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© Japan Today/The Associated Press
Koike urges Tokyo residents to eat and drink in small groups
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She forgot the other ‘ko’ - kommon sense
I would love them to start a "Go To Home" campaign, and send money to all of us who stay home, follow the guidelines and do what's right!
I can not understand the government here subsidizing idiocy!
Buahahaha! Not gonna happen. On the way to station on Tuesday nonetheless, this new yakitori place was fully packed. Each table, true, only 4 people but every single one occupied, the bar full, everyone next to each other and no masks. Also this was Machida so they were all college students. Made sense in head that most of them infections, at least in Tokyo, are people in their 20's. Meaning, they won't listen.
Nice one, Gollum.
Attention: We have been URGED!
Now you can go back to normal.
So the advice is as you GoTo travel and eat, do it in small groups surrounded by dozens of other small groups of people doing the same thing.
I have used them so maybe I can't talk but the Go To campaigns fly directly in the face of 'no matter what.'
Delusional Japanese government only interested now in working for the big companies to make big profits.
Social and community responsibility out the window.
Koike must be sleepless dreaming up her little ditties for mass consumption-she is wasted in public office...
A cold blooded woman looking just for the big companies interests and profits.
And unless she lives in bubble she knows well that what she “urged” is not going to happen.
But yeah,at least if things get worse she saved her face.
Urge again? People won't listen unless concrete actions are taken, like fining people.
robert maes
I am disappointed in Koike. Just another politician putting self interest before the people. She is eying more then ever the PM ‘a position as Suga seems to sink fast ( by the way the mobile charges reductions ? ) she might even run again under the LDP label to get the PM ‘a seat in September. Ldp needs her to fend off a strong opposition challenge as the opposition is uniting( surely only for a short while) and Suga will have lost much of his credit.
I am disappointed in Koike for not having the insight and courage to redraw Tokyo from the Olympics and for her choice to please the JTB’s and other old fashioned conglomerates over her duty to the people.
civil servants do not exist anywhere in the world anymore. Only opportunists and self centered grab what you can now politicians
Kobe White Bar Owner
Do the natives ever get tiered of being treated like children?
Call oneself a leader doesn't make one the one.
Fanny Greene
local ramen joint elbow to elbow with uni students at the counter, no masks.
numbers aint gonna go down. Koike is out of touch.
J-politicians appear to run their country on slogans
In a couple of weeks the numbers of tests is reduced, and as a consequence the number of daily cases go down too “miraculously”, as happened before.
Then, citizens around here, who blindly believe everything the government says, will believe these ridiculous measures actually brought the numbers down.
Urge people to follow the 3 'mitsu's', and observe the 5 'ko's' whilst simultaneously participating in the x number of 'go' campaigns. This stuff is getting too difficult for my tiny gaijin brain to digest.
I'm pretty sure she used "小" for subliminal messaging, to make her name stick to people's minds.
Other countries with surging corona they don't encourage going out.
Always oppoiste thinking in Japan.
Koike, stop expressing concern and the fanciful words that is meant to draw attention to yourself and score cheap political points. What you should be doing is make sure the frontline workers undergo regular pcr test so that they don't infect the elderly that they are looking after.
Lunatics led by lunatics. I think everyone is just praying that the vaccine will save them
What specifically are septa and octogenarians in suits going to do to reduce infections? What is the expectation here?
The leader of the country encourages nationwide travel. Notice he doesn't specifically rule out travel into and out of Tokyo. However...
Presumably the JMA President is part of the 'two-day expert panel meeting' currently going on. Or maybe he isn't as his advice is against what the PM is publicly advocating.
They dont need the extra encouragement to snoop and snitch in Japan.
Let's see:
Meeting in small groups (limited to four) || Correct, intimacy terrifies us, and we need to hide in large groups.
Using small plates to avoid sharing chopsticks or glasses || Against our culture. We share everything, darling.
Quickly leaving after eating || We've nothing better to do than eat, and don't value our time at all.
Keeping a mask on in between eating or drinking || No way, José. We're all freedumb-lovers.
Speaking in a small (or low) voice || Impossible, we're all Texans.
Do the hustle
he said his government's Go To Travel campaign and Go To Eats dining incentives will continue.
Its interesting to note that the sharp increase in new case numbers coincides with these campaigns. Connection? Hmmm?
Nice, urging, cause that apparently worked so well in the past. Grow a pair and take action and responsibility, not everything revolves around you saving face.
But it's OK to have large 20+ people meetings (in yesterday's pic) in a small enclosed room that could've easily been done over a web chat.?
Good looking out Koike. That's why we pay you the BIG BUCKS to lead Tokyo!
Boy Next Door
Survival of the fittest. That's what they are trying to imply.
Doesn't matter if you go in a small group. The restaurants themselves are so closely packed and enclosed in small enclosed spaces that 1 infected person will likely infect the whole room.
But with this mask rule in place, the government can then rule out everyone as "close contacts" and people will be unable to access free testing and have to pay out of pocket or not take a test.
The whole testing rule is counter-productive to reducing spread, as you need to prove that you were not wearing a mask for 15 minutes while in contact with a confirmed case to obtain free testing.
How about using small chopsticks, and wearing small masks, such as Abenomasks, taking shorter breaks (but working longer hours), shorter breaths, sleeping shorter times?
And honestly... have Japanese people grown unable to listen? because I see these moronic politicians holding up signs which just have the words they say printed on them, and posing for photos pointing at them, and I just wonder why. One woman in my office recently started doing this and I told her to stop. We came back after the weekend and on Monday she said she had been to Kagoshima and held up a piece of paper on which she had printed the Kanji for Kagoshima, running her finger along under it as she spoke. I said, "We know what Kagoshima is, thanks." I know she's only taking her cue from fools like Koike, but honestly, it is quiet condescending unless it's story time at the hoikuen. I guess that's maybe how politicians see their constituents -- empty vessels that need to be filled with their own words.
And by the way, Wednesday was "highest level", yesterday "maximum level", was today Super-maximum highest level"? Does making a newer superlative term each day minimize the impact of the virus instead of doing something useful to fight it, because that's what it seems Koike and Co are doing.
Brian Wheway
I would love to find out what is the real infection rate is, and death rate due to C19 virus, not what the government telling us. something is telling me its a lot higher.
El Rata
Sorry Koike, I can't cancel my upcoming gathering with 10+ friends and family at our local Yakiniku joint... oh wait nevermind... I don't live in your overcrowded mess of a city.
Im rather liberal and generally go democratic. My family in California are much more liberal and progressive (which I am not). They are even angry about this and they are supporters.
Peoe would be more willing to cooperate if the “leaders” followed the rules also
Why the thumbs-down for Tokyo-Engr? Everything he says is true--well, except for Marie-Antoinette, whom history has grossly maligned. "Progressive" American politicians have glommed on to the virus as if it were foie gras and black truffle pasta: Power, power, power...The peasants must obey!
What a terrible pic!! Looks like ordered by most hatred headmistress in the school...what she said is necessary.. dear JT plz pic a better pic
That’s the thing. The “leaders” act as if they’re above the law, and yet so many people still vote for them and/or listen to them. The cognitive dissonance is frankly amazing. Californians really should be demanding Newsome’s resignation but that won’t happen.
One reason why I’m so skeptical about the pandemic is that I see politicians and the like break all the rules we’re supposed to keep with little if any penalty. If they’re not scared of this virus, why should we be?
Politicians like Koike and Suga are duplicitous, but at least they don’t have nearly as much power to shut things down.
Actually, if you do those things, it will help you, without government using any tax money. I have no objection to her idea.
Danny Nguyen
Plain ridiculous. What disappoints me the most of Japan is that they don't have the guts to apply lessons coming from another island nation in fighting COVID, New Zealand. It should be quite simple though: go hard, go early. What does that motto used by New Zealand mean? It means it's better to suffer and endure now for a short period of time, but then things would be more likely to go back to normal later.
Just insane. Its a miracle that Japan has gotten through this in OK shape so far despite the gratuitous incompetence of its government.
People need to learn the fundamentals . Like children do. Its strange. Many people in the USA wont put a mask on. Its not that hard.
To those I offended with the Gavin Newsom comment. I was wrong and insensitive. The truth is that at least 10 more of My California reps went to Hawaii for a conference as well.
Ms Koike certainly has shortcomings in her desire for the Olympics at all cost but she does not share the hypocrisy of California legislators
@Matej -
She, like California's Governor Newsome, does not have to live in reality. She comes from a wealthy family, is in a position of power, is driven everywhere, and if she becomes sick she will receive the best health care available.
The rest of us however have to figure out how to support ourselves, stay healthy, and if we do get sick hope and pray we can get good treatment.
On the other hand I do not envy those who have to make decisions as there are bad consequences to both (i.e. lock down or try to keep business going).
I would rather these decisions be made without condescending and patronizing messages or without blatant hypocrisy.
The State of Emergency in April/May was handled well. It did in fact work and it did in fact significantly decelerate the virus. It was not a lockdown but a common sense measure. This can (and should) be done again. As I said in my last post - suspend Go to Travel for a couple of months. If people have booked tell them it will be honored when things calm down. On the other hand do not lock people in their homes, arrest them, etc.
The Covid virus is restructuring the world in ways which we cannot imagine (probably not so good)
I see your point. And what action should be taken aside...I will offer the following
What about small businesses who are more likely to be devastated economically by the Pandemic? In reality the small businesses, many of whom are going month to month or have little cash reserves, are benefitting much more from being allowed to stay open as their literal survival depends on this.
Rightly or wrongly so...this is a fact
It is Tokyo Gov Yuriko Koike duty to inform the public of the risks, there is no compelling legislative demand or action to enforce.
Citizens are advised, and left to there own reconnaissance to heed. Adult to adult
For what it's worth, I gave you an upvote. And I'm in a similar situation.
What's more, it's the behaviour of people like Gavin Newsome who make me question how serious this situation really is. If he were that worried about the virus, he'd be doing what he tells other Californians to do, right? And I believe he was meeting with some medical industry lobbyists during that meal. I wonder what they were discussing. The mind boggles.
Hey at least she is not like the Governor of my State of birth and my home state in the U.S. Gavin Newsome is ordering draconian measures including limiting family gatherings. On the other hand he can attend a party with a dozen or so people at the French Laundry (around $400/person without the required wine).
Newsome's hypocrisy is legendary in this case. The Laundry is great and Thomas Keller is a great chef so I do not disparage his taste in food.
I can do without his blatant "in your face" hypocrisy however. This hypocrisy seems to be the norm in the U.S. these days at all levels of government and regardless of what letter is placed behind the "elite's" name.
Brings back memories of Marie Antoinette
people in their 20's. Meaning, they won't listen.
People in their 20s never listen to anything what the government or parents are telling them....for them it is cool not to wear a mask or not to do any prevention, because they are not getting seriously sick.
But weren't we the same when we are in our 20s?
Yeah, that’s a very good point there, Monty. I mean, I don’t think that I myself would’ve gone to quite that level, but I did do some of that stuff myself when I was in my 20s.
I don’t pretend to know the answers. But I do know it’s not whatever the CCP thinks it is.
Yestersay I walked all the way to OS Anniversaire Cafe to enjoy tea at their terrace seats. Everyone was wearing masks while not eating/drinking except this pretty fat woman fully made up chatting bragging in loud voice. Though there's a vacant seat next to hers, i decided not to go in.
I think this Rule of 4 and mask adjust is not working unless the restaurant/bars tell off those customers who are not following rules.
Curious to know why this got downvotes. Are the downvoters defending Newsome's behaviour? He's clearly doing the opposite of what he's telling the residents of his state to do, so it's obvious he doesn't see the virus as a threat to himself or anyone else who was dining with him. He's spitting in the face of everyone he's government on behalf of, and laughing at what suckers people are who believe him.
So, who do we trust? Proven liars in government? Koike isn't a lot better; maybe she's only constrained by the law, and perhaps would enforce a lockdown if she could get away with it. Fortunately she can't.
Koike recommended "limited to 4 persons"...
In some other countries more than 10 or 20 people are allowed to gather together...
And these countries are facing a very bad Corona situation.
Do they run GoTo campaigns
GoTo campaigns are not necessary in these countries, because anyway people are traveling...also among countries, not only among cities.
The comments are more interesting than the article. Had to fly to the very north of Japan this week and the plane was fuller than expected (probably due to Go to Travel). Admittedly it is something I did not particularly like. I also believe the Go to Travel campaign should be suspended until the situation improves.
On the other hand the government is trying to keep an economy going. For those of us who must work, do not have government jobs, are not supported by someone, or are not independently wealthy it is understood.
This is a huge challenged not only for Japan but for all governments.
@Kobe White Bar OwnerToday
I am always immersed among "natives" and most of them see right through this. The question is, and back to my original unpolular post about Gavin Newsome;
-------Would you rather have someone dictate to you who you can invite to your home (including relatives) while they go out and eat at a Michelin 3 star restauraunt? OR
-------Would you rather have someone make silly / cute slogans that does not take it upon themselves to literally dictate who you can have at your home?
I would choose the silly / cute slogans (which I also see right through) rather than the dictatorial lockdown. I am also not independently wealthy, have no one to support me, have a business, and do not work for the government or other situation where I am guaranteed a paycheck so I need to work.
On the other hand it seems most folks here would rather have the Gavin Newsome treatment - i.e. total lockdown while he is at the Laundry with lobbyists and other elite and high powered friends
The proverbial elephant in the room here that the panic merchants are ignoring, either by intention or accident, is that the death and hospitalisation rates for this virus have not been rising at anywhere near the rates of alleged positive test results throughout this crisis, regardless of how many tests are done and assuming that PCR tests are even accurate, positive or negative.
While "cases" may be rising, it's difficult to tell by how much because the government's testing regime has been as clear as mud. So how many people are actually infected is a mystery, but it is highly likely that almost everyone is either asymptomatic or has very mild symptoms. Is that worth demanding that everyone stays home for some undetermined period?
The argument arose yesterday on these esteemed pages about how many potentially covid-related deaths were not recorded as such because no autopsy was done. While that could be the case for some, I don't think it would account for many. And remember that this crisis has caused a significant number of non-covid related deaths due to people not being able to get timely or any treatment for other conditions due to either being discouraged from going to hospital or fearful of doing so, or prevented from doing so. Not to mention other collateral damage such as suicides from the feeling of hopelessness and stress, family violence and the like resulting from the economic damage.
Part of me thinks the ramping up of the fear factor is being used to push hard for mass vaccination for virus that affects a tiny fraction of the population, which in turn would be used as a condition for participating in society through a no-jab, no-play policy. It's no secret - just listen to what Justin Trudeau said the other day. COVID-19 is a great opportunity for a reset.
I am of the opinion that this approach from Tokyo Gov Yuriko Koike is calm, measured and balanced.
I won’t pretend to be an admirer Tokyo Gov Yuriko Koike irritating look at me political approach.
Tokyo Gov Yuriko Koike is however displaying the leadership qualities missing in the shrill lock down, lock out, panic-stricken paranoia approach inflicted on European capitals citizens.
The “urge for the public to cooperate”, instead of local authorities instructing busy bodies to peer through your letterbox, or officer dibble handing out funds, evoking the detrimental effect, creating an ever-growing chasm between effective law and order and the communities support.
Do you guys understand the purpose and especially the trigger for the GoTo campaign?
When Corona Virus starts to break out in Japan, the Japanese people shows a very good prevention behavior and they stopped eating out and they stopped traveling.
Therefore many companies, restaurants, Izakayas, Hotels went into bankruptcy.
But then, the Japanese government considered how to help these businesses and how to avoid their bankruptcy. So they issued the GoTo campaigns.
Therefore, the GoTo campaign is a very good thing...AS LONG AS THE PEOPLE BEHAVE WELL.
And that is exactly what Koike san is doing now. Asking the people to behave well.
Seemed to work for Mao.
5 "Kos" seem very easy to say but are most difficult things to do for daily life, and very impossible for Western/European people.