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Japan says North Korea missile launch threatens peace
By Josh Smith and Antoni Slodkowski SEOUL/TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Actually China caused the problem. North Korea invaded South Korea and a UN mandated police action was launched to stop the invasion. When it looked like North Korea would lose China jumped in to prop it up. If China had not acted then Korea would be free and unified rather than the current situation we have now.
Blame the correct nation, blame China.
It was anything but theatrics it was one fool facing off against an idiot.
What letters? Biden has been using the old network of contacts so far. If he sends a letter I bet he gets a reply.
It was political theater and it worked. He got the guy to engage, stop the nuclear tests, and switch the rethoric from fire and brimstone to communication.
"Effective" because Kim does not even answer his pathetic letters?
In what universe?
As I recall the first few months of Trumps diplomacy with NK was all about rocket man and fire and fury like nobody has ever seen. So up against that I can say Biden has been much more effective.
Samit Basu
It's not a waste of money, you learn something about your system every time you test launch, and iron out bugs. North Korean missiles are becoming more precise with each launch, gain new ability like making unpredictable flight patterns in order to evade interceptors, etc.
Of course, they never intended to land anything on Japan or its territorial water.
North Korea can land its missiles 12 nm away from Japan's shoreline and it's completely legal under international law.
NK boasted it could land four missiles just 12 nm outside of Guam and tried to do it until China begged them not to, because if any of NK missile dropped within 12 nm of Guam, that constitutes an attack on US territory and US would declare war against NK.
Nothing from NK has yet landed on the Japan Mainland... so maybe best to quietly joke about their "failure to launch" anything... (cf the Movie of the same name)
Here's the problem, diplomacy will not work with the North. Why? It's been tried already for decades! Soft talk won't work neither, because Kim will see it as weakness! Confronting Kim in his level of aggressiveness like Trump did was effective, it's the only language Kim knows, we didn't see any missile launch for about 3 years, but we have a problem with that language Trump used, it "offends" people, some see it as "rude", "unpolite" "unpresidential", we live in an age today that everything is offensive, Cancel Culture they call it in the US. That leaves Japan and the world with 2 options: 1. Give Kim what he wants, no questions ask 2. Just let Kim be who he is and enjoy the view and the fireworks from NK. Another thing to remember, NK is a buffer of China. What if NK and SK were to merge and become 1 Korea in the model of the South? It would be a nightmare for Communist China! Good luck my Japanese friends!
Every time they fire these missiles into the sea, all i can think off is what a waste of money. It's kinda hilarious. We all know they never dare to truly hit anything but is still willing to show off by throwing cash into the ocean. And this point it just amuse me every time they launch their missiles.
So we even care anymore about these attention seekers? They nation is suffering so much but they still have money to pour into these programs is ridiculous.
kanki Asada
Is China behind the North Korea’s missile launch?
There is no doubt how good China and North Korea relation is. World knows how much china is interested to capture South China Sea. Whereas it has been deploying its military and war ships in South China Sea and recently asked its military to be ready for the impact. What all I can conclude is North Korea is just a face of impact whereas China is the one behind the impact. Because China has got North Korea’s back in South China sea as well as on land too.
Does anyone believe that NK crises will end peacefully?
Ah, so retaliate and end up being consumed in a nuclear explosion thanks to the unstable Kim... any other wise words of advice? Fighting back against a bully isn't always like a John Wayne film or comics - sometimes they DO come back with a bigger stick.
Just a thought…. If Japan doesn’t like the missiles flying overhead and nearby, then they should do something about it. Sometimes you have to take care of yourself instead of always relying on others (USA) to do it for you. Japan should be a leader in Asia.
I wish the Japanese government would just shut up when it comes to North Korea.
Anyone can see that.
P smith.
You obviously don't know biden.
Peter14 how is your genius new Presidents policy working out? "America is back"..... to the failed neolib policies of the past. Good luck putting the proverbial lipstick on the pig.
Yes they were reporting for days that activity showed North Korea was about to do a test. You might have missed that but they didn't.
Now that Kim lost his good buddy in the white house he is testing for Biden's response. He will not get a "very nice" personal letter from Biden. Although Biden has been reaching out through all the old channels to no avail. Perhaps a personal letter is what is needed to get the ball rolling. Trump may be a idiot but he did manage to get Kim engaged and to stop test's. A tiny victory amongst all his other outright failures.
Being civil in dealings may keep tensions down even if there is no drop in sanctions from the US and no destroying their nukes from NK. South Korea can always do exercises with the US away from the peninsula so as to not alarm NK.
LOL yeah. Lets listen to our unbiased "mainstream" media.
This Kabuki theater is getting tiring. NK is not a threat to anyone, the regime is just a puppet of the CCP. The real threat to peace in the region is the CCP, and at the moment everything is going in their favour.
joey stalin
I guess hating, isolating and sanctioning North Korea doesn't work.
Joe Biden! Empathy and dignity is back. Along with drawn out wars and instability.
The Avenger
So, North Korea fires off a couple of ballistic missiles, and Biden has no plan. Why could that be? His Administration is completely shocked that a backwards country like North Korea even has a missile program? Everything bad that happens is because of Trump, and he has no responsibility? North Korea is so far away from the US that those missiles can't reach the US? Or how about that Biden and team had months leading up to the election to formulate foreign policies to deal with these highly likely events, but sheer incompetence kept them from creating even the simplest of plans.
Definitely Trump's fault. But never mind, now Joe is in the hot seat things will soon be rosy.
William Bjornson
Could these have been the 'short range' missiles other media is reporting? The Korean story is just sad. Kim REALLY wants to reunify the peninsula but the U.S. sees itself as the big loser in no longer being able to justify its Army of Occupation in Asia proper and will do everything to block reunification. A Reunified Korea/Japan close working partnership and alliance could stand up to any other power on this planet, both militarily and, more importantly, economically. The reason t chose to answer Kim's call the first time was Stormy Daniels. The story was just getting legs when Kim saw his chance and gave t an obfuscation which t grabbed with both hands and huckstered all over the world's news media attempting to drown out the Daniels story. Pressured into the second meeting, t didn't need Kim anymore and he walked in and walked out. Even Kim thought he was serious the first time and rode two days on a train to get to the second meeting to be slapped in the face by a psychopath. Kim has since learned, I imagine, that sincerity is a fool's game when dealing with Americans.
Toasted Heretic
He was still developing weapons and occasionally testing them during 45's reign of terror, so it's just him sabre rattlling and looking for attention again.
It's funny that before the previous PotUS, talk of dialogue was scoffed at and seen as "soft".
There were plenty of voices here, clamouring for a pre-emptive strike on the DPRK.
But suddenly, when the Trump and Kim show became a thing, the right wing narrative changed track.
It wasn't soft or cosying up to dictators, it was all about peace and deserving of all our love and respect.
Shouldn’t even be news, should not be on the news. Certainly isn’t a threat at all. A few rockets plunging into the sea. Kim wants attention don’t give him attention. Dudes has some serious Heath issues, so wait and see. Someone might pop a brown bag behind him one day and then it’s his sister we have to worry about. Now that would be funny the first female leader in this part of the world from North Korea?
Sven Asai
Yes, again our little rocket man with his performance. Thank you, some applause, please... OK, not so much, sorry rocket man.... Now, the next performer on our little stage. And the connoisseurs surely know already who splendidly performes next. Big welcome and applause for the dotard...
Kim figures that he can get pallets of cash out of Biden. It worked for the Iranians.
Aly Rustom
Japan says North Korea missile launch threatens peace
You mean they didn't launch the missile as a sign of love and commemoration of peace with Japan??? Ya don't say!
Aftershocks of donald and lil Kim's breakup.
USA caused the problem, and you say we should beg them for help to fix their problems? Maybe we should give more protection money?
Joe Blow
He did a much better job than any previous US president.
Samit Basu
Separate from nuclear weapons, every country has the right to develop and test conventional warhead ballistic and cruise missiles, this is North Korea's sovereign right and North Korea exercised its sovereign right.
So according to the article that's four long pointy objects that DPRK has fired off into the ocean in the last few days. :clap:
Another mess left behind by Orange.
And to think that Trump was expecting the Nobel Peace Prize for how he changed North Korea.
Some is looking for attention!
How much has Japan spent on early warning radar, anti-missile radar and other technologies, and yet are still unable to detect launches?
So trillions of US dollars and all young SK men forced into military service, satellites, drones...and they didn’t see it coming?
Analyzing is for after the fact.
Kane Davidson
Why do the North Koreans hate the sea so much?
Bjorn Tomention
Kim knows biden is soft and is showing it
The Korean Donald is at it again. "Look at me, look at me!"
One wonders what the NK reaction would be if the US “tested” a Minute Man with a dummy warhead that fell 12.1 miles off the NK coast.
This is NK laying down a marker. Don’t give them anything.
Michael Machida
He is back and playing a dangerous game with America. One day, he won't be able to stuff a large slice of pizza into his very large head. Outside is America!
Makes a difference
It makes zero difference!
A missile is a missile!
And firing these things is a thread to the world piece!
Probably Trump must come back to calm this NK-idiot down.
They did. Fell into the sea outside Japan's EEZ.