Japan Today

Japan not planning to declare state of emergency but will expand entry bans

By Leika Kihara and Takaya Yamaguchi

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I think all the countries of the world should get together and write a big fat "Thank You note to China" for all the deaths and economic destruction they have caused.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I know I'm tired, when I read the leading header to this article I mistook the word "ban" for bar? lol

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The number of reported infected people is a number of people with positive result of the tasting.

We must understand that they were infected 5-14 days ago.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Number of people with positive PCR Testing in Japan (excluding those returning from charter aircraft and airport quarantine): 1820

Japanese citizens: 56.7%, Foreigners: 43.3%


This is a natural measure.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There are still flights within the country. In the US, planes typically used for international flights have been shifted to be used for in-country flights. Passengers get more leg room and the B787 is more efficient than some of the older planes used normally. To keep the flight time requirements, the airlines will just need to rotate pilots in and out of different routes.

As an American, I think it is passed time for Japan to ban Americans from entry who aren't citizens or permanent residence there.

Has anyone else been watching the flight deals for June - November? They are amazing! I'm temped to buy some at these 50-70% discounts, then use the airline's no-fee for changes to shift the flights out until early October for northern hemisphere destinations and Dec-Jan for southern hemisphere destinations.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Olympics postponed, end of financial year, no major announcements. I expect some major announcements soon. April 3rd maybe...I’m hoping things are going to get better sooon and I am an optimist, but I’m trying to be realistic, if nothing else is being done to stop this wiris then how can we be optimistic.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well it’s good to see that Japanese government is expanding on the travel bans. And now that it includes the United States, which is now the epicenter for this pandemic, it’s even better. I just wonder if it really will include Southeast Asian South America eventually, though I don’t know what the numbers are like in those areas.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I think people should trust the government. They are making the best decisions for the citizens of Japan.

Yes, they did such an excellent job with Fukushima.

Every country is unique. Also people in other countries are ignoring the supposed lockdowns anyway, so there is no need for one in Japan.

Every other country for the most part overall is taking this very seriously. Now you will have some occasional fools go out and take a chance, people need to also go to stores, buy food, goods, but overall most people are following the advice of the experts and they all say we should stay home. Japan is not heeding that as serious as most countries.

5 ( +6 / -1 )


Tonight on the Chinese WeChat platform, I've seen troubling video footages about Face-masks from China... the video showed a person purporting to be Chinese National, wiping Face-masks on his shoes whilst saying in a poor Japanese pronunciation of "konnichiwa" and then packing the masks into boxes destined for ... purportedly Japan. All I can say is that the Masks were Blue coloured - so please, if this is a real video, be aware.

Regardless if this is true, the whole thing should be a wake up call for all the globalists. Now China is sending "help" to Italy and Spain. 90 of ingredients used by Western pharmaceutical companies come from China. Becoming the pharmacy of the world was a stated policy goal by the CCP, and they have succeeded. Now, whenever we get another plague from China, we are dependent help to battle it from... China. I find this obscene.

It is VERY high time for de-coupling. There was life before our elites made us dependent on China, and it was safer than the present.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Too late. It is out now and spreading. They should concentrate on having enough ICUs to help the old and sick who will have problems. Most of the population will be OK.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I think people should trust the government. They are making the best decisions for the citizens of Japan. Every country is unique. Also people in other countries are ignoring the supposed lockdowns anyway, so there is no need for one in Japan.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )


“The longer Japan can continue to build herd.....” the Nation has the herd part cover too well.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Same error as made by USA, Canada and European Countries, instead of acting fast and stopping the Pandemic from happening they procrastinate changing lives for saving economy and that way created the need for more money to be spent and economy to be ruined. Typical management by crises by the Elected Dictatorships controlled by business from the background. Billions of working persons future earnings being wasted to patch up the problem created by negligence, or is there a plan behind all this?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I hope it never comes to having to lock Tokyo or any city in Japan down.

The longer Japan can continue to build herd immunity the lesser the chance of an overshoot.

Everyday that passes is another day for doctors and scientists to find an effective treatment thus reducing time spent in hospital and thus increasing the overshoot number.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Tonight on the Chinese WeChat platform, I've seen troubling video footages about Face-masks from China... the video showed a person purporting to be Chinese National, wiping Face-masks on his shoes whilst saying in a poor Japanese pronunciation of "konnichiwa" and then packing the masks into boxes destined for ... purportedly Japan. All I can say is that the Masks were Blue coloured - so please, if this is a real video, be aware.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Stay off public transport, keep your distance from others, stay home if you can, or keep in open spaces with good ventilation. Wash your hands often dont touch you eyes nose ears or mouth, exercise eat well sleep well, STAY SAFE

Invalid CSRF

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Ah well. It's back to school on Monday then. No lock down. Everything is okay. Tokyo and Japan are apparently different than every other part of the world. I wonder how many people need to die before the morons in power change their mind ?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Sadly in my area, one famous Comedian has died of the Virus, and another person has been wandering around a local Coffee/Bookshop on Friday unwittingly spreading the same. Troubling times....

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Tonight more mass panic buying in my Local Super markets!

It's like a swarm of Locusts descending upon one store after another, leaving the shelves bare after them.

I've no idea if some are even local residents - I hardly recognise any faces when shopping these days.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Non-Japanese citizens who have been in any of those places in the previous two weeks will be barred

Wow! I flew back from the US and arrived at Narita on the 14th. That means had I gotten back say on the 16th or later I could potentially or rather surely deported? Whew... just made it!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

That’s because only 296 tests were conducted in comparison to the 1,459 tests from the weekend! Less testing means less discovery of the infected! Seems like the hiding of actual number of infected in Japan is back!

Or that's because only 296 people met the criteria.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


The only good news I heard today was that Tokyo had only 13 reported new infections today, down from 68 yesterday At least, I hope that is good news.

That’s because only 296 tests were conducted in comparison to the 1,459 tests from the weekend! Less testing means less discovery of the infected! Seems like the hiding of actual number of infected in Japan is back!

Source: Japan Ministry of Health and Labor via https://covid19japan.com/

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Instead of trying to regulate and punish someone "anti-social" or threatening to the public health, I suggest the government do a positive intervention with incentive programmes rewarding those who contribute to enhancing public health or developing a "virus-proof" society. For example, online use and teleworking development should be supported.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Lockdown is near attained without the emergency declaration.

「外出控えている」8割に倍増 求める経済対策「生活支援」最多 世論調査


Entry bans are inevitable as "imported" cases are partly responsible for recent spikes.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Japan should just lock down and take the hit to the economy. It has to happen and the longer it’s left the worse it’ll be. I don’t like saying it but it does seem obvious now.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The only good news I heard today was that Tokyo had only 13 reported new infections today, down from 68 yesterday At least, I hope that is good news.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I do have PR status, but I hate to say that I'm glad that I didn't go to the US for a bit of R and R to see my family and friends, or else, I would have been taking a risk coming back around now.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

japan is funny, do they think that in-coming passengers from some countries are safe and some countries are not safe ???.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

How about starting at home? I don't see any pachinko parlors being closed down, even Abe's wife was out this weekend. As we speak there are probably loads of asymptomatic people walking around unknowingly spreading COVID-19 and staying home for the "weekend" won't do jack squat to stop it. Typically it's one week of asymptomatic spread, one week sick at home, if it gets worse one week later in the hospital, and if it gets worse one week later you are dead. See that lag time? Right now when things should really be locked down its business as usual in Japan. Hopefully Ken Shimura's death will wake a few people up but I doubt it will hit home until the funerals start hitting closer to home.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Could the fact that Japan requires all babies to be vaccinated with BCG be a factor in the low Covid-19 numbers? Currently, there is some debate that BCG could be an effective vaccine against Covid-19.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


New lighter kit cuts test time for coronavirus to only half an hour

 new fast and extremely accurate genetic test kit for the novel coronavirus has been approved for use at Japanese health centers, cutting the time for a determination from about four hours to only about 35 minutes.

If you think the new kit will lead to increased then I have prime property in Ginza to sell you.

Japan the 3rd largest economy in the world has resisted testing not because the present test kids take 2-3 hours but for some mysterious reason that is only creating suspicion. Far smaller countries with limited resources are testing more than Japan. There is just no justification.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I get it and agree but when 60%of cases in Tokyo can’t be traced so many carriers are walking around unknowingly infecting others should that be an equal priority? It’s not going to creep under the carpet on its own.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I think we'll see Tokyo lockdown by Wednesday. Koike making some kind of announcement at 8pm tonight. Could be to announce lockdown by Wednesday.... or some other statement that sets up for the announcement to come shortly.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I think it’s here and we are awaiting the surge. With an aging population, little surge capacity and a dependence on mass transit, we are going to be hit hard. Harder than NYC.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The LDP puts out the message that even if a lockdown will save lives, the economy is the life line so Japan will make sacrifices, including lives, to save the economy. The economy has essentially replaced the Olympics.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

But the US Military will continue to import the coronavirus from the US hotspots and be allowed to enter under SOFA exemptions. Today the Pentagon ordered them to cease giving info on the numbers in Europe and Asia. Meanwhile according to their own Stars and Stripes news, cases from the military are surging in Europe and Japan.

The problem with the military is personnel coming in from hotspots are required to quarantine for two weeks. If they are in the dormitory, I am not sure how well that will work because other will be infected too!.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

USA and UK will be on the list by Wednesday... I'm on my way in from Florida now... airports are deserted... looks like I'll have a plane to myself and squeeze back in tomorrow just before they close off to passengers coming from the USA.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Some good news!

New lighter kit cuts test time for coronavirus to only half an hour

 new fast and extremely accurate genetic test kit for the novel coronavirus has been approved for use at Japanese health centers, cutting the time for a determination from about four hours to only about 35 minutes.

The device detects the presence of the coronavirus by making many copies of genetic materials taken from a patient’s nose or throat. 

The smallest kit--16.5 centimeters by 24 cm and up to 8.5 cm tall--has the capacity to test six samples.

It is much easier to handle as it weighs only 1.9 kilograms, compared with the standard polymerase chain-reaction test kit, which weighs more than 20 kg.

The device was jointly developed by Nagasaki University and Canon Medical Systems Corp., a Canon affiliate based in Tochigi Prefecture.

The National Institute of Infectious Diseases gave its blessing to the new test kit on March 26, saying the device’s accuracy rate for determining a positive test is 90 percent and 100 percent for a negative determination. 


-1 ( +4 / -5 )

But the US Military will continue to import the coronavirus from the US hotspots and be allowed to enter under SOFA exemptions. Today the Pentagon ordered them to cease giving info on the numbers in Europe and Asia. Meanwhile according to their own Stars and Stripes news, cases from the military are surging in Europe and Japan.

The problem with the military is personnel coming in from hotspots are required to quarantine for two weeks. If they are in the dormitory, I am not sure how well that will work.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

But the US Military will continue to import the coronavirus from the US hotspots and be allowed to enter under SOFA exemptions. Today the Pentagon ordered them to cease giving info on the numbers in Europe and Asia. Meanwhile according to their own Stars and Stripes news, cases from the military are surging in Europe and Japan.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

About South Korea. The country seems to have put the coronavirus in check. Their tests kits for the pandemic are in demand and South Korea is considering which countries to help first. It may well be Japan will be asking South Korea for help. This is from today's "Korean Herald":

@jeancolmar - the fact that SK's policy to test/identify/quarantine is being lauded by many countries as a model to follow does not sit well with Japan. The downvotes on your comment are telling.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Travel bans and self-isolation are not enough. The incoming need to be fully quarantined for 14 days on arrival. The big cities in Japan are full of empty hotels. They need to be set up as quarantine centers for all new arrivals and the government needs to start putting funds where their mouth is to make it happen.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Everyone can carry a small bottle of alcohol or vodka to use in hand disinfection in all the above cases.

I read you need 60%+ alcohol volume to do the job.

It would be stupid of me and anyone else to recommend rectified spirit ( there are some Polish brands I know of weighing in at 90%+ ), but perhaps that has a better chance.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Everyone can carry a small bottle of alcohol or vodka to use in hand disinfection in all the above cases.

It has worked for me, so far....

Apparently vodka isn't strong enough to kill the virus.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

it tells us that the majority of the population already have had it, and that the majority will be asymptomatic or that it looks like a common cold or a weak flu virus.

I believe the panic has gone too far and wonder if it is a new world order conspiracy.

just my thoughts and opinion.

@Tom - we have no evidence that the majority have already had it. Given that we are looking at 200,000 deaths in the USA and the alarming numbers dying in Italy, I'm glad that medical experts do not share your thoughts and opinions.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Yeah, what about testing? Testing is only necessary for people who show cold or flu symptoms. It’s got me stumped why people keep going on about testing. They should be more concerned about washing

You test the people who have come into contact with people known to have been infected and quarantine them before they infect others.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


I was trying to be helpful but now you’re just being obtuse so I see no need to continue posting on this topic. Here’s a much better written article on the subject. http://www.asahi.com/sp/ajw/articles/13252339

1 ( +3 / -2 )

A certain poster wrote:

The spread of this virus cannot be controlled just by washing hands as you think. You will have to wash your hands everytime you shop and receive change, visit a self service gas stn, touch a door knob, touch a shopping cart.

Everyone can carry a small bottle of alcohol or vodka to use in hand disinfection in all the above cases.

It has worked for me, so far....

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Anyone coming from China should have been stopped in January or at the latest in February, why until now have they been letting people who could be coming from a potential hazardous region move freely in and out?

Everyone will be soon paying a huge price for the utter stupidity of those who makes these senseless decisions.


Self isolation is meaningless as we know very well most do not or will not adhere to it, if they letting people in they should be quarantined in a isolated place, baffling the utter ridiculous thinking by the baffoons who seem to think they are in charge.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The post states the USA, your link does not nor the UK?

Maybe today, tomorrow, the next day...? As this article states, the policy is being updated and will be implemented soon. The point is, even if you have a work visa or a student visa (of even PR in some cases) you will be denied entry if you come from one of the countries listed. It’s not voluntary quarantine, it’s denial of entry and deportation.


For the time being, Ministry of Justice denies permission to land in Japan to the following foreigners as ones who fall under the Article 5, paragraph (1), item (xiv) of Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, unless the circumstances are exceptional.

That’s not vague or ambiguous at all.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Sorry Bububu4,

The juncture/linguistics implies the potential denial of landing/entry not a ban .

Article 5 paragraph 1......

Any invalid to whom the Epidemic Prevention Law (Law No. 36 of 1897) is applicable;

Vague and ambiguous.

Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act....


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@Zichi, dude, sometimes YOU are wrong! Bububu4 has it RIGHT.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

We do we close Tokyo. I think spread doesn't come from outside it's already in Tokyo in Japan.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

S. Korea would says it is redundant, but welcome it anyway as interpreted as a gesture of preemptive self-isolation by Japan.

BTW, travel ban is ineffective in containing the epidemic and is mostly motivated political purpose as witnessed in the U.S.:


0 ( +2 / -2 )


Really too late to implement this ban now, they should have been stricter a long time ago then we might have been spared the second wave which is doing damage now.

Absolutely not. It's never too late to implement more stringent measures. I wish they'd go a little further.

Jeff Ko

You are absolutely right. Washing hands worked so well for Italy and the US lol

Not sure flippancy's appropriate. At any rate, I'd also hazard a guess that "washing hands" didn't occur as frequently as it should.

I wish the general populace would show a bit more of a cautious approach to this. Generally speaking, for most of Japan it's discussion about "how bad the world is", and then business as usual.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Right move even if too late.

The first US death from the coronavirus was February 29th. The 1000th death was Thursday. The 2000th death today.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Statistics tell it: Because we are testing so few compared to actual population numbers and if cases seem to be dropping in many areas daily, it tells us that the majority of the population already have had it, and that the majority will be asymptomatic or that it looks like a common cold or a weak flu virus.

I believe the panic has gone too far and wonder if it is a new world order conspiracy.

just my thoughts and opinion.

0 ( +6 / -6 )


Sorry but you are wrong. If you come from any of the places listed below you will be denied entry and deported.

Information related to New Coronavirus Infection(COVID-19) from Immigration Services Agency (Updated)

Notice on Denial of Landing 

For the time being, Ministry of Justice denies permission to land in Japan to the following foreigners as ones who fall under the Article 5, paragraph (1), item (xiv) of Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, unless the circumstances are exceptional. (As of March 27)

○Foreigners who have stayed in any of the following cities/provinces/regions within 14 days prior to the application for landing:

・Republic of Iceland,Ireland,Principality of Andorra,Italian Republic,Islamic Republic of Iran,Republic of Estonia,Republic of Austria,Kingdom of the Netherlands,Republic of San Marino,Swiss Confederation,Kingdom of Sweden,Kingdom of Spain,Republic of Slovenia,Kingdom of Denmark,Federal Republic of Germany,Kingdom of Norway,Vatican,French Republic,Kingdom of Belgium,Portuguese Republic,Republic of Malta,Principality of Monaco,Principality of Liechtenstein,

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: The whole country

・People’s Republic of China: Hubei Province, Zhejiang Province

・Republic of Korea: Daegu-guangyeok-si, or Cheondo-gun, Gyeongsan-si, Andong-si, Yeongcheon-si, Chilgok-gun, Uiseong-gun, Seongju-gun, Gunwi-gun in Gyeongsangbuk-do

○Foreigners who have Chinese passports issued in Hubei Province or Zhejiang Province in the People's Republic of China.

○Foreigners who were on the cruise ship, Westerdam, departed from Hong Kong

 source: http://www.moj.go.jp/EN/nyuukokukanri/kouhou/m_nyuukokukanri01_00003.html

6 ( +6 / -0 )

( USA ... , most of Europe ... , China ... , South Korea ... ) ... and while we,re at it, why not the whole world ...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Sad and shocking news. He was one of the first comedians I found when coming to Japan long ago. Everyone knew him. Seeing his passing because of this virus is sad, but hopefully will spur people here to take this more seriously than they have. RIP.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The first four paragraphs are contradictory...... Refrain from allowing this new coronavirus to infect Japan import and Export markets.

Test at the point of arrival and confine if necessary...

At leas pretend to display a little more diplomatic subtlety.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

and exactly how does the Japanese Govt enforce / ensure that self quarantine measures are applied?? (which obviously affects the # of cases)...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Does that include those citizens with Japanese work visas and Permanent Residency?

No it does not. Also students are allowed.

Careful, this is incorrect. If you are returning from a Category 1 country from the restricted list work or student visa holders will not be allowed in. PR are allowed back with special permission.

8 ( +8 / -0 )


5 ( +9 / -4 )

Does that include those citizens with Japanese work visas and Permanent Residency?

I know two people with work visas who were turned back at Kansai airport. They were teachers returning after a vacation in the UK. They were denied entry to Japan.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

What took so long?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Oh, and apps, QR codes to track those who have arrived, tested +ve etc. Coupled with quarantines and lock downs -- where Hong Kong was concerned. Japan has learned nothing and is heading to a Spain, Italy future.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Success stories: Hong Kong, Taiwan. How? Mass testing. QED

4 ( +8 / -4 )

WTF??? Seriously? NO. Thats time has GONE! Stop internal movement. Stop domestic vacationers. NOW.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

In Kobe this morning walking back from the store I passed a doctors office with a red sign sign taped to the outside of the building saying if you have a fever and think you might have the corona virus do not enter this building. They were given a phone number to call instead. Has anyone else seen something similar in your area?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Finally the Japanese government got a little more smarter... Long time ago Japan had to fully close the borders and go on lockdown. Very slow thinking government, like many other governments...

2 ( +3 / -1 )


Yeah, what about testing? Testing is only necessary for people who show cold or flu symptoms. 

Nobody is asking for everybody to be tested. With hurdles put in place to limit testing here, thousand of cases with symptoms get turned away for not meeting a criteria that was put in place at the onset of the virus outbreak which is obsolete now.

The spread of this virus cannot be controlled just by washing hands as you think. You will have to wash your hands everytime you shop and receive change, visit a self service gas stn, touch a door knob, touch a shopping cart.

Massive testing is needed to trace, differentiate and treat. Without which thousand of carriers with mild or no symptoms moving around infecting thousand more healthy people, those with underlying disease and the elderly.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The lockdown is coming soon..

4 ( +6 / -2 )

In an unusual move, Qatar Airways is increasing the frequency of its flights to some regions around the world, from its ME hub, and is helping bring lots of expats and travelers/ holidaymakers home. It even started a new flight to Brisbane, a new 4th destination in Australia.

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Does that include those citizens with Japanese work visas and Permanent Residency?


-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Huh, wasn't this already done weeks ago?

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Why not all of Europe?

Even the vatican has not been spared


5 ( +5 / -0 )

Does that include those citizens with Japanese work visas and Permanent Residency?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Yeah, what about testing? Testing is only necessary for people who show cold or flu symptoms. It’s got me stumped why people keep going on about testing. They should be more concerned about washing their hands and self distancing.

You are absolutely right. Washing hands worked so well for Italy and the US lol

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

The number of newly infected from Sunday in South Korea just came out. 78. They were hitting close 1000 less than 2 weeks ago. Whatever they are doing seems to be working.

4 ( +14 / -10 )

Breakout - What about testing

Yeah, what about testing? Testing is only necessary for people who show cold or flu symptoms. It’s got me stumped why people keep going on about testing. They should be more concerned about washing their hands and self distancing.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

As soon as Donny stops Japanese from entering the US, Abe will fold. Always has, always will. Despite protecting Japan from the country with the most infections, Abe will fold. It's easy when you have no spine.

I wonder where expats will go if the pandemic hits Japan hard. I mean, real hard. As in thousands dying everyday like in Italy. If no country allows anyone in. We will all have to die in place, I guess.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

What about testing? Will they continue to make it hard to test or fudge the number like in China?

Their affinity to copy the US president has hurt Japan's response significantly! I read this, this morning:

The Lost Month: How a Failure to Test Blinded the U.S. to COVID-19


8 ( +9 / -1 )

I wonder if Japan will reverse course with the US once the president finds out or threatens Japan in some way. The current US president will definitely reciprocate.

It seems some people are now stuck in Japan if their home country reciprocates! It will get real interesting for people with visas expiring soon who had no intentions or could not stay longer!

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Really too late to implement this ban now, they should have been stricter a long time ago then we might have been spared the second wave which is doing damage now.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

About South Korea. The country seems to have put the coronavirus in check. Their tests kits for the pandemic are in demand and South Korea is considering which countries to help first. It may well be Japan will be asking South Korea for help. This is from today's "Korean Herald":

" But lately, as Korea has seemingly managed to flatten the COVID-19 curve in a manner that many countries now hope to duplicate, diplomatic dialogue is mainly about how to get hold of the tools that South Korea is using in its fight against the novel pathogen. "

1 ( +12 / -11 )

Olympic games screwed up and suddenly, Japan become a pro corona measures...

18 ( +24 / -6 )

citing a few government sources.

Are these reliable sources? Still a lot of 'might', as expected. The Japanese government really needs to grow a pair and start taking proactive measures instead of reactive measures.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Not true to whomever thinks noone is traveling, there is always an idiot out there who lacks common sense. HIS travel company is still selling package deals with flights leaving as soon as next day. A little too late for closure bans at this point and should have been implement end of last year or early this year. The virus is like a bad weed and it has now taken root in Japan as well as the rest of the world. Where were the first cases reported? Why did this country allow its people to continue traveling well after the fact. Surely we have all seen the cases triple once a person is positively infected. The numbers across the world quickly prove this true.

23 ( +24 / -1 )

At this point it hardly matters. No-one is travelling anywhere in the world at the moment, unless they are trying to get back home. Anyone travelling for jollies at this time is asking to get stranded.

39 ( +39 / -0 )

does That include us military personnel ?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Waiting for South Korea's angry response.

-7 ( +22 / -29 )

makes sense but Japanese shouldn't complain if the reverse happens.....

11 ( +27 / -16 )

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