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© KYODOGov't considers extending state of emergency by 2 weeks
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I hope that more and more bars, izakayas, restaurants will ignore that nonsense, before they go into bancruptcy.
I am happy to see that my Mom and Pop's Izakaya in my neighbourhood is still surviving that Nonsens, thanks to the support of all us regular guests.
states of nothing it should be called, nobody care anymore and they are right to do not follow such useless rules.
Japan gives new meaning to the phrase "State of emergency".
Kitchener Leslie
Just call it state of closing restaurants early.
Agree with the posters above in terms of fairness and it being effective.
I am opening my business where many people come. The Pachinkos are buzzing, cafes full of people chatting, Namba Parks Mall is buzzing all day behind me.
Today I kind of feel like I could also possibly catch it due to it being widespread, I will take more caution in my routines.
Typical “spoon fed” Jgov PR, given in small doses to ease the pain. Just ‘yank the plaster off’ and be done with it. - No surprises, it apparently will continue.
State of Normal. Nobody cares about these SOAs anymore.
Aly Rustom
Gov't considers extending state of emergency by 2 weeks
that means that its going to happen. come on. we are not that stupid. and just wait.. they'll continue to extend it by 2 weeks every 2 weeks. The never ending story...
That's it? That's all they've got.
*sigh....see you all in 2024 still wearing masks and bathing in alcohol.
If they announce they are considering it’s going to happen.
Sincere ‘Apologies’ @thepersoniamnow 7:30p for any previous misunderstanding/misinterpretation. (To clarify, as Warren Buffet coined, we both have “skin in the game”, - an investment as small business owners to gamble here.)
That being said, can you clarify what appears to be conflicting ‘ideas’ about the SOE’s and CoVid :
Meaningless .......
But who cares it’s their world, everyone seems to ignore the elite anyway, And they ignore what they say too. So go for it. It does suck I can’t have a drink with my fish and chips. I don’t understand why I can eat but not drink. Another two weeks ok, my wife is Tele working I love it. It’s so nice she is home. I hope she never goes back to the office. No need.
Space Cochonne
So after SOE will come back to quasi SOE which is almost the same as SOE.
Alfie Noakes
Japan's leaders are corrupt, incompetent, clueless and driven solely by money and the autumn election.
Tried that last year @P.Smith 7:48am. The ADHD drove moms to near suicide, … or homicide, If dad was also remote working.
Aly Rustom
ya think?
Aly Rustom
Nah... they wouldn't screw it up THIS bad...
There's no considering, it's already been decided and it's 100% happening. These fluff pieces get old fast, answer me how many times after one of these 'considering' statements has the end results been not to do it, never.
Aly Rustom
What's the difference? what does that even mean??
With all those handouts going on, you'd think we're in the midst of a world-changing event or something. Like a pandemic for example.
Yes I will be doing all that actually.
Are you really still stuck up on my comment from another topic?
The mayor has asked us to support essential workers such as hospital staff, cops, single parents, and others.
We have been doing this during the infection surges since last summer.
We will not close at this time, and we ask those who can, to stay home.
I am not in the government and do not male policies. Whats your point?
SOE ...State Of Eternity...:(
Sven Asai
Anything you want, but quickly open up my favorite yakitoriya, you crazy morons.
So you went from complaining about the actions taken against the virus by Japan in one post, to claiming you haven't noticed any actions being taken against the virus in the very next. You're all over the place.
To make things fare, coffee and tea should be allowed as well. If we can’t have a beer with lunch, we’ll, stop the coffee and tea!
Water only for the masses.
Not be allowed. I made a typing error. Stop coffee and tea. They contain caffeine and make people chatty, hyper, and talkative.
Hit the like button
ya think?
but Japan has the lowest death rate in the world and has provided free of charge life saving jabs. Not bad for
corrupt and clueless and driven solely by money and the autumn election leaders.
Hit the like button
Smart move. Japan has done a great Japan dealing with Covid 19. The cases are trending downward, vaccination rates are up, and the economy is strong and everyone who wants a job has a job. Good job team Japan and well done J government.
Do it until year end. And do a proper lockdown. Because they clearly work. Even for all the new variants
Death rate per capita in Japan not very high. Isnt that a pretty good indication of something being done right?
Do not change a winning / losing (choose the one you like) government.
But honestly, don't you think that:
a population that has the opportunity to choose who will form the government deserves what happens to it ?
Aly Rustom
No it doesn't.
See for yourself...
COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory - Wikipedia
Like gintonic has already said-
When no one’s listening anyways and there are no actual rules, who cares?
Normal Japan:
Takashi-san goes to watch a football match with 5,000 fans at 6pm, has dinner at 8pm at a restaurant with a couple of friends and orders a beer, goes home. Wakes up next day and takes the crowded train to the office.
Quasi state of emergency Japan:
Takashi-san goes to watch a football match with 5,000 fans at 6pm, slurps a bowl of ramen in 15 minutes with his friends before the shop closes, buys a beer at 7/11, goes home. Wakes up next day and takes the crowded train to the office.
State of emergency Japan:
Takashi-san goes to watch a football match with 5,000 fans at 6pm, goes to 7/11 to buy a bento and a beer with his friends, goes home. Wakes up next day and takes the crowded train to the office.
I am grateful the government stopped Takashi-san from taking useless risks.
I still wonder why the competent, honest and lucid government of Japan decided that in order to stop the spread of the virus it was necessary to close food places at 8 p.m. and prohibit the consumption of alcohol. Does anyone have a logical, sane, and understandable explanation to ordinary people?
I went to the doctor. He said I wish sick and needed three days to recover.
I was still sick theee days later and he extended my recovery time three more days.
I was still sick theee days later and he extended my recovery time three more days.
I was still sick theee days later and he extended my recovery time three more days.
I was still sick theee days later and he extended my recovery time three more days.
How worthless is this scheduled end time when they have no clue? WTF is the idea of scheduled end dates every single time?
Sometimes Japan drives me nuts!!!
Jooban Dude
The people need to put a stop to this.
I live in one of these areas, and the public high schools and under are open. It doesn’t make any sense. They should’ve extended the summer vacation or gone online.
PM Suga on 2 August...
"We will conduct antivirus measures to make this declaration the last extension of the (COVID-19) emergency."
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
To report something that hasn't happened yet and still considering if it will happen and announcing the possible state of emergency is kinda humorous .
Is this really news ?
Difficult to take seriously at any rate.
State of emergency ? Whats that ?
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
A schedule to end an emergency that never happened
Sheikh Yerboaby
should just be called "The states of not having fun but continue to work you serfs".......bit of a mouthful though
Sheikh Yerboaby
Japan Politics 101
I wonder if the Olympics were really worth it?
Beer makes people mellow and complacent. Tea and coffee with high caffeine content makes people hyper, active and naturally high, which leads to talkative, mind sharing ideas, with masks torn off and shoveling in cake and cookies and scones.
I guess the caffeine hyper drinkers think they are special and can gather for hours at a time, loud, boisterous and often rude, but their poor poor husbands that wand a short glass of beer with their lunch are destined to being told they are selfish.
What gives?
Declare coffee, tea and cola also as off limits then I will agree with this no alcohol bit.
highly funny term ' state of emergency ' it has nothing to do with stop spreading corona except to earn more revenue from different way by govt. 1 of the most charming way to finish highway 30 % toll at peak hours.This is in favor of Govt. to cut pockets of general people instead of giving relief.
To cut short the timing of restaurants & other other public facilities caused more spread of virus. Because it create more rush than before timing.
I am surprise that shortening the time of eateries, finish the 30% of toll, opening the schools r direct links to spread the corona virus, but other ll games & events going on have no links with corona virus.
All restrictions r only implemented in strict LOCK DOWN.
These Japanese states of 'emergency' are like buckets with gaping holes on the sides.
The government ensures that the number of deaths by suicide will be higher than the number of deaths by Covid!
State of Emergencies without end are only impacting the economy and there is little or no aid for many
Ricky Kaminski13
At some point we all must realize that government is not for the people, by the people. It’s a clique of elites that think they know better, and spend their oh so important time either scratching each other’s bums or betraying each other.
Once we truly recognize that we can’t look to some govt. or system to save nor protect us, and that survival is all completely on you, things get streamlined, simple and much easier.
In that sense Japan is the perfect place to realize self reliance!
Why don’t they just say Jan 10, 2022?
not like anything will be allowed for end of year/new year either.
Well, our latest surge started and ended in the middle of a FULL state of emergency, packed trains, full cafes and all. Whatever the government tries to do to control the virus is essentially meaningless.
@thepersoniamnow. I’m not “stuck” or “hung up” if you’re good and weren’t unintentionally offended by the other thread. - You’ve seen the explanation for the idiom @7:44am and understand the context here and previously so, I’m good.
“Yes I will be doing all that actually. The mayor has asked us to support essential workers such as hospital staff, cops, single parents, and others. We have been doing this during the infection surges since last summer.We will not close at this time, and we ask those who can, to stay home. I am not in the government and do not male policies. Whats your point?” -
“Best Wishes” to You and ALL other small business owners on surviving these relentless SOE’s. -Strangerland
You're right, the doctor should have just told you to stay home for three-months up front, to ensure that you weren't sick anymore, and saved you all those trips to the doctor. That would be better, right?
While the government considers extending by 2 weeks a state of emergency, the pandemic will rage unchecked.
How much of Japan's resources have been wasted already by these fools who spend time debating ineffective measures?
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Definitely stuck and hung up just like the state of emergency.