Tokyo on Wednesday reported 20,401 new coronavirus cases, up 9,383 from Tuesday and up 3,523 from last Wednesday, as numbers continued to surge across Japan.
Osaka Prefecture had the most cases with a record high 21,976. In all, 30 prefectures reported their highest daily numbers.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 18, one down from Tuesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 176, up 21 from Tuesday.
Other prefectures reporting high numbers were (Kanagawa (11,443), Fukuoka (9,136), Hyogo (6,667), Chiba (5,210), Okinawa (5,160), Saitama (4,811), Kumamoto (3,772), Shizuoka (3,724), Kagoshima (2,718), Gifu (2,594), Kyoto (2,487), Miyagi (2,094), Hokkaido (2,060), Ehime (1,964), Oita (1,940), Gunma (1,910), Saga (1,802), Tochigi (1,783), Shimane (1,608), Nagano (1,594), Nagasaki (1,587), Aomori (1,435), Hiroshima (1,406), Shiga (1,366), Yamaguchi (1,193), Miyazaki (1,152), Okayama (1,133), Mie (1,051), Ibaraki (1,039), Yamanashi (1,015), Kagawa (987), Fukushima (958), Akita (830), Niigata (808), Toyama (807), Wakayama (746), Nara (721), Kochi (704), Fukui (638), Iwate (594), Yamagata (581), Tottori (564), Ishikawa (390) and Tokushima (297).
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Randy Johnson
It's an endemic.
Steven Mccarthy
It’s a pandemic….
Sven Asai
Ask yourself honestly for how long you think you can still stand it and the following waves, individually and as a society. But feel free to go ahead living with the viruses as you call it. Unbelievable, that ignorant stubborn stupidity anywhere except of maybe China, who know how to handle it because they know it best, if you guess what I mean.
This is not the same virus as it was two years ago. It is more infectious but less severe. If you are vaxxed you will almost certainly quickly recover if you get it. So really, no need to panic at the numbers.
let them go up to 40,000, 60,000, whatever. It won’t change the approach which should be to live with it and not let it dominate your life.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
47,401 cases but only 176 people in hospital .
How many deaths ?
The sniffles !
Cases are practically irrelevant as almost all recover here in Japan. Compare the number of deaths if you want to look at something relevant
You can live harmoniously here in Japan without allowing it to dominate your life.
it’s quite simple. Wear your mask, get vaxxed, don’t go to large gatherings.
How is Japan’s situation a pandemic? Not to be mistaken for endemic, which can refer to certain diseases located among specific ethnic groups. I’m just curious as to why Japan almost never reports Covid death rates rather than the same old daily tally of new infections?
For most people it's not a question of whether you will survive.
But for 1 in 10, it is a question of whether you will get long covid.
Whether you will ever be able to walk up stairs again.
Whether you will be able to work.
Whether you can live independently.
Vaxxed to the max Australia, which has just approved Moderna for 6 month old toddlers, is putting the lie to that. 1,500 Covid deaths this month alone!
There is absolutely no honest or statistically accurate way to measure how many people have even had Covid, let alone how many have had long Covid.
And LOL at your description of the symptoms. Suffering a bad headache two months after you recovered does not warrant this absurd level of paranoia.
Compare the number of deaths if you want to look at something relevant
yes it is relevant, why do you thing the number of deaths have dramatically reduced compared to the begging of the pandemic, dah vaccinations, data that is shown through dozens of countries around the world with high vaccination rates, no masks dont work near as well when everybody is cramed together like prior to the pandemic, vaccinations dont always stop you getting covid , but reduces your chance of long covid and death
Only 252 tourists entered Japan in June, so it is very much those in Japan driving this so can we please open the borders fully now please when it is clear it won't make a difference in infection numbers. These numbers were always on the cards but as others have said with everyone being able to access the vaccines (and those that choose not to have only themselves to blame) the numbers don't matter with the amount of the overall population that has been vaccinated.
Dont care. Nothing can be done now. Lockdowns and other actions that suppress the economy would lead to a horrific depression. Get on with your life.
Raw Beer
Exactly, for most of us an infection will be less severe than getting the vaccine. I continue to think that these variants are like live attenuated vaccines, that will provide better immunity that the current vaccines.
The faster the cases rise, the faster they'll fall. So as long as the hospitals are not overwhelmed...
This. We have our defences against this disease for almost a year now and people can take vaccines/social distance/run the risk of catching the least virulent variant of COVID-19 to date or whatever they want now.
There shouldn't be any more talk of state of emergencies or other government mandated protect-the-people-from-themselves nonsense measures. No need for any more economic straitjackets either.
Leighton Rutt
Hmmm! I seem to remember saying earlier in the week that numbers were down, because of it being a long weekend, and to wait until later.
Seems I was right, hey?
Don’t go expressing optimism or hope Raw Beer
people here hate that.
Government and bailed out businesses had it pretty free and easy in Japan.
3 years on and this news is still boring as....
Raw Beer
Indeed. I already gave up on saying that these cases are just PCR positive numbers, they do not represent the number of sick people. Those with symptoms are likely a small fraction of these cases.
Imaginary facts contradicted by the available evidence are not arguments. Can you even point to any evidence that says the vaccine is more severe than the infection for most people? because that is not what the data indicates. Even omicron have several orders of magnitude more complications that the vaccines that protect against it, that is why the medical consensus still recommends the vaccines instead of the infection, or even after getting infected.
And according to the information available and the opinion of the experts you are still wrong, because running the full risks of covid to get infection is exactly the opposite of "best", by all possible meanings is the worst way to get it.
Infection cases have never been used to represent disease cases, that is all your strawman. The infection cases are being monitored because they provide an opportune and easy way to see how the spreading of the disease changes without having to wait until people are clogging the medical services or begin to die in great numbers before doing something.
No need to panic as long as this stays down.
Infections, while a lot, are also not going up exponentially, although the testing is suspect.
This monster is not going away, just as the number go down and people get comfortable, the numbers shoot up. This is a virus, and you can't kill a virus, you can try to control it but you can't kill it. Get use to this people because COVID is not going anywhere, it will continue to duck and hide!! The sad part is we have the winter months ahead and thats when it really gets worse!!!
Wojak Chrollman
You'll get better within a week!
Oh, but you might also not be able to enjoy food/drink ever again, and you might suffer from long term complications for years to come. No biggie.
Why do they NEVER report how many people of the hospitalised have been vaccinated?
'Infections' is meaningless. Focus on the deaths, hospitalised and how many of them were vaccinated. That's the data they need to be working from.
Hospitalization rate is now over 75%. Waiting times in emergency rooms are between 5 to 7 hours to be seen. Outpatients are being requested to NOT come to the hospital for non-emergency services. Appointments are being cancelled, and some people here are acting like it's no big deal.
Yeah right..... I just hope that those folks dont live down here, or if they do come down here and need medical assistance, well, you just are going to have to wait in line until some doctor in some hospital may get to you!
Serious cases, and others, who need to be hospitalized SHOULD be the focus as cases rise. If hospitals can not treat "regular" patients because they are filled with COVID patients, it's an added stress to a system here that is already close to bursting at the seams.
Raw Beer
All of the people around me who got the vaccine felt so sick that they had to take one or more days off from work/school.
The vast majority of people who get an omicron infect are asymptomatic, based on data from places that carried out mass testing (e.g. China).
Liam Roberts
Ahh the so called experts,doctors, scientist’s on this page trying to give me advice on how to beat this . Unless you can give me proof that you have experience in what is happening I’ll take your advice with a pinch of salt ( being kind)
You just have to use your own judgment.
At this point everyone's an expert... ish.
We've all experienced this for two and a half years. We've seen extreme lockdowns like China and New Zealand, extreme freedom where no one can tell anyone what to do like US, and mid-way countries where most of the people respect (ed) measures like Japan and Korea.
Did any of them work? We're still here and it doesn't look like any of the above worked or going to work.
Just gotta use our own judgment and time will tell.
What are you talking about? The measures worked great in Japan. The country was not shut down, and deaths were kept very, very low. That's a resounding success.
So I see the ban on foreign faces in Japan is going well then..
It just goes to show what nonsense the tourist ban is and that it is politically and racially motivated. They can easily open up to fully vaccinated and PCR tested travellers - the current positive stats would not change that much.
All this walking around outside in masks is just a ridiculous show. Walk past the izakaya and ramen shops and you will see crowded contained spaces with nobody wearing masks inside.
The current ban on tourists is being attributed to Covid but don't be fooled by that nonsense.
I cannot understand, Japan and it's highly sophisticated people, intelligent, keep their borders closed in fear of what? We in EU enjoy beaches, parties, dinners with friends. For sure, there is the omnipresent negative press with doomsday scenarios, as accurate as the weather forecasts. Silently, most people here have come to senses. It's over 2 years wait now and I want to hold my daisuki back in my arms, please.
I'm triple vaxxed, and STILL no corona.
Clearly the vaccines work.
Japan has done an excellent job of managing covid, by not locking down, and yet still keeping their numbers low.
I hope they continue to pursue the strategy they have chosen, as it protects the lives of Japanese citizens.
And yet only 18 people in hospital with severe symptoms…
enough with the hysteria!
Japan has done an excellent job of managing covid, by not locking down, and yet still keeping their numbers low.
Respectfully disagree and it is correlation versus causation.
Japan has kept deaths low despite the LDP government measures, due to the probity and compliance with recommendations of the Japanese populace.
Meanwhile, the LDP used it as an excuse for disaster capitalism and enriched business cronies with wealth transfer bailouts. A significant portion of the Japanese working public has come out of the pandemic with drained savings and reduced incomes and much worse off than before.
As opposed to nations like New Zealand that had strict lockdowns along with generous support for the entire populace who needed it.
As Suga commented early on in the pandemic, the government chose to do as little as possible and rely on the "self-reliance" of the Japanese people.