Japan on Thursday reported 42,737 new coronavirus cases, down 7,557 from Wednesday. Tokyo reported 3,941 new cases, down 406 from Wednesday.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 17, up two from Wednesday, health officials said. The nationwide number is 120, down three from Wednesday.
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 71.
© Japan Today
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Numbers. Some good, some bad.
Find it odd, Japan with all their mask wearing outside...daily cases amount to MORE than the entire USA per day of late, and in USA about 99% do not wear a mask.....Glad Japan is OPEN finally...took long enough..
1) The US numbers are highly questionable as we don’t know how many people aren’t testing.
2) The difference in population density between the two countries makes it pretty hard to compare apples to apples
On another note, I think Japan’s media should stop reporting the number of cases every day. No offense JT, but the media plays a big part in the road back to a “normal” lifestyle. People who want to know COVID numbers can go to a dedicated website to see that…
time to move on and stop reporting these numbers! Just a waste of time. Return to normal life like the rest of the world!
Steven Mccarthy
I agree with the jgov . However unfortunatel, The &th wave has arrived . That’s not good with over 460,000 people still correctly listed as hospitalized either in an actual hospital or a hotel. Day on day increases by every metric.!. And that’s with far too few tests.!. Luckily for those of us in the vast majority of responsible people and parents … the rollout of the safe and effective boosters has begun .!. Colder temps are here way too early too…. That wil drive the masses inside …. If you’re in the marginalized minority of highly irresponsible unvaccinated people, mask up.!. Visit your embassy to get jabbed .!. Follow the 3 C’s.!. Certainly avoid the bars and close contact settings.!. Fortunately for FFS who lives abroad, he has nothing to worry about in Japan.!.