Japan Today

Hiroshima marks 3rd anniversary of deadly landslides


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There is a case to be answered here!

Building on sub standard soil has caused loss of life.

Greed and the profit motive have replaced common sense .....

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You don't have to be a Structural Engineer to look at where all kinds of building are already standing and know they should NEVER have been built.

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The torrential rains started around 1:30am and lasted for three hours before a warning was given to these residents.

The rain started approximately 4 hours or so before 1:30am. I was standing outside in awe of the amount of lightning that was occurring at that time. It looked spectacular and lasted for several hours. Little did I know that while I was in awe, people were losing their lives. Mother Nature is scary. May they all R.I.P.

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I agree with Mister Smith again! There needs to be a proper warning system.

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Hiroshima has the highest amounts of areas deemed dangerous in all of Japan. In this particular area, too many houses were built on what was known to be fragile mountain soil. The torrential rains started around 1:30am and lasted for three hours before a warning was given to these residents.

Many if not most of these needless deaths could have been avoided. Houses can't be allowed to be built where mudslides are likely and government officials need to follow the protocols put in place to warn citizens about life-threatening emergencies like this.

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Agree with Ron. A lot of this could have been prevented though had they been given proper warnings. It's a shame it took so many lives to get the system to look at it with a little more care

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So sad losing loved ones

Very good to see those remembering their lost friends and partners

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