Japan Today

Gov't preparing to exclude Tokyo, Nagoya from Go To Travel campaign


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This will require a time machine! Awesome!

16 ( +17 / -1 )

in out in out...

10 ( +10 / -0 )

I feel like I’m living in a giant black joke

By your own choice. Turn that frown upside down.

-18 ( +6 / -24 )

During the new years holiday people will travel anyway. With the GoTo campaign or without.

But I am sure it will be much more less travelers than usual.

If you travel, travel in a safe way by doing your best personal prevention.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

Let’s have another meeting!

34 ( +35 / -1 )

so the number of cases of sick people is rising like it does every flu season, big deal!

-26 ( +6 / -32 )

During the new years holiday people will travel anyway. With the GoTo campaign or without.

Not just during the new year. Rewarding people for doing it though is just ridiculous when you’re trying to get a hold of a pandemic. I know it’s meant to help small businesses stay alive but they’re still dropping off. Some direct cash injection for those businesses that really need it would be much better.

But I am sure it will be much more less travelers than usual.

I’m 100% not sure much more less travelers will travel.

15 ( +17 / -2 )

Stop wasting tax payer’s money and just postpone the whole shambles until the pandemic is under control. The people of Tokyo and Nagoya paid their taxes and should be entitled to the rebate.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Stop wasting tax payer’s money and just postpone the whole shambles until the pandemic is under control. The people of Tokyo and Nagoya paid their taxes and should be entitled to the rebate.


13 ( +16 / -3 )

I would think that they would suspend travel subsides from Tokyo and Nagoya.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Finally the bold and decisive kind of leadership we need. I hope they do a lot of considering.

17 ( +17 / -0 )

so the number of cases of sick people is rising like it does every flu season, big deal!

You mean like the flu that actually has a vaccine?

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Surely the Government should have stopped this campaign weeks ago.

But at the same time people should have common sense and stop travelling and moving around unnecessarily.

Makes me laugh, as when there were 30 cases per day not many were travelling.

Now at the peak, at any large train station it is easy to spot families walking around proudly with their luggage like they are* *immune and superior to this virus or something.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

The reason that the Go to Infect campaign is still going on is that the LDP relies on the rural vote, and so will do anything to curry favor with them.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Glad I got my discount in Nagoya recently

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Tokyo should have been suspended from the 'Go to' campaign weeks ago.

COVID19 is unlikely to disappear for quite some time ,even after a vaccine is made available.

This year and most of next will be the limbo years...Let's hope for the best for 2021!

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Less than 10% people are using Go to Travel, while 60%-70% are traveling daily in packed trains and through large stations, but work from home will never be implemented in most companies, cases are rising due to daily travel, not much from Go To alone. Very poor decision making by Suga again.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

The stand-off between Suga and Koike is the main reason. They do not want to risk votes for the sept election so don’t have the balls to take a decision either way.

they play roulette with our lives. And Suga is Santaclaus with our tax money till the elections for all LDP members, the farmers, fishers, trade unions and major corporations.

And Japanese people and many expats here seem fine to die as long as they don’t miss out on a half-price holiday first.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

“COVID19 is unlikely to disappear for quite some time ,even after a vaccine is made available.”

The Pfizer CEO is on record saying there are no guarantees, so why rush?

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

People will travel, regardless of the advisories. Everyone is tired to be told what to do and missing out on things, good for them. Yesterday, I was trying to book a room at a nice hotel in Kyushu, thinking it was going to be easy due to the 'rona. Boy, I was wrong most of the hotels in the area were booked out for new year.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

If my trip to Hokkaido is canceled I'll just book somewhere else.

Travel or no travel corona is going to be here for the rest of the winter.

And 1000 or 10,000 cases we are going to continue to be anchored to local politicians seeking a soundbite .

While, bombarded with corona panic porn from the media and experts getting rich off tv appearances.

So, I'll wear a mask and try to enjoy this winter.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

And how many meetings did they need to reach this conclusion to consider?

And then how many more meetings will they need to urge?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Urge, urge, urge... flip flop... no matter what the choice it will make someone angry ... yet while we wait people are dying

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Simply put, protecting the lives people is much more important. Lives cannot be replaced because they are different and cannot last forever. The government can do more to lesson the economic damage through its own spending and do a better job to support the workers, business and economy. However it takes a lot of courage and if a leader worries about his reputation, credibility, image or popularity what can you say.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The US will start vaccinations tomorrow, Canada very soon, UK started last week.

Meanwhile in Japan... haha

14 ( +14 / -0 )

Maybe they should just exclude all of Japan but extend the GOTO Travel campaign til 2025.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

carpslidyToday  09:36 am JST

If my trip to Hokkaido is canceled I'll just book somewhere else. 

Travel or no travel corona is going to be here for the rest of the winter.

And 1000 or 10,000 cases we are going to continue to be anchored to local politicians seeking a soundbite .

While, bombarded with corona panic porn from the media and experts getting rich off tv appearances.

So, I'll wear a mask and try to enjoy this winter.


-7 ( +2 / -9 )

You would be wrong. If that was the goal, there could be direct support to small business. 

It's meant for big businesses to line their pockets.

Sorry... I should have said I know THEY SAY it's meant to help small businesses. You're absolutely right... big businesses that need none of the support and never did are raking it in.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Doesn't mean anything since the people of those reasons are not excluded from traveling elsewhere. You're just shifting the incoming infections. It's like when they tried in the original outbreak to rotate small areas of Osaka that would be "shut down" (unless they didn't want to), people that were going to go there must thronged to another area, and so on. They need to put the entire campaign on hold, as much as it might anger some homemakers who want to say they had the buffet lunch at the Ritz Carleton.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Should exclude the whole of Japan!!!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Government is doing it's best to spread the virus all over Japan and then start to ignore questions from reporters...

2 ( +4 / -2 )

“They should really make the GoTo travel campaign for travel within your prefecture only. “


-8 ( +3 / -11 )

I might sound selfish, but doing my eighth go to travel trip in early January to Kyoto again. I have been going everywhere.

Most hotels and venues are very cautious. And so are we.

You only live once and can drop dead at any minute, so I am living. Bad enough we cannot go overseas, so I feel lucky and privileged to help out businesses in Japan.

Remember, thumbs do not count, it is the thoughts and feelings about expressing good things for the Japanese economy.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

I might sound selfish, but doing my eighth go to travel trip in early January to Kyoto again. I have been going everywhere.

Most hotels and venues are very cautious. And so are we.

You only live once and can drop dead at any minute, so I am living. Bad enough we cannot go overseas, so I feel lucky and privileged to help out businesses in Japan.

Remember, thumbs do not count, it is the thoughts and feelings about expressing good things for the Japanese economy.

Nope. Not selfish at all. You are living life. Others are just living.

Life is full of experiences. We live life for the human experience such as love and accomplishment.

Animals live.

Keep on traveling and don't let the negative ones tell you otherwise.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Just shelf the campaign over the entire country. Even if they cut off the campaign in these places, people are still going to flock to these places regardless and those that still do receive support, might become the next hot bed for the virus. Continuing this campaign at this time is just ridiculous.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

PLEASE shut down all regions.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

They are getting more desperate:

号外:「Go To トラベル」を28日から1月11日まで全国で停止。首相が表明 (18:42)

(from Asahi just now)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Two weeks to our next GoTo Travel trip. So excited! There will be snow! And if I lucky enough Kani!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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