Japan Today

Japan records 503 coronavirus infections on Wednesday; biggest daily jump since start of pandemic

By Tim Kelly and Sarah Aoyagi

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As long as other nations are still struggling with the virus, no one is safe.

Northeast Asia should start emergency mechanism immediately to make sure that all protection equipments are ready for deployment when needed.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

It’s simply not enough.

Therefore we can expect things to get worse.

11 ( +19 / -8 )

Even the number, 503, is not consistent. Problematic.


7 ( +13 / -6 )

Japan’s punctuality never ceases to amaze me.

So the day after the Olympics were canceled Japan began to tick up in cases you say? And each day since then too? But before that it was under control?

Got it.

46 ( +52 / -6 )

Suddenly, people are being found positive (503 in one day) ?

Where are these cases and where are the hospitals?

Just a week ago, posters here were stating that testing for the virus was nigh impossible.

Where are the hundreds of people lining up for these tests?

17 ( +22 / -5 )

Like is said the other day, massive testing started after Olympic was postponed. Those results are now coming in. It will get worse. And I really really hope I am wrong.

27 ( +32 / -5 )

Japan recorded 503 new coronavirus infections on Wednesday, its biggest daily increase since the start of the pandemic, as a state of emergency took effect but commuters still crowded some trains into Tokyo despite government calls to stay at home.

And there you have it. Putting the full blame on the public. They will never accept responsibility for their in competence. The public would have not crowded place if the gov didn’t give us a false sense on security. AND kids are STILL going to school!!!

And just yesterday as I watch the news on tv and read online showing empty trains, streets, parks and so on.

30 ( +32 / -2 )

this is the result of how many tests? Because that might paint a much clearer picture. Are we still at 700 tests in a day? If so, these numbers would be horrifying, but if they running way more tests, then we’re just discovering the reality. This number is meaningless.

Anyone know if we can find out how many tests they conduct each day?

16 ( +17 / -1 )

"I think the (more) important point is to stop people going to bars after work."

Right! This virus only likes bars!

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Ok, and how many have recovered?

100, 500, 1000?

New infections MINUS recovered cases would give us a clear picture of whether it's spreading or not.

Given how quickly the numbers have risen over the past could of weeks, I think we can be pretty comfortable in concluding that it is spreading.

We know that coronavirus has an R0 greater than 2, so it is clearly going to spread. Given your keen interest in COVID-19, I'm a little surprised that you didn't know this.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Remember these infections have occurred over the past 2-3 weeks. Expect this number to keep increasing.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

You need to test more, the current criteria for testing is too strict. Japan also only tests if you have a fever for 4 days, clearly many more people are infected and walking around infecting others.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

But Tokyo Gov Yuriko Koike is expected to announce only on Friday which categories of businesses will have to shut, so many shops and businesses were left to decide what to do for now

So Koike has been pushing Abe for the emergency for a week or so, but didn't and still doesn't have the plan ready Togo for when he did. How incompetent can these people possibly be?

@Burning Bush

New infections MINUS recovered cases would give us a clear picture of whether it's spreading or not

No, NEW infections tell us "whether it's spreading or not". It is. With your creative use of statistics you should get a job with the Japanese government.

22 ( +25 / -3 )

@ Burning Bush

Ok, and how many have recovered?

100, 500, 1000?

New infections MINUS recovered cases would give us a clear picture of whether it's spreading or not.

New infections yesterday = 503

Total number of recovered since the beginning = 622

Yes, it’s spreading. And the rate is beginning to shoot up!

Please do a bit of research before posting your inaccuracies down playing the infection.

14 ( +19 / -5 )

As I have said from the beginning, the numbers have always been higher than the media is posting. This is due to the lack of testing, and the difficult criteria that needs to be met to be able to test in the first place. I am convinced that there are A LOT more than even this new number. There are asymptomatic people out there, who will continue to spread this. They will sit next to you on the subway, they will serve your food, they will touch and infect the same things that you will touch. And unless the government starts taking this seriously and enact a state of emergency in all prefectures, the numbers will continue to go up, as people start moving out into the countryside to avoid the restrictions imposed in the seven prefectures under "lockdown".

15 ( +17 / -2 )

"Who verifies if the number of test-positive people is simply rising proportional to the number of tests, i.e. **stays constant in percentage terms?"**

'Who discusses the well-known problems with virus test kits in general, and the missing clinical validation of the currently used virus test kit in particular?"

"Who merely counts test-positive case and death figures without asking what these people actually fall ill with or die of?"

"Who asks how many additional, unexpected pneumonia patients there are in intensive care units, and what their age and health profile is?"

Just a few golden tidbits from the website below which, as an active member of a functioning democracy, behooves me to read each day as it is updated in addition to national media sources to thoughtfully juxtapose all angles of this. If you're "bored" at home this will keep you well informed and a lot more connected:


Here's an example from notes for March 28: remember that poor British girl,  21-year-old Chloe Middleton, we all saw on TV? She tragically died from a heart attack, and her death was not associated with covid-19. https://archive.is/20200329015127/https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/27/chloe-middleton-death-21-year-old-not-recorded-nhs-covid-19-related


-2 ( +2 / -4 )

If the people of Japan do not stay home and practice social distancing, we will all pay like Italy, France, and the US.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

You can't blame people for ignoring the government and continuing to go to work. They could lose their jobs if they refuse to go to work. I sure as hell can't afford to risk my job by staying home.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

Ok, and how many have recovered?

100, 500, 1000?

New infections MINUS recovered cases would give us a clear picture of whether it's spreading or not.

+/- 13% of confirmed cases are described as recovered, leaving 87% of cases active, critical... or dead.

There has been a 45% increase in the number of confirmed cases in the one-week period since April 1.

BTW, Japan is increasing its (per capita) rate of testing. If this keeps up, Japan will soon pass Columbia, Ecuador and Costa Rica in the testing rate standings.

I think there's a pretty clear picture that it's spreading. Except for the myopic.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

As I have said from the beginning, the numbers have always been higher than the media is posting. This is due to the lack of testing, and the difficult criteria that needs to be met to be able to test in the first place.

The numbers are indeed much higher. Reason is that many who are infected are not even recognized as being infected. Especially children and teenagers will not get ill (that is something else than being infected) but can spread the virus to others who can get ill.

I am convinced that there are A LOT more than even this new number. There are asymptomatic people out there, who will continue to spread this.

In many nations the real number is the 'official number' multiplied at least by 10.

They will sit next to you on the subway, they will serve your food, they will touch and infect the same things that you will touch.

Also, they will stay with you at home, share the toilet and bathroom eat and make food, laugh and play closely together etc.

Especially in Japan where often three generations in one house are living, often in relative tight spaces might be an extra risk.

And unless the government starts taking this seriously and enact a state of emergency in all prefectures, the numbers will continue to go up, as people start moving out into the countryside to avoid the restrictions imposed in the seven prefectures under "lockdown".

They will take a step up strategy as is done in many EU nations, within 1-2 weeks measures will be strict.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Life over corporate profits, Mr Abe. It’s not that hard.

It's not that simple, either. I agree that Abe is a tool of overly large, corrupt and uncompetitive corporations, people's livelihoods are at stake here. Loss of livelihood also creates loss of life.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

This guy has been doing daily charts that clearly show the progress of the virus in various prefectures. Very helpful..; https://twitter.com/InTheLightOfDa3

3 ( +4 / -1 )

There has been a 45% increase in the number of confirmed cases in the one-week period since April 1.

*There has been a 121% increase in the number of confirmed cases in the one-week period since April 1.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

This guy has been doing daily charts that clearly show the progress of the virus in various prefectures. Very helpful..; https://twitter.com/InTheLightOfDa3

Great link. Thanks for sharing.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Everyone can see that there are lacks in data.

They just don't want to communicate clearly like all other countries because it's all fiddled

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Words don't equal a lock down. Abe San it still looks like you are the puppet at the front of the line.

A lock down / complete or or partial will have no effect what so ever. This country has too much denial and incompetence too beat this. They had a massive head start, dropped the ball, and have been twiddling thumbs ever since.

They will never beat this when the people fighting it have no clue or common sense.

One cluster at a hospital, they cleaned everything except the tablets they were ALL using 40+ people out of the health system.

A group of doctors and trainee doctors go drinking, end of march mind you.

get drunk and play stupid games were they get undressed and kiss each other. So a group of about 10 idiots then go to work, and now about 100 have to isolate themselves because of these fools. I wonder how many will end up with it.

Where I live, virus free Tottori "wink wink". They are asking people not to come, but the sand dune, and all the other tourist spots are all still open. They have no idea. People will continue to come unless you close these places. And they are still preparing for GW.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

What happened to reporting the breakdown by prefecture of cases.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I visited Tokyo for business in March 17-23 and was amazed at the complacency all around me wherever I went. I had my face mask and used social distancing wherever possible and kept hands clean. Does the behavior of the society explain their over reliance on government dictates as the determining factor regulating personal conduct?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

New infections MINUS recovered cases would give us a clear picture of whether it's spreading or not.

No, if there are new cases, it’s spreading. New infections minus revived cases gives you the rate of change between infected and recovered, not whether infections are spreading.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Japan probably has to take more strict prevention method for spreading the virus.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

In Japan more people are infected everyday, but not many people don't die per day. It looks like Japanese may have antibody against coronavirus. Is it a kinda herd immunity? There are still clusters all over.

-17 ( +4 / -21 )

From Japanese history we learn that no information, misinformation and disinformation have always been the time-tested the means of controlling the populace. Unfortunately, this does not work with viruses: they can only be controlled by people following the science. So, SHUT THINGS DOWN! The government must then do what they are paid to do: protect lives by all means necessary. The economy can be revived, but not the dead.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

The majority of new cases are younger people so good news is most have a two week all expenses paid business hotel stay to look forward to.

Are we going to see a surge in people deliberately getting infected so they can stay at a hotel now that internet cafes are closed?

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

As others have noted. People want to do the right thing.

Some Companies, and Boards of Education (who I think deserve a specific mention for their irresponsible behavior) are forcing people to commute to wok for tasks that could easily be achieved from home and via video conference (free on the phone!).

7 ( +7 / -0 )

not many people don't die per day

Even with Japan's incredibly (in the true sense of the word) low numbers, +/- 2% of COVID-19 cases are reported to be fatal.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Anyone know if we can find out how many tests they conduct each day?

Continuous updates on number of tests, results etc here....


That's an excellent source. You can also get official govt data from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare here:


3 ( +3 / -0 )

@bruce chatwin

Even with Japan's incredibly (in the true sense of the word) low numbers, +/- 2% of COVID-19 cases are reported to be fatal.

Yes, but if you believe the number of confirmed cases is artificialy low than you have to accept that the 98% survival rate is artificially low too.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

rgcivilian1 try this website for not only Japan but for the rest of the world.


It shows Japan increased by +499, I have a friend in Fukuoka. They have 136 confirmed cases. Tokyo over a 1000. I think Tokyo is going to be the next New York.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Sorry when you go to the site., click on Global , then Japan. When you click on Japan, you search by Prefecture.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Yeah, all of a sudden big numbers... they have to justify the emergency declaration for an emergency that does not exist. It is two days you see nothing else than pneumonia program on TV without nothing having really changed... except you can't go to gym and most of your leisure places. Even with responsibility and care. It is absurd. Thousand positive cases on a population of 12 millions is nothing. Emergency is when 1000 start dying everyday!

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Over 500 cases in one day!? And 80% of Japanese schools are just now starting back up... wait a couple of weeks... this number will be five times worse!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

In Japan more people are infected everyday, but not many people don't die per day. It looks like Japanese may have antibody against coronavirus. Is it a kinda herd immunity? There are still clusters all over.

Enough with the nihojinron rhetoric. Japanese are not "uniquely" special.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

"In Japan more people are infected everyday, but not many people don't die per day. It looks like Japanese may have antibody against coronavirus. Is it a kinda herd immunity? There are still clusters all over."

This "Japanese are specials" mentality won't disappear?? My god some don't learn anything from history...

7 ( +8 / -1 )

William Mirrielees said "I think Tokyo is going to be the next New York."

Such a negative comment. If Tokyo is New York, then Moon is Sun.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

it seems the cure for coronavirus was the Olympics...

before postponement of Olympics, no cases.

after postponement of Olympics in literally one day, UNCONTROLLED OUTBREAK SURGE OF CASES. PANIC!

do they really expect the people to be this much ignorant? they dont think there will be aftermath of number of tests before and after Olympics?

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The infection will spread whether the Olympics was cancelled or not.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

And yes we can consider the case of Japan special, certainly not ordinary. Despite getting the virus earlier than many countries, the spread is still not of catastrophic proportions like in many countries. No matter how we look at it, the numbers are relatively far lower.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

So wait a second... What about Hokkaido then ? It had a number of cases a while back, but now that’s all gone?? So does or doesn’t this virus spread the way they say it does? I recommend checking what German Doctor are saying now, that many many deaths have been erroneously recorded as Covid19 related on the death certificate of dying cancer patients, terminally ill , etc.. Wtf is going on here , people ?!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

If there are 1 million people infected unconsciously from clusters all over in Japan, most people don't feel very sick, maybe little bit sick, of course they don't go to hospital, then they are very fine days later but some die from the virus unfortunately. I don't think Japanese are not uniquely special, but most people may be making such herd immunity for each other, so they got an antibody finally, as a result most don't die. I thought Boris Johnson said so.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )


William Mirrielees said "I think Tokyo is going to be the next New York."

Such a negative comment. If Tokyo is New York, then Moon is Sun.

it is not negativity, it is mathematical forecasting. I am not the only person who has indicated this, On March 15 there was one reported case in New York and by April 2, there were over 60,000 cases, Fortunately one of the great customs, the Japanese have is the wearing the mask and this will slow down the curve but still the numbers will be high because the system is not allowing for social distancing because of work demands. New York shut down but the rate still climbed because of previous infections.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

The recent Tokyo Olympic play out distraction on the real issue..that is the virus.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

, On March 15 there was one reported case in New York and by April 2, there were over 60,000 cases

On march 15 there were 818 cases in Japan on April 2 2774 cases.

The virus was here earlier, large events were canceled earlier, simple measures hand washing , masks have been used widely for longer

Clearly Tokyo and New York are very different.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


Like is said the other day, massive testing started after Olympic was postponed. Those results are now coming in. It will get worse. And I really really hope I am wrong.

The number of pcr test has never reached 4000 a day which is half the 8,000 that Abe said more than a month ago Japan had the potential to carry out.

I won't call three thousand and something test massive, not for a country with a high population and economic might like Japan.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

That person

this is the result of how many tests? Because that might paint a much clearer picture. Are we still at 700 tests in a day? If so, these numbers would be horrifying, but if they running way more tests, then we’re just discovering the reality. This number is meaningless.


2 ( +2 / -0 )

If the aforementioned mathematical forecast was of any accuracy at all then we should be saying Tokyo was the first New York, not Tokyo will be the next New York.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Japan will be worse than Italy and USA at this rate.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

The Japanese should not be complacent. The virus is far from having run its course. Nobody yet knows how badly their government could mishandle this pandemic. There has been a report that the number of deaths in the UK may ultimately exceed that of Italy, Spain, France and Germany combined! If this staggering prediction were to come true, only those people acquainted with the social and economic trajectory of the UK since Thatcher announced "There is no such thing as society", would not be surprised by such an enormity.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Abe’s true incompetence and inability to lead are now unfortunately plain for everyone to see..

.....sadly a true statement.

the Japanese public deserve to be given the real number of virus infections

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Japan is no different to other countries. Japanese people are no different to other nationalities. Japan isn't as clean as people are led to believe. All made up nonsense to boost already self inflated egos.

The bottom line is, people will still go out to work if the company refuses to pay them for not doing so. My son is a teacher, and his school in Yokohama expect him to go to work. If he doesn't, he'll be fired. If the school decides to close, he won't be paid.

If he isn't paid, he can't support his young family.

A horrible dilemma and one his employer and the government should be ashamed of.

My friend said to me yesterday that the virus won't be so bad in Japan as we are cleaner than other countries and take our shoes off when inside....I pointed out that I've been around the world and the personal hygiene levels of we Japanese is low compared to a number of countries. Sometimes I feel I'll when a fellow countryman breathes on me, or just washes the tips of his fingers after peeing.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Now they have been gone for several months but the number of infected is rising.

Japan had accepted indiviual tourists from China for a while except Hubei province after the lockdown of Wuhan city. They might have infected Japanese clusters all over Japan. So there are still infected clusters all over places.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Note the crickets after the pandemic is nigh crowd reads it.

4,768 will soon be 0, itll be like a miracle

2 ( +3 / -1 )

so an emergency has been delcared but you'd never know it in Tokyo


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Japan is different from other countries.

Every country is different from other countries.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

"This country has too much denial and incompetence too beat this. They had a massive head start, dropped the ball, and have been twiddling thumbs ever since.

They will never beat this when the people fighting it have no clue or common sense.

One cluster at a hospital, they cleaned everything except the tablets they were ALL using 40+ people out of the health system.

A group of doctors and trainee doctors go drinking, end of march mind you."

And now 225 police officers are off from work, Why STUPIDITY.

Aichi police who continued to practice Kendo have it. A lot of yelling and screaming ( kiai) in Kendo.

Dont they know it spreads in droplets?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

"It's unavoidable that people have to come out for work," Risa Tanaka,

Nuff said!

This can be summed up quite easily with two kanji characters. A horse 馬 plus a deer 鹿 = 馬鹿!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Japan is different from other countries.

do you think the virus knows that? or treats Japanese any differently!?

I stated it before, its going to take a drastic rise in the death toll before people here


5 ( +5 / -0 )

Enough with the **nihojinron rhetoric. Japanese are not "uniquely" special.**

yes Japanese are unique, but hardly special , thats goes for every other culture

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Japan is different from other countries.

do you think the virus knows that? or treats Japanese any differently!?

I stated it before, its going to take a drastic rise in the death toll before people here

It sure will. But I do think may Japanese think They’re an exception and that the fears are overhyped. As long as you don’t do a nationwide lockdown the virus will continue to spread, for the life of me I don’t know why people don’t get that, that’s basic knowledge.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

so an emergency has been delcared but you'd never know it in Tokyo www.youtube.com/watch?v=_11BYUkE5Rk

A live webcam shows a nearly deserted Shibuya crossing at lunchtime. How does that support your assertion?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Even with Japan's incredibly (in the true sense of the word) low numbers, +/- 2% of COVID-19 cases are reported to be fatal.

So if the actual number of cases are much higher, for example 10x (as i always see this number mentioned), then fatalities would be much lower, in the example +/- 0.2 %

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Japan's rate of testing is so low compared to other countries, so I'm sure the actual numbers are much higher. They're only testing between 300-500 (depending on the source) people per million. Other countries are testing 10,000-30,000 people per million. There's no way to accurately track the spread if there's no data.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The question is how are they different that the number of fatalities are so low? What are they doing differently?

To find the answer you must tackle the question head on, not deny it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

yikes and double yikes if the do fewer than 1000 tests a day. 503 out of how many tests???

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I recommend checking what German Doctor are saying now, that many many deaths have been erroneously recorded as Covid19 related on the death certificate of dying cancer patients, terminally ill , etc.. Wtf is going on here , people ?!

Complete and utter nonsense.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

A complete lockdown will go a long way in shutting down the spread of the virus, yes, it's common knowledge.

But do you know what else a lockdown will shutdown?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The problem in Japan is there are no leaders here. Only followers following followers. No-one (including the Prime Minister) steps up to the challenge of taking care of the people in her country.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Let's pray that this ugly pandemic dies down with the warmer weather before it causes too much damage here in Japan.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

 I sure as hell can't afford to risk my job by staying home.

Very selfish thinking, The point is you could feel fine, yet be a carrier and infecting all your workers around you.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

a state of emergency took effect but commuters still crowded some trains into Tokyo despite government calls to stay at home.

Maybe the government needs to call just a wee bit louder. Many non-essential businesses are still open.

The jump in new COVID-19 cases, including 144 in Tokyo underscored the struggle of Japanese authorities to contain the outbreak without imposing a sweeping, mandatory lockdown on the population as most countries overseas have done.

Well, then maybe they are struggling to contain it because...uh...let me see...give me a sec...I'm sure I know the answer, it's on the tip of my tongue.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Guys, the point of the lockdown is to slow down the spread of the infection, not stop it. Slow it down enough to not overwhelm the hospitals and the seriously ill get taken care of. As long as the sick gets cured, I am fine with semi-lockdown scenario. I just hope those who can work from home do work from home.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The trains are busy for two reasons;

Essential workers need to get to their jobs.

Many employers are insisting staff go in to work.

If the government requests and does not order, many people will be obliged to go out.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Very selfish thinking, The point is you could feel fine, yet be a carrier and infecting all your workers around you.

Sorry, but for many people it's the choice of losing their income, not being able to pay their rent/mortgage, not being able to feed their family and possibly becoming homeless and their kids suffering vs. taking the risk that they might get sick and some others might get sick, though 95% of them will recover just fine.

They will take the "selfish" route, understandably so.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

A live webcam shows a nearly deserted Shibuya crossing at lunchtime. How does that support your assertion?

it takes at 80% of the population to quarantine before you see a notice difference in infection, do people really think 80% of Japanese are following this emergency

4 ( +5 / -1 )

This is just the start. Japan did not move quickly enough and the peak is still weeks away.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

If the government requests and does not order, many people will be obliged to go out.

The Japanese economy has been teetering on the edge of a precipice for years. The govt is petrified that this current crisis will push them over the edge. It seems vanishingly unlikely that the govt will order people to stay at home.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The number of infected recorded is dependant on the number of testing. And while deaths may be mis-recorded, I would say that they are a better measure of how bad the situation is. Although of course, you also need to take various factor into account. Some factors may be relatively favourable to Japan (high number of hospital beds per capita), but other's aren't (population more densely concentrated than many places, oldest population in the world).

Japan has yet to (but likely will by the next report) to officially break 100 deaths, currently sit at around 0.7 death / million. This is considerably worse than two weeks ago, when deaths per million sat at nearly half that.

While it is fair to say the limited steps they took until now clearly wasn't containing the virus, and things are getting worse (and if the figures look like they are getting worse by the day it is because, as I am sure everyone already knows, infection rate won't just rise linearly if adequate steps aren't taken), it is still true to say that Japan is in a better state than many other countries including those that have imposed stricter lockdown.

And, as I am sure everyone knows, infection can take a while to show, meaning that regardless of the steps taken, infection rate will likely continue to rise over the next few days. It is really premature to assert that the declaration of the state of emergency (and whatever else is going to be attached that) is inadequate. Maybe it is true, and Japan will somehow see the deaths per million go from 0.7 to 45 in the US or 100s in some European country. Or, maybe this is all it will be enough to reverse the trend. Not every country that currently has things more or less under control went for the hardest lockdown possible (or even close).

Whatever prediction you make, it is only guesswork with only really three possible outcome (it get better, it get worse, and perhaps the least likely, it stays more or less the same). With so few possible outcomes many may end up right.. but it's all really just some guesswork.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

In the first place J govt doesn't have right to order its citizens to stay home. If govt has a martial law, maybe it can do it like countries such as US, France, Italy, China, Russia,,,

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Burning, so far 632 recovered (source, John Hopkins Corona virus Resource Center

1 ( +1 / -0 )

so far 632 recovered (source, John Hopkins Corona virus Resource Center

13% of confirmed cases recovered. That leaves 87% classified as active, critical, or dead.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I told you it'd be 500 cases within the week, and next week we'll be in the thousands -- and that's the CONFIRMED number. It's likely 10 times that. And as long as trains are still running and people still not taking this as seriously as they should (ie. no ACTUAL lockdown), Japan will never get out of the first wave while other nations are going onto their second. Take care, peeps. I see some prefectures are already side-stepping the government and taking things into their own hands, and we have to do the same as much as we can.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Number of positives/number of tests might be confusing as any one person can be tested multiple times

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The Milan microbiologist Maria Rita Gismondo calls on the Italian government to stop communicating the daily number of „corona positives“ as these figures are „fake“ and put the population in unnecessary panic. The number of test-positives depends very much on the type and number of tests and says nothing about the state of health: https://www.secoloditalia.it/2020/03/coronavirus-la-gismondo-ammonisce-duramente-basta-snocciolare-numeri-sui-positivi-sono-dati-falsati/

An Open Letter from Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, to the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. Professor Bhakdi calls for an urgent reassessment of the response to Covid-19 and asks the Chancellor five crucial questions. The let­ter is dated March 26: https://swprs.org/open-letter-from-professor-sucharit-bhakdi-to-german-chancellor-dr-angela-merkel/

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@Burning Bush


0 ( +0 / -0 )

The early actions taken in Hokkaido seem to have successfully slowed the spread of infections there. Hokkaido reports 55 active cases with only 4 new infections yesterday!

Let’s hope that trend continues in Hokkaido and the situation elsewhere follows a similar trend after the latest action.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Yes thank you for reminding people that. Although Hokkaido is of course different from the other cities, it still showed the limited lockdown has worked

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If they tested more widely, you'd see way higher numbers.

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Thousand positive cases on a population of 12 millions is nothing. Emergency is when 1000 start dying everyday!

Look at the rate of increase.

A week ago there were just under two thousand active cases in Japan. Today there are over 4,000 (around a thousand either recovered or died)

Use mathematics to double the numbers every week and before long you have a crisis.

You need to act before you get to the stage of a thousand dying every day, not leave it until you do. To get to those numbers dying you would need a vast number infected - that's 30,000 a month.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

What everyone seems to forget is the +/-14 (median is 5 days) day incubation period.

What that means is that all these new cases had already been infected more than 5 days ago.

What is not clear is if tests are only being applied, and results shown from, to those with symptoms or if they are showing everyone who is infected but not yet showing symptoms.

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Everything would be so easy if everyone has a fat bank account and all means of production are totally automated.

Why are people so blind to what happens to the economy during a total lockdown?

If the government cannot bail out individuals and businesses economic collapse will lead to hardships and deaths too.

And if the economy is already down and another catastrophe occurs, what then?

We should not make short sighted decisions, especially in crises.

On a personal level we don't impose our own lockdown. Despite the danger to our health and lives we still choose to go to work. We will only stop going to work if our pay will be guaranteed. The government does not and cannot have that guarantee. Despite the pronouncements of some, the government cannot just print money as needs arise.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

More infections seem more deaths in Europe and America, however many people don't die from coronavirus everyday in Japan after first outbreak of Wuhan city even if there are millions of people are potentially infected somehow. Hundreds/thousands of people don't die one day unlike Spain, Italy, America,,,.Why?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

 Hokkaido reports 55 active cases with only 4 new infections yesterday!

and where do you think panicked Tokyoites are going now since there are no travel restriction

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 Some factors may be relatively favourable to Japan (high number of hospital beds per capita)

Not true if one consider the correct point of comparison which is not the number of beds in general but rather the number of beds available in the intensive care units (ICUs). According to the the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, there are about 29 ICU beds for every 100,000 individuals in Germany and about 12 for the same number of people in Italy. In Japan, there are about five. Plus there seems to be an issue of insufficient staffing in the ICUs in Japan.

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Hokkaido reports 55 active cases with only 4 new infections yesterday!

Hokkaido has the lowest population density of any of the prefectures in Japan. This virus appears to thrive (as do most viruses) in areas with high population densities. Not surprisingly, the following areas have highest population densities, in descending order, Tokyo-to, Osaka-fu, Kanagawa-ken, Saitama-ken, and Chiba-ken. It is no surprise then that 4 of those 5 prefectures are in the top 5 for COVID-19 cases in Japan. Hyogo is the outlier, but one can reasonably assume that its high number of cases is due to its proximity to Osaka, and the number of people in Hyogo who commute to Osaka on a daily basis.

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"The government does not and cannot have that guarantee."

I disagree. They can and they SHOULD


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@Kostas Yannakopoulos

Slight misunderstanding, that package is the guarantee to individuals and businesses, what isreferred by the "govt doesn't have that guarantee" is the govt's own source of revenue, hence the allusion to printing money as a source

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Let's agree that printing money is the absolute last resort for any government.

However, emergency packages like that should be designed to guarantee businesses in such a way that everyone's pay is not at stake, at least for a short period of time. Economies like Japan's should be able to do that as they have they resources - not sure about the planning regarding Japan.

Even economically beaten up Greece has provided relief packages for businesses and entrepreneurs, so that jobs will not be lost during the lockdown.

My wife says, even unemployment benefit is non existent ! Third world capitalism?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@kwat I tried to pinpoint an answer to your query, but I found too much information. Therefore, I'll let you find what you are looking for yourself here: https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

500 new cases today. 1 death

How long until we just admit

Japan can't afford to,

doesn't have the laws to enforce

Politicians capable of doing more than grandstanding

or enough of the population willing to stay home to stop the spread.

And go back to daily life accept we are all most likely to catch and recover from it, if we haven't caught it already.

Unfortunately some people will die early but as the recorded low number of death shows it wont be as many as people think.

At moment we are destroying the economy and restricting life for no benefits.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


I feel you, but this was necessary to (hopefully) prevent the healthcare system from collapsing. At first they were saying it would collapse if an "overshoot" happens, but recently they calculated it would collapse even before an "overshoot". This is the main reason Abe gave in and called a state of emergency.

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@ therougou

I understand what you are saying, but it clearly hasn't gotten through to people (the Nogaya governor for example)

Also if the goal is to avoid overwhelmingly the health system do we really need a daily number of cases and endless press briefings from local mayors?

Instead release the icu occupiency rates for each prefecture every evening that way people in some areas can understand why the have to stay home take etc care driving etc and other prefectures can continuing functioning while taking caution.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Instead release the icu occupiency rates for each prefecture every evening that way people in some areas can understand why the have to stay home take etc care driving etc and other prefectures can continuing functioning while taking caution.

I seriously doubt that will work. For some people perhaps, but for the majority, I just don’t see it phasing them until drastic measures are implemented, then once they see that, they will start to take this virus more seriously. That’s not happening at all at the moment.

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Burning Bush

Also, I wonder why the we aren't given the number of positives/number of tests.

They are doing it. They just do not go to your house every morning to give these to you. Same for every stuff you are requesting. They are given daily (with various time gap depending of the source). What about making an effort ?

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Late to the comment party here, but figured I would just add this, for better or for worse, and maybe ease some troubled minds here: My dear friend, who is a scientist that works with viruses on a daily basis, told me to not panic over the rate of infection. That number does not mean half or nearly anywhere near as much as the death rate. He told me that until Japan or any country sees their death rate start to double and triple in a single day, then and only then should the public really become seriously worried. Because the death rate is the true indicator of what this virus could do to Japan.

Here's another statistic to consider: 95% of the world's population who are infected with Covid-19 have minor symptoms or no symptoms at all. Some 3 percent are in critical condition. Only a tiny percentage are dying from this virus, and they are dying usually because of many other factors besides the virus itself (like being in inadequate medical care facilities, having several other complications that actually was what killed them, etc.).

I'm not saying we should ignore social distancing rules and go back to pretending like we all wash our hands all the time when none of really do, but I have to at least consider the idea that the media has kind of spread their own virus that has infected everybody lately - The virus of sensationalism, and turning us all into zombies watching the news all the time to see what terrible tragic rate of infection numbers are going to pop up next.

Stay home if you can. But if you cannot because you have a family to feed and bills to pay, do not be ashamed to go out and support yourself. Just be careful when you do it.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Japan or any country sees their death rate start to double and triple in a single day, then and only then should the public really become seriously worried

So according to your friend, which happen unexpectedly to be an authority, nobody around the world should be seriously worried about the virus. Since there is no country which as of now have this kind of rate and the higher number of deaths before passing under the 1 day double marker was 37.



95% of the world's population who are infected with Covid-19 have minor symptoms or no symptoms at all.

Nope that is 81%



Stay home if you can. But if you cannot because you have a family to feed and bills to pay, do not be ashamed to go out and support yourself.

That is true, thought there is no need to twist facts to state it. Same for people going the other way, they should not be ashamed to stay in and protect.

What about trying to not use fake easily verifiable data to try to soften people stress ? Lying make things worse in the middle/long run for one because you destroy trust.

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Japan recorded 503 new coronavirus infections on Wednesday,

I wish the media would stop this misrepresenation. Of course there are many many more "infections" than this. Probably in the millions. What they are talking about here, are "cases", i.e. people with strong symptoms who were tested. The vast majority of infections have no or very light symptoms and are never tested. Why does it seem so difficult for the media to understand and communicate this?

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Clearly Tokyo and New York are very different.

Yes, clearly... the lowest level of testing amongst the advanced countries has had the desired effect.

There are other factors too. F.ex. US populations as a whole are much more overmedicated and overweight than Japanese populations, both major risk factors for Corona. The difference in numbers is not all because of one factor.

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c'mon, don't be upset. this is the cherry blossom blow. this was expected and shows the incompetency.

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Japan recorded 503 new coronavirus infections on Wednesday,

I wish the media would stop this misrepresenation

So there weren't 503 new cases recorded? How many newly recorded cases were there actually? How much was this number misrepresented by?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

To overcome this outbreak, Abe Shinzo must demonstrate a strong leadership without delay. If not, Abe will surely follow the destructive path of Trump.

Meanwhile, the Australian model is working effectively. Since Morrison and his government – through their motto “saving lives and saving livelihoods” – have decisively responded to the COVID outbreak by balancing between health and economic considerations and is flattening the curve.

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