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© KYODOProfessor denies he was pressured to remove videos on virus-hit ship
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Succumbing to Japanese government pressure to self-censor. For shame!
Here we go. Japan's so-called democracy.
its funny how on the other news story someone said this incident showed how better Japan was than China, since in China the medical professionals critical of the government response were being silenced.
Guess they spoke too soon.
A very sad and disapointing turn of events.
Derek Grebe
But if the videos have been taken down, why does this link still work?
Secrecy Law might have been evoked on this one.
Here's the video in English for those who haven't seen it.
let’s not get carried away. The one Chinese doctor is now dead. Possibly a nail gun accident (s).
All governments do this.
Dr. Theopolis
I mean, if you're going to put it out there, have the balls to own it and not apologize when the pressure is on.
you don't need to apologize for anything.actually you need an apology from the government.
thank you for your courage, and wish you well.
I for one have never been much of a fan of the triteness of Japanese breakfast TV news programs but kudos to YTV this morning for showing and dissecting Mr Iwata's video. Their host and panel highlighted the main points made by him and discussed the issue with great concern and criticism of the handling of the situation.
This article doesn't mention that he deleted the video because the in-charge objected against his several comments.
BS! First that's not an argument by itself. Second, I defy you to name a democratic country which would silent an infectious diseases expert because he challenged the government with a critical point of view. He could do the same critical video in US, France, Germany, UK or Finland without censorship or risking anything.
Bugle Boy of Company B
There are still plenty of copies of his video on YouTube. The message is out there for good.
He didn't provide a reason for why he removed his videos? Judging by the comments people have settled on, without a shred of evidence, sinister government conspiracy ordered by the PM himself. Got it
Someone should explain to the bueacatic regime that once it's on a "thing" called the "Internet" it's there forever, it's very different from a fax.
Read there. Enough people are ostracizing him for not showing gratitude to the hard workers, making Japan look bad to foreigners, and causing panic. Also they are asking him to do this in private.
That's "Dr." Iwata.
The international MSM was using it...a big no no for him, career, society and how he is treated, now its back to self preservation, a priority in japanese culture.
Of course he did not provide any reason because he can't do so. Now, similarly to other documented situations like this one, the way it's done is that people get pressured by their employers to apologize and retract their claims otherwise they will get fired and it will be made sure that they won't be hired anywhere else. He actually said that he exposed himself professionally when he published the video. And what happens is that the employers get actually contacted by minister officials so that they take the appropriate action.
Did they discuss the assertions (in his English version), that Dr. Iwata was unwelcome on the vessel as part of the infection control team from the beginning, and that he was asked to leave after "someone" found out he backdoor-ed his way on as a member of the "disaster management" team. Did they say anything about his history that has helped him make enemies in high places? Does he have a history as a whistle-blowing hero? Or as a publicity-seeker? (He does have a long list of books for the general public to push).
I lean toward hero, but I'm talking his words/actions with a bit of salt. I want to see who he is apologizing to and for what. Apologies to passengers and families for adding to their stress? Fair. Would fit a hero-profile.
Why this much of knee-jerk speculation about J-Govt Pressure? Don't you ever think he himself admitted
his inaccurate reporting?
Dr.Takagi counterargues one by one against Dr Iwata's findings
Inaccurate reporting? Here is a statement of Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health in US:
"The quarantine process failed. I'd like to sugarcoat it and try to be diplomatic about it, but it failed. People were getting infected on that ship. Something went awry in the process of the quarantining on that ship. I don't know what it was, but a lot of people got infected on that ship."
No doubt he was threatened with losing his job.
Such Trumpism ! Put your credentials up against his. You don't need a degree to understand the quarantine failed and that Japan did not listen to anyone including experts.
Good points my friend.
Yes they did say he was eventually asked to leave the ship.
No matter what the outcome of the videos being removed from YouTube the Japanese public now know a lot more about the virus and the Diamond Princess situation.
The guy was threatened, plain and simple. Kato can reject the man's criticism all he wants, it does not explain away the catastrophe the government created here, and the fact that they are as bad as China when it comes to covering it up (but worse at it). I challenge anyone who denies what Iwata said and defends the government to spend a few days on the ship.
Then why Dr. Iwata is explaining right now in press conference at FCCJ totally different reasons for his romoving his video? He is saying over-all situations including zone-ing in the ship dramatically improved!!
Really IN ONE DAY?
Stop ridiculous speculation
Abe and his cronies are a bunch of crooks and they can't admit fault for screwing something up like this. Hopefully the Japanese public will vote them out of office in the next general election.
Wonder who got to him? This is what would be expected in China. Or in the case of the West, Assange.
I live in Japan and this scares me.
I hope this is not the case. If this is the case then using that law for this type of censorship would indicate the government does not necessarily care about the citizens and residents of Japan.
The hit is out for Dr. Iwata! Watching JTV and they are saying how he was wrong and was only on board for such a short time he didn’t see and learn enough to make those accusations. Also why did he force his way onto the ship?
With his English I recommend moving to another country and starting over.
He'll be a pariah in Japan for a long time.
So much like Suga and the Abe government in general, plausible deniability!
The virus and now the blow against free speech-I don’t know which is worse....
Nail being hammered down as we speak.
"Here's a nice bottle of shochu for you, Mr. Director-Sensei, a belated happy new year to you.
By the way- if your teaching hospital wants that government grant for those new MRI machines next summer, you'd better tell that employee of yours to take down his YouTube videos lickity split."
Just tell the truth in English for the world, Never mind the Japanese Government.
Sh1mon M4sada
Two words.
Mr Kipling
Just maybe, his initial assessment made in a very short time without full knowledge of facts on the ground was wrong. Now he has been in contact with other professionals involved with the work on the ship he has done the right thing and admitted his mistake.
To those wondering why, watch the video linked to by showchinmono:
@ Mr Cakes
Just maybe given his experience he knew exactly what he was talking about.
seem to remember our appointed cyber security chief didn't know how to use a computer.
Wonder how long before this doc is suicided.
John McCartney
Well its not like any of us are going to rise from our computers and go actively protect the guy is it? He has to protect himself, and that is what he is doing. Too bad we can't have more heroes, isn't it?
Wink wink
Everybody knows Abe and his band of merry men did a remarkable job. Why no better job has been done in the history of history.
Why that mean ole doctor just ain't as smart as Abe is with his very capable cohorts. Why that ship quarantine was successful. It is just those evil Abe haters who think different.
Wink wink
This illustrates how Japanese power works in practice. You don't need to threaten your citizens at the point of a gun, but use social means to get them to do it. The effect is the same.
Ricky Kaminski13
If its the wet markets and a Communist authoritarian regime bring China to its knees from this crisis, it'll be Japanese bureaucrats that do it for Japan. A bunch of Yesmen that run around bumping into each others heads trying to hide the obvious incompetence that groups like this almost guarantee. Id say their main mission now will be to avoid a mass panic by downplaying their expediency, make it look like they are taking charge and to buy some time.
There is no manual for this one fellas, no precedent nor way out. You're gunna have to make some hard decisions. Drop the ball and we all lose.
Time to earn those wages, show us those million dollar educations at work!
Either that, or this doctor did indeed jump to conclusions and has seen the err of his initial assessment.
Lets hope that is the case...
Alex Einz
I am sure he got a nice phone call or email... explaining him that if its online.. he is done in his field... simple "democratic" tactics...
showchinmono: "Really IN ONE DAY?"
Ah, a defender of the biggest outbreak outside of China. Like I said, friend, if you believe nothing's wrong, hop on board and walk around the delineated areas that clearly mark the infected from those who aren't. You won't, because you know your own defense is nothing but a farce.
Why is the man flipping? Easily -- he was forced to. What happened to the doctor who blew the whistle on Chinese authorities and let the genie out of the bottle in China? He was thrown in and died. This man was threatened, guaranteed, and I even bet he was threatened under the Secrets Law: releasing information that causes damage to the government and nation's reputation. Why do you think they intentionally made the wording of the law so vague?
Here's what we know: a man well reputed in his career and for his view, not liked by politicians, went on board a ship UPON REQUEST and after staff went out of their way to twist the rules to get him on board, makes a detailed report. He said he fears for his life on the ship given the incompetence of the bureaucrats involved in ways he was never afraid of E-coli in areas of Africa, or SARS in other nations. The government doesn't like it and denies it vehemently -- the same bureaucrats. Suddenly, the man says he was wrong. Now, if you believe the bureaucrats, fight to get on board, buddy. Until then, you prove you can't defend even your own pointless denial of the facts.
There are many doctors among bureaucrats called Gikan. He was misleading as if there were only bureaucrats and no doctors.
Tom Doley
When Iwata’s story came out, I was genuinely concerned for his well being because several years ago, there was a Japanese scientist/journalist that reported the truth about radiation levels in Fukushima. It did not end well for him.
Now no brave Japanese will counter the government’s claims. Japan’s censorship and media control is akin to China and North Korea, which makes it even more pathetic given that they argue they are a ‘western’ country.
I was proud of Japan gov for taking in the criticism of Iwata but they went the China route.
Japan is authoritarian like China with a democratic façad.
This videos are on the internet now. They will exist and circulate forever.
Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Trump and now Abe........birds of a feather flock together.
half-hearted jumper
Why do you assume "freedom of speech" is a thing here?
Further proof there is no difference between the Japanese and Chinese government jackboots. Will he end up like Dr. Li?
Japan doing censorship same as China!
Mr. Suga talks like he was personally been on the ship and seen the zoning! The journalists in Japan are far too kind ( or stupid ) for not asking proper and important questions, follow up questions and grilling them for sidetracking during Q&A’s!
Samurai steel has for centuries trained and taught the Japanese not to stick their necks out. Democracy will have to wait until the Japanese people are ready to stick it to their arrogant ruling class who as ever expect blind obedience from the plebs and are unaccustomed to having to answer to impertinent underlings. Dr. Iwata knows that he has stepped over the line and has now wisely retreated into self-preservation mode. Let's wish him luck - he'll need it.
This is the original Youtube link.
That is what Professor Iwata posted.
It looks as if someone saved it and reposted it.
The government claims it took adequate precautions, but another item in Japantoday says, "another 2 officials infected with coronavirus", and they just happened to have worked on the cruise ship.
Would the government now dare to prosecute Professor Iwata under secrecy laws? Maybe not, but I wonder if they threatened to.
Mr Kipling
I know most of the posters on here don’t like facts but most of the infected caught the virus before landing arriving in Yokohama. Most of those to then get infected were those sharing cabins and crew who were not following quarantine protocols.
When presured, in japan the japanese remove anything.
Insecure Japanese Government
Richard Burgan
Thank you Professor Iwata for doing the right thing and posting the video. Government bureaucrats should not have been put in charge of this situation. They are bureaucrats, not health care professionals. You truly do understand how viruses spread judging from your viral video. Lets see if the government learns anything from this.
It's too late for the Olympics, they should be cancelled or you will end up with the Diamond Princess on a MUCH LARGER SCALE spreading much faster to the rest of the world.
The numbers now coming out of China are completely fake. China is doing everything it can to hide the fact that more than 150,000 have been infected and more than 3000 have died. The current numbers just don't make sense and don't add up. Currently 75,751 worldwide with 2130 deaths and 16,803 recovered but less than 1600 new infections over the last three days worldwide? Really?! So it's growing proportionally much faster now outside of China per capita?
I call complete BS on China's reporting of the numbers. The numbers are about to mushroom.
I think that this called : give explanations, precision or something like that as he did not counter-argues. He even agree several times. He ask for more understanding as the situation was different than in a hospital, to be mindful of the people doing their best on the boat and is grateful for advice among other stuff.
Were you thinking Japan was not able to ?
All the link you provided show that he did not do it.
I appreciate the trouble of producing source as proof that what you say is wrong. I guess it is a trend. I really wonder what is the purpose.
Regarding governmental pressure, we will not know. We know he said he was asked to remove it by another doctor without pressure.
Kobe White Bar Owner
May the video go viral!! Boom boom
That ship is huge. How much of it did he see? How many floors are there? He probably realized that just because he didn’t see them (red/green zones) it doesn’t mean they didn’t exist. He should have kept the videos up because unless he was forced to take them down.
Christopher Glen
Heaven forbid the government is made to look bad. (Sarcasm)
Amazing how quick the Japanese are hammering Dr. Iwata down. Look at all the character assassination posts.
Alex Einz
haha, that very easy to find out... we gonna ask some none Japanese that left the ship... do they really think they gonna keep silent?
lies will lead nowhere... Japanese bureaucrats better just bow and gomenasai
I can't swallow these cakes.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. (Schopenhauer)
Bugle Boy of Company B
The role of the incubator ship is over. Any changes made because of his videos were completely meaningless.
When asked if he was being told to say he was not forced, the professor looked to his boss behind him and then said "no."
Like the original doctor in China who tried to raise awareness about the situation, many Chinese healthcare professionals dealing with coronavirus patients are also dying from the infection. You are not hearing as much about these people in the news.
No surprise here. Poor guy must have been pressured real hard to remove his videos.
Hashimoto Gaku, Japan’s vice health minister, tried to discredit Dr. Iwata by posting a picture of the so-called green and red zones on Twitter. On the picture, you can see two doors leading to the SAME hallway, one door for the “green zone”, the other for the “red zone”. Both zones are only separated by furniture and ropes!!! I’m no scientist, but I’m pretty sure that’s not how to safely quarantine people! The tweet has since been deleted, probably because it had the opposite effect and only reaffirmed what Dr. Iwata said in his video!
If you scroll down here, you can see the tweet in question and the picture:
I dont believe his denials.
If this guys "change" of heart DOESNT send shivers down your spine it SHOULD!!
Clear as day this poor guy has been shaken down by the powers that be...…..this is real nasty stuff!
Not everyone wants to be in the spotlight.
He said what he needed to say. It was heard by those who mattered. Hopefully, next event, it will be handled better.
Open Minded
If he was brave enough to make this video to achieve his objective to get things better - which he has mostly achieved - I can sincerely believe he retracted by himself.
His background as a humanitarian doc speaks for that: saving lives before the stage lights.
He was probably sent to the ship by media to creat a news. Any bad news about Japan can sell well to the world.
It makes perfect sense because that's how epidemic works. Epidemic has initial growth phase, fast boost phase, steady phase and slow down phase. Because the outbreak started in China first,later spread to other countries. China is already in steady phase where as countries like Japan just entered fast boost phase,so it makes perfect sense that cases outside China increase at a much faster pace.
The official story seems to be out, so : the doctor was right ; the government had no choice and do its best with an unprecedented situation ; after report by the doctor, the necessary improvement were made thus the video were removed since their served their purpose.
Thought, I would appreciate if they leave the poor crew alone.
Yamada Taro
The remarks of the chief, who led the quarantine team, are more valuable in the media than the remarks of a man who looked a little inside the cruise ship.
Field Briefing: Diamond Princess COVID-19 Cases | NIID
Mr Kipling
Some of the “govt. medical personnel” were not medically trained. Basically office workers. And yes, others were not following proper protocol. At one point, nurses were being advised to only wear a mask and gloves so as not to alarm the passengers.
Mistakes were made, but if you bothered to look at the link I posted you will in fact see that most (not all) of the infections occurred before docking in Yokohama.
There is no next event. Why would Japan have to help foreign ships and spend lots of money and time only to be criticized. In fact Japan denied entry of another ship who came after the Diamond Princess.
Picture is worth 1000 words
whole world knows how incompetent J government is now. Some of you are trying to spin this story.
J government. You need to hire better spinsters
Yeah. Damned and bashed if not done up until recently and damned unless its perfect despite Japan decided not to reject this 1st foreign ship. US still prohibits entries of those Americans who have just disembarked for next 14 days.
Was that needed to begin with ? You say, the doctor counter-argued one by one, so as long of one of the point was not counter-argue your whole statement was wrong. I did not bother reading every single paragraph word by word and diagonally read some of these, so do not hesitate to prove me wrong. I stand my point that it was more like explanations, precision, stuff like that, agreement, request, other stuff.
Regarding the patient/passenger, I do not get where is supposed to be the counter-arguing ? He agreed that coming across a quarantined person was possible. One call them patient as he sees them as potentially infected, the other one call them passenger as he sees them as potentially non-infected. That is still the same person. Question : in a quarantine station, what should be the best way to consider quarantined person to reduce risk of infection ? Wrong example, if you want my point of view.
Regarding the expert/bureaucrat. He said the bureaucrat were in charge and there was no single professional infection control person inside the ship. So he did not say there was only bureaucrat and no expert. He refereed to some specific one which was not inside the ship. The reply did not stuck to this specific type of person but extra-poled other people he did not negate to be on board or even acknowledged it as the DMAT ones (+ something which looked like a tentative to make he look pretentious, which could obviously be possible but is non-relevant here). No better example, if you want my point of view.
He still think there is secondary infection, did you watch the video ? Even NIID agreed there was most likely secondary infection, did you read he paper ?
As he was answering questions, you should ask journalists why they did not ask him about "those thing" you are referring too, if effectively they did not ask about these. When watching live, he can be easy to miss some information. Same by only listening once moreover since it is a long one.
No evidence for your random conspiracy theory that helps to maintain the fictitious "Japan as victim"narrative.
Alex Einz
jansob1 , you really think he would be better of in countries that jail political whistleblowers?
look at assange or manning ... he would probably have better chance in China
Kobe White Bar Owner
Safe to say Japan neeeeds it’s own version of the cdc and quick pronto.
Ixnay in the USA. Several whistleblowers would disagree with your assessment.
OK Fine. I should have said Dr,Takayama referred to each one and all of Dr.Iwata’s remarks, and corrected some of his misunderstanding, important ones, which is equal to that Dr. Takayama clearly denied some of Iwata’s criticizing remarks.
That’s not how Dr.Takayama looks at his remarks. That’s only your opinion which is not relevant. He meant it is impossible an infected passenger ( by the test results) is allowed to freely walk so as to come across Dr. Iwata down the hall. Besides, Dr.Iwata mentioned about it because a person who was with him told him “ あっ 患者さんとすれ違っちゃった!“ not because of the difference how one sees the passenger. By your logic, every one of those 3700 should not be allowed to make any steps out of their cabins even into green zone.
I am not sure why you are twisting Dr.Iwata’s remark as such. It is no more, no less than shown above. Anti-infection professional(s) has been always in the ship including Dr. Takayama himself.
“ I meant There is no single SAME professional person in charge of infection control from the beginning till now to become a core for team efforts. That’s what I meant” Dr Iwata restated. answering TV interview ( which I don’t bother to copy link). You see? It is not what he initially said, at least, verbally.
Yeah I did. I never denied the possibility of 2ndary infection/transmission, nor did mention he changed his opinion in that specific point. He’s been describing “ The Inside was so chaotic and I was so afraid of being infected” Although he did not use such direct words, he essentially indicated the ship as the root or the incubator of 2ndary infection. Did he change his tone before an after he read newly updated data from NIID or not? I see he DID.
Even regarding Epi-curve, Dr.Takayama clearly denied his perception.
I see Dr.Takayama replied in very polite and unnecessarily humble manner as a person who arranged for Dr.Iwata to make entry into the ship as a member of DMAT, but I clearly see his efforts to correct his misunderstandings he got after only 2 hours- of looking around only Lounge area. Counter-argue definition is - to give (reasons, statements, or facts) in opposition to an argument. Were these counter-arguments? Yes they were. Were they against each one of and all of them? No.
What Dr. Iwata satated at first should be a huge warning, however anything he has to say about the virus or the Cruise Ship must be ignored from this time forward. I'm not saying someone or something got to Dr. Iwata, I'm just saying it sounds highly suspicious, since it is suspicious and we already have enough suspicious news coming out of China, the WHO and Main Stream Media. So far the real virus seems to be fear, with a mix of scarey sometimes backed by little proof so called information. I've heard that even the test performed on those that they say are infected are suspect, it all seems to produce FEAR.
Poor guy, just doing what someone of his calibre was meant to do trying to help and assess the situation, and stepped on the oyaji machine that can't take information. This shows the Japan of today. That there are qualified and earnest people trying to do their job but the lethargic government doesn't like it because it threatens business interests. This is unfortunately the message sent loud and clear to the world.
They took public transit home.
14 days from their release is March 6th.
He said, around 06:44 : "There was no single professional infectious person inside the ship. And there was nobody in charge of infection prevention as a professional, the bureaucrat were in charge of everything."
So he is talking about some particular expert not about the big range the reply was referring about. He did not deny the presence of other experts.
I did not find it in the video, so I based on the word : 患者さん, as it meant ill person and patient.
I just got this one, around 04:30 : "Crew was just walking around and the officer of the Minister of health and labor was walking around, DMAT people walking around, psychiatrist was walking around"
Without the possibility to double check what he said, I thought it was a innocent fail of comprehension in between specialists.
But , after it seems I found something else which can match, around 05:05 : "some crew as a fever, they went to the medical center, was wearing a N95 mask but it did not have any protection between this room and the medical room"
So assuming he was using 患者さん as ill person, it is possible this person he is referring to but that is not a passenger.
If I found out another one, I will come back.
I found your post about the doctor quite aggressive, even thought NHK was acknowledging he helped improve the situation thank to his comments. You looked like you were dismissing all doctor Iwata said, so I mistakenly thought you did not aknowledge the risk of second infection and that you thought that no improvement were made (updating and making available the Epicurve, improving the zoning). Sorry for that.
Anyway, he's been vindicated as one of the passengers released the other day had tested positive.
No doubt we can expect more in the coming days.
Don't worry Prof, you'll become the Dr. Lee of Japan. Watch this space.
A wonderful discussion here looking at all sides. well done.
i have he greatest admiration for the doctor who was brave enough to tell the truth. I am sure it will be hard for him but the truth is scary and very very hard to accept. until there is a vacine life is doing to be very scary for a lot of people all over the world very
good luck us.
I came back to say something that I feel needs to be said. I am in my late 60s and have seen enough of life and studied history all of my life enough to recognize important events. This event, this disease, is a bigger thing than most of you or anyone seem to realize or accept. I feel it may challenge Japan and the wider world deeply. Japan may be more equipped to deal with it having survived WWII and terrible events few can accurately describe...and a long history of major natural challenges. This is another one such, even if it was created on purpose it occurs person by person in a natural way to make ill and sometimes to end people's lives. It may spread widely and be harder to stop than most countries most people are willing to take real steps to stop.
Japan is strong but also a closed society with layers and closed levels and boundaries. It may need to get even more so, rather than less. Many of you feel the issues of free speech and such issues of importance when the real issue is taken lightly. For the betterment of all of us going thru it and we all near and far may be affected before it is over, I feel we need to get serious and look at this honestly and not worry about blame and shame, all involved are surely doing their level best. If they fail, then we have to try harder and encourage them to continue to do more if they can. That is what i felt the need to say. The first Cherry trees bloomed this week, i hope that is a hopeful sign. thanks. Good fortune to us all.