese would think twice before picking a fight (which they would of course ultimately win).
Dont blame the armed forces for the abject mess of a British government and its politicians, cutting the budget of a fine armed force and messing up the UK's foreign policy.
Too often in our history have our armed forces been thrown in to sort out the political mess - Suez, Northern Ireland, Palestine, Cyprus.
Fancy naming a warship after a Brummie team that got relegated.
Sums us up these days.
Alex Einz
what a joke, probably someone high ranked wanted to check out tokyo nightlife...
that said cheap semi British pubs in Tokyo should well benefit from 120 thirsty sailors...
Alfie Noakes
The Tories are considering giving the contract for a new fleet of support ships to two Japanese companies:
Six years of pointless austerity, Brexit and the destruction of the NHS. Now this; anyone would think the Tories are working for Putin or something...
Jim, the next time you are in Hackney near Broadway Market or Columbia Market, there is a nice little pub called the Albion. Unfortunately adorned with Baggies memorabilia but one of the few old fashioned pubs that hasn't gone bearded hipster.
Yep. Should have gone (again) with HMS Mersey: Two good laughs for the price of one! (Three, if you count Tranmere Rovers).
Alfie Noakes
I lived in Malvern Road for years. We used to go in the Lady Di ( now reverted to the Prince Arthur) and the Cat and Mutton on Broadway Market. Small world!
Back on topic please.
Brighton & Hove Albion and Sailors - seems more like it to me....
Ganbare Japan!
Wonderful news! I am really happy to welcome British warships to Tokyo. Together with USA and Japan, will help uphold "rule of law" in the region. They are here to help protect Japan. If I was in the area, I would go to welcome the sailors this weekend.
74 ships, including 10 nuclear submarines. Only one aircraft carrier, but it seems more than sufficient. Not sure that they need so many.
Although the British Royal Navy is now tiny compared to the past, it is still the world's 5th most powerful. Japan is just ahead at 4th. The Royal Navy is the most experienced navy in the world and it is still classed as a "blue-water" navy. In contrast, China's Navy is still "green-water".
Kniknaknokkaer is quite right. "Albion" is the oldest name known for Great Britain. It predates the name "Britannia" from the Romans. Scotland is still called "Alba" in Scottish Gaelic.
"The Royal Navy is now pathetic"
But I bet that you would still come calling for the Royal Marines and all the additional support to help you out when the time comes...
Wow! Thanks everyone for explaining this. There was me thinking it meant football team.
Plemty of PhDs in stating the bloody obvious on this site.
You might not feel that way when the the boys get a bit of shore leave in Roppongi...
Seems there are a lot of Britain-haters here. If you don't have something constructively critical to say, why spew vitriol? Nothing better to do? Britain's navy, regardless of its size, still did a terrific job of taking back the Falklands. That may have been a few decades ago, but the tradition of a centuries-old force on the high seas lives on in the men and women who serve in Her Majesty's navy.
Toasted Heretic
The British are coming! The British are coming!
The Malvinas, you mean.
I'm fine if they need to flex their muscles after getting a thrashing back then. As long as they don't wave the butchers apron under peoples noses.
Ricky Kaminski
Don’t forget the Aussies too mate! Another nation not too keen on bullies and manipulation. Bring it!!
steve morgan
Is this the same ship that caused a lot of problems in Sasebo in May??
Gosh! A lot of negative thinking in these comments.
The ship is there for a good reason!
Welcome. I’m for strong democratic alliance
The British are negotiating at the moment about a trade agreement with Japan and thought probably of the gold old time of the BE when warships where used to accomplish a deal :)
We need all the help we can get!
Good will visits by military vessels are carried out by most nations with a navy. It is no big deal unless your visiting someone you have not had good relations with recently or for a long time. This visit is noteworthy because it is the flagship of the Royal navy. These visits show trust and friendship and are to build good will between the nations involved. Britain's Royal navy is a very proffessional outfit that many countries could learn from.
I still remember when in 1997 another British ship, an aircraft carrier, HMS Illustrious if I'm not mistaken, also docked at Harumi. I was a kid then, and the visit on the ship was awesome. Looking forward to see Albion.
Good for them.
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that the British Armed forced had historically invaded, controlled, disrupted, and colonized some of these areas, and more.
It is extremely foolish for Japan Abe govt to assume that UK is challenging China, or Japan can ally with UK to challenge China. UK is a good friend to Japan, but UK is also a good friend to China, if not better. Abe has to abandon his anti-Chin policy, immediately and forever. China is our neighbour, and our ancestor. A prosperous China is a only good thing for a prosperous Japan, as simple as that.
No, he means The Falklands.
And it was the Argues who got the thrashing, courtesy of Great Britain.
Even though it is only one warship, I'm glad to see some alliance support from a European nation.
Dictatorship is nothing to admire about. England, on the other hand, is a pioneer for modern democracy. Welcome to Japan, England!
My Father was stationed on HMS Illustrious on that visit ^^ I remember being about 6 or 7 at the time when he called me from Japan telling me all about the trip. And when he got home we showed me the photos that he took and those were the very first images that I had of Japan.
Japan, once again re-stating clearly that China will not dominate the Pacific:
And there's more on the way.
Dont cry too hard Argentina,
we'll keep the Falklands
You'll keep your distance
Only in a mind of a few fantasists who think that Argentia has a legitimate claim to the Falklands, which they clearly don't. The claim is in reality based on little more than "being near", which is not in itself a good claim.