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© Thomson Reuters 2020.Cruise ship virus cases jump to 175, including quarantine officer
By David Dolan and Ju-min Park TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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They bringing them too Tokyo, they have an American from that ship, quarantine in Tokyo
Jeff Ko
I'm beyond disbelief. How can they be this incompetent? This isn't quarantine - this is an imprisonment. Something like this happening in China, I get it. But in Japan? Wow...
They chose 492 'likely' candidates for testing. Of these, 174 have turned out positives, correct?
The ship's ventilation system could circulate virus containing aerosols since it isn't hospital grade. The quarantine protects against spread to state side, not within the ship.
Do the hustle
So much for their quarantine procedures. It’s more like putting kids in the same bed so they all get sick.
They need to test everyone now or let other nations take their people out of this death trap ASAP
How about sending them back to sea? It is an option as well? The government refused another cruise ship from docking here in Okinawa, and I for one am perfectly happy with THAT decision!
Stock them up with food and medicines, and send them back out to sea until it burns itself out!
if Japanese government don't want them here, they need to let the nations take back their citizens, this is getting out of hand
They won’t test them all and so they won’t know the actual numbers infected. So even if you’re not infected you get to wait to be infected. And there are testing kits but they’re not going to use them. Go figure.
There is little confidence in Japan’s decision making. All answers are to stay calm and stay put and wait for death.
They are taken to Tokyo area hospital
How many doctors and other medical staff are you proposing be sent on with them to administer those medicines? Maybe just let them - a few hundred people in their 80s-90s are on there remember - drift at sea until death by pneumonia? Only inhumane nations would think of doing that.
Test them all and quarantine them on shore.
Many have criticized China for it's likely underreporting of the facts and figures surrounding the coronavirus outbreak but I get the feeling that Japan is not much different at times.
I wonder how the hospitals in five prefectures treating the diagnosed cases from the Diamond Princess are coping. Many patients are from other countries without Japanese language skills and have been separated from spouses and family still on board the ship and without any family or friends in Japan.
I trust the Japanese medical system to treat all patients with the utmost of care and kindness but would still like to hear more about their predicament.
BTW does the expression "go pear shaped" also mean "to be torn" in Japanese?
Jeff Ko
You do know that some 60% of the passengers are the Japanese nationals, right? Are you saying that Japanese Gov't should give up trying to protect its citizens?
This ship is toast, they will rename the ship, try to make stigma of this ship go away
Do the hustle
Um, they have quarantined the ship. They haven’t quarantined the people in the ship though. That’s is why nearly 150 of them have caught the virus. The incubation time is two weeks. Most people have caught the virus well after that time, meaning the interaction of people onboard is causing the spread. The point about the virus being airborne is yet to be proven.
Japan has bad shortages of number of quarantine places, coronavirus examiners and reagents to incubate,,,etc. 3,700 people are tooooo many for Japan to take good care of them. US better send 428 Americans back home for quarantine, UK better send 70 British back home, other countries better get them back to their own countries. This seems the best way for all.
They all have been exposed and are slowly infected each other, unless you want to keep them all there forever on the ship just treat them as such
Kwatt, they have an American from this ship in a Tokyo hospital , the ship has to dump sewage into Yokohama Bay
Amarjit Grewal
It’s unfortunate situation for all of us. I am among those Quarantined on the Diamond Princess.This isolation is not helping us at all but making us sick.We should be sent to our countries ASAP.As per the news articles I read in the local newspapers, the Japanese Govt either don’t have enough kits to test us or they don’t want to.We are under lot of stress.Senior citizens are more vulnerable in this isolation.Please help us.
I think Japan need to rethink this, at first it might be a good idea due to the amount of people and likely lacking in quarantine facilities.
But I'm starting to think that there's cross infection occuring.
Gogogo, they are taken them to Tokyo, in America, you cannot quarantine a person against their will
I applaud the efforts taken, this virus is obviously virilant and deadly. Like the Black Death best to limit social contacts and get your affairs in order because once it's out and about things are going to get messy.
DoTheHustle: “The point about the virus being airborne is yet to be proven.”
The virus travels on droplets ok, such as from a violent sneeze, or a nose-wiped hand. It is assumed that a virus on its lonesome does not. The new theory is that they can maybe travel on the lighter and finer sneeze cloud, (or my question, the moisture in your breath?), and stay aloft in a room for x number of minutes.
As you say, it has yet to be proved, although the Chinese are suggesting it can stay airborne. Better stay safe, I reckon, and allow for this possibility too.
Alex Einz
The US government has the power to quarantine citizens under a 1944 law called the Public Health Services Act, which empowers the federal government to contain infectious diseases.
there is absolutely no issue, media should stop making fuss.
send the ship away from coast, provide supplies with helicopters and let it pass itself.
if other nations want their citizens... they are welcome to have em.. from international waters.
So what? There are still 427 Americans in the ship. The US wants all Americans back home for quarantine, just let them go home. The ship doesn't dump sewage into Yokohama bay. it always dumps them in the ocean far away off the coast of Japan. There is an international rule/law about it.
How does a quarantine officer decked out in all the equipment and high grade masks become infected?
Kwatt, the US are charging American for, being exposed to the virus, they will be sent a bill, if they are quarantine
This act apply to American coming from foreign destination, not in America
Mask by themselves are useless
So what! They don't care about such bill. They want to live, so they want to be quarantined at better place in America.
kurispusu: "How does a quarantine officer decked out in all the equipment and high grade masks become infected?"
He was not wearing the full body kit, but WAS following WHO guidelines and disinfecting hands.
Rough translation from below article: "From the night of the 3rd to the night of the 4th, he was working inside the ship, wearing mask and gloves as per WHO guidelines, and he disinfected hands and fingers, although he was not wearing full body protection."
PS It says "Each time, one at a time, (after) he came in contact with someone..."
@ Amarjit Grewal
Usually in this kind of situation, the government should end up taking the good decision but it need time. A few day ago, it was out of question to let people out but since yesterday they understood they have to find a solution for the elder and unhealthy. So try to relax things should move no.
I am crossing my finger for you.
Dr. Theopolis
Face facts: most all of the passengers are probably infected. If 175 are now, its a domino effect, one person spreads it to 4 others, then 4 to 16, 16 to 64 .......and so on!
Bugle Boy of Company B
@Amarjit Grewal
Hang in there! We support you!
have they tested the whole ship yet? People can test positive even without symptoms
Great then have your country come and get you! Why expect the Japanese government to pay for your travel expenses?
Japan PAID for the charters to get their people out of China, the US made the passengers pay for theirs!
Japanese will pay for the sick
Alex Einz
btw, it is very very likely they dump sewage regularly at yokohama bay
it is not first or last time cruise ships caught doing it
Alex Einz
in fact, after seeing few vid interviews with people on ship, they seem to be quite cool about the whole thing.
nobody is screaming to take them off the ship and they been treated nicely.
I am sure adult people must understand the danger they represent to everyone.
the only feather ruffle is being done by media and few hysterics ( those should be dealt with , lockdown and brinks are made for that )
don't talk about sewage, people are getting infected in that ship and numbers are getting bigger each day.
burn, sink, garbage, we are some good folks here, real good. real class, real citizens
Fillmore2,watse have to be discharged or toilet will backup
The media do not force people to watch, it not 24,7 just clip
It has already been established in earlier posts that the ship goes out to the open sea every so often to 1. take on water for distillation into fresh water, and 2. to discharge waste.
Money is not the issue, particularly for the 3rd largest economy in the WORLD, containing the spread of a virus that apparently can kill a 30s yo Doctor it's obviously a nasty thing. More people died from influenza (Spanish flue) than world war 1 managed to kill. So again the cost¥ is nothing should it rip through Japan with the aged population....well the ceremonies will be endless. A massive carbon foot print in the making.
Local Gaijin
FWIW, I researched sanitizers the other day. I found that 70% alcohol (which is what most available sanitizers are) is not effective in killing bacteria or viruses. Further, if I recall correctly, they need a ten minute contact time which is not likely reached. Evaporation occurs before that time is reached.
A chlorine solution is best. I believe that needed a 10 % concentration and don’t recall the contact time needed.
Local Gaijin, I specifically asked someone the other day.
The official information here says 70% alcohol for the skin, and 0.1% something complicated (chlorine) for object surfaces 手などの皮膚の消毒を行う場合 には消毒用アルコール(70%)を、物の表面の消毒には0.1%の次亜塩素酸ナトリウム
Further suggestions for diluting household bleaches etc. on pp 2,3,4.
Oh, and the quarantine officer went back to his regular work from the 5th until the 8th when he had a free day; on the 9th he developed a high temperature and on the 10th he went to hospital and got diagnosed positive, I think they are saying.
To have that many international elderly people on a boat
and China not inviting international agencies such as WHO, world health organisation, to come and research the vaccine for this one in face of a crisis ?
its not jet one world
It's pretty obvious that, at some point, everyone on that ship will have the virus.
It's absolutely stupid that they let someone onto that ship with nothing but a mask and then him go home. Have they done no research on this virus? This is pinnacle of incompetence.
Thanks for your reply.
What I am trying to get at is that the virus seems to be extremely aggressive and spreads (in the confines of a ship) extremely easily.
uninhabited islands of or claimed by Japan how about using any of these to quarantine folks?
Only said by someone who has ZERO idea of the economic situation here in Japan!
Why should out tax yen be used to take care of the sick people on board a cruise ship when their own countries do nothing to offer support for their own citizens?
Why does Japan have to pay for the medical costs incurred by people who pay nothing into the system here?
I suggest that if Japan is going to foot the bill for taking care of these people, they should bill the people directly for the services, or have their home countries foot the bills!
Let the Japanese citizens on board get off, and put them up into hotels like they did with those that were repatriated from Wuhan, at taxpayers expense, and put up in hotels! Do the same for them! But make it a forced quarantine!
For others from other countries, have them send assistance as required!
Is it safe to eat fish right now ?
The Virus might be aerobic or anaerobic who knows.
Why should out tax yen be used to take care of the sick people on board a
cruise ship when their own countries do nothing to offer support for
I don't think Japan needs to pay the bill,the tourist on board have travel insurance to cover their medical expensive
Japan did a good job, everyone has to admit that.
They have travel insurance that covers medical expenses. Stop being so selfish.
This virus has exposed cruise ships as disasters waiting to happen. The mix of nationalities and ages on board are a recipe for disaster should something like this happen. Complex questions of who is responsible for the passengers (the Country you are docked in or the country the passengers come from or no-one) are now out in the bright light of day.
I question the whole concept and viability of the cruise ship industry going forward.
redelmotalking, your stupidity is now out in the bright light of day. Epidemic happens, by design.
Apparently the incubation period is up to 24 days... The people onboard that Cruise ship must feel terrible, knowing that the virus is around them.
Epidemic is litmus test of humanity.
Woh eastern times
Mirai Hayashi
This is so stupid! A few weeks ago, they showed a picture of two Japanese men who had the corona virus, being interview by flock of reporters wearing nothing but flimsy store bought masks. Didn't anyone stop to think that perhaps these masks don't work???? Infected people need to put in sealed off rooms and given proper care, not kept virus infected petri dish
Your wish has been registered. We'll do that the day you are in the situation.
It's his talking about the virus that killed him. But as you can be weak from a condition at any age and get the bad luck to be killed even by catching the common flu/cold at the bad timing, individual cases prove nothing. Stats about the 1000 deaths would give more information.
It's not complex. They are in a Japanese port, it's Japan. Like for any disaster, Japan deals with the crisis regardless of nationality of patients, they have 100% of decision power and of responsibility. The financial losses about the boat, docking, food, medical care, rebooking passenger flights, even death costs will be for the cruise company's insurance.
If countries decide to organize flights -like from Wuhan, it's for better comfort of their citizens.
GEE............................................which country is making the cure right now ???.
Mr Kipling
A few facts for you.
Air is NOT circulated from cabin to cabin. Each cabin has its own climate control.
Only those who show an increase in temperature are tested. Until then, the tests are not reliable.
The ship is not an incubator of death... Nobody has died yet.
Many of the medical staff working on the ship are returning home each night.
The ship is actually quite a good place for the passengers to stay. Individual cabins, satellite TV, full internet service, food and medical service and away from the general public.
Why doesn't their nations send their citizens back home for quarantine from infected ship? Probably a big reason seems money. Quarantine process really costs a lot incredibly, and also their nations don't want such corona virus back home. That's why they just wait and see Japan's quarantine of the ship. If people complain about Japan's quarantine or say this is very terrible, better send their citizens back home as soon as possible.
Wow, I don't know why Japan is terrible at handling these emergency situations...
Open Minded
Leave them alone on this Petri box and for sure they will all be contaminated.
What a shame that Japan cannot give more help to these people by creating a proper quarantine zone anywhere this ship can go.
I will not comment about most of the above disgusting and selfish comments with no scientific understanding,
Open Minded
And I am fed up with the selfisihest of the selfisihest starting to talk about tax money spending.
That is so ugly!
All 3,700 passengers in the ship seem too many for Japan to take good care of them. Japan really has shortage of number of quarantine places, virus examiners, reagents to incubate, etc. Their nations should support their citizens back home for quarantine.
Open Minded
If Japan (120MM inhabitants) cannot manage 3,700 tourists quarantine, better Japan stops trying to make more money with tourists.
Tourism industry is a get and give business. Like with any business, there is risk associated with, you need to be ready to cope with it.
And mega contamination on a ship is not a new story.
@Mr Kipling
Can you give some precision :
Are you meaning that every cabin has got its own system to capture CO2 and create O2 (and other relevant gaz) ? There is cabin with no windows at all, so there is obviously a ventilation system or a system to maintain the adequate level of gaz. As the second should be quite costly compared to the first one, I would appreciate to know where you got the information that they choose the second one.
I did not know they tested only based on temperature. Where did you get this information ? Usually, we got info that they tested people in close proximity + people showing symptom so not only temperature. For the problem of efficacy of the test for people caring the virus but not having developed the illness, I already heard of that. Does not sound so surprising since the test was made in emergency and the case of the 2 returnee which got tested healthy then are now tested ill seems to go in that direction.
People should stop with the panic spread and the "not nice" speech.
I have my doubt.
Except for those which don't not have it.
It seems to be a bit lacking but we can understand that working in this kind of situation must be difficult for the medical team.
I do not think this one is supposed to be "for the passengers".
And when I am at it, on word : crew.
For anyone facing this situation in port or at sea, I hope you will quickly be offered to set foot on land (quarantine in proper facilities is most likely to be expected). Ganbatte.
Open Minded
And BTW how do you plan to "ship" back these people to their home country for quarantine?
Helicopter from the ship deck maybe?
It seems Japan can do, but is going to take poor care of them because of just too many. It is understandable that Japan kicked another ship out the other day.
Their nations send ships to Yokohama and board the ships to go home. The US Air Force will take care of their citizens back home.
Samit Basu
Nobody ever caught cold, flue, influenza, SARS, or this Wuhan virus from eating fish.
Given the way the world today has literally no limits or controls on movement anywhere, it is likely that the entire world will be infected to some degree and the hope is for either a effective vaccine or some rigid and iron clad rules to protect areas . The Black Death killed 1/4 of the population of Europe and it started with one boat load of soldiers coming back from the middle east.
dont forget that 2 million people fled from the epicenter of the virus in China two days before it was shut in.
time for people to be realsitic. I am sorry for those caught in the situation but such things happen in life.
You know this how? But for discussions sake let's say it's so, Other countries should still send assistance to take care of their national's the same as they did when they sent charter planes to China!
It's a similar situation, just on a smaller scale, confining the movement of people within a space that is possibly contaminated with a potentially deadly virus!
It's easy to say I am being selfish, when you are talking about using someone else's money!
The Japanese government should have refused them entry! But they didnt, and this is the best way to keep the rest of the country safe from a potential epidemic!
Consider even 100 passengers getting off that ship, one's that carry the virus but with no symptoms. The current transfer rate is roughly 3 to 4 people per carrier, do the math, the potential of literally MILLIONS of people being exposed with in a matter of days is highly possible, no guarantee, but still there.
Multiply that by potentially 1,000 and to any intelligent person you can see the results, Japan would shut down!
Leave them on the ship and let their native countries come and get them!
Daniel Ferreira
Sending prayers to those on the ship and their loved ones. This isn't easy for anyone.
Henny Penny
I don't know how accurate the figures are, but it is being said that the Diamond Princess had 1285 Japanese on board when it left Hong Kong. PRC citizens 470, US 425.
Looking at the figures for those taken ill and removed to hospitals, it is clear that there are many Japanese on board.
Turning away a ship with more than one thousand Japanese on board would have been political suicide for the government.
What I find interesting is that I have not seen any numerical breakdown in any major English or Japanese language news source.
That is very odd and very suspicious.