Japan Today

Former Princess Mako says marriage was a 'necessary choice'


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Can we leave then alone now?

61 ( +65 / -4 )

I miss the ponytail…

15 ( +31 / -16 )

Ok you two no head to the airport & escape this nonsense!!

Best of luck in your future together!

46 ( +50 / -4 )

I miss the ponytail…

Me too

3 ( +15 / -12 )

Now the focus will be on her younger sister. Here we go again.

26 ( +28 / -2 )

Let’s leave them alone now. The fact the press feels she needs to justify her marriage to them is gross. Now she and her husband need to get out of Dodge and be happy elsewhere.

37 ( +41 / -4 )

The former princess, a niece of Emperor Naruhito, has been diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder, the Imperial Household Agency recently said.

Not only Princess Mako but Naruhito’s wife and daughter too have problems.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

I am totally mad at the people or media that are always criticizing Mr. Komuro because of his mother's problems. They love each other and Ms. Maco san left the Imperial family. In addition to that, to be fair Mr. Komuro is very industrious and diligent and endurable and smart with the qualification of a legal expert. He is very suitable husband to our former princess Mako. Congratulations of their wedding from my deepest heart.

18 ( +23 / -5 )

Go and enjoy the Us and have meaningful life. Best to both of you.

22 ( +25 / -3 )

What an alarmingly romantic wedding day. Every princesses dream.

-13 ( +5 / -18 )

Strangest thing is that no-one has been able to offer a complete explanation as to why this so-called monetary dispute was not put to bed years ago, instead of allowing the bad-feelings to grow and the royal family's image to be so damaged.

For a paltry $35,000 this whole sorry saga should have been settled in a heartbeat, especially as he's supposed to be a smart lawyer....

17 ( +20 / -3 )

Good on you both. Get the heck out of Dodge!

9 ( +13 / -4 )

The press, especially in Japan, thrives on scandalous news. To get the most attention in Japan you need to dance, sing, act silly/childish, cheat, steal, commit a crime, or be involved in a scandal. Just watch TV for a few minutes to see. Mr. and Mrs. Komuro deserve to be left alone and have a happy normal life.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

All the best. May their struggles so far be a strong foundation for their future successes. Congratulations, and carpe diem!

5 ( +10 / -5 )

The press, especially in Japan, thrives on scandalous news. 

and the press in the west does not like gossip or scandalous news? I am sure the western media's coverage of the UK royals has been absent of sensational headlines. Just bland headlines right?

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Wish the couple a happy new life. Missing her a little bit.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Mako, who left her family's imperial residence Tuesday morning, is set to stay in a Tokyo condominium while preparing to move to New York, where Komuro works at a law firm.

The coldness of it all is tragic.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Best of luck to the couple. **** the haters.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

The muck raking by the Japanese media (and to some degree the Imperial Household) has failed. Congratulations to them both. Whatever life throws at them from now on is for them to deal with together, and I hope love conquers all. Best of luck for the future.

As for former Princess Mako's parents statement of the marriage being, "unprecedented" most normal parents would issue a statement wishing their daughter and son-in -law every joy, happiness, and support for the future.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

But... he is not a lawyer yet, right? Even if he took the New York State Bar his July, results will not be out for weeks... The money issues do not add up. Either she is already loaded or he has a secret source to pay for NY rent etc... A newly-licensed lawyer (which he is not yet, unless I am mistaken) could not afford rent in anything more than a studio if paying for food, etc. Anyone know what is actually going on economically?

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

@Midnight Sun Tribe: No - and its no longer any of our business as they are BOTH private citizens as tomorrow morning when she will officially be removed from the Imperial Register. I doubt it, but I hope the press will leave them alone if that's what they wish. Comparisons with Duke and Duchess of Sussex totally unnecessary as they have actively chosen to remain in public life.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Imagine. Just imagine if they give birth to a child(ren) in the US who will then automatically become a US citizen. Isn't this unprecedented in and of itself for the Japanese Imperial family? Then, just imagine further if this child goes on to do great things and maybe even becomes a politician and (gulp) the president of the United States. By that time, Ms. Mako's younger brother will be the Emperor so that will be his uncle.

Oh that would be quite an interesting world to live in!

4 ( +12 / -8 )

I heard somewhere that she's been getting 16 million yen a year since turning 20, so she probably has decent savings for somebody her age. And we have no idea if they aren't getting some other support somehow. Plus there are rumors she might work for the Metropolitan Museum as a curator of their Japan collection....though that can't pay much either.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Good luck to them!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Not only Princess Mako but Naruhito’s wife and daughter too have problems.

Why does it matter? I am sure you are 100% P E R F E C T with ZERO problems. Just remember..when you point a finger at others you have 4 other fingers pointing back at yourself!

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Sad but bye bye!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Somehow I feel we will hear about them again even though we really shouldnt If things go well.

but best of luck for sure.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

As a westerner this whole thing is totally unfathomable. Every single articles trots out the same line about the family financial dispute, which could be settled in the blink of an eye. For the press to deny this young lady the happiness of a normal wedding to the perrson she wishes to marry is disgusting.

I hope they will be able to get past this and have a happy life together. Wishing them every success and happiness.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Former Princess.... like anyone actually needs a reminder, hell it's been less than what 12 hours?

They seem like a happy young couple, and I wish them the best.

I also hope that the paparazzi Japanese media leaves them alone after today! It's undignified the way they are treating them and the powers that be in the media should be ashamed, because it's their fault that this young woman has PTSD!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Maybe Mako can help younger sis Kako find a husband in the US and free her as well...

4 ( +8 / -4 )

New York is a great place to live and has a great job, but one wonders. Will they ever have privacy.

Wish them a happy life and the press to leave them alone

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Aww, he cut off his ponytail. Why? It suited him.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

So lovely, so brave! God bless!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The Imperial Household Agency should be hanging their heads in shame, they persecuted Kei Komuro bordering on harassment

Briefing the media, sneering condescension.

Not good enough?

Imperial Household Agency are fully responsible for the unforgiveable failure of duty to support Former Princess Mako.     

View the image above, this should be the happiest say of Mako and Kei Komuro lives.

Both appear stressed and strained; it is a ghastly cruel spectacle.

In mourning dress, the pair could have been attending a funeral.

Imagine having to attend a press conference on one’s wedding day, In essence to justify ones marriage.

How could Prince Fumihito and Princess Kiko be so cold and callous both should have been lock stock by there daughter side.  

Undignified, and insensitive

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Great they’ll be able to escape this pressure cooker country and it’s stiff and rigid morals

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The projection and cruelty directed at this lovely couple has been over the top. So sayonara Japan, and welcome to the US. I hope once they arrive, these two can vanish into the NYC woodwork and just be themselves.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Why does it matter? I am sure you are 100% P E R F E C T with ZERO problems. Just remember..when you point a finger at others you have 4 other fingers pointing back at yourself!

If facts are not to your liking then that can’t be helped…

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Japan still has hereditary royalty, in the 21st century? That is beyond archaic.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

For a paltry $35,000 this whole sorry saga should have been settled in a heartbeat, especially as he's supposed to be a smart lawyer....

Paltry? That’s more than the average American makes in a year

 Either she is already loaded or he has a secret source to pay for NY rent etc... A newly-licensed lawyer (which he is not yet, unless I am mistaken) could not afford rent in anything more than a studio if paying for food, etc. Anyone know what is actually going on economically?

It would seem tinfoil hats are the bold fashion statement this season…

For their sakes, I’m glad they’re getting the hell out of Dodge. With the amount of insinuations, half-truths, and outright lies this poor couple has been subject to, I think anyone would wind up with PTSD. That fact they felt they needed a press conference to try and justify their love to the press is frankly an embarrassing indictment of how Japan views not only the monarchy, but love and relationships in general. Good on them for getting out while they can.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Martimurano, I suggest the so called dispute over 4 million yen ($35,000) is a smoke screen, a means for the Imperial Household Agency to leverage a cynical methodology to snuff out the relationship.

A person perceived class. Their place or position in society.

Britain is renowned for turning there nose up at the so called great unwashed. "Know your place"

The poisonous belief that an individual possesses an impeccable socioeconomic status must be essential over an overwhelming intense feeling of deep affection.

Kei Komuro is viewed by the Imperial Household Agency as an hoi polloi upstarter on the make, an unworthy guttersnipe.

Imperial Household Agency underestimated cupid arrow, the true love and devotion of Mako Komuro, love over gold

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Japanese media and the royal courtiers are a disgrace. Good luck and best wishes to Mr and Mrs Komuro in their new live in New York.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Lots of things to enjoy in NYC, especially if you're rich. Broadway is starting to open up again, little by little. Go see a show. You'll never run out of things to do. What a life! They are lucky to escape. Get out while you can!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Heaven’s sake, Kei Komuro is not Captain Hook conspiring to emotionally incarcerate, kidnap, Tinker Bell.

Both are childhood sweethearts.

Listen to the tone, commoner. Its spat out.

Is anyone seriously contending that 4 million yen ($35,000) would magically propel Kei Komuro to the realms Prince Charming?

Not on your chinny-chin-chin!...

What so disheartening, Prince Fumihito and Princess Kiko chose to turn their backs.

Both should have been there every step of the way. As proud parents.

There statement was indifferent, cold, frosty.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Congrats to them .

Love is the best choice.

Its kind of a romantic story and i hope they live happily ever after.

True love commitment and sacrifice.

Good for them.

She will always be his princess and her prince anyway !

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It's a little premature to be talking about offspring, but they have children and if the child is born in the US, the Imperials will have a US citizen in their family tree. Let's see how the media handles that.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Kei Komuro said his mother had fallen mentally ill and cannot meet her former fiance to resolve the dispute over 4 million yen ($35,000) in financial support provided to her. The former princess said she is aware of how her husband has been trying to settle the dispute.

This is the part that seems to have been the problem.

The former fiancé seems to think that he was used by the mother (before this mental illness) for money. And so it’s understandable that he is pissed off and wants to hear a straight story from the mother. She may indeed be mentally ill, but unfortunately it gives the appearance that she is just evading the former fiancé because she did indeed abuse his trust.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

NCIS Reruns

It's a little premature to be talking about offspring, but they have children and if the child is born in the US, the Imperials will have a US citizen in their family tree.

And it is possible that one of their offspring becomes a US President. Can you imagine that? A US President, who is also a descendant of the Japanese Royal family.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

How could Prince Fumihito and Princess Kiko be so cold and callous both should have been lock stock by there daughter side. 

Undignified, and insensitive

I will most certainly second that. Her parents are, let me say, not nice people.

What surprises me a little is that the ex-fiancé has not been paid off and told to go away or, has not been advised to shut up and go away by those who are the most ardent, shall we say, supporters of the Royal Family.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hello, New York!

I'm so excited for them.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It's grim the way the Japanese press cheerfully oblige their government but took every opportunity to have a go at these two.

$35k is peanuts in this context and it shouldn't have affected the couple anyway. If it was going to, because Japan, it should have been sorted out on day one. They were let down by everyone. If they can now escape, I wish them happiness.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I do admire her. For her, love is worth much more than all those ancient traditions and the status that goes with them.

3 ( +4 / -1 )


1 ( +4 / -3 )


This is the part that seems to have been the problem. The former fiancé [of Komuro's mother] seems....

No, that is not the problem.

Komuro's mother is not marrying here. Her son is marrying, and his right to marry shall not be taken away for what his mother did or did not do.

Japanese Constitution Article 24 says, "Marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes" and nothing else.

It is clear that both Kei and Mako want to get married. And that's all that matters.

The only problem is there are some people who think their marriage requires something else - like a type of mother one has to have.

Uphold their rights and leave them alone.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Their lives their choice. I am happy for them and wish them all the joy they can have.

But to the dude: stay drunk, it helps keep things even keel. Rock on bro.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

People seem to have forgotten that Crown Princess Kiko was a commoner -- Mako got 50 percent of her genes from her.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

She cannot live in the US without ,having proper immigration status,a foreigner cannot sponsor his spouse, without any legal status themselves

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

YrralToday  11:29 pm JST

She cannot live in the US without ,having proper immigration status,a foreigner cannot sponsor his spouse, without any legal status themselves

What, you think his law firm isn't sponsoring his visa? What's wrong with you?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

What, you think his law firm isn't sponsoring his visa? What's wrong with you?

Mildly wealthy people can skip a lot of the red tape with special visa programs. I would also assume they would receive preferential treatment, waivers and assistance by the US state department.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It's Only Rock'nRoll:

I agree with you, the $35,000 dollar problem was a smokescreen for her parents to show their disapproval of the guy - even more reason that he should have settled that matter very quickly before it took hold.

He should have been smart enough to deal with it, and then go beyond the call of duty, with his fiancée, and take on lots of charitable works and appearances to endear themselves to the Japanese public in order to improve their public-image and popularity - it's not exactly rocket-science to recognise then turnaround a little PR difficulty.

It seems like they couldn't be bothered.....

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I feel really bad for them honestly. I think they'll have a better life in the US. No one knows who they are, so they can live normally without the media bothering them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Basically every choice we make in life is a 'necessary choice', isn't it? As opposed to an unnecessary choice, of which it's hard to think of any examples.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Wish her all the happiness in the world after all the interference last few years.

She'll be happier in USA as no one will bother her there and enjoy her married life.

All the best to Princess Mako.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Martimurano, Harry_Gatto,

Yes, family comes first, whether it is royalty or otherwise.

Family is a gift, not to be taken for granted. My heart sank, when I view the news feed and photos.

Princess Mako marries commoner boyfriend after years of controversy


It must be soul destroying to apologize on the most important day of one life.

Japan's Princess Mako finally marries commoner boyfriend Kei Komuro


In the twenty first century what has Japanese culture stooped too?

A pious Intolerant judgmental self righteousness?

Prince Fumihito and Princess Kiko, in fact the whole family should have set differences aside and been giving the bride and groom a send off to remember.

After all not going on holiday.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

おめでとう ございます眞子様!!! You'll always be a princess to me...and Keiさん.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

sf2kOct. 26  04:21 pm JST

Can we leave then alone now?

Yes. It's not like she asked for all the attentions and pressures that royalty and being in the limelight gives you. She's married to a man she truly loves. Now let them be, let them live their lives and be happy.

GWOct. 26  04:29 pm JST

Ok you two no head to the airport & escape this nonsense!!

Best of luck in your future together!

My regards too. Just don't be like Harry and Meghan. You've got your unified lives now and a lot ahead of you. Bon Voyage and all the best.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Monarchy is an institution of state. Royals are not private citizens. Every decision they make is a matter of state. I wish Mako-sama and Mr. Komuro the very best and happiness in their future lives, as commoners.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Disgusting paparazzi! The only lesson they learned from hounding Princess Diana to her death back in 1997 is that the more pressure that they can put on royalty, the more stories they can sell.

People need to ignore non-newsworthy stories about royals and other celebs and focus on real issues.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

This should not be about them, but the rs hole who dated his mother, knowing she had a child, entered a relationship then when it went wrong asked for his money back......what sort of person does that?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Paul Neil ,lots of people live illegally in the US,they have no special visas for lawyers,he has to be a permanent resident,for a visa,they do not hand visa easily to American foreign spouses

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Danielsan this lady is no Prince Diana,do not even compare

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The Japanese press should leave them alone. Komuro has been savaged mercilessly since he first came on the scene.

They are now just private citizens. But Im pretty sure Japanese media will be camped outside their NY residence for a long time, giving them no peace.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Yrall: Cut it out about the Visa. There are so many different classes of Visa, we have no idea which he has. However, for a fact most of the working visas allow your spouse to be with you and in most cases, work. It's not quite so draconian as you think. You seem to think they haven't thought this this through or done most of the prelim paperwork. This is like the 10th time you suggested that an ex Princess might get denied a visa! Ridiculous. I'm sorry if you've had a bad experience with US immigration. I have - on a very minor technicality due to nationality, However, if I'd been Japanese, no issue. Do some research on E2 visas buddy.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The resident,I am an American,hard to deport me

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

She’s probably going to breath a sigh of relief once she’s out of there.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yrall: Then educate yourself on your own immigration laws. I can assure you that you don't know them all, I certainly don't know many about my own country as it's not something I have to worry about. I'm very sure on the other hand that I know more about Japan immigration law having held various visas here and now PR as an example.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


It is not the job of the Imperial Household Agency to support decisions of a member of the family if they go against the interests of the Imperial Family, the state., and society It is their job to help Princess Mako to fulfill her duty. Princess Mako however decided that she prefers to marry a commoner who is not suitable to become a member of the Imperial Family. Therefore she has chosen to leave the Imperial Family.

The Imperial Family is not a family like Any other. They have job and a duty to fulfill. If they can not carry out their jobs and duties but wish to retain their privileges, they will end up with their heads chopped off in a revolution as has happened in much of the rest of the world. For them duty and obligation must come first. If they can not perform, they must step down, as former Princess Mako has just done.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Gil Matos-Sequí, you may well ask, it is a tad difficult to define exactly the "job", role or functions. of the The Imperial Household Agency as stipulated in article 7 of the J constitution.

Organization and Functions of the Imperial Household Agency


However yesterday both Mako and husband Kei Komuro were subjected to a totally unnecessary, unwarranted frankly dysfunctional humiliatingly absurd media charade.

The buck stops at the Imperial Household Agency.

Questions need to asked and answered as to the responsibility, accountability, for that tow curling ignominious public spectacle.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I wish them the best in new life. NYC is fun to live in, if you have the money, just like Tokyo and London.

I hope Japanese media agent won't be station in NYC to pry into the couple's private life.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Japan has an independent media. It is not run by the government and much less by the Imperial Household Agency. The Imperial Household Agency runs and oversees the affairs of the Imperial Family and Household and is itself under the government and Prime Minister. If it were not so the public would complain that Japan did not have a free press and that it was only a propaganda area of the government. The Japanese Imperial Family are public servants, literally born and bred, to be so. If they can not stand to be under the pressure of public life, as it is anywhere in the world, they can retire from public life. Monarchies and monarchical families have always historically been subjected to the utmost pressure as a result of politics. In many parts of the world they have even been violently killed as a result of politics and public pressure. Japan is lucky in this regard. It is a disciplined society and the Imperial Family reflects this and is managed in equal measure, thus it has been spared the violence of revolution. Princess Mako opted out of a public life as a member of the Imperial Family. It is understandable given the pressures of public life faced by all public officials the world over. May she now enjoy a happy life as a private individual and "commoner"

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Princess Mako however decided that she prefers to marry a commoner who is not suitable to become a member of the Imperial Family. Therefore she has chosen to leave the Imperial Family

The only way she can marry is by marrying outside the royal family (there are no eligible males within the family), and the rules state that females marrying outside must leave the royal family. The only alternative would for her (and her sister and cousin) to be forced to remain spinsters their whole lives.

Whether or not Kei Komuro is 'suitable to become a member of the Imperial Family' is totally irrelevant; the rules, again, state that males do not marry in; females marry out.

She has married the man she loves, and will build a life with him. Good for her. She will be much more productive as a wife and mother, and a working woman, than she ever could be 'fulfilling her duty' by wearing 50's fashions, waving from the back seat of limos and opening the occasional museum or charity conference.

Good luck to them both.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Looking at the picture they are seated well apart from each other, since they are married and now part of us the great unwashed, should they now be sitting closer together? If I had just been married to my wife I would want to be very close to her, not feet or meters apart. I wish them the best of luck and happiness in there marriage.

I would have been nice to see a picture of them smiling rather than the grim austere picture we have above.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


The issue and brouhaha has not been only that he is a commoner but that he is a commoner from an "unsuitable" background and a problematic history. Be that as it may she loves him and has acted in accordance with her feelings and desires and has even not taken the money to which she is legally entitled upon leaving the Imperial Family. Good for her. Lovely young woman.

As for female members of the Imperial Family only being able to marry "commoners", that is not quite so. While the Imperial Family under the 1947 law has been reduced, female members should still be able to marry from the extended family base, the nobility, or even distinguished families. They may still have to relinquish their positions as members of the Imperial Family, but at least it would not cause controversy.. Japan is a conservative society and even amongst "commoners" marriage is still today sometimes partly arranged, and goes through a vetting process.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

What a sweet couple. She is so refined and down to earth. Very polite. Truly dignified! My best wishes for both of them.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Gil Matos-Sequí

I wan't commenting on the brouhaha over his 'suitability' so much as the fact that no matter how noble and suitable he and his family might be, he is still a commoner and marrying him means Mako has to leave the royal family; she wasn't kicked out because of the 4 million yen debt/loan. Just as Norinomiya-sama was obliged to leave the royal family when she married Yoshiki Kuroda, an urban designer and a commoner and close friend of the current Crown Prince, and became Sayako Kuroda.

At least the Kurodas got a 'proper' wedding, though. I think it's very disappointing that the Crown Prince and Princess did not stand up for their daughter and at least give her a decent send-off. Not all the ritual hina-sama stuff, but at least a nice, normal wedding ceremony and reception. If they'd been a bit more supportive Mako might not have been so traumatised by the whole affair.

I would have been nice to see a picture of them smiling rather than the grim austere picture we have above.

Yes indeed! No doubt after they walked out of that room away from the cameras they both heaved a huge sign of relief and hugged each other. I hope they did, anyway.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


I think the reason she did not receive more support from the family, apart from the public opposition, is that the family themselves probably felt he was not suitable. So while they did not oppose or forbid the marriage, they did not want to support it either. In the end she was given the freedom to make her own choice and she did.

The rules regarding the make up of the Imperial Family are as they are since the post war constitution which reduced the family members. It will have to be changed or else the family goes into extinction. I imagine they will seek to preserve the agnatic line and bring in more male members from the collateral branches of the family. Morganatic marriages have always been frowned upon in the management of monarchies, even for males. It creates further problems in the case of females as it permits males to gain position and privileges through marriage. Contrary to the popular complaint, it does not "discriminate" against women, but against non-royal men .

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I think the reason she did not receive more support from the family, apart from the public opposition, is that the family themselves probably felt he was not suitable. So while they did not oppose or forbid the marriage, they did not want to support it either. In the end she was given the freedom to make her own choice and she did.

I think you're right. But they're her parents, she's their daughter. Once the decision is made, surely their role is to give her all the help and support they can, not act like it's no concern of theirs.

Morganatic marriages have always been frowned upon in the management of monarchies, even for males. It creates further problems in the case of females as it permits males to gain position and privileges through marriage.

How does a morganatic marriage permit males to gain position and privileges through marriage? Isn't the whole point of a morganatic marriage that the spouse of lower rank (the non-royal male) does not have any claim to title or rank through marriage?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Gil Matos-Sequí, Please Japan’s public service media has never been close to any recognizable definition of independence, which is off topic.

Growing demand for independence and substantive self-regulation in Japan’s public service media


Let set that aside for the moment.

Look Princess Mako did not opt out of a public life, Mako Komuro was destined by the birth, gender, to be the victim of a rather odious form of discrimination.

If born a Prince, named Morihiro, this thread would not exist.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It's great to see these two relatively young people, who know exactly what they want, stick it the press and the watching world in general! I wish them every success and a lifelong happy union together!

0 ( +1 / -1 )


A morganatic marriage is a marriage of persons of unequal status. The person of lower status gains access to the status and privileges of the person of higher status. That women can increase their status through marriage and men cannot is discriminatory towards men. Nevermind, Mako Komuro decided she wanted to marry for love without regard to status so she relinquished her status, and even went so far as to not accept the payment to which she is entitled. It was her free choice, and according to her statement at the press conference her parents supported her in it.

Former Princess Mako did indeed opt out of public life, or at least life as a member of the Imperial Family. It is said she was suffering from PTSD due to the pressure. As a member of the Imperial Family or as a public figure, public pressure goes with the job.

As far as the independence of Japanese media, it must act in accordance to the laws and regulations of Japan, but most media outlets are not government funded. The rules that govern media in any country are for the legislative body of that country to make. Not for foreign governments or entities.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


I got your comments and those of itsonlyrocknroll mixed up. In any case the above comment was partially meant as a response to you.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Gil Matos-Sequí, There are a number of unprecedented firsts,

Mako san took the unprecedented decision to decline the dowry taxpayer funded remittance.

Personally I think this payment is in recognition of Mako devotion to duty from birth, Mako san should have been persuaded to accept the payment.

IHA failure,

Second, the sneering condescension at groom Kei Komuro, I am guilty of that too, I thought the pony tail was well a tad unwise put it mildly.

Monarchy, (21st century) is vital to separate the state, form the sometime dead hand of governmental political intrigue. There must a a level of accountability at sit above government.

I feel also that Mako sans gender, it's frankly appalling, has rendered the former Princess in many respects persona non grata.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

A morganatic marriage is a marriage of persons of unequal status. The person of lower status gains access to the status and privileges of the person of higher status.

No. a morganatic marriage is one in which neither the spouse of lower rank, nor any children, have any claim to the possessions or title of the spouse of higher rank.

Mako's marriage is morganatic; Kei Komuro does not gain any rank or title from it.

Her mother Kiko's marriage was not morganatic; she started out as a commoner and as a result of her marriage to Prince Akishino is now the Crown Princess.

I agree with you that it's discriminatory against the men; not those who don't get any title, but against those who cannot escape.

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To prevent males from gaining access to the Imperial Family though marriage, women are expected to leave the Imperial Family if they marry a commoner. As for men not being able to escape, well they can. Though the process of leaving the Imperial Family is a legal and political one. If people feel so bad for the Imperial family and the rules they must live by, just dissolve the Imperial system entirely. No more Imperial Family, no more problems. All your troubles will be solved. You can have an elected head of state, or one appointed bay committee or by the parliament, who will as all heads of state must, live under public scrutiny and within prescribed rules.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


Monarchy is an institution of state. Monarchs are heads of state. Their work and lives are overseen by the state and by the Prime Minister in the case of Japan. You can not separate monarchy from the state, except by dissolving it and then they become commoners and civilians like everyone else. If that is what you want fine. However what people seem to want is that the monarchy be arranged as a fairytale sideshow to make people feel good and happy and fantasize about glamour and fashion. This is what monarchy has become inn the West, a celebrity sideshow carried out at tax payers expense. It is very stupid and silly. Either the Japanese Imperial family fulfills its role as the symbol of the Japanese nation and the unity of the people or do away with it entirely. Do not cheapen and demean the institution and the nation in turn.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

As for men not being able to escape, well they can. Though the process of leaving the Imperial Family is a legal and political one.

I don't know of any men ever leaving the Imperial Family to go and do their own thing, do you? Ever. Akihito was allowed to retire at an advanced age, but he's still officially a respected member of the family. As far as I can see, none have ever escaped.

If people feel so bad for the Imperial family and the rules they must live by, just dissolve the Imperial system entirely. No more Imperial Family, no more problems. All your troubles will be solved.

Problems? Troubles? Nah, I just feel sorry for them, is all.

And of course I'm in no position to dissolve any Japanese system, I just live here and pay my taxes.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


If you are a Japanese national and/or citizen you can vote and change the system in that way. Various political parties in Japan have proposed changes to the Imperial House Law.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

If you are a Japanese national and/or citizen you can vote ....

...and there's the rub.

You expect me to jump through hoops to get Japanese nationality to 'save' a group of people I don't know?

I can feel sorry for folk without having to turn my own life inside down.

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The job of the Japanese Imperial Family is to represent the Japanese nation. They work for the nation. You certainly do not have to jump through hoops to obtain Japanese nationality. However if you are not a Japanese national or citizen the Imperial Family does not affect you in any way. They do not work for you or represent you. It is a matter for the Japanese who their sovereign heads of state are and how they are managed.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

the Imperial Family does not affect you in any way.

So what? I feel sorry for them, and I feel happy for Mako because she got out.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Enjoy the new life in the USA.

She will be happier than in Japan. Not only because she will be far from the imperial family and the related gossip, but also because as a woman she will enjoy a better life than in Japan.

Yes, Japan is safe and clean, but there is a big big big difference between being a woman in Japan and a woman in the west.

Enjoy! You made the right choice.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

You know, Gil Matos-Sequí, to have and show support, apathy for another, regardless of status, monarchy is in my humbly opinion, is the essence of humanity.

Not having a pop at you.

My heart sank at Mako san press conference, Mako san gave up sacrificed everything.

Mako san has found in her heart love that money connote buy'

Monarchy, status, every former privilege, devotion for an unrelenting endearment no matter what the cost.

Whether "the Imperial Family does not affect you in any way" is besides the point ,an irrelevance.

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Precisely. She made the choice which was appropriate for her. May she be happy. I sincerely wish her the best of luck and all the happiness in. the world. However the role of a government institution is not to serve the happiness of a single person. As John F. Kennedy said, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". The role of a monarch and the institution surrounding it is very difficult and requires a great deal of self sacrifice for the benefit of the nation. They are public servants and serve the nation. It is not for everyone. Mako-san decided to opt out. She is completely entitled to do so and has good reason. She can now lead a private, quiet, and contented life hopefully.

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You know what they say about opinions. Everybody has them.

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