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© KYODOJapanese sex business operator sues state over virus cash handout snub
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She's right. It would be a good time for Japan to clarify its position about the sex industry.
JJ Jetplane
I think it's ridiculous for these politicians to deny the businesses that they frequent all because of some perceived perceived public perception. The sex industry is one of the pillars of Japanese society. Majority partake in their services and its common public knowledge, yet you are supposed to hide it or act like you are above it.
If she pays tax properly then there is good reason for her to be angry.
The sex industry deserves rescue support, but screening and post-payment review are necessary to prevent fraud. In Okinawa there are a large scale scam amounting to more than 100 million yen, where crime syndicate is suspected of being involved.
沖縄のコロナ給付金問題、全国最大規模の詐欺事件に発展する可能性も 県警「まだ全容は見えていない」
Japan's sex industry is also in a way linked to dark underground society. Caution is needed before things are examined and cleared.
You know, if there really was "public discrimination" against the industry it wouldn't exist as there wouldn't be any customers!
In reality the "discrimination" comes PURELY from the authorities, and government, and yet they patronize these places as well. Japan has a rich history in it's sex industry, and it was only "outlawed" because of the McAurthur and the introduction of "puritanical" laws here.
Seeing as how the "blaming game" is quite in fashion in today's generation, these workers should be seeking compensation from Trump for America's interference in a legitimate and profitable industry!
Kobe White Bar Owner
The only immoral thing here is refusing to support taxpaying sex workers. Indefensible.
This business whether one likes it or not is a business that was affected and should be compensated as such. Name one such Diet member or any official in any office throughout Japan that has not visited a place such as love hotels, sex bars etc. We read about them every year as scandals and using tax money to do the deeds. Yes they should be compensated too.
Bernard Marx
Come again? Why? This is Japan, learn Japanese.
Does she have a business licence? Does her business pay and file taxes? If yes, then, like it or not, she should get the money, same as any other other small business. (Pachinko parlours got it, no doubt).
The Avenger
Sign out front:
Sorry, we're clothed.
Ken Wyatt
It's actually very simple.
If the government wants business to cooperate, the government should cooperate in return.
The pachinko parlours that refused to close during the pandemic are the ones who shouldn't receive anything. They should be fined instead.
For the duration they remained in business, they received nothing. The govt does not have the authority to forcefully close businesses, or fire them for not cooperating with a request.
Treat tax-paying citizens properly.
Indeed. Tax paying residents deserve to all be treated equally and fairly.
However the gray area is that hardly any sex-workers file taxes. The establishments may declare revenue and pay taxes, (if they have a valid business license) but the workers are generally day-hire, cash-in-hand paid. If you work full time, the company accounting will automatically deduct income, healthcare, and pension tax from your salary, but freelancers, part-time, and day-laborers are responsible to file their own taxes.
They're licensed and pay taxes. Taxation w/o representation is bunk. They deserve the money just as much as any other small business does. The sex industry is important and treated the same as a bakery or a hat shop.
Jessie Lee
Sounds like this story won't have a happy ending
If JP Govt. accept 31,956 sex industry businesses registration then why the discrimination?
Govt. must follow the Article 14 of the Constitution provides for equality for all, prohibiting discrimination "in political, economic or social relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin."
Because, this is true, if no sex industry then possibility to increase the sex violence too.
The government dolls out billions for dodgey Buisness, Olympics, right wing schools, usless missle sites, pet projects, the waist is incredible, but can't fathom that something people use deserves to be treated like any other Buisness. The decision making process is as usual obscure at best.
Why should such businesses pay taxes if they're going to be discriminated against in this way?
This must be solved quickly and they must be paid before the Olympics next year. I heard before foreign athletes are great fans of Japan's "Soap Land." They may be looking forward to visit Japan and go to Yoshiwara.
There's nothing wrong with lending a helping hand, is there?
"According to the lawyers, the plaintiff files tax returns . . . "
Just like any other business even though it's perhaps a little on the deviant side, but if they're paying taxes, so, ........ Why not?!
Actually they do, it's just a matter of will, and in reality money as well. If the government "forces" a business to close they can potentially become liable for loss of business. Hence the "social" pressure, through using the media to "out" businesses that are uncooperative.
Funny thing, through all this crap about "pachinko parlors" I have yet to hear of one case, or cluster, or anything for that matter, about any pachinko parlor having problems with the virus.
People can down play the situation or complain all they want, but pachinko parlors have ventilation systems in place that are just as good or better than many aircraft in the sky, and that is by the law here. Also pachinko parlors are now, since April 2020, smoke free environments, and many, if not all, have taken steps to prevent any "infections".
I always get a laugh, (not directed to anyone in particular) when I read comments made here from people talking through their butts about pachinko parlors and their environments, without actually ever stepping into one!
The most ludicrous thing about this situation is that out of all the businesses that we needed to take a break during the coronavirus situation, this is the one.
My company received money both from the national government and Tokyo Metropolitan to close, which we did, but in reality we could have carried on safely with sensible social distancing/hygiene measures. There is no possible way to do this safely in the sex business - it would have made far more sense to support them to close than it did to support mine!
Government is VERY happy to take her tax payments, but when it comes to paying relief money they are suddenly are worried about public backlash!!!??? Bunch of hypocrites!!! Stop paying taxes just in case there is a public backlash as publick is disgusted by the fact that the government is taking taxes from illicitly earned income like a pimp!!!
A bit tricky this one.
Is it? I don't think so. Sex workers, as noted, pay their taxes, and need to eat like the rest of us. They deserve financial assistance and it's criminal that the government won't support them.
I kind of doubt that these kind of establishments really pay all the taxes they are due...
Doubt it.
If a given establishments does indeed pay them and operate as they are supposed to, for example no penetration allowed, as per law, then yes, they deserve to be on the dole.
If not, then they do not.
Case by case basisだね。
Actually it would be "CLOTH". No one uses "ed" here.
Their doing a public giri. They are delivering health ; )
I don’t want to pay taxes, to support other people’s sex activities and businesses.
Can I opt out of that, if she wins the case?
I would prefer that she saves money or buys insurance or whatever, but just leave me out of it.
To be honest I don’t like these govt support programs propping up tourism etc either. It feels like it’s just delaying the inevitable. Coronavirus means changes to the economy.
I’m fine with the govt having a safety net for people across the board. That’s fair and equal. Why can’t all this stuff be done that way, and we let economic behavior adjust naturally?
Brian Wheway
I am in to minds over this one, 1: yes she's a legit business, so yes she should get a hand out. 2: no, most of these woman who provide mens health, earn a fortune there are plenty of cases where they have disclosed how much these woman earn. so why can't they live of there previous earnings?
All national and foreign residents, tax paying or not, are able to receive the 100,000Y stimulus. The woman in the article is claiming the 1-3million business owner support handout. If she is paying corporate tax, I absolutely agree she should be paid. Her workers however, unless they are full time, are responsible to file their own taxes, and apply for the freelancer support stimulus on their own.
Hello Kitty 321
@Ken WyattToday
What should they be fined for? They did not break any laws.
Hello Kitty 321
What a sweeping statement. While I am unable to to give any names I am sure that many of them have not visited such a place.
Lol! I dont want to pay for your medical bills either, but I do, as well as everyone else here. Better to just grow up and accept there are plenty of things in life that we dont "like" to do, but still do it!
I don’t want you to pay for my medical bills, either.
But I don’t think any of us should be paying to keep businesses that aren’t viable anymore afloat. Whether they deal in sex or ice cream (or both) I don’t care. Leave the economy to its own devices, but have a general safety net to help those in need.
These handout schemes are just indebting us all, and the effects of coronavirus are going to last a good while. Can’t give handouts to every hooker and her cat indefinitely .
Better to just grow up and accept there are plenty of things in life that we dont "like" to do, but still do it!
That's not growing up, growing up would be to avoid and not do things which you do not want to do, If you still do things you don't want to, than you have not yet grown up.
According to the lawyers, the plaintiff files income tax returns and operates her business in compliance with laws regulating the sex industry. Interesting she plays by the government rules by registering her business and paying her taxes as any other person in public, but the government bends the rules and rejected her request, saying such businesses "have previously been excluded from public support, such as ones following natural disasters," and that the agency merely "followed the past responses" made by the state.
I can't see the government winning this one because as her attorney said "Article 14 of the Constitution provides for equality for all, prohibiting discrimination "in political, economic or social relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin."
Time to pay up government
Any legitimate sanctioned business that pays its taxes deserves the same consideration as all other businesses. They are as entitled to support during covid as any other business that employ's citizens and adds to the economy. Open and shut case. Shame on the government for trying to discriminate while accepting taxes from this industry.
the sex industry is being screwed
What do you think these payouts are for? That was the general safety net.
By chance did you refuse the 100,000 too? Bet you took that with no problem.
That is your opinion, as "growing up" is being able to make your own choices and take responsibility for your actions.
Tell me how you avoid paying taxes? Oh right, the people who dont like doing it, as you say are only "children" or people who haven't grown up.
Use that argument when the judge sentences you to jail for tax evasion. Rather childish isnt it!
Either that or you LOVE paying taxes, which is it?
Time to rethink your idea here.
No, we already have schemes as a safety net for people who become unemployed.
Suddenly because of coronavirus we have a new scheme (involving no insurance premiums, only tax burden) that is bailing out businesses that aren’t viable under coronavirus conditions.
I was sympathetic to temporary support for businesses at first but it’s becoming clear that the effects of coronavirus will be prolonged. The economy must adjust, rather than keep unviable businesses propped up.
If there is money in selling sex they can get back into business again once it’s viable.
i did, and invested the money in foreign assets because I’m gonna need every bit of it to pay the future tax burdens of these corporate welfare schemes off
Hope she wins, not that I support her business, but this is flat out discrimination.