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© KYODOGov't plans lifting alcohol ban even under state of emergency
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Is coronavirus, a nocturnal Predator that only comes out after 8 PM (not a minute earlier,) about to change its patterns of behavior as to allow us enjoy our drinks again?
Ah, yes, November. it must be going into hibernation as winter approaches?
Does that mean I dont need to use a brown bag anymore?
Love this classic photo, like out of somewhere in South America!! South east Asia!! or even Africa, Nice shot.
Yes, why not, serve it and let the people enjoy what's left of their normal daily routines.
So essentially the "plan" is:
"Hey guys, our watered down SOEs don't really seem to do much, so let's just water them down some more!"
I know we all need some normality back in our lives. Vaccination started back in the spring and we are now as 47.1% fully vaccinated. It will be amazing if the other half of the population is fully vaccinated in the next 2 to 3 months.
I hope they are not publicising these plans are some sort of election strategy. After all the hardest half of the population is yet to be vaccinated. People have already found it difficult to get time off work for vaccinations.
Some predict the 21st century will be the century of pandemics. Anyway, it is not ending soon. We have to learn to live with pandemics.
Anyway that was the most stupid prevention the world have ever seen.
It was only stupid because it wasn't enforceable. Of course sars2 is spreading in bars.
So they are relying solely on vaccinations.
Probably because this re-opening "plan" is based on the research report released 2 days ago by Japan's National Institute of Infectious Diseases which shows that the vaccines have 95% efficacy against the virus.
But this silver-bullet study, on which these all re-opening policies are based, was done before Delta (and Lamda, and now Mu) had taken hold in Japan, and we all know that the 90+% efficacy claims are no longer valid.
Current studies from several other countries puts vaccine efficacy against the now universally dominant Delta at 50-60% (or lower), hence the rush for booster shots.
But just like how Japan ignored the foreign vaccine data done abroad last winter and therefore delayed vaccine approval for several extra months (which caused the country be in its current mess), they will certainly ignore the latest foreign research regarding Delta, and then be scratching their heads this January in the midsts of another "Go To" program as to why so many vaccinated people are still contracting the virus.
For info on the glowing 95% vaccine efficacy report from 2 days ago, see here:
I'll drink to that! Cheers ya'll !
Then why was I drinking beers at my local izakaya until 11pm last night? Idiots.
Flippling flaccid flops.
Albert DeFilippo
How can the majority of the population ignore his requests to stay home and take precautions and then blame him for doing a terrible job? Even companies are still sending their staff on unnecessary business trips.
And as I've stated in the past, I am not fond of the guy but ....
Good! Let's get back to normal already.
Alan Bogglesworth
It's probably ideal Suga quits today beore doing too much more damage.
Now it’s been proved that the vaccines do not necessarily prevent infection, there’s no point in banning alcohol in bars and restaurants any longer. The government should lift the alcohol ban right away.
Let's get back to normal, provided everyone has been vaccinated all will be good.
Alfie Noakes
Criminally irresponsible. Half the people I know haven't even had their first shot yet. First the LDP spread coronavirus all over Japan with that insane Go To Travel campaign, then they put the Olympics ahead of the public health and now this. It's beyond belief.
They should allow alcohol to be served and restaurants/bars to be open past 8:00.
Force places to have spacing between seats/customers and good ventilation.
They shouldn't restart the GoTo campaign. Only promote intra-prefectural travel.
Increase the speed of vaccinations further and open up more mass vaccination sites.
Spot on has nothing to do with covid.
I assume your income hasn't been affected. How about you take a third of your income and send it to people you want to shut out of business? It's only fair.
Ideally an open air, spacious and well ventilated izekaya is desired. Unfortunately that is not what most are here. I feel bad for counter bars as it will be hard for them to implement anti covid measures.
"Only if countermeasures are taken to prevent infection" this is most likely health passes. Once they reach a critical mass of vaccinated people, the resistance will be low enough to push it through. "You wanna drink at this bar? Show us your papers."
I look forward to long overdue beers at Torikizoku soon!!!
Mr Kipling
No, but the correlation between alcohol consumption and positive cases in Japan is huge.The majority of known transmissions are from people in close contact sitting across from each other without masks. Most Japanese workers work late so by having the 8:00 pm cut off the authorities essentially ban drinking parties without actually banning drinking parties
Yudai Fukuyo
Here’s an idea. If the government is going to start up another subsidy program, they should consider the Uber Eats type businesses. This would probably keep more people at home and also attract more business for the restaurant industry.
Excellent comment,this is exactly what I am keep saying.
Oh and on the top of that we all do very well that the Covid in Japan is polite.
It can hit people in restaurants and Karaoke but it won’t show inside crowded subways and trains.
The J-government “logic” as it’s best.
Sven Asai
That’s not for us, they miss their restaurants and nightlife much more. lol
Izak Schipper
After this ban, it's time to lift entry ban on buisness travel and international students.
Ease the alcohol restrictions. COVID still doesn’t stop.
Now can blame alcohol for COVID not stopping. Diabolical plan.
I travel around Japan monthly or so , so bring back GoToTravel. I spend it all . Hip hip hooray!
The problem isn't that places were being banned (but did it anyway) from serving alcohol due to insufficient measures taken -- many took more than the basic steps required -- it's that no sufficient measures were spelled out by the government that were effective, and nothing done if people didn't follow. So, they just blamed it all on alcohol, as though that would allow all other steps (if any) be ignored and restaurants be open without taking them. There is no common sense legislation, and THAT is the problem. So, yeah, while allowing restaurants to serve alcohol again likely won't exacerbate the problem, the problem will still be there because no good steps have been taken to begin with. It's just more lip-service. I mean, come on... tell me... how is this a State of Emergency, really?
Alfie Noakes
I've lost around 25% of my income over the last 2 years, thank you very much. It's the criminal corruption and incompetence of the money-obsessed third-raters running this country that has led to this current situation, and it's their deliberate ignoring of medical advice which will spread the new variants all over the country, variants that can kill even the vaccinated.
Let the hysterical hypochondriacs stay at home. Let the well-adjusted continue to live life.
Alfie Noakes
I was told last week by someone in the tourism business that all the transport work for the Paralympics was doled out to Nikai-friendly companies, funded by tax-payer money of course.
Am happy to see this. I lost no money since Covid started. I have accumulated more even though trying like crazy to spend at mom and pop delicious restaurants, passing out ¥10,000 notes to homeless, and just trying to make things normal.
I have walked into coffee shops only to quickly leave when hearing the loud chatter from maskless women complaining about their husbands, although spending their money. I find it much more of a contaminated environment than walking into an Akachochin for a beer and seeing some guy eating a few sticks of yakitori, finishing his beer and going home. 35 minutes?
Good to open up places for beer, but do not put QR code entrance machines for those vaccinated and those not. I have some family members that no way would their doctors let them get vaccinated due to severe autoimmune diseases.
I am
fully vaccinated and have a severe autoimmune eye issue. I took a chance. I am fine!
You obviously cannot read Japanese. It is a Japanese place and open for business.
MarkToday 06:59 am JST
Love this classic photo, like out of somewhere in South America!! South east Asia!! or even Africa, Nice shot
"I was told last week"
How disconnected from the field situation are the national government???? Tokyo if lucky will only have spots for maybe 100,000 people under the age of 39. Most cities and wards still offers ZERO access to vaccines to its population under age of 39, and they will be shutting down in November WITHOUT providing us with access to vaccine appointment. Vaccines are being offered by lottery at the moment, what kind of delusion are they living in??? I would be shocked if even 20% of young people can get vaccinated by end of November.
Iron Lad
This guy is the most dangerous, he's practically an american stooge and he's the youngest.
He must NOT win.
Japan welcomes back Alcoholism. All bars please open up! please open up!
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
The government aims to release the plan in the near future?
These announcements are irritating!
Thorough counter measures taken ?
Goodness gracious !!
First we got the government to listen to and then all the people wanna argue if meeting in public spreads the virus.
Japan needs leadership !
Mr Kipling
Traveling on trains in silence while wearing a mask has NOT been shown to be a major route of transmission.
Sitting across from someone talking in aloud voice while eating HAS....
They didn't just go after bars and Karaoke without good reason..they have solid, reliable data supporting this.
I don't particularly like bars shutting but at least I understand the reasons behind it.
About bloody time!
Source please!
Hi Kipling! What about coffee shops and restaurants with middle aged ladies chatting for hours loudly hyperactive due to massive amounts of caffeine for hours on end?
Don’t you think they spread more droplets of virus loads than their husbands who stops for ramen and a cold beer during his grueling commute home because he knows he will not get a meal when he gets home because his spouse is too tired from a long day at the cafe with friends?
I went to an izakaya a few weeks ago and, although there were checks at the door, the behavior of the people inside the place was scary. The screens were avoided, and people were talking a mile a minute, literally yelling to each other across the tables - or walking around the tables to kampai and chit chat with everyone. It was positively bacchanalian. I was unvaccinated then, so drank my drink and left.
on a lighter note, I’ve been giving out ¥100,000 bills to the homeless and donating unneeded organs to them when requested. Honestly.
If you get worked up about alcohol being stopped at 8pm, you may need to see a specialist about that.
Govt truly signaling a virtuous intent “for the People’. - Similarly @bltvzpk 1:07p, the humble, lack of selfishness and remarkable humanitarianism never go unnoticed. - Please continue your good work to “make things normal again”.
Three cheers: “Goodness! Gracious! Hip hop Hurray!” - Well done, sir*s.** *
Yeah, apparently it changed its mind. Biology is amazing!
When is a ban not a ban?
When it’s in Japan.
I have recent pictures of friends enjoying themselves, with drinks in hand-every night…
Some very good izakaya in my area, and I hope they survive, but in the meantime, even though twice vaccinated now, I'll have my brew at home, thanks.
The stupidity continues…
All those people happy not losing money and telling businesses to stop serving alcohol and no restaurants open after 8 etc YOU stay home with your two covid vaccine jabs and your Uber Eats and let the people who want to see friends for a quiet drink in an izakaya of our choice go about our lives!
Thanks very much !!
My Bad Before. I wrote ¥10,000 notes but meant ¥1000. Sorry. I think I would be followed home if I gave out ¥10,000 LOL.
But anyway, glad to see the majority responding well to this possible considered contemplating the change to go into effect.
Try suggesting that if anyone gets loud, they will be requested to leave in restaurants as well as coffee shops to keep things even, and check the ID of young-looking drinkers. So many of them are kids, but then again, kids serve alcohol at many establishments as well.
They need to allow all bars and restaurants to open now, with precautions.
Use subsidy money to focus on vaccinations. Announcing now, that they may allow bars etc to open in 2 or 3 months is ridiculous even for the inept government.