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Japan considers COVID-19 vaccination certificates for those traveling overseas
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Sven Asai
That’s very easy to announce and immediately practice now, no vaccinations - no issuing of certificates. ROFL
George Townes
Remember J-Gov this will be a two way street. You have to allow international travelers the ability to enter Japan if they prove they have been vaccinated.
That should speed vaccinations up here: block Japanese people from entering the U.S. and EU.
I was expecting that last month. Typical Japanese about-face. Tatemae 1 day, Honne the following.
I thought it would be a given now in the current climate to issue vaccination passports/certificates.
Pretty sure that’s where we’re headed down under.
Japan considers COVID-19 vaccination certificates for those traveling overseas
I really like that and if it will be really implemented international I would really appreciate that.
If business works normal, I am many times a year on a plane and I would really feel much safer if I know that everyone around me is vaccinated.
Paid leave is a worker's right. It is clearly written in the Labor Law.
No need to urge. Change your working culture to allow employee to freely take their days off without fair..... I know it is not easy to change and entrenched culture, but Japan Inc. can do it. it it has the will.
a vaccine passport that would permit international travel
I also appreciate that!
And I hope it will be mandatory for traveling.
Like I said in my post above:
I would really feel much safer if I know that everyone around me is vaccinated.
A bit rich coming from a country that has dilly dallied so much just a tiny fraction of the population has had only their first dose.
Brian Wheway
I think that Thailand is considering this move as well, once you have a book that shows that you have had both vaccines the chance that you will catch or transmit this virus is incredibly low. Thailands economy is highly dependent on tourism and at the minute its dead on its knees. so if youve had both jabs why should you not travel? it makes sense.
The decision cannot be unilaterally made without consent of the destination country. Means, Japan would have to accept international visitors holding vax passports.
Japan has lagged behind other countries such as the United States and Britain in its vaccine rollout amid a supply shortage due to production delays at Pfizer's factory and the European Union's export controls.
This is not the only reason Japan has lagged and so easy to blame the Europeans.
The question is when. The spring of 2030?
it's kinda pathetic the govt has to do this.
So no one can travel because of a medical condition experienced by 2% of the population? How typically Japanese.
I've carried a government-issued Vaccination Book since the late 1970s with details of vaccinations such as: cholera, meningitis, Tetanus, Rabies, Hepatitis B, polio and Yellow Fever typhoid.
Vaccine/ Batch Number/ Date of Admin/ Who administered it/ Where it was admininistered.
Used to need it to travel in some countries. Can't see a problem with one more.
The title implies that this would be a one-way thing for Japanese people to visit other countries? Just a badly written headline, or Kono's wishful thinking? Either way, other countries would never accept this unless it was reciprocal.
This decision was was only a question of when and not if.
Japan has been very slow because they wanted to be given rights to manufacture"Package" it in Japan.
Now gaijin and business people who had hopes of flying out soon will have to wait muuuucchh longer.
From the way it seems,we might not get out this year too after suffering last year due to the lockdowns.
Brace for more bad news.
So, we have people begging for compulsory vax passports for overseas travellers. It's like you're begging for an authoritarian nanny state, under the guise of the "common good." Never mind that the vast majority of people exposed to this virus didn't even know they've had it unless tested, and only a tiny fraction have become seriously ill and/or passed away from it. Now that vaccines are available, people who want it can get it if it makes you feel safer. But don't force your preference on everyone who doesn't need it. Just like the flu shot.
Wouldn't it be a better use of resources and protection of the legitimate right to refuse forced medication, for people who are worried about the virus to volunteer to be vaccinated, and those who do not want it to be left alone and free to move as before? After all, most of these vaccines are so good that people who take them are well protected, right?
News here today:
Sounds like you have to apply for the certificate well after you're inoculated. I'm going to assume this is going to require several hankos, a trip to the embassy, stamps, trip to the city hall, recent photo, certificate from the hospital where you got inoculated, doctor's hanko that inoculated you etc. What a nightmare!
Actually you can leave any time you want and if you have the proper paperwork you can even come back.
Ricky Sanchez
Sooo cool! It's like a participation award for all the losers!! I guess I will never have a certificate! No reason to travel to these countries who have a insane amount of COVID deaths/infections anyway.
@zichi: All excellent points. I think it is going to be VERY hard to make this mandatory. Especially the point zichi makes about 'which vaccine' Way too many variables and very open to fraud.
I will be having whatever Japan offers me though - Pfizer, AZ, Moderna..quite happily.
I still think it's bs that they can come to our countries but we can't go there.
Once again, banging my head against the virtual wall, in frustration at the BS coming from Kono and the government.
Ricky Sanchez
Agreed! I have not had the "flu" shot since 2017. Weird part is..I haven't had the flu either. Just like this COVID shot..haven't had COVID and not getting the shot either.
A bit of a "Black Mirror: Nosedive" feel to this. Careful what you wish for.
You know, it is really easy to implement, as it does already exists for the Yellow Fever for example. English is the language. Vaccines are the one recognized by the WHO. I am sure Chinese and Russian vaccines will be accepted for political reasons at least.
My concern is not to go fully digital. Nothing better than the paper. Phone batteries, or the phone itself can suddenly stop working.
That's good of them... we get given appointments, we don't need to make the appointments.
It will become a global way through the WHO. If an unique local way, it will also affects the Japanese citizens and go against Japan interests.
englisc aspyrgend
As a general principle I am not in favour of adding yet more controls on the individuals liberty, always for your best interest of course yet it still gives more power to the state and introduces “licences” for what you could freely do before.
By the time everyone has their 2nd vaccine and the certificates are set up to downloaded or on paper then I will be on my deathbed...
No need to hurry, take few more years to think.
What a joke !!!!
Very needed.
That's the sentence that stood out to me. Nothing here is done without America's permission or lead.
And yet nothing ever change from within in this country.
Their best recipe is never ending and inconclusive meetings with a good touch of xenophobia.
Only the combined pressure of the U.S. and E.U. (The west) might force them to change something just to save face.
Sister Jane
It's only getting started the tyranny will escalate, it may not be vaccine certificates, but they will force people to do things they do not want, control is the name of their game, with control comes all that the elites desire.
So disgusting these companies expect you to work unpaid overtime constantly and then so graciously advise that they won’t dock your pay for time off for the vax.
Hank standerford
Didn’t know gov offices work on Saturday and Sunday. Have the inoculation centers open 7 days a week. Then no problem with taking off work. That want this fixed, everyone will have to make some sacrifices. And I’m pretty sure what will come of it is that international airlines will require a vax doc to buy a ticket.
Having evidence of having been vaccinated really means nothing...vaccinated means the one vaccinated might not get the virus but one can still spread the virus since these are not sterilizing vaccines.
Thus having a ‘certificate’ really has no value in controlling this virus or any other!
Of course they'll blame this lame policy on the international community.
I recall one year ago predicting that such passports would come to be and being told by my more mainstream friends that I need not worry, and by my more rude friends that I was promoting conspiracy theories.
I'm fine with anyone who CHOOSES to get vaccinated against Covid-19. I just don't think it should be required to travel.
Or they'll realize that it's the only way to do things intelligently, along with the international community.
I'm fine with anyone who doesn't choose to get vaccinated against Covid. I'll enjoy not seeing them while I travel.
Once again we have a poster making inferences from what they've read, without realizing that they have made incorrect assumptions because they didn't bother to fact-check themselves.
To make the claim that the virus prevents one from spreading the virus, drug companies must first have proof that this is true. Otherwise it's an unproven claim. Making such an unproven claim would not only be morally objectionable, it could likely lead to liability.
In order to release the vaccine as soon as possible, testing on the vaccine was scaled down to a specific goal, for a specific test group. Primarily the tests were to determine if the vaccines were safe for non-pregnant adults without serious medical conditions. Testing whether the vaccine was effective on pregnant women, children, and those with serious conditions would have taken additional resources for testing, requiring additional time to go to market. As well, testing to see if the vaccines prevent transmission would have taken additional resources for testing, again, requiring additional time to go to market.
The poster above has concluded that the vaccines are "not sterilizing vaccines", and therefore do not prevent transmission of the virus. This is not something claimed by the drug companies. This is not something that had been tested when the vaccines were released, therefore no claims in regards to the matter were made. The poster has made this conclusion on their own, and as happens so often with posters who make angry opinions while not actually knowing what they're talking about, their assumptions are proven wrong:
this sounds like the best way to handle it, esp. if you're doing foreign business. CoVid is a global problem.
I sure hope so.
Why can we freely criticize every other industry but not big pharma and va((ines?
Science changes all the time, it is never settled!
Doctors used to recommend cigarettes! If facebook and instagram existed during that time, we would be banned for saying statements contradictory to the 'official narrative' of doctors, 'science' and big tabacco.
Doctors/media: 'The science is settled; Cigarettes are great for your health!'
Conspiracy theorists: 'Beware everyone, Cigarettes are causing cancer!'
FACT CHECKED and conspiracy theorists' opinion BANNED!
"CommonSenseToday 09:33 am JST
Why can we freely criticize every other industry but not big pharma and va((ines?
Science changes all the time, it is never settled!
Doctors used to recommend cigarettes! If facebook and instagram existed during that time, we would be banned for saying statements contradictory to the 'official narrative' of doctors, 'science' and big tabacco.
Doctors/media: 'The science is settled; Cigarettes are great for your health!'
Conspiracy theorists: 'Beware everyone, Cigarettes are causing cancer!'
FACT CHECKED and conspiracy theorists' opinion BANNED!
Agree. It becomes more obvious every day if not every second that this whole thing is a Fraud/Hoax that was Orchestrated by various World Governments and the Pharmaceutical Industry to make money, fear mongering and to take away freedoms in a subtle way. Really sad how this new normal is deemed okay by most. The reason is most are sheep, they believe what they are told and fail to question and/or formulate their own analysis. No one realizes how terrible this new normal is.
propaganda has begun!!!!!!!!
Why can we freely criticize every other industry but not big pharma and va((ines?
People criticize big pharma and vaccines every single day on this site. As well as all over the internet.
Soooo, just like every other country has already been doing? Ok, Japan. Can you guys, for once, just cut the crap? Make moves!
Brian Wheway
The UK has given out 24 million covid injections so far. and the death rate and the infection rate has plummeted.