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© KYODORecord 15,000 people taken to hospital in June due to heat
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It's been hot this year, so far.
I'm working from Home, so my Air Conditioner remains off, (don't get paid for it), however, as such, I can wear almost nothing.... though 34'C indoors isn't nice. Never the less, a few years ago it was worse - 40'C, I hope we don't head in that direction this year.
After Work, I still wear a face mask, when out and about for Shopping - though given the heat, I will keep it below my chin whilst cycling between shops - since if I sweat, the mask becomes wet, and less effective when indoors... Unfortunately, I still see people thinking its fine to not wear a mask whilst indoors in shops. Such people seem to be happy at making others feel Nervous when around them... seems to be a trend amongst a few....
Take maks off people and allow the air flow and not own sh....
TVCM have finally arrived to ask the same.
One cannot avoid heatstroke 100% without face cover but can reduce it. So, take it off. Use common sense.
Kobe: the science is there but you refuse acknowledge it. Mask also prevent hand to mouth contact which is the main method the virus is spread around.
Yes buy pre 2011 models
Wear a restrictive mask in this heat and you will face the consequences.
Oh and at night no fan, fan death will kill you. Just gaman 24/7.
15,000 people believe the old Japanese cannard that "Water makes you weak, so does aircon, so you must sit at home in the heat or go out and just gaman. Gaman makes you strong."
Gaman is the #1 cause of heat stroke in Japan.
Jonathan Prin
First, out of the 15000, how many like for covid patients had predispositions (like age, endocrine disorder, etc.).
Many people are without common sense when getting older. They don´t do sports or physical activities and think that then they can endure whatever weather like a fit dude.
Medically, heat stroke is mostly provoked by dehydration and impossibility to sweat.
Problem is it is not painful and fast to happen.
I once run for 2/3km in very mushiatsui weather. I estimated I was sweating about 0.1 l per minute ! So I drank, had a bath in cold water and stopped sweating after 1h30 hour or so only.
If you fail to do that, you get heatstroke.
IMHO, there is a lack of public fountains obviously in Japan, compare to many other countries.
Clothing is not so important by the way, since it also insulates you from heat. The thing is it shall be water permeable and not sticking to your skin !
My great great uncle was always walking all year long with same suit in thick wool, even in very warm weather in direct sunlight sometimes He died of natural death at 96.
Kobe White Bar Owner
That’s what happens when you wear a pointless nappie over your nose and mouth! Just cos it’s expected by society but not backed by logic or science.
Record 15,000 people with no common sense and zero logic taken to the hospital in June. There, I fixed the tittle.
I noticed this with our AC units. Wondering where I can read more about this legislation? Anything we can do to avoid this?
The Avenger
In six months people will be complaining about the COLD.
In 2011 AC companies were made by emission legislation to add a chip to the software that adjust setting for set period when the electrical grid is overloaded. etc the fan still now but the cooling system is turn off for 15 periods. I wonder if this emission regulation is due to the doubling in deaths ?
That's hard to believe without the numbers, care to show us?
Been hospitalized twice with heat attack a few years ago. Luckily only 6 hours on a drip.
i never wear masks. No shirt, just short pants and crocs. If I’m too hot I take a cold shower or go for a swim. I wear a shirt in the supa because of manner and they have aircon. I also have a year pass for the museum, and hang out in the library when two hot. Eat salad and fruit everyday. I’m fine.
2 Year Old
Make plus 5 layers of clothing, and long sleeve clothing at that is ridiculous!
air temperature is 37c… the sun drenched pavement is blasting back at you 50c-60c heat!
wear the appropriate clothing for the temperature, drink water, and rest often if you can’t handle.
in May area pruning the bushy trees back to match sticks in early June doesn’t help cool the sidewalks etc.
How many of those muppets were walking around outside wearing face nappies struggling to breath in 37degree heat.
Heat stroke is way more of a threat than covid. Covid gets all the unnecessary panic, heat stroke just gets a shoganai.
Take off the masks +
Time for a travel voucher system to escape the heat…l
Cigars N Coffee
Take Off The MASK!!!
Last year many hospitals were in denial amid the covid. Many heatwave patients might have died at home.
Keep taking water in, regardless of whether you feel thirty.
People in Japan very frequently take weather as if carved in stone, with each month and week having a supposed temperature and fixed climate, change of clothes, daily routine, diet, etc. Is decided by date in advance as if it was a weather forecast system.
Climate change is making this quite dangerous, heat waves can come very eariy and increase the temperature very quickly, for people not used to this it can be the difference between a difficult day or being hospitalized (or worse).
It's time to declare state of emergency. People are dying.
I saw a woman collapse as she entered the local Izumiya this afternoon after coming out of the heat. Staff and a couple of bystanders beat me to her and got her on her feet, leading her to a seat in the air-conditioning while another seemed to call an ambulance. She was wearing what looked like four or five layers of clothes, mask, hat, towel around her neck, and gloves. I'm sure she's okay, but people... you do NOT need to bundle up for winter in mid-summer. I guarantee many who got heatstroke were all covered up in similar fashion, or using those stupid neck and hand-hand fans which serve as blow dryers in this heat.
finally rich
of course. just look at the picture.
Drink, drink, drink.
Water simple nice help.
Body need. Small cup no good