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© KYODOMaximum caution urged as super typhoon approaches southwest Japan
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Uh-Oh...Part II (for the day).
Kochi is on an yellow advisory at present...
Next door neighbor say red
I am taking no chances, clearing garden of any loose tools and potted plants and shuttering up my property.
Torches ready and generator fully fueled. running cables next door, neighbors grandparents over 80 and need air-con.
80m+/sec is surely 180 mph, or 290 kph.
Most of Honshu won’t be impacted but my plants will come inside just in case...
My wife and daughter are in Amamioshima now. They are in a safe place, I think, but are getting nervous. I wish I could get them out of there.
Go away Haishen! When is Japan going to get some luck for once?
@james. Don’t worry, locals are used to this. It’ll be over in a day or two. As you say, they are in a safe place. They will enjoy a positive experience of local community helping each other out. Just look at @itsonlyrocknrolls post. Sometimes it takes a bad event to bring out the good side in folks.
For some reason the super typhoon name has to be Chinese. Be safe everyone!
Please be safe everyone.
Don't take risks, and bring your plant pots and other balcony bits'n'bobs inside.
I'm in Kyushu, and I rarely even use the storm shutters. But I'm using them for this one. Filling the bath with water, checking the flashlights in batteries, food stocked... all that. Most likely won't be too bad here, but there are never guarantees. A slight shift of the winds and we could be in the center of it.
Nine times out of 10, these typhoons pass here with nothing more than a little gusty wind and some rain. It's the one time out of ten you have to watch for.
On the other hand, if you live in a well-built mansion block, the worst you'll have to worry about is a blackout.
So scared. How big it is! This typhoon's diameter is almost same size as land of Japan.
Already tied everything together in a net. Will collect water in bath tube at the end of the day. Good thing is it will not last long. Worried about Kagoshima and goto jima
Tropical cyclone name origins are rotated from a list submitted by western Pacific nations. The previous one (Maysak) was Cambodian, this one Chinese, the next four are from DPR Korea, HK, Japan then Laos. Nations are listed alphabetically.
Japan's next storm name will be 'Kujira'.
I know it very well. I am just talking about the coincidence.
Not only torrential rainfalls and storms but also
tide level (sea level) at high tide could be a trigger to cause serious damages in Kyushu region also
Although it’s far from the typhoon,
very warm and humid moisture is flowing toward to Pacific coast of Japan (Tokai and Kanto region ) also. That could lead local heavy rainfalls in the area
I'm guessing from the numerous down votes on the posts of people wishing to 'stay safe/well' this discussion is populated by quite a few cynics. To the afore mentioned cynics remember not every has lived in Japan for as long I expect you have and are prepared for a big typhoon approaching.
People new to living in Japan please do stay safe. Sometimes these typhoons are no more than a very rainy and windy day in London or Seattle. At other times they are down right dangerous!
Do stock up and prepare not to leave the relative safety of your homes for about 24 hours. Err on the side of caution and assume this will be as destructive as some others have in the past.
So yeah stay safe people. All of you (the cynics too!)
half-hearted jumper
The locals are DEFINITELY not "used to this". The locals are panic-buying here (northern Kyushu). This is no run-of-the-mill typhoon.
Must say Kochi is disconcerting, could be the lull before the storm, the sky is blue the sun streaming. Humidly is stifling. calm.
I will do my best to take care my self and to take of others close to me.
Kyushu area the Slick-drifters family and business. Headed right for us. It's a big storm. I'm feeling a high level of anxiety over it. No doubt.
Why label these typhoons with foreign names when the focus is entirely on Japan? Probably to avoid the risk of controversy, Japan chooses not to follow the naming tradition. Numbering should be the universal default, if only to eliminate the possibility of those with malicious intent stirring up ill by attributing that little bit ‘extra’ to typhoons
Re: “stay safe”
People don’t resent this. It’s just that it’s such an obvious thing. They are not little children.
Also, people are irritated by the constant “stay safe” message associated with the virus.
@oyatoi--this is an AP article so we get the internationally recognized storm names. For storm coverage without the Maysak, Haishen or Kujira, there is Japanese TV or JMA website.
Monday/Tuesday news will be like:
"Haishen" killed x people, injured y people and destroyed z houses before moving to China.
"Numbering should be the universal default,"
I agree. Numbering is sequential and logical: Typhoon #10 followed after Typhoon #9. Did Haishen follow after Maysak, or vice versa?
Given that most of the readers of this site are Japan based, not to go by the Japanese convention is perverse. Editing AP articles to reflect this (eg replacing the ‘internationally recognized’ bullet train with Shinkansen) is common practice. An even better reason is provided by 3RENSHO.
I don't know why people find the typhoon naming system so difficult.
This is the 10th typhoon - called Haishen - of the season. As I've posted numerous times and have others, the names are part of the international system for the West pacific region.
Contrary to some peoples ideas, the Japan Meteorological Agency does use the naming system in association with the sequential numbering system.
From their announcement site -
"..台風10号名称HAISHEN(ハイシェン)大きさ - 大型; 強さ- 非常に強い; 存在地域 - 南大東島の南約160km; 中心位置 - 北緯24度25分, 東経131度30分; 進行方向 - 北西; 速さ - 15km/h ; etc etc etc..."
Eisma Tayamen Bernabe
Keep safe Japan frrom philippines.
Xeno Man
Things can't get much worse in 2020 for Japan, can't it?
There is slight cloud cover over Ino town, Kochi,
Completed my evening walk, needed my sun protection umbrella, wind is up though.
Out and about, most residents/homeowners are preparing.
Local Sunshine Supermarket reasonably priced Sashimi has been cleared. Also, my favourite mango and cherry shelves left desolate.
Bad luck to say that. Things can always get worse. We still have 4 months to go.
Kyushu will be hit again. They always seem to be in the path down there.
Heh, Heh - gotta love those denialists.
What's wrong with accepting that the scientists at JMA uses the declared naming system. Too difficult to understand.
And BTW - it's the JMA as a major partner to the Pacific Typhoon Committee that accepts all names from 14 countries and gives the final decision re names submitted. The JMA decides. The Philipines are the only loners with their own naming system.
And I'm truly hoping that # 11 Noul, # 12 Dolphin & #13 Kujira don't hit us at all or at least not anytime soon.
Be careful all esp to those of us in the West - Hashien looks pretty mean.
"Hashien looks pretty mean." Are you certain? Perhaps you have the names confused, and its Maysak that is approaching?
JT poster 'oyatoi' - Thank you for your honourable mention, and + whenever I see your posting!
Some people just like to whine about anything and everything.
Not only must we contend with Typhoon Haishen, now there is a fur ball shaped one called HanshinKoshien too? The other five rival storms in the central will not brook this affront.
If Dolphin-Kujira merge, it might spontaneously generate a new mascot!
Be safe everyone, hunkered down and got everything in place and just hope for the best. The last one a few days ago packed a pretty good punch as well.
After looking up hurricanes/typhoons on the internet, this one looks to be very bad. The highest cyclonic wind speed was in hurricane Allen in 1980, 310 kmh (190 mph). A number of typhoons have had lower pressures at the eye. Hurricane Tip in 1979 registered a central pressure of 870 hPa (25.69 inHg).
Good luck everyone, and be safe.
@b4f--I am pulling for you and your people at the chili farm, and even the unnecessarily pretentious private jet, to pull through this in one piece. You made it through the Kumamoto quake so you can weather this too, and be back to talking smack here in no time.
Who said climate change is NOT real, Trump did, it's a Hoax he said.
Stay off the ROOF.
Hashien, Maysack,,,,,,,I personally don't like name of each typhoon that someone made, because each name is too long and unfamiliar, gibberish. Number is very short and impressive to remember, however I like it if they decide alphabet letter on each typhoon like typhoon A, next typhoon B, C, D, E,,,,,,,Y, Z every year.