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© KYODOJR East to run special train for cycling enthusiasts
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Dango bong
catering to a small group of "enthusiasts" who probably don't have much money is not good business.
Ahh, once again a JT poster who knows more about a business' business than the business itself knows.
That said, I wonder wherever you got the above idea - the cyclists I know in Japan are mostly middle to upper-class people with a good income. Bikes are expensive, particularly the avid ones. Are you thinking of mothers on their mama charis or something?
Foldable bike in bag... that's the Norm in Japan on trains, otherwise... just cycle where you're going to.
Actually, on 2nd thoughts, if you're really keen and know how to assemble a bike, then you can put any Bike in a bag..... :-D
FYI. the woman in the pic. is riding a bike that costs between 700,000-1,000,000 yen. And from the looks of her, that's just a kid with too much money to spend.
Alex Einz
so many experts here that know nothing about what they talk about.
Never been to Boso so not sure how much of a cycling destination it is, but bike space is definitely needed on most semi / long distance trains ( like everywhere in the world ) , btw the woman in the pic looks fine as enthusiast and definitely dont seem that rich.. Cervelo s2 is low to mid level bike and only cost about 2000usd at best...
That said, nobody needs them posts or locks... just make enough ample space to put bike in a bike bag without it falling around ,charge 1000Y for the space and you accomplished all anyone ever needed.
Just a user
The woman works for JR, I saw them do the same demo at CycleMode earlier this year on a stage setup like the inside of the train. The idea was show that anyone can use the bike rack.
Toasted Heretic
Boso is a beautiful place and is great for cycling, as are places like Okutama. This is a great idea. Get out there and see Japan!
I wish that bikes didn't cost so much, but oh well, they do. Dango Bong, you are just plain wrong. Go price a bike sometime and not in a mamachari shop. There are more 'real' cyclists that you think out there.
About time they do this on trains, but I wish they did this in Tokyo as well going out towards the west and on all trains during non-peak hours by having 4-6 hooks for bikes just like Max does in Portland. They don't need such an extreme contraption to make it work. But wow, 99 bikes. That is cool. It'll probably be filled mostly with Ojisans. Its sad that mostly the older generation only has time to cycle, although I saw plenty of younger cyclists this weekend out at Bike Lore.
As other posters have said, this could be solved more cheaply using bike bags, rinkou bukuro.
Just provide more space on trains, which would help other passengers, such as wheelchair users too, and let people who ride expresses borrow a bike bag for a nominal fee like 100 yen. All roadies and mtbers know (or should know) how remove a wheel. This would be much easier to roll out in other areas than having specially adapted rolling stock that sits unused in a yard 95% of the time waiting for people to reserve it five days in advance.
(I bet the taxpayer is funding this through some regional promotion fund)
I'm guessing one of the directors of this project is a cycling enthusiast. It's a shame he's not a surfer because there are far more surfers travelling to Boso and needing specialised trains to accommodate their boards. The maximum length for a surfboard allowed on a train is 2 meters, which only accommodates a few surfers.
Minami-Boso is incredible for cycling.
Another way to get down there is to take the ferry from Kurihama, in Miura, over to Chiba, and then down to Tateyama, or, to a station on east coast using the Uchibo line. Just put your bike in a bag.
I dunno, 6,500 sounds a bit steep for a service which just allows bikers bring bikes w/o bags on the train. Especially considering you'd need a bag to ride the train to get go Ryogoku. So, how will people get their bikes to Ryogoku station without a bag?
catering to a small group of "enthusiasts" who probably don't have much money is not good business.
People with bicycles have wallets - often full of extra cash that they've saved not driving.
A lot of the money that would have been wasted driving - on tolls , gas, parking etc can, instead, be spent at local businesses(small businesses especially- restaurants, cafes, ryokan) all along the route. Supporting cycling is a great way to support local economies removed from the places where tourist dollars are usually spent.
uhhhhh...they could ride their bikes?!
same price as a rental car with two bikes and 2-4 people, a bbq and a tent.
Plus the ¥5,000 for the highway.
Or just put your bike in a bag. Much simpler, half the cost, and cheaper. If JR can make a buck with it, more power to them, just seems like finding a solution to a non-existing problem.
Jonathan Prin
I would never get this idea to go away with my bike on a long ride train. Just live where you can ride around for free.
Is it forbidden to just take your bike in a train on non peak hours ? (Sorry I am ignorant on that topic)
Alex Einz
nope,as long as you have the wheels and gears covered you can take it on most trains...
tbh only metro might ask you to remove one wheel , but on JR even that aint needed.
So the above is a "solution" to mostly non existing problem....
Alex Einz
on rush hour... well do you really want to stick ur bike in the train in rush hour...?
that said i frequently had two bikes with me around 8pm on a friday yamanote when on way to the islands and there was never a single issue
Why Japanese administration hate bikes? Between the wheel, internet and bikes, these are the best inventions in our time, bikes are good for health.
I live already in Chiba and won't take that train but it is a good idea and can be popular for cycling enthousiastes from Tokyo where there are no cycling roads in my opinion, though the ticket is too expensive.
Cyclists have money for their bikes but not for transportation, and that's my case actually.
The train is only for 99 persons so it will work for a while but at the end of the day, true cyclists will travel with their bikes in a bag to save money and rather put it on some cycling parts or whatever
I have two bikes one aluminum one carbon slightly expensive. I do not think I would like to put my carbon bike in that racks. I guess the system has been made not to damage the frame by contact during transportation
Cool I hate using bike bags and it saves a lot of time!!
This is really needed. Although I take the Kurihama ferry to Kanaya and then ride to the Boso area, it is nice to see someone start doing this. Hopefully, one day i can carry my road bicycle with me on any train.
Jaques Connard
Japan has the best train systems in the world... until it comes to this. JR needs to learn from Europe about bicycle usage. In Germany, many trains have space for bicycles. Roll your bicycle through the station and on to the train. No special ticket and no additional fee.
JR could have a single car out of the 10 ~ 14 cars of a unit... maybe two trains per hour on certain lines. This needs to happen before the 2020 Olympics. And, not just in Tokyo... throughout Japan.
Hey, when you're already ¥300 billion in debt like JR East is, what's another whatever this costs?
You really can disassemble a normal touring bike to fit in a bag within 30 minutes, Quick release wheel skewers, frame size around 26" fits into a carry on bag, handlebars can be undone and slipped into the same bag. If you have the tools, stripping a bike down to be placed into a bag, isn't a big deal. I've done it quite easily many times, and if you hands get oily, just use some WD40 to clean them followed by soap in a public toilet, easy. So for all those who disbelieve... no hair off my chest, you've just wasted 6K. :-D
It costs at least 2500 yen each way to get down there already, so, for a little more you can save some time by not having to deal with the hassle of breaking down the bike - and you get a seat - you don't have to stand next to it the entire time.
Chiba is good for cycling. I've done a fair amount around Oami-shirasato and south. The service seems rather pricey. I've always bagged my cycle and used regular trains. Unless you live close enough to Ryogoku (my case) to cycle there, you're going to have to bag your bike anyway so I can't see what the appeal of this train is.
Anyway, stripping down and reassembling your bike is really quite quick, and also ensures that you know its in good working order, and also have with you, the tools to address the basic issues that may arise upon a touring event. I'd really recommend the exercise, and also you know, that it's going to work properly before any event, rather than simply assuming everything is still as you left it....
But I see your point. It's just a matter of $ and personal preference.
Added benefit... you're not restricted to any route or set time.