Japan Today
A signboard for the coronavirus vaccination campaign is seen at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building in Tokyo. Image: Rodrigo Reyes Marin/Pool via AP/File

Japan halts use of 1.63 mil Moderna vaccine doses over contamination


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Stay Pfizer

-27 ( +16 / -43 )

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the company said they have yet to see any reports of safety concerns over the issue.

....well, apart from contaminants, but hey...

17 ( +27 / -10 )


And though new large scale CDC studies in the US puts the effectiveness of Moderna and Pfizer at 66% (and potentially as low as 53%), it's still better than nothing.



-42 ( +4 / -46 )

Unfortunately this will not help with any vaccine hesitancy some people had. But we need some more information about these contaminants. Was it only the vaccines sent to Japan that were contaminated, did other countries receive any of these vaccines? What have they said or done about it?

33 ( +37 / -4 )

And there is no way to remove them from your system.

If you completely ignore what are those contaminants obviously you don't have an idea if they can be removed from the body, not even if that is necessary. If the contaminants are excess lipids, precipitated salts, peptides, etc. etc. they are removed as easily as the rest that enter your bloodstream from breathing, eating and drinking them everyday.

22 ( +49 / -27 )

Those are just the doses that vaccination centers checked. You wonder how many of the doses administered throughout the world were contaminated and still administered. Yet, Moderna stock jumped today.

12 ( +21 / -9 )

No doubt people will freak out about the foreign material, and of course there should be concern until the substance is identified, but this should be put into perspective when we think about all the foreign substances that go into our bodies every day. There are the microplastics in food, air and water. There are the fragments for rat hairs and fecal matter in our flour. There is all the chemicals in the products we use or in the environment that are taken up and accumulated in our bodies, etc...

This is an unfortunate development and will make more people vaccine hesitant at a time when Japan needs to rapidly increase the vaccinate rate. Let's hope calmer heads will prevail. There are always recalls of some batches of a product.

10 ( +23 / -13 )

And there is no way to remove them from your system

Have you not heard of kidneys?

12 ( +33 / -21 )

Really poor article........as virusrex points out, it really matters what the contaminants are...and a competent journalist would either put that in the article or say why s/he didn't.......real cliffhanger!

Also, the writer reveals that "Meanwhile, the ministry revealed the lot numbers so that concerned individuals can check whether they may have received a potentially contaminated shot ," but can't be bothered to tell us how we can find that information......lazy, lazy, lazy!

24 ( +35 / -11 )

Everyday I put some kind of poison into my body by eating unhealthy food, drinking alcohol, taking medicines...whatever...

A little bit more or less doesn't really bother me.

I never lived a 100% healthy life.

But as more negative news are coming up about the vaccines, and currently many bad news about the vaccines coming up, more and more people will hesitate to take the vaccine.

Anyway, if it is a dangerous contamination, I guess we will never know what kind of contamination it is.

And that is good, because otherwise panic will break out.

7 ( +19 / -12 )

Also, the writer reveals that "Meanwhile, the ministry revealed the lot numbers so that concerned individuals can check whether they may have received a potentially contaminated shot ," but can't be bothered to tell us how we can find that information......lazy, lazy, lazy!

The lot number is given to people with their vaccination cards.

Maybe you should spent 2 cents worth of effort to realize this instead of being lazy.

10 ( +18 / -8 )

Got my second dose 2 weeks ago my second dose was From a lot was just over 400 lots before the lot grouping in the article.

If you are worried check your vouchers the batch numbers are clearly marked on the sticker.

Don't panic this happens and is usually nothing dangerous.

Other covid vaccines makers have had similar situations.

I had something similar about 15 years ago after receiving a Tetanus booster, hospital contacted to say the vaccine may have had a contamination of some sort.

Nothing happened, I was just fine.

10 ( +26 / -16 )

Phew ... mine was 3005***.

Not saying you shouldn't be worried, but for comparison, most people put a lot more foreign materials (smoking, alcohol, breathing air) in their body than two shots of vaccine would ever do.

6 ( +14 / -8 )

No worries, there's a solution to this problem. Remember this from our chief scientist, "So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light....and then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?" Thorough body cleansing suggestion from the orange rotorooter man.

-2 ( +13 / -15 )

Those are just the lots they randomly tested.

There is no indication the lots were "tested", and for that matter "randomly".

Please don't add made up info.

From the lack of info given, the "foreign contaminants" could have been physically seen floating in the vials.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

I second that. It's really not on what @Burning Bush has to say a lot of the time. We are in the middle of Pandemic that we will probably slow down if we can get a few more good vaccination days in between here and the end of September.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Does the foreign material direct your cells that usually only your body can make. Oh wait, that’s the mRNA shots.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

So the populace doesnt get to hearwhat these “foreign substances” were? Just that they were present?

I think that at times like now, when there is a lot of hesitancy and apprehension regarding shots, there should be more transparency.

17 ( +20 / -3 )

Another reason to be hesitant about taking this experimental vaccine!!

-10 ( +18 / -28 )

I was told by my doctor here in Japan to opt for Pfizer over Moderna if I had the choice. Glad I took his advice.

-4 ( +11 / -15 )

Perhaps the contaminants were visible and large and did not make it through the tiny needle hole?

3 ( +11 / -8 )

Does the foreign material direct your cells that usually only your body can make. Oh wait, that’s the mRNA shots.

It is painfully obvious from your comment that you know nothing about epidemiology or how common RNA viruses replicate.

-4 ( +12 / -16 )

All the Pharma CEOs last night got anonymous texts at like 3am ...... "They found some of the chips in Japan!" :P As another person stated, this won't help in the vaccine rollout.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Food regulation agencies for all governments around the world says that a certain amount of contamination is unavoidable in commercial food processing, so it allows for a small amount of "filth". The same is true for medicine production. This is why drink machines at fast food restaurants need to be cleaned regularly because overuse causes contaminants floating in drinks.

For the past 10 years, Japan residents have been arguing about the acceptable amount of nuclear contamination in their food from Fukushima. This is no different.

The contaminant can come from anywhere along the supply chain. We first need to know what the contaminant is and where the contaminant came from. It could come from a lower quality of source material because there is probably a shortage. It could be from the machines used to make the batch. The containers used to transport the vaccine. It could also come from the needles being used to administer the doses.

What it means is that Japan just squandered another supply vaccines. So, more willing people can not get vaccinated.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

39 vials were discovered with the problem. Company 'Rovi' in Spain is the source.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

@David Brent

I was told by my doctor here in Japan to opt for Pfizer over Moderna if I had the choice. Glad I took his advice.

Tell your doctor to talk th Israeli government who also chose Pfizer, and has seen infection increase tenfolds with the delta variant.

All research shows Moderna is the most effective. I am glad my two doses were Moderna, so does the US military because they got Moderna, too.

-6 ( +14 / -20 )

They weren't specific about the form of contamination. I wonder if this suspension is a cover for worries about adverse reactions.

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

Everyday I read about vaccine hesitancy in Japan but still find it impossible to get vaccinated myself because I can’t get a reservation. According to my city office they told me that next availability might be in October as all September slots are filled! I don’t think there is much hesitation amongst the Japanese to get vaccinated in comparison to the Americans. Maybe less than 5% of the population here are against Covid-19 vaccination. If there was a larger number of anti-vaxxers then it would have been easier to get vaccinated!

11 ( +17 / -6 )

They weren't specific about the form of contamination. I wonder if this suspension is a cover for worries about adverse reactions.

Movies and TV series make people believe all tests can be "rushed" to be ready inside an hour. In reality it can take days or weeks to actually identify something.

The most likely scenario is that the person preparing the vaccine noticed something out of the ordinary in the liquid, for example unusual bubbles, solids, precipitates, turbidity, etc. this is enough to consider the vaccine anomalous and "contaminated" even if it later it turns out it was just an excess of salts, lipids, a bad reconstitution process, small broken parts of the rubber cap of the vial, etc.

Assuming a cover-up because not everything is known immediately makes no sense. Specially because this is being openly reported.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

They weren't specific about the form of contamination. I wonder if this suspension is a cover for worries about adverse reactions.

This could be a ploy to push the less effective AZ. It could also be cover for wasting Moderna doses like what happened before. They could also be attempting to introduce a Japanese version to the market. LDP has been losing to COVID-19. They need to win the public over by developing a weaker J-version and putting money in their partners and supporters pockets with the added kickbacks.

Moderna is the most effective with the strongest side effects. It may also be the most expensive, and there could be a shortage.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

In the wake of this, what you will start hearing the most is "I'm gonna wait for the Japanese vaccine."

Enjoy your delta infection while you wait for a shot that will likely be as effective as a Chinese vaccine.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

This is not good, these pharmaceuticals can't make mistakes like this! News like this gives food to all those antivaxxres, they will use this as the reason for not vaccinating!

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

I got my second shot last week and the lot was among the 3 being recalled. I think before rushing to hasty conclusions or panicking, as Virusrex said, we just need to wait to know what type of contaminant it is. I would be surprised if the issue was only for Japan or if this type of problem was uncommon when dealing with massive vaccination programs. Let's just wait for the results. I am still happy I could get my 2 shots. The vaccine is quite effective and many people in Tokyo or Japan still haven't had the chance to get one shot due to supply shortage. With the spread of Delta and the rising risk of new variants I still think that vaccine is the best way.

6 ( +14 / -8 )

And where's the accountability?

Whoever was responsible for overseeing this should step down. This is incompetency displayed at a time when there's little to no room for mistakes.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

@Deane I totally disagree.

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

Is this a storage issue?

Does the heat/humidity of Japan not make the vaccine happy?

Have the vials been sitting around for such a long time that they just need a bit of jiggling about?

As said by others without some kind of indication of what the contamination actually is for all we know it might just be a colour change of no significance. Or it might be that the Spanish sent the bad batches to Japan much like Sony used to do with televisions in the 80's.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Quick blame the antivaxers for creating vaccine hesitancy...not the rushed vaccines that contain god knows what contamination....

Is it better to be vaccinated with a contaminated vaccine than the risk of a mild to asymptomatic virus if you are not in the 2% high risk groups?? I think not!

-5 ( +11 / -16 )

If your lot wasn't tested, there's no way of knowing if it was contaminated or not.

that goes for just about every drug, food , drink thats produced or imported into Japan.

what are you going to do , tell everybody to stop eating and drinking!?

3 ( +9 / -6 )

@Deane I totally disagree.

you an disagree if you like, doesnt change the fact that vaccines are working and saving thousands of lives.

the science and stats clearly shows youre over 600 times more likely to die of covid unvaccinated compared to vaccinated people, dont want th vaccine, thats your choice, stand aside let those that want it get it.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Are there any real reporters in Japan?

I'm tired of seeing articles that lack important information.

Additionally, why do reporters never seem to ask any tough questions?

These are not blog posts.

Getting the facts and providing the facts (or, at the very least, expressing how and why it is impossible to do so at the moment) is literally your only job. Try doing it.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Anyway, if it is a dangerous contamination, I guess we will never know what kind of contamination it is. 

And that is good, because otherwise panic will break out.

Yes, please keep us in ignorance. Its for our own good.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

the science and stats clearly shows youre over 600 times more likely to die of covid unvaccinated compared to vaccinated people, dont want th vaccine, thats your choice, stand aside let those that want it get it.

Problem is, these people are slowing us down from being able to move on. If it was only them that were losing as a result of not getting vaccinated, I don't think the rest of us would care. Unfortunately their being losers is making us all lose.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

I am flabbergasted that it arrives in Japan.

Decision to stop use of the batches concernes must have taken days, and never enough time for the producer of Those Moderna vaccines to answer the official question whether or not this is normal.

It is ridiculous to stop without asking the company in charge.

No one in charge ?

This decision to stop their use may kill dozens of people because there is a lack of vaccines no ?

Media just used the word contaminant so that Moderna is now forever associated with bad quality. Any sensible person should have used "unknown appearance" if it has just been by having a look to those vials.

And no photo to explain what can be seen ?

Lame journalism and fear decision.

We need facts and actions.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

The batch number of my last dose is just one away from the number in the article. Talk about close!!!!!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I've never even come this close in all the time I've played the lottery!!!!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the company said they have yet to see any reports of safety concerns over the issue.

Of course it's possible the message has not been sent around and seen by those that need to know, or once again, something, something about the left and right hand not knowing what the other is doing,

Who's in charge. Are there many centers in Japan's central government?

Which bureaucracy to NOT believe this time.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Other reports are saying that traces of rubber is the contaminant, probably from the plug sealing each vial.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Well, good to know not Saga on the list (yet) I just had the first dose Monday.

I am a little concerned now.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Burning BushToday  07:09 am JST

Anybody who took a Moderna vaccine will never know whether those contaminants are in their body.

And there is no way to remove them from your system.

Fake news for fear mongering, as usual.

All batches of vaccine used can be traced. as there is a record of which vaccine you are given and which batch it came from.

In this case the batch was produced in Spain fall under three lot numbers -- 3004667, 3004734 and 3004956.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

PTownsendToday  10:54 am JST

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the company said they have yet to see any reports of safety concerns over the issue.

Of course it's possible the message has not been sent around and seen by those that need to know, or once again, something, something about the left and right hand not knowing what the other is doing,

Who's in charge. Are there many centers in Japan's central government?

Which bureaucracy to NOT believe this time

It is also possible a meteor plunges to earth today wiping out all life.

Fear mongering speculation!

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

I would also be worried about the vaccine screw-ups theyre NOT telling us about.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Stand by for “Delta Plus”. Its on the way. Probably will “require” a new vaccine ( for our own good, of course).

Then the one after that.

There is billions $$ to be made.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

The fear-mongering is out in full force today.

Hey I suggest you look up on USA , Canadian, UK even Japanese government sights the list of recalled food and drugs done each year.

From contaminated meat to IV drips, IV needles, epinephrine pens, over the counter drugs, prescription drugs, etc...

Mass production of any sort has its limits and inevitable situations like this happen.

Luckily do to lots numbers and safeguards once found the authorities can quickly deal with it.

Ask yourself about that tattoo you got on vacation, etc... How sure nothing used was contaminated and if it was do you have a lots number to check?

Amazing people will often not hesitate to get 2, 3,4 ..... Tatoos knowing nothing about any of what it being injected into their body, but a strictly controlled Vaccine frightens them.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

So most probable contaminant is traces of rubber from the vial sealing material. That makes some sense, considering the endless, high speed production that must be going in around the clock at the Spanish Ravi company that puts the vaccine into vials. I'm guessing that lidneys are able to clear traces of rubber from blood, and that urine is the exit path. Perhaps some people with weak kidney function will have trouble? Need more info on this from a real bews reporter who has the background to report on medical topics. This one-party LDP country survives due to such weak news reporting, I suspect.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

This text seems to be deliberately omitted from the original kyodo article

The size of foreign substances confirmed in 39 vials is believed to be a few millimeters, with their elements being unknown. Moderna is conducting an investigation into the materials, according to the ministry and Takeda.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Hope the government can get a better maker of the vaccine . . . it's good they were able to track the problem with the lot numbers . . . .

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@Jim, others still trying to make vaccination appointments

Readers of all ages who live close enough to central Tokyo, if you are having trouble finding an appointment to get a vaccine, there is plenty of availability every day for free vaccination with Moderna vaccine at the Clinic For Tamachi, located in the building right at the Shibaura Exit of JR Tamachi Station. You register and confirm your identity using a Line account with password set up or Google account, then you can use their online calendar to book apoointments. Just bring your city or ward issued ticket or voucher, and completed questionnaire to the appointment (not needed for the booking).

For myself, I used the Shinjuku Home Clinic located near Yotsuya-3-chome Station, 20 min walk from JR Yotsuya Stn. Online calendar is not back up yet -- so call 03 6273 2109 -- the doctor said he's expecting more doses soon. It's a tiny 1-doctor clinic.

Private clinics accept tickets from any city or ward. Stay away from crowds and get vaccinated soon. Don't delay.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

I'm guessing that lidneys are able to clear traces of rubber from blood, and that urine is the exit path.

Vaccine is injected in the muscles

0 ( +4 / -4 )

ianToday  11:29 am JST

This text seems to be deliberately omitted from the original kyodo article

The size of foreign substances confirmed in 39 vials is believed to be a few millimeters, with their elements being unknown. Moderna is conducting an investigation into the materials, according to the ministry and Takeda

If in fact the contaminat is in the millimeter range then the chance anything got injected in someone is very remote.

The needle gauge is far far smaller generally recommended needle gauge is 25 to 30 ( preferably 30) these have an exterior diameter of 0.5mm to 0.31 mm.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Great info @livvy!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Sorry, not Ravi but Rovi company:


2 ( +3 / -1 )

Everyday I put some kind of poison into my body by eating unhealthy food, drinking alcohol, taking medicines...whatever...

This you could change, and that's what needs to change, once this changes your immune system will tranistion to a heathly immune system.. which will never require any vaccine.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Stand by for “Delta Plus”. Its on the way. Probably will “require” a new vaccine ( for our own good, of course).

Then the one after that.

There is billions $ to be made.

This conspiracy theory makes no sense, a booster is no where close as difficult to make or test as a priming vaccine, even if you actually need more than one booster (there are already vaccines that provide extremely long protection after on single boost 6 months after the first dose) there is nothing that makes it so a company has to produce it, even third world countries can produce inactivated virus or recombinant protein vaccines right now, without paying anybody to do it.

But for those who choose to not be vaccinated, stop shaming them. Stop calling them "losers." Respect their choice. Look after your own health, and let them look after theirs.

You conclusions are flawed by considering the risk to others negligible, which is false. All vaccines have failure rates, which means some people can get sick or die even vaccinated, and some people can't be vaccinated even if they have preexisting conditions that would make the infection lethal, at the moment no child under twelve can be vaccinated even if they have huge risk of dying from COVID, choosing not to vaccinate increase the risks for everybody. Another point is that vaccinating reduces the time until herd immunity can be reached. If at some point the disease stops spreading actively enough so cases become sporadic (and mild on immune people) that means other measures can be reduced or abandoned, the risk doesn't have to become zero, just as low as other respiratory infections.

Another point is that not vaccinating without a valid medical exception is an irrational choice, so there is nothing wrong with saying it. For anybody for whom the vaccine is indicated it means lowering the risk of health problems or death, so people are justified in saying so. People that do not want to vaccinate are free to refuse it, but they are not free to misrepresent their decision as if it was logical. They are free to act irrationally if they want, but not free from being called in their decision.

This you could change, and that's what needs to change, once this changes your immune system will tranistion to a heathly immune system.. which will never require any vaccine.

Disinformation, no institution of medicine or science in the world supports this conclusion. This is just a personal belief contradicted by science.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Well. That inspires confidence. Another reason for the hesitant to refuse vaccination.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

I presume that these were also distributed in countries overseas?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Probably just sugar crystals in the placebo mixture.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )


@Jim, others still trying to make vaccination appointments

Readers of all ages who live close enough to central Tokyo, if you are having trouble finding an appointment to get a vaccine, there is plenty of availability every day for free vaccination with Moderna vaccine at the Clinic For Tamachi, located in the building right at the Shibaura Exit of JR Tamachi Station. You register and confirm your identity using a Line account with password set up or Google account, then you can use their online calendar to book apoointments. Just bring your city or ward issued ticket or voucher, and completed questionnaire to the appointment (not needed for the booking).

For myself, I used the Shinjuku Home Clinic located near Yotsuya-3-chome Station, 20 min walk from JR Yotsuya Stn. Online calendar is not back up yet -- so call 03 6273 2109 -- the doctor said he's expecting more doses soon. It's a tiny 1-doctor clinic.

Private clinics accept tickets from any city or ward. Stay away from crowds and get vaccinated soon. Don't delay.

I have been telling this to the uninformed for almost two months about various options to get vaccinated even beyond two shots.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Never heard of “contaminated vaccines” in any other country that has used these. Do they just not test them? (Highly doubtful) Did Japan just get incredibly unlucky with a bad batch? (Also unlikely)

Indeed, it’s highly convenient/unfortunate (depending on where you stand) for such a vaccine-averse country to find these “contaminated” vaccines. This will only serve to kill any remaining willingness in the anti-scientifically informed public in taking any further shots.

How convenient. It’s still unclear who stands to benefit most from this, but mark my words someone will be benefitting. We’ll have to wait and see to sniff out where the money & benefits flow in the end.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Maybe it's just an excuse. Japan inc didn't order enough.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Is it better to be vaccinated with a contaminated vaccine than the risk of a mild to asymptomatic virus if you are not in the 2% high risk groups?? I think not!

100 percent correct!

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Maybe it's just an excuse. Japan inc didn't order enough.

Very plausible! Japanese culture likes to blame others instead of being embarrassed!

5 ( +9 / -4 )

If the size of that contaminated particles is 'a few millimeters', then it's hard to imagine bits that big being able to get into a syringe.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

All I will add to that is, I am good as I am. Not getting jabbed.

-2 ( +14 / -16 )

"The size of foreign substances confirmed in 39 vials is believed to be a few millimeters, with their elements being unknown"

That's actually kind of frightening.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Hard evidence is coming in from the United Kingdom, and it conclusively establishes that the vaccines are NOT reducing the likelihood of a Covid-infected person dying.

The UK government just reported the following data, tucked away in their report on variants of concern: Less than a third of delta variant deaths are in the unvaccinated.

Let me say that another way – two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the vaccinated.

To be specific: From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths. Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated.

Look at the bottom line: 402 deaths out of 47,008 cases in vaccinated; 253 deaths out of 151,054 cases in unvaccinated. If you get covid having been vaccinated, according to this data, you are much more likely to die than if you were not vaccinated!

Do the math. An unvaccinated individual in the UK who contracts COVID has a 1 in 597 chance of dying. A fully-vaccinated individual has a 1 in 117 chance of dying, which is 5.1 times greater.

The vaccines are clearly not effective, as they actually increase one’s risk of dying of Covid. And that doesn’t even account for the mounting evidence of serious adverse effects.

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

...... and luckily for Moderna, all the Trump vaccine manufacturers are excempt from liability, so get endless amounts of cash without any risk. So Moderna has nothing to worry about.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

The batch number of my last dose is just one away from the number in the article. Talk about close!!!!!

Might be closer than you think.

We don't know how much is in each lot but it's conceivable that the bad lot and yours were made within minutes of each other from the same lot of ingredients and materials.

I don't want to alarm you just saying

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Hard evidence is coming in from the United Kingdom, and it conclusively establishes that the vaccines are NOT reducing the likelihood of a Covid-infected person dying.

No need to drive it hard down people's throats, just post the link

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Hey Hackman,

Apparently, unless at least 70% of us get vaccinated the virus will simply keep circulating unchecked within the unvaccinated community. This allows it to evolve and potentially to even become more deadly. The new virus more deadly virus may also be resistant to the vaccines the rest of the population have taken. So, unless people are allergic or have another good genuine medical reason to not get vaccinated everybody should get vaccinated. Otherwise they are acting selfishly and risking not just their own health but also everybody else's.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

i wish Mr. Takeda godspeed. it takes a lot of courage to ask and then allow an entire US biotechnology firm to administer a probe.

i foresee localized soreness in his future

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Don’t worry it’s only the taxpayers’ money…

2 ( +5 / -3 )

The vaccines are clearly not effective, as they actually increase one’s risk of dying of Covid. And that doesn’t even account for the mounting evidence of serious adverse effects

Seems like the more we vaccinate, the more cases of the virus are mutating. Think about it.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Hard evidence is coming in from the United Kingdom, and it conclusively establishes that the vaccines are NOT reducing the likelihood of a Covid-infected person dying.

Still debunked completely.


Reducing the relative risk from the high-risk population from hundreds of times more than low-risk populations to just 5 times more proves vaccines are doing an excellent job keeping people alive.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Seems like the more we vaccinate, the more cases of the virus are mutating. Think about it.

Well that is not true, variants have appeared in mostly unvaccinated populations (or even before the vaccines were even available). According to you, what variant appeared on well vaccinated places? the relationship is inversely correlated, think about it.


-4 ( +6 / -10 )

The latest anti vaxxers junk science.

More vaccinated people are dying in xyz countries.

Most of the countries used have very high vaccination rates ( usually around 70% and no one ever said the back vaccine are 100%.

It come down to simple math, if the vast majority are vaccinated and only a small minority are unvaccinated then the chances of more vaccinated people with preexisting conditions may die than unvaccinated with preexisting condition.

But the facts remain Apples to Apples 2 people with virtually the same health one vaccinated one not, the one not vaccinated has between 6 and 9 time higher chance of getting seriously ill and dying.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

If the size of that contaminated particles is 'a few millimeters', then it's hard to imagine bits that big being able to get into a syringe.

That's the contamination they found. Imagine all the smaller contamination that is not detected...

3 ( +8 / -5 )

What now .....

3 ( +3 / -0 )

A note about mutations of viruses because people seem to think that when a person has a virus they only have one variant in their body. That is just not true. They will have a variant that is considered dominant and a whole host of others.

The mutations happen in both vaccinated and unvacinated people. The big difference is how long a person is fighting the virus for it to mutate and keep attacking. The vaccine helps the body to fight and therefore it helps reduce the amount of mutations but not to zero and it is quite possible that out of bad luck a vaccinated person will be the one who cultivates something nastier.

The Kent variant is a case in point because it was thought that it occured in one person who had a prolonged infection but was strong enough in their body not to need medical assistance.

There is also evidence that certain viruses tend to mutate in a similar way and the sars2 had followed the norm with the Kent variant. I can not remember how many changes exactly the Kent variant made, it was about 16 in total and 4 on the spike protein. (DNA level changes)

It is possible that the spike protein will change as well. At this point the vaccines in circulation will need to be updated. The UK government was planning to have a process of 100 days to create a new vaccine strain but I am not sure how close they are to doing that or if the focus has changed.


Back on topic is the bit in the vaccine a millimeters then they would be visable to the naked eye and that is probably how they were discovered. As far as I am aware no reports of this has been made outside of Japan. This makes me think it must be a storage issue rather than a production issue.

As an aside many years ago I was working for a company and the product I was dealing with stated to go faulty. I spent three months investigating all manor of theories until one day from pure endruance I discovered something that I showed to the QA manager and with some very heavy pushing the procuement manager admitted to swapping out a component for a cheaper one and that was the cause of the faults. Three months sitting in the same office with the person causing it not owning up was a great frustration to me. I learnt my lesson the hard way.

I think someone needs to follow the vaccine from arrival to final discovery and make sure that a less than accurate person has not just done something properly and is now sitting back and keeping quiet.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Did you get the Moderna vaccine?

Why did you allow a company with

only one product to its name, an experimental vaccine, to be injected into your body?

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Oh yeah there is nooooo reason to not get vaccinated.

Totally safe, posters said.

2 ( +9 / -7 )


Well that is not true, variants have appeared in mostly unvaccinated populations (or even before the vaccines were even available).

So you are completely unaware of the problems with ADE caused by vaccinating with a leaky vaccine during an epidemic? Seriously?

This is an aspect being raised by numerous virologists, including Nobel prize winners and an ex Pfizer CEO among many many others.


.....although probably not on the horizon for your "fact checkers" at "Reuters".

2 ( +8 / -6 )


All I will add to that is, I am good as I am. Not getting jabbed.

Me too, as of now. Willing to change my mind if I see a convincing argument.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Apparently, unless at least 70% of us get vaccinated the virus will simply keep circulating unchecked within the unvaccinated community. 

Oh, theyll shift that goalpost wnen the time comes, rest assured. You could get 100% vaccinated and there’ll still be more “variants” and new vaccines to sell to a frightened and gullible public.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

TOKYO, Aug 26 (Reuters) - Shots from Moderna Inc's COVID-19 vaccine lot that has been halted due to a report of contamination were used at mass inoculation sites in the western prefecture of Osaka over two weeks this month, Japan's defence ministry said on Thursday.

Lets see if the ministry of health in Japan investigates and gives answers?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Then you will need a booster shot, yep. Never ending.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

So you are completely unaware of the problems with ADE caused by vaccinating with a leaky vaccine during an epidemic? Seriously?

This is an aspect being raised by numerous virologists, including Nobel prize winners and an ex Pfizer CEO among many many others.

True. But we mustnt let facts stop us from enriching big pharma beyond even their wildest dreams.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )


while your fact checkers are nowhere to be found.

I prefer to look at direct sources than at completely unbiased (cough) "fact checkers" hired by corporate media. Something you might try too.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

That's the contamination they found. Imagine all the smaller contamination that is not detected...

Since it is imaginary, you can do the same with everything else in life, better not to eat or drink anything then.

So you are completely unaware of the problems with ADE caused by vaccinating with a leaky vaccine during an epidemic? Seriously?

Nobody is aware, because it is not happening. It is dealt specifically in the link provided, there is zero evidence of ADE being presented in vaccinated people nor in infected people (there is nothing in the vaccine that would produce it that is not present also in the virus)

This is an aspect being raised by numerous virologists, including Nobel prize winners and an ex Pfizer CEO among many many others.

Titles are of no importance, evidence is, and until now nobody has presented any, on the other hand vaccinations producing less complications and death is very strong evidence that ADE is not present, because if it were you would be seeing the opposite, which is obviously not happening. Again, the variants have appeared in unvaccinated populations, and places with strong vaccination programs have not seen the appearance of variants, what do you think it means? do any of the "numerous virologist" that you don't present have any evidence to contradict this?

If a Nobel prize is now saying you can email DNA as electromagnetic waves in the water that can be detected by PCR I would suggest trying better sources of information. People do not get to hold all their intellectual capacity forever.

I prefer to look at direct sources than at completely unbiased (cough) "fact checkers" hired by corporate media. Something you might try too.

And yet you could not prove anything in the link as false or mistaken, nor have you provided any direct source (as in a peer reviewed scientific report) that supports what you believe, just other people that believe the same as you, and have exactly zero evidence to support those beliefs.

True. But we mustnt let facts stop us from enriching big pharma beyond even their wildest dreams.

Opinions are not facts, evidence (specifically scientific) is, but since all the evidence until now points exactly in the opposite direction it is understandable that people that do not want to accept reality try to do without it.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

Japan halts use of 1.63 mil Moderna vaccine doses over contamination

I find that statement singularly ironic.

This "experimental jab" is predicated on "informed consent".

Has anyone seen the inside folded paper (which usually contains a list of ingredients, warnings, list of drugs it won't mix with, etc.) inside vaccine vial boxes?

They're blank.

So much for informed consent.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Japanese culture likes to blame others instead of being embarrassed!

Really? Then things are going to get interesting when the medium term effects of getting vaccinated start showing.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Oh dear, Japan should be manufacturing it's own, not importing from Spain.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

If you have a better idea than vaccines please go ahead, we’re all ears.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

ah @Helix. Woud you care to explain the 'medium term effects'of vaccination please? I am most interested.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Japanese keep blaming other countries for their problems.

The Americans for not sending Phizer vaccines ended up being a lie; the EU for not allowing delivery of vaccines to Japan, another lie; now Spain is to blame.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

And where's the accountability?

There isnt any accountability at any stage or at any level. The recipient of the jab is on his own. No one to blame, whether government or maker. They make sure you sign your rights away or you cant get the jab. But no need to worry, eh!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

@bokuda: Who's blaming Spain? The just stated the fact that this batch was manufactured in Spain. You doth protest too much. So much over reaction.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

What will be your theory when that scenario don't happen? will you accept you are mistaken?

Sure. Will you?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

@Helix - And you aware that compensation is payable in Japan for any permanent damage from any of the vaccines in use here?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Sure. Will you?

Of course, betting for science means accepting when something is wrong, the problem is with the antiscientific crow that repeatedly promote false information (such as the imaginary ADE problems that supposedly are happening all around the world, or how boosters can only be produced by companies) without ever accepting it, at the end it is always a world wide conspiracy that makes their beliefs seem mistaken. At the end no recognition ever of any mistake, it is all being manipulated to make the public think so.

Has anyone seen the inside folded paper (which usually contains a list of ingredients, warnings, list of drugs it won't mix with, etc.) inside vaccine vial boxes?

They're blank.

So much for informed consent.

If you don't get all the information you need to feel informed you don't check the space where it says you did, and you refuse the vaccination. Directing users to have the most recent information electronically is in no way the same as not giving that information.


“The package insert states that the front and back panels of the insert were intentionally left blank, with Fact Sheets made available electronically for the duration of FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization,” Cannellos told The Associated Press in an email. “This process ensures vaccinators and consumers have the most up-to-date Fact Sheets available to them, withwww.vaxcheck.jnj reflecting any revisions made in alignment with the FDA. The Fact Sheets contain detailed prescribing information, including ingredients, dosage and administration, warnings and contraindications.”

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

because unvaccinated are the ones keeping the pandemic going on

Not true. It will get to the point where even the politicians and “experts” you trust so much admit that its a fallacy. Or more than likely by that time theyll have pivoted away to some other danger to hold the sheeple in thrall.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

That's the contamination they found. Imagine all the smaller contamination that is not detected...

Since it is imaginary, you can do the same with everything else in life, better not to eat or drink anything then.

If their quality control could not detect these large contaminants, how can anyone have any confidence in their ability to detect smaller ones? And what's with this comparison with contaminated food that everyone is making? Food is a completely different matter, we have evolved to eat stuff grown in dirt. Food is not injected directly into our bodies.

All I will add to that is, I am good as I am. Not getting jabbed.

Me too, as of now. Willing to change my mind if I see a convincing argument.

Me too! I'm also willing to change my mind if I see convincing argument, but all we're getting is selective information, censorship, distortion of data, and all information on vaccine adverse reactions summarily dismissed,...

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Me too! I'm also willing to change my mind if I see convincing argument

Convincing argument? Lol!

Just ask your doctor for advice

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

If their quality control could not detect these large contaminants, how can anyone have any confidence in their ability to detect smaller ones?

Visual inspection is part of the quality control, and obviously they were detected, else how do you imagine this being reported?

Food is a completely different matter, we have evolved to eat stuff grown in dirt. Food is not injected directly into our bodies.

Food is the same, contaminants can kill you as easily and eating something do not guarantee you will be less death, specially when you don't even know what the contaminants are about. Eat prions and you will get CJ disease, drink methanol and your digestive system will absorb every drop into your blood stream and kill you.

Can you bring any respectable source that guarantees that eating something will protect you from harm? or that injecting something is always harmful? because if not your "argument" is only a personal belief that by definition can't be imposed.

When people actively refuse to follow logic and reason it is meaningless to ask for a "convincing" argument, they are already accepting that noting will be ever convincing if it is contrary to a personal belief.

Not true. It will get to the point where even the politicians and “experts” you trust so much admit that its a fallacy. 

Once you are proved mistaken so much that you have to predict the future will be different you may as well accept you have no argument. Else it is refuted completely by anybody making exactly the opposite prediction.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

@Bubonam Justin Kayce

That is misinformation and not true! They have the option of both. Yokosuka, Okinawa I know for a fact offer choices, as I’ve got a Pfizer shot at each location.

When I read carefully and not assume, I do not see any untruths in Numan's statement. Then it means that some military got Moderna, too. What part of Numan's statement was not true?

*All research shows Moderna is the most effective. I am glad my two doses were Moderna**, so does the US military because they got Moderna, too.

Where do they say the military only used Moderna?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

That is misinformation and not true! They have the option of both. Yokosuka, Okinawa I know for a fact offer choices, as I’ve got a Pfizer shot at each location.

@Bubonam Justin Kayce........A good friend of mine, his wife and university son got Moderna at Yokosuka.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Not trusting the expert is the new cool for you, probably because you can’t decipher a word of what they say hence you rather disbelief and discredit them. 

And how many times have the “experts” changed their minds?

Faucci was trying to get everyone to wear three masks not so long ago. And on it goes.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Changing mind is a human thing, a man once says “only imbeciles do not change their mind”.

The problem is only an imbecile would advocate three masks. Every sane person knew it was complete idiocy at the time. So when Faucci “changed his mind” about it later it was very much a “well, duh!” moment. He has no credibility. But believe in him if you like.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Stay Oxford-AstraZeneca!

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Contaminant was a 1mm range metal particle. Packed in Spain.

No doubt an isolated case but it will add fuel to those fearful of vaccination.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

It would have been nice when this was first reported that mention the pieces were black, did not disolve when the vial was shaken and reacted to a magnet. I quite sure all that information was available from the start.

Instead its a day of speculation rather than a logical conclusion that something metal broke at the factory.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


How so? If you're vaccinated, what do you care if someone else isn't? We're being lectured to trust the vaccines -- so if you trust the vaccine that you got, why would it matter to you if the person next to you didn't get it?

Exactly. And that question does not only go to the individual vaxxing fanatics but also to the governments who push this. Pressuring, shaming, and eventually forcing the entire population to get injected and prove it by carrying a card is a political motivation, unrelated to any disease.

(The argument that vaxxing is necessary to protect the population went out the window once it turned out the vaxxed can both get and spread the infection, just in case someone wants to dig that up.)

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Something is telling me that if this was happening in Europe there will be no cases at all except maybe in the "conspiracy" circles, so hats down to Japan for being so fast and so reactive, there is still hope here it seems...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Besides iron, what else reacts to a magnet?

Remember when you were a kid falling off your bike and skinning your knees or elbows? How it hurt when someone tried to wash the graze and wipe out the dark dirt pushed inside? And how some of that dirt or tarmac stayed inside leaving a dark line, a faint tattoo?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Vaccination does not prevent infection, or being able to transmit to others.

But vaccination does reduce the chances of requiring hospitalization, which of course is an increase in the chances of pneumonia and death.

So yes, vaccinations are in fact protecting the population.




-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Exactly. And that question does not only go to the individual vaxxing fanatics but also to the governments who push this.

And the terribly obvious and valid answers keep being the same, what is the point of asking a question just to ignore the answer because you don't like it?

(The argument that vaxxing is necessary to protect the population went out the window once it turned out the vaxxed can both get and spread the infection, just in case someone wants to dig that up.)

Imaginary reasons leading to imaginary conclusions are not an argument, vaccination reduces rates of infection, reduces rate of becoming symptomatic and reduces rates of transmission, thinking that just because it is not 100% effective it automatically becomes 0% effective is just failing at logic, and would make anything you could imagine (from helmets to surgery) "useless" as well.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The problem is only an imbecile would advocate three masks. 

Any source for this? I mean, by criticizing someone's credibility by using as an argument something that never happened, the only credibility that gets damaged is the accuser's.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Vaccination does not prevent infection, or being able to transmit to others.

Indeed! Important to repeat this as many people are still unaware of this.

But vaccination does reduce the chances of requiring hospitalization, which of course is an increase in the chances of pneumonia and death.

...as do certain repurposed drugs that have an infinitely greater safety record than these vaccines.

Faucci was trying to get everyone to wear three masks not so long ago. And on it goes.

Yes, if I recall he said it was "common sense"!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I generally wear a double-up of two masks.

Three would be safer, but slightly OTT hahaha…

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Takeda seems to fudge its responsibility to be transparency! Possible victems are all Japanese, it has been licenced to produce in the factory in Spain, But it has not updated still now. they are silenct.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Indeed! Important to repeat this as many people are still unaware of this.

Repetition do not make misrepresentations less invalid, vaccines still help importantly with this purpose, trying to deceive people into believing this is not true, even when the evidence prove it is just trying to spread disinformation.

...as do certain repurposed drugs that have an infinitely greater safety record than these vaccines.

But only as long as they are not examined scientifically, because in that case this supposed benefits completely disappear, the same as many scams.

Yes, if I recall he said it was "common sense"!

Yet, when asked to provide a reference nothing is ever presented, meaning your recalling is completely false, which explains a lot of other mistakes.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

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