Japan Today

Japan reports 177,622 new coronavirus cases


Japan on Saturday reported 177,622 new coronavirus cases, up 4,286 from Friday. Tokyo reported 18,731 new cases, up 1,399 from Friday.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo was 43, down one from Friday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 530, down six from Friday.

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 339.

© Japan Today

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Covid is a virus it isn’t going anywhere

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Calling COVID a ‘lark’ is far, far from being ‘positive minded.’ It’s dismissing a disease that had untold effect on the world and its people for the past two years. I’d like you to step up, in person, to my colleague who lost his mother to COVID and, to his face, call it a ‘lark’ and tell him to be more ‘positive minded.’

5 ( +11 / -6 )

dan....why aren't you having any fun? So there are some dividers here and there, and people you don't know often have their masks on. How is that really impacting your life and keeping you from having fun and dining out and going to bars and stage diving at shows? It's not, is it?

Get vaxxed, don't get vaxxed. Wear a mask, wear 938 masks at once, don't wear a mask.

Stop imposing your will upon others. You live your way and let others live their way.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Want proof it's all a waste of time and nonsense?

Yes, please

Check Africa.

How does Covid on one continent prove the whole thing as a waste of time and nonsense? I don’t think I’m being pedantic with my understanding of ‘proof’ here.

The Covid boat sailed more than a few years ago.

More than a few years ago would surely mean pre-Covid. The ‘Covid boat’ sailed before there was Covid?

Fascinating stuff.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

It is NOT working

I think you could forgive us for suspecting you are not approaching this objectively or empirically after you posted this:

All of us are unvaxxed too, btw.

Seems that the vaxxed get hit harder when contradicting COVID than the unvaxxed but I could be wrong.

You do see my point here, don’t you?

1 ( +8 / -7 )



Not true at all. Healthcare workers, elderly in care and others are often tested regularly here Also, if you go to a hospital for any serious treatment you'll be tested as a matter of course. These are just three examples.

That is not my experience. Throughout the pandemic, I had cancer, an operation, and further treatment every three months. I have never been tested for covid and I have not had it.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Communities should work together to do everything possible to get their Covid infection rates down . . . .

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Time to get over the Covid lark now…

I’ve been asking the staff at Japan Today to remove posts that refer to this disease, a disease that taken the lives of loved ones, as a ‘lark.’ It’s offensive and insensitive, not to mention immature and regressive.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

@ Tora …. Just the FACTS please .!. Japan ONLY tests SYMPTOMATIC people.!. So the entire premise of your statement starts off as patently false and misleading at best .!. And Africa ?

Not true at all. Healthcare workers, elderly in care and others are often tested regularly here Also, if you go to a hospital for any serious treatment you'll be tested as a matter of course. These are just three examples.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

The problem is not Covid. The problem is the hysteria and medical clinics and hospitals still rejects anyone who has a fever because "fever = covid" no matter what.....so if you have a fever good luck getting access to medical help even if you do not have covid. Thats the problem I'm not happy about with this covid situation. I bet my last dollar that 399 deaths were likely due to the fact they were medically rejected from hospitalization.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

@tora Well said. It’s like Covid is the only illness that ever to some posters. Even if there’s proof that Covid is just a common cold they’ll forever be locked into the fear narrative. Governments should never operate as nanny states.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Ministry of health report shows that denying the scientific fact that Omicron is the deadliest variant of Covid for all age groups to date is a serious mental health condition.!.

More people died from Omicron because many more got infected, but Omicron IS much milder than previous variants.

Your comment is like saying "water is deadlier than cyanide" because more people died from drowning than from cyanide poisoning. But should we fear water?

Anyway, Happy Christmas everyone, Covid is over if you want it....

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Ministry of health report shows that denying the scientific fact that Omicron is the deadliest variant of Covid for all age groups to date is a serious mental health condition.!. The report further states that anti masks , anti vax, and anti mitigation statements are completely false and lead directly to more infections and unnecessary deaths.!.

-4 ( +11 / -15 )

The obvious problem with your statement is that it omits the fact that the flu doesn't cause 200k cases and 300 plus deaths per day. Nor there are 500 on breathing machines because of the flu.

No. I think you'll find that most of these are hardly symptomatic or serious at all. Bet most people who get the flu hardly take some kind of PCR test or anything else to prove they have it. They just rest up and get on with things. Bet loads of people have the flu and all kinds of other alignments and never "test" for anything. I know heaps of people who were forced to take a PCR for some reason or other, and came up positive even though not even the tiniest of symptoms. As for people who die with Covid, again check the ages. Almost 100% now really advanced in age or serious comorbidities. And most dying with Covid, not because of Covid.

Want proof it's all a waste of time and nonsense? Check Africa. The Covid boat sailed more than a few years ago. Nobody cares anymore (and had no access to marks or vaccines since they sold to rich countries governemnts at 30 USD a pop vs pennies to make them) and they're fine. Time to get on with things.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Time to get over the Covid lark now, it’s Christmas and time to have fun and be Merry with our friends and family.

Was out and about today, blimey it was packed everywhere, so many people enjoying life, that’s how it should be.

-6 ( +10 / -16 )

Wow 339 deaths, sound like we already hit a new record, or will during new years. Less deadly? 339 out of 177,622 is definitely a higher rate than last year. Are these death with COVID, or due to COVID? Does it matter? These are really bad figure either way!

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Steven McCarthy

Merry Christmas to you too, stay safe.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )


Why should we continue this charade that is the false misconception that masks...little dividers and vaccinations that offer 3 months of protection are working?!

Why blindly continue this nonsense?!

It is NOT working.

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

@ Tora …. Just the FACTS please .!. Japan ONLY tests SYMPTOMATIC people.!. So the entire premise of your statement starts off as patently false and misleading at best .!. And Africa ? Sorry what’s happening in other countries does not compare to any other country.!. We see precisely what happens to other countries who do nothing …. China and England being 2 examples of being reckless.!.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

@falseflagsteve well said!

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

@Jimizo: What is literally zero?

In this case it is used informally (to create emphasis) rather than a focus on exactness. If you want an argument on semantics, nuances of meaning, etymology, then you’ve chosen the wrong person.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

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