Japan on Saturday reported 135,761 new coronavirus cases, up 8,671 from Friday. Tokyo reported 14,558 new cases, up 1,002 from Friday.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo was 15, down two from Friday. The nationwide figure was 378, unchanged from Friday.
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 222.
© Japan Today
Jonny G
15 serious cases in a city of 5million people with 100k cases a week approx. Cases will be much higher than this figure of course.
Again we can conclude...
we have a thankfully v mild virus for overwhelming majority.
Risk to children minsicule at most. Is 3years masking them justified given all the negatives and their non existent risk? (Presuming masks do anything to stop spread)
Masks and vaccines not doing much (arguably nothing - look at those numbers!) to stop spread.
It was time to move on a long time ago.Elvis is here
A subjective comment. They do work though. Take out "very short lived" and hey-presto
Elvis is here
If vaccines don't work, why is China pinning their recovery on them?
Vaccines are key to China’s zero-Covid exit but scepticism poses challenge
Numbers will go up and down as Covid will linger around for quite a while. Draconian measures like lockdowns and vaccine passports do not work. Life must go on and those who still have an irrational fear need to man up and get better and refrain from their negativity.