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© KYODOJapan's daily coronavirus cases top 1,000 for 1st time; Iwate reports first cases
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Another day. We're treading water. Who knows what August and beyond will bring?
July 28th was the highest number of recorded infections in Japan so far - 981.
They should also report on the flat fatality "curve" since late May.
Let's keep things in perspective and not try to scare everyone.
Yes @HAMBURGER. Another day when we have to get on with life as best as possible. Masks. Soap and Water. Staying out of crowded places. Just being sensible. I imagine August will bring more of the same if not more numbers wise. If you want to waste away you time and life calling for lockdown, then go ahead. I totally respect those who wish to exercise a self imposed lockdown. You are NOT going to get one from the Government
It actually tied the previous record high day of July 23rd. Both had 981.
But today is also looking to be pretty hight too....
That is exactly what the Mayor of NYC said and we all know what happened!
Professor Kamikubo of Kyoto University said on TV today, there will be no 2nd wave coming. 90% of Japanese have immunity. Testing does not have meaning. Many will be found positive but they do not become serious. He said the virus infected most of the Japanese in the early stages of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Jan. to March or April. He said there is no problem people pass normal a life.
I stopped reading at this point. Nonsense with no fact or basis.
Mu wife was tested last week or so and didn’t have antibodies. Maybe I do not as I am asymptomatic and therefore cannot get a test.
There is no way of knowing-80% Is a meaningless figure....
Its good that death rate isn’t increasing badly.
please wear mask for you and others.
Stay safe all. Don’t be fooled by the controlled reported numbers. It’s worse than you think.
Hey JT, where do you get your data?
The official number yesterday was 981. Tied for the record of July 23rd. (time to revise this false article for a 3rd time....)
The Japanese government gives their official stats here:
NHK also reports this here:
Anyway, today is now set to be a new record high. NHK reporting its already 1002. First day over a thousand. And possibly more reports of extra cases for the day to still come....
Osaka and Aichi seem to be the new hotspots. I wonder if this is the result of the Go To travel campaign. I still can't figure out why Iwate Prefecture hasn't reported one case.
As Reckless says. Osaka just started testing properly, that's all. And Tokyo took a testing holiday.
The 90% immunity claim is irresponsible as it gives a false sense of security. Whether right or wrong I do not know. But If you assume a 3% mortality, that still leaves about 360,000 death for the remaining 10% of the population.
Wait until next month obon when the masses go home.
Wonder if the increase around Japan was from Go To campaign.
Its been widely reported that the people of Iwate are all afraid to the the "first one" and break their lack of virus streak.
Accordingly, hardly anyone gets tested there. Some days its 25 or 30 tests, other days its zero. The average over the past several weeks has been a whopping 15 tests per day (and probably mosty doctors as well).
You can find individual prefecture stats in English here:
Cases rise, cases fall...cases rise again, cases fall again...
This will go on until a vaccine is found.
You have 3 options;
Live your life as usual as the Virus doesnt exist.
Live your life, but do your personal best prevention like wearing mask, washing hands, use sanitizer, keep social distance where it is possible.
Do your own private lockdown in your house or appartement.Everyone is free to choose their own option.
And by the way, posts like: let us wait until after Obon or go to travel campaign, these kind of posts exists here already since 8 months. Wait until school is open, wait until after cherry blossom, wait until after golden week....Puh...
Never anything serious happened.
I am so tired of this kind of posts!
But like I said before, many people here wish the numbers to increase. Only then they are happy.
I don't follow the press conferences live so not sure how the data is presented, however, if the sentiment is supposed to be “it's mainly young folk so it's not a biggie,” I'd be very careful with such way of thinking.
There are studies being published claiming there are various related health issues that may affect even young and/or otherwise fairly healthy individuals infected with the virus. There are still many unknowns about this virus so it's definitely not ok even if those infected are mainly young people.
Raw Beer
Worse? If you are talking about cases, yeah, it's probably much higher. But in terms of risk, no, this thing is so much milder than initially reported.
... you would be wrong. The mortality is clearly much lower than 1%.
I agree, but since a truly safe vaccine will likely never arrive, I think there is a 4th option:
Stay healthy, boost your immunity, so that when you do eventually get it, you'll get over it with no problem.
Tokyo reproduction number: 1.22 deaths: 0
Osaka repro number: 1.46
Deaths: 1
Christopher Glen
“Tokyo Gov Yuriko Koike said that of the total, 160 were aged in their 20s and 30s, or about 60%.” And the vast majority showing no symptoms or not sick at all. Enough fear mongering
The government clearly aren't concerned
and as long are deaths are low I don't worry either.
Iwate just reported its first 2 cases.
Looks like Japan is on track to reach about 1,100 new cases today, with new records in several prefectures..
And don't forget, the government still wants you to Go To Travel....
All these numbers without the number of pcr tests performed are of little importance, you don't need to be a genius to know the numbers we are being drip-fed need adding a zero. The number of test are embarrassingly low hence the low numbers.
Bruce Chatwin
Professor Kamikubo? The oncologist?
The more positive tests rise, the more obvious death is unlikely, as the death number is nudging up so slowly.
It could ultimately go below 1% fatality rate.. Even high risk groups going through it with nothing very serious.
This should be seen as good news, not bad! We had to find this out, and now we’re finding it out. Take the attitude, I don’t want it but I won’t be afraid to go out and live my life.
Looks to now be 1200+ today, so far. Totally eclipsing the previous record (reached again just yesterday) by 25%.
Curious to see the gov's reaction and how they handle questions about Go To Travel.
The official numbers have it at 33,113 infected and 1001 deaths which is exactly 3%.
The more people get tested positive while deaths remain low will show a death rate much lower than 3% I’m sure.
How stupid can the government be? I mean ban all foreigners from entry, but at the same time encourage japanese to travel within the nation, to be sure to distribute the virus in all corners and remote regions of Japan?
That doesn't make sense in the slightest...
The mortality rate for 60+ is around 19%. Germany has 15 which is doing post mortem testing for corona. So I can't really get your conclusion.
I spoke too soon about Iwate before. They have just reported their first two cases.
Shubhansh Agrawal
This information is not needed, it only makes people care lesser, making them think that the virus is well under control and nothing to worry about, but actually it is the contrary.
In the recent surge in cases in Japan (1000s), deaths are around 15 in that month long period. They’re not dying. Even age+underlying conditions. If your stats were real, there would be more deaths by now.
Iwate on the board with two cases today.
Raw Beer
But nobody believes the official infection rate is the true infection rate. In large scale screening in the US and Europe, where they checked for antibodies, they found that those who were infected were much higher that initially thought, bringing the death rate (if I recall correctly) somewhere between 0.1 - 0.6%.
Remember JT in the run up to the Olympics, before it was postponed, not a peep of a COVID-19 issue, but now? LOL. Dear me. How obvious? Very.
If the govt did both at actually the same time then it wouldn't make sense.
But I'm think the govt banned all foreigners same time other govts banned foreigners also.
And now they're encouraging travel same time others are allowing travel domestically also.
Not that I approve of the go to travel scheme at this time.
"GO TO"...Kansai, pick up some corona and bring it all back home to IWATE. Duh! And the clowns who thought that one up owe us a DOGEZABE while we all facepalm and batten down the hatches for 6 more weeks of covid groundhog days.
The more every country opens up to try and save the economy, the more the infection cases increase. Implementing this Go To Travel campaign to increase travelers (and potential spread) at this time is simply stupid. Just like the masks.
We should all be careful, but at the same time also be aware that you and many other people here have been doing the same fear-mongering for about 6 months straight now, and we still don't have the explosion of deaths.
Any guess on how much daily cases are necessary for the government to take any concrete actions such as delaying the Go to Eat campaign?
My bet is that it would need to reach at minimum 20,000 cases daily for the national government to even admit there's any spread. I can already see Suga or Nishimura having a press briefing again soon saying "There's no community transmission in Japan", "no problems with medical resources", etc.
But the Go To campaign is not scheduled to end until Jan. of 2021, so I highly doubt they would do much before then.
Christopher Glen
“It’s worse than you think”.
Yes it is. People living on a diet of force-fed daily fear
Kay Bow
That claim that 90% of people in Japan are immune and that the majority of people was already infected is NOT supported by the scientific evidence, such as antibody tests conducted by the government. Even in the US where the pandemic has been hitting much harder, only about 1% of Americans have tested positive, with CDC estimating the actual number of exposed to be 10x greater. That means approx. 10% of the US has been exposed...
In mid-June in Japan, the antibody study found only about 0.1 to 0.3% of the population (depending on prefecture) was estimated to have been exposed to and recovered from COVID19 (even unknowingly) based on testing a representative sample of the population. Less than 1% of people in Japan has COVID19 antibodies...
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
Said it before and I'll say it again: COVID-19 is the WW1 moment of our century.
The timing of the Go To campaign was/is an own goal. Coupled with a reluctance to fully embrace a comprehensive methodology for a nation-wide policy to track, trace and isolate. The outlook appears to be ominous.
No, it's not. Or did you mean the Spanish Flu moment? Either way... no, it's not.
This is absolutely the worst part.
22 deaths from COVID in the month of July so far despite all the cases. In April Japan had that many in a day. Perspective people.
Infections are not relevant. The more you test, the more people you'll find that test positive, the vast majority asymptomatic, meaning they are already immune. Mortality is the only thing that matters, and those numbers are incredibly low. Remember, 99.5% survival rate.
We're already well beyond the peak and this year's coronavirus is on the way out. It behaved exactly like all corona-viruses in the past and lockdowns and mask-wearing have no impact on the pattern. Treatment is available with hydroxychloroquine. Just like for influenza, a successful vaccine will never be made.
Just relax and live your life. If you're scared, stay inside.
@Objective, it takes 3-4 weeks for people to die of coronavirus. If we've seen a spike in cases in July, don't expect to see a spike in deaths until August.
A German study found that 3/4ths of coronavirus patients (average age 49) had structural damage to their hearts two months after recovery. This disease is serious, so please take it seriously, everyone.