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© KYODONagasaki marks 79th A-bomb anniversary as Israel snub overshadows ceremony
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That one Japanese that got some principal
Some dude
"...the decision was "not political." Palestine, meanwhile, has been invited.
Maybe I'm missing something here. Palestine, in the form of Hamas, attacked a music festival being held in Israel, killed three-hundred something people and took hostages. And they get invited to a ceremony that is nominally about peace.
That strikes me as...weird, to use the current buzzword.
It is not a snub to treat those who are committing genocide as people who are unwelcome.
What is the reason for not inviting the representative of Israel is for?
Because Israel never honestly telling they own nuclear arsenals like other nuclear armed nation does ?
Some dude
"It is not a snub to treat those who are committing genocide as people who are unwelcome".
But you're fine with the country behind Hamas being there?
Look, if they're trying to be consistent, they should refuse invitations to both Israel AND Palestine.
Not inviting Russia and Belarus? Logical, as those two countries are the clear aggressors against Ukraine.
Not inviting Israel but inviting Palestine? Illogical, as the current situation was kicked off by a Hamas attack on a music festival. This smacks of capitulation to the "everything I don't like is a genocide" brigade. If you want to go back and drag up history, then go ahead, but don't pretend that this choice makes any kind of sense.
Mr Goodman
The whole shenanigan is too twisted to comment on
However the photo is cool
It makes sense not to invite the War Criminals from Israel, Russia, Nth Korea and numerous others to the ceremony. Why should they be invited? And why does the US (perpetrator of this heinous crime) need to be there anyway? And by the way, HAMAS is not those women and children being murdered daily by the Israelis in their bid to force Palestinians to leave Palestine once and for all.
Some dude
"And by the way, HAMAS is not those women and children being murdered daily by the Israelis in their bid to force Palestinians to leave Palestine once and for all".
Ah, the "women and children" card comes out. Everyone drink!
I assume you extend the same logic to the other side: the people who were killed, and the hostages who were taken, during the attack on the music festival (including, note, women and children) are not the same as the military who are currently retaliating against said attack?
If you won't accept the similarity, you are guilty of inconsistent thinking.
I think the whole thing is a mess, and if Nagasaki was being logical about it they'd refuse invites to both sides, but if you can't look at it objectively then you're the one with the problem.
We've been told time and again here that Hamas are the democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian people. So as far as national representation goes, Hamas IS Palestine. You can't have it both ways.
Some dude
We've been told time and again here that Hamas are the democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian people. So as far as national representation goes, Hamas IS Palestine. You can't have it both ways.
Careful, you'll cause so much cognitive dissonance with that, you'll make him spit up his avocado toast.
"Some Dude " above.
Hamas planned that attack for over a year....they didnt know a music festival was on.
The aim was to take hostages. Not to attack a music festival
The claims made by Israel after the attack have been mostly discredited. {beheaded babies etc }
The "Hannibal Directive " probably killed a third of the 1200 dead Israelis, a large number were IDF personnel.
As for "Hamas is Palestine "
Thats just a simplification because...
Hamas runs Gaza....but 60% of Gazan's werent born or were children when Hamas was elected.
The occupied West Bank is also Palestine. Hamas are not active there...the Palestinian Authority is.
Occupied East Jerusalem is also "Palestine "
Hamas not active there either.
There are a NUMBER of groups fighting the Israeli occupation of which Hamas is one.
Al Qud and Al Aqsa Brigades are currently fighting in Gaza.
Mate...get things right....get some detail....then post
Regardless, they did attack a music festival, murdering dozens, kidnapping more, and killing and raping some of those kidnapped. And if they had a year, they likely would know what was going on in Israel on that date.
Arguably, Israel has screwed up their response to this. But any rational person must condemn the attack on kids at a music festival.
Some dude
It ain't that hard to take a balanced position on this.
1) Hamas attacked a music festival, killed no small amount of people, and took hostages.
2) Israel retaliated in what is generally considered a significantly over-aggressive manner.
The Nagasaki mayor, or whoever actually makes the decisions, is clearly choosing to ignore 1) above while focusing entirely on 2).
It's about that simple, really. If you're trying to be consistent, you either invite both sides or you invite neither.
Otherwise, you're just demonstrating your bias in one direction or the other.
Strangerland...I was disputing the idea that the whole idea behind Oct 7 attacks was to focus on a music festival.
Secondly , a lot of militant Gazans broke out of their Israeli prison that day...not all were Hamas.
Israel lost a deal of empathy when all the lies went out and were not retracted .
As someone said, you cant imprison millions of people for decades and not expect something like Oct 7 to not happen.
Back on topic....Israel has nuclear bombs and has threatened Iran with them.
The UN had a vote to declare the ME a "nuclear weapon free zone " {only a few years back }
The US and Singapore abstained.
The rest of the planet voted "yes ".
On this alone, Israel should be not invited to the memorial.
Some Dude...
People under military occupation have the right to resist in a military way.
Oct 7 was a brilliantly planned and executed military resistance act.
Then, like all battles, everything went bad.
But, yes, I am biased against the zionist occupation of Palestinian lands and the intransigence of Israeli parliaments, over decades, to comply with multiple UN sanctions.
I'd like to see International PeaceKeepers in the occupied territories and a resolution that gives Palestinians statehood.
Biggest war crime in history..
Some dude
"Oct 7 was a brilliantly planned and executed military resistance act".
OK, at least you've made your position as a terrorist sympathiser clear. I have nothing more to add in that case.
Good for Japan not inviting Russia, Belarus and Isreal.
Congratulations to Nagasaki mayor Suzuki for holding a well organized ceremony.
There was no "shadow" over the ceremony. Look at the photo. It's a beautiful sunny day today, although very hot. Nagasaki is a beautiful city.
Kishida's speech contrasted with Suzuki's speech. Only yesterday Kishida called on the LDP to speed up revising the Japanese constitution to formally permit the SDF to engage in overseas wars. Kishida looked uncomfortable during Suzuki's speech.
Kishida made a point of singling out Russia and warned of "threats by Russia". Kishida made no mention of nuclear threats by some Israeli leaders, nor the US and NATO role in the obvious nuclear escalation that is taking place today in Europe and Asia.
And how did the US escalate nuclear tensions in Europe and Asia, pray tell?
Interesting that Nagasaki and Hiroshima have taken opposite stances on invitations to Isreal and Palastine even though they state it was not political.
The Mayor of Nagasaki has taken the stance against Nuclear Proliferation and diluted it to anything they disagree with. Which basically has weakened the fight against Nukes.
Mr Goodman
Because the bombing occurred due to japans actions it seems ironic
I don't think Hamas was invited to the ceremony. I understand the Palestinian Ambassador to Japan, Waleed Siam, has condemned the actions of Hamas as well as the those of Israel.
I recommend that from now on this ceremony be held for the victims and their families, any one can attend but NO INVITATIONS to anyone. The purpose is to mourn the death of thousands of innocent live and not to wine and dine at the expense of the very same people.
Glad to see that Israel was NOT invited, how could the Israeli rep. stand and mourn the death of the Japanese people while the IDF are killing innocent children and women at the very same moment??
OK, at least you've made your position as a terrorist sympathiser clear. I have nothing more to add in that case.
I have something to add: No terror is responsible for as much death and destruction as "STATE TERROR", a dirty little secret that governments hand out blue pills for. Anyone who has watched the daily merciless slaughter of women and children for the last 10 months and who is aware of the fate of all Gazan males between 15-45 executed on the streets or in homes or tortured in Israeli camps and yet can still justify these atrocities perpetrated by the Israelis and their accomplices in the West with a flippant remark, "Ah, the "women and children" card comes out. Everyone drink!" needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror.
It seems strange that there is news about Nagasaki's snub to Israel when there was absolutely no mention of Hiroshima's snub to Palestine when the Palestinian Ambassador Waleed Siam was not invited.
Well done, Mayor Shiro Suzuki. You did the right thing, you made the right choice.
Alan Bogglesworth
Here here, people so sucked in by Hamas, Iranian propaganda.
Always remember that on October 7 , there was a ceasefire. When kids attending a peace festival, were murdered, mutilated and raped.
It’s not Israelis fault the Palestinians and Hamas choose to use children and innocents as shields, that responsibility is on them.
To say attacking civilians is a fine response to anything is abhorrent. But once was is declared, the gloves come off. The Palestinians should’ve known better.
75% of them supported October 7.
Nagasaki marks 79th A-bomb anniversary as Israel snub overshadows ceremony
Racist mayor, supporting genocidal Islamic terrorists.
absence of ambassadors of the United States and other key nuclear states
Bravo to those sane decision makers.
Alan Bogglesworth
Albaleo, this is such a strange narrative that Hamas != Palestine,’if it’s something different then what is it.
Go look at combat footage of Gaza on Reddit. There is plenty of Palestinians with guns and rocket launchers shooting at Israelis as of yesterday.
Alan Bogglesworth,
Maybe take a look at Palestine on a map. It consists of more than Gaza. Gaza makes up less than half of Palestine in terms of population. But you'd probably be better off asking Waleed Siam than me.
Does Israel even enter into it ?
Defunct, dead, rotten. Cancer.
Illegitimate entity. Problems? Nobody anti-Semitic here. Just I despise Israel. Israeli Jews will be happy to get out of that hellhole.
Zibala, if that is true, the mayor of Hiroshima is equally racist for not inviting the Palestinian ambassador. The Palestinian ambassador was snubbed.
Bob Pns
Then why did they gun people down when they ran across a music festival? “Well we didn’t expect this to be here, we might as well start killing people indiscriminately”.
That isn’t an excuse for gunning down civilians lol
You made this false accusation before, and could never argue in support of it, that means you accept this claim is false, the Mayor of Nagasaki has never supported genocide nor terrorism of any kind and has not done or said anything that could be constructed as racist.
You have no source or references proving your "opinion", therefore that means you accept my statement.
That isn’t an excuse for gunning down civilians lol
Tell that to the Israelis with their "Hannibal" killing of hundreds of their own kind. The information (with pictures and films) of the IDF's deliberate slaughtering of Israeli citizens is out there. Nobody can say in honesty that they don't know about the "Hannibal Directive" activated on October 7.
The comment seccion of both articles about these news where you make the baseless accusation and don't provide any argument nor reference to support it clearly proves my claim (that your accusation is baseless).
Even in this comment you make no argument nor bring any proof your mistaken claim was correct.
Alan BogglesworthAug. 9 10:46 pm JST
I wonder if you would have said the same about the British when the Jews were killing, and bombing people too. If the British occupied Palestine, and that was NOT OK, then surely if Israel occupies Palestine, or even denies their existence, that's NOT OK either.
Didn't the Stern gang way back before the founding of Israel do the same thing? even to the point of asking for help from the Axis powers. How about the Irgun group? Why were the Israeli groups' labelled terrorists and the Palestinian groups labeled terrorists? Like any terrorist group, they will stand up for a group that feels repressed. If we disagree with a certain group we label them terrorists, but if we like them, and are on our side we label them resistance fighters. Sorry! After looking back at the Ottoman Empire, the post-WWI treaties, the carving up of the Middle East, and the creation of Israel out of Palestine. I can support the Palestinians. Not the killing. but one thing is for sure, Israel doesn't have to do Jack anything, .if the USA, the EU, UK et al, keep feeling guilty about criticising Israel. We don't have to feel guilty criticising Israel because we might be scared of being shouted at or labelled anti-Semitic. Which is not the case! It's something they say to shut down any reasonable, non-jew who wants to have a logical discussion. We can hold two ideas in our minds. We can support the Palestinians and the creation of Palestine while criticising Israel, and at the very same time support the existence of Israel. Basically Israel doesn't have to do anything so long as the US, keeps giving them the nod and a wink.