Japan Today

Retail giant Aeon to stop selling porn magazines from January


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I think it is all in the customers minds, my little boy has never noticed them and I do not care at all if they are there. If you are bothered just do not walk with your child past that section, take a different aisle. Most likely sales of that type of literature are down, as free pornography on the internet is cheaper, lol. Aeon, and they are a great store, dont get me wrong, are most probably trying to use this as a marketing exercise and give themselves a prim and proper image. Anyway, I see that sort of stuff thrown away in the forest when I go hiking. Blurred out images, I just throw it back to biodegrade.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Honest question: Why?

Kids pick up and imitate adult behavior quite easily despite the fact that they lack the so-called maturity or responsibility to deal with its effects. Even some adults don't seem like they're ready. Yes, sex is natural, but in a modern society like ours with all of the baggage that that entails it natural for elementary school kids to engage in sex with each other and/or adults? If you're not ready for your kids to start having sex, why would you want to expose them to pornography?

There's a reason why exposing young children to pornography is considered a form of child-abuse. It makes them that much easier to become sexualized before they're ready.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yeah it is about public morality and proper ethical education, being able to identify both public and inner borders. When this kind of thing becomes normal, you know your mind have taken a turn outside the "proper human being" route. Do not make me go into pseudo-science explaining this as a high-rate of self-indulgence and inner depravity.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

A lot of the people who are saying this is bad must not have children.There is a time and a place for everything. It’s not about making out that sex is bad but some of these mags especially the manga ones are absolutely shocking and as it is a public store they should have a bit more sense about how they display them.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Sad to see all these puritans commenting probably the same people that give smartphone to their 8 years old children without controlling them. I am wondering how a magazine placed in a corner can disturb the peacfull use of a store. Also scared about this mentality to change something for the western tourists coming for the Olympics. Japan years after years becoming a western colony.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Good for you AEON.

The point is people are complaining about the mags. AEON is going to to do the right thing for the public.

I do not want my kid seeing the images or front covers anywhere. Cheers to AEON or any major National store chain wanting to remove the mags out young children's line of sight. I also see guys reading them and leaving them on the train sometimes.

This is a good change.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It was there since I was a little kid in the 80s. Not only in the few convenience stores but also in the magazing rack at the local bookstores. We never paid any attention to it.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Totally irresponsible and exaggerated! If families with children are visiting shops like that, they should be more on the alert about their children's interests. Who the in the world lets their children look freely on porn magazines anyway. It's not the retailers fault, they're only providing men and women with the widest selection possible.

Stop bringing children to these retailers if it bother you! Go visit a local library instead, and not let your own opinion harm other person's interests!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

those are not even porn!! it doesn't make sense!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I am not a prude at all, but looking at the mags on sale her there are a few that have ladies dressed in school uniforms, this should be banned full stop, the over sexualisation of school girls is not good at all, IF the mag co will resume sales in the shops they could get the printers to put the mags into a sealed plastic bag with an opaque white screen across the front, they did this in the UK some years ago, the concept is you can just make out what type of mag you are buying but you can't see every thing, but since the internet has arrived Ive not seen any mags on sale on the top shelf for years.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Kyodo, you've got it wrong here "Japan's three major convenience store chain operators -- Seven-Eleven Japan Co, Lawson Inc and FamilyMart Co -- have yet to decide how to handle the issue." These three chains have already decided how to handle the issue. There may be a question of whether they will change their positions in line with Aeon, but they clearly know how they are handling the issue now. FamilyMart? What is family about it?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Are we becoming prudish once again about sex? Perhaps we are re-learning what the prudes of the past knew about human nature that the hippies told us was oppressive.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


I think your first part is addressed to me, the rest should be to other posters as I never touched that subject.

Personally I got no probs with those magazines, hit a news stand back home and Playboy, Hustler, etc are clearly visible to anyone no covers, etc.

Nudity is not offensive to me and I think hiding it does more harm than good, as no actual sex is shown.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

What next does the prude want from us? All women covered head to toe in a chastity robe and men to pray at the church 7 times a day? Should we become a religious theocracy and form a secret morality police?

Sexuality is the ultimate expression of humanity and snidely censoring it for everyone in society because they get a flush when they see a pair of boobs is a textbook case of sending society backwards

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

How about for the sake of ethics and uprightness?

Uprightness is the desired effect.

Ethics? There really are more important issues to get upset about than a bit of smut.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The last bastion of (male) freedom just fell, omg!!! Libidinous men yet again misunderstood and deprived of life's little pleasures ;(

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I checked, AEON owns MiniStore so that will be the only Combini affected methinks.

Most MiniStore are gone now in my area, ditto for most Lawson run stores.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It’s sad they do it for economic purposes. How about for the sake of ethics and uprightness? Huh!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Fizzbit: "All the ones in the picture above are tied up, so how is it possible to be reading it at the store?"

Sorry, the above post went through while I was pasting in. Anyway, almost ZERO stores have their porn bound up like that. Most stores I've been in have a few with the yellow rubber bands which people remove and thumb through the mags, or in plastic, but they are the exception and not the norm.

I have nothing against porn, but it does NOT need to be at children's eye-level next to the ice-cream, ATM, and/or photocopier. ANd lest we forget they are NOT doing this because they've realized some people are put off -- they are doing it ahead of the Olympics because they've realized that others will think poorly of them (they don't care what locals think). The idea that it's suddenly dawned on them, after decades of complaints, that a mother with a young child might not think highly of the explicit covers, is ludicrous.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

But confused, which Combini are owned by Aeon?

Don't think they own any.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Displaying, not selling.  Reason they stop is because very few people buy these any more.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

So society is getting more prudish? Why is it we are always going backwards?

Sex is sex, one of the most natural things for humans.

If it was just an issue of sex, I might agree with you. But look at that picture? You're only seeing women sexualized, and one of the covers even has them dressed as school girls. What do you think that does to women (and young girls) in this society and their sense of worth?

3 ( +9 / -6 )

btw, hiding these mags from your daughter will have nothing but negative effect, if you think that objectification of human body is wrong ( insane concept since lust is how we replicate but ok ) a better way would be to sit down with your daughter and wife, show them both men and women mags and explain why you think its wrong... hiding it will just drive them to much much more serious material...

That's fine, if that's your approach and I defend your right to do that. But you also should respect the rights of those who don't wish to take that approach and who don't want to be subjected to that material.

like any prohibition.

It is not prohibition. Like everyone is telling you- enjoy it but in private. Look, its like smoking. Smoke all you want as long as you don't force others to breath it. Enjoy porn all you want. Just don't force others to see it. And like I said before, I'm for getting rid of the mosiac- so I'm not against porn. And don't worry Alex. Pornhub isn't going ANYWHERE. And you can enjoy every fantasy and fetish on that site, AND it is accessible by smartphone- LITERALLY in the palm of your hand. So don't worry. No one is going to take your porn away. No prohibition. Relax.

This is not and has never been about people enjoying porn. We are all totally okay if sexually mature people who choose to enjoy porn privately do so. What we object to is people who are not choosing to enjoy porn in a convenience store, either because they don't feel it is an appropriate place or because they are a minor


But something is wrong with society if a family with young kids has to run the T+A gauntlet just to buy an ice cream.

LOL. true.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

something is wrong with society if a family with young kids has to run the T+A gauntlet just to buy an ice cream.

Honest question: Why?

And it's not a troll question. I really don't have any problem with my kids seeing T&A, and I'm curious why others feel it is a problem - maybe I need to reconsider my thoughts on the matter.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

OK.... that's it... time to sell my Aeon stock.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


BungleToday  11:00 am JST

Nice photo of Saori Hara there.

Is that a Spoonerism?

Anyway, I've never seen any 'jazz mags' in AEON. What have I been doing wrong?

Change an a to an i????

2 ( +3 / -1 )

btw, hiding these mags from your daughter will have nothing but negative effect, if you think that objectification of human body is wrong ( insane concept since lust is how we replicate but ok ) a better way would be to sit down with your daughter and wife, show them both men and women mags and explain why you think its wrong... hiding it will just drive them to much much more serious material... like any prohibition.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


What I object to is when parents who take their kids in to get money from an ATM or get some cool drinks on a hot summer day and are forced to expose their children to the sexual objectification these magazines revolve around.

This is the point.

All the arguments about prudishness and female body appreciation are bogus. I fully expect my kids to have and enjoy sex when they're older, in fact I hope they do. But something is wrong with society if a family with young kids has to run the T+A gauntlet just to buy an ice cream.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Alex EinzToday  10:23 am JST

yes,I would have absolutely no problem with that, in fact I think people that dont enjoy porn have serious repressed mental problem

As if the openly deceitful fallacy of you claiming this is about people enjoying porn weren't enough, you then go on to insult everyone who disagrees with you by accusing them of having mental problems. That's some top-notch trolling there.

This is not and has never been about people enjoying porn. We are all totally okay if sexually mature people who choose to enjoy porn privately do so. What we object to is people who are not choosing to enjoy porn in a convenience store, either because they don't feel it is an appropriate place or because they are a minor

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

japan nudging its way to becoming semi civilised, not just a boys play ground.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

No problem if they are out of sight and don’t feature suggestive photos of 15 year olds in bikinis.

Yeah, and that's the other thing: they constantly feature underage girls in bikinis and then get upset when the compensated dating thing happens.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

yes,I would have absolutely no problem with that,

well, obviously many people do. hence the complaints and the decision to remove them.

in fact I think people that dont enjoy porn have serious repressed mental problem

I think people who think that you have to enjoy porn to be normal have serious repressed mental problems. Anyway what most of the posters here are saying is ENJOY all the porn you want. Just don't force others to see it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

When this was first reported on the news, they added that about 20% of the purchases off these shelves are by women, and the numbers have been steadily rising. Just something to bear in mind.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

No problem if they are out of sight and don’t feature suggestive photos of 15 year olds in bikinis.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

yes,I would have absolutely no problem with that, in fact I think people that dont enjoy porn have serious repressed mental problem

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

i have never seen a naked woman or man on the cover of a magazine at a store. All the ones in the picture above are tied up, so how is it possible to be reading it at the store

Well, some of us have. I guess you are one of the lucky ones.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

I personally enjoy seeing some sexy photos when i go to conveni... not that u need to buy it but the display is great, I wish they put more and bigger photos.. its 2017 how about chill with all this prude pc idiotism... you dont want it? Go to any islamic country and stay there.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

omg... why? what did some smut ever do to anyone?

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

But it should not be in full public view of women and children.

i have never seen a naked woman or man on the cover of a magazine at a store. All the ones in the picture above are tied up, so how is it possible to be reading it at the store? For me, I could care less what someone is standing and reading at a convenience store, and I feel confident in saying most people could care less as well. This is not Europe or the US, your delicate sensitivity doesn't apply here.

in response to complaints from customers about sexually explicit front covers on store shelves.

PC madness. Making the world more boring one SJW at a time.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

That's a fair comment, katsu78, especially in the confines of a small local Konbini.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

What really boggles the mind is how people still buy/peruse these magazines when the internet is actually a thing. It's like they're stuck in the 70s and 80s.

Bingo. And without blocking the aisles in small combinis too!!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

It's about time! It bugs the hell out of me seeing guys standing and "reading" these magazines in conbini, and other places, in full view of other customers, including women and children!

Hear Hear!

It is the height of deceitfulness to pretend the objection people have is to "the female body" and not to its sexual objectification being thrust into adults' and children's faces against their will.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

It has nothing to do with being prudish. I think its not normal when a guy reads a pornmag in front or next to women.

Not only that. Its disrespectful.

And personally, I don't believe skin mags need to be on full public display as is the case in most convenience stores. Laws dictate that adults have the right to purchase such, and I don't decry that, but the material doesn't need to be full frontal so as to speak.

Nothing wrong with designated shops with X - sections. Good for the dwindling brown paper bag industry.

Exactly. I'm not saying that they should ban these mags. In fact, I'm for getting rid of that STUPID and utterly USELESS mosiac. But keep porn and nudity in the privacy of your own home. Nothing wrong with porn. It can even spice up an otherwise lukewarm relationship. But it should not be in full public view of women and children.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

Aeon has decided to stop selling pornographic magazines at supermarkets, Miraiya Shoten book stores as well as online

ok, so i can sorta see the point of the first two, but why also stop selling online? isn't that where you wanna drive customers?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

itsonlyrocknrollToday  09:08 am JST

Are these magazines a celebration of the intrinsic aesthetic elegance and beauty of the female form? ..........Or maybe perhaps a testament to the readers willingness to succumb and so fulfil sexual gratification without emotional attachment? 

Not a judgement just a thought...

Does it matter? I don't give a f how people use or enjoy these magazine in private. It's irrelevant.

What I object to is when parents who take their kids in to get money from an ATM or get some cool drinks on a hot summer day and are forced to expose their children to the sexual objectification these magazines revolve around.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Good move Aeon. It is awkward for going to these places with kids and seeing such images. Highly appreciated. I hope others will follow.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

I like reading, turning the pages, the satisfaction and wonder of events yet to unfold opposed to the digital option   

I have a suspicion that the thrill and arousal for the reader is being observed publicly in the act of naughty prurient behaviour.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Those porn magazines are tied up like an Xmas turkey. And they don't offend me....!

2 ( +10 / -8 )

before an expected influx of foreign visitors for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.

This just made my day, and it's only 9 AM.

whats next, bathing suits at the Onsen? Burkas?

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

Are these magazines a celebration of the intrinsic aesthetic elegance and beauty of the female form? ..........Or maybe perhaps a testament to the readers willingness to succumb and so fulfil sexual gratification without emotional attachment?  

Not a judgement just a thought...

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Nice photo of Saori Hara there.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

So society is getting more prudish?

It has nothing to do with being prudish. I think its not normal when a guy reads a pornmag in front or next to women.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

"We have been receiving reports from customers who think twice about entering stores when they are with a child,"

I swear... when you read this and then other headlines saying "Japan has world's top problem-solvers (kids)" you really have to wonder when common sense went out the window. Ya think parents might hesitate?? Hell, despite it being the digital age and no one in their right mind should pay for porn anymore, even if they don't get rid of the magazines or DVDs or what have you, could they maybe just not put them out next to the ice cream or ATM and where everyone can see them plain as day? You needn't cover the ladies (and maybe men) up, per se, but cover the mags if you're going sell them. The issue is not that they are there, but that they can be seen by people just passing down the isle who have no interest in them.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Midnight Sun TribeToday  08:28 am JST

Yet more censorship of the female body as something shameful.

It is the height of deceitfulness to pretend the objection people have is to "the female body" and not to its sexual objectification being thrust into adults' and children's faces against their will.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

So society is getting more prudish? Why is it we are always going backwards?

Sex is sex, one of the most natural things for humans. You push sexuality into the dark and you’re also pushing people who are confused about their sexuality into the dark..

This is a poor decision by Aeon

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Altho Aeon probably does have a certain level of altruism re this, it also is definitely part of the "sanitization of the surface" before the Olympics. A good scrubbing if you like.

We will see more of this.

And personally, I don't believe skin mags need to be on full public display as is the case in most convenience stores. Laws dictate that adults have the right to purchase such, and I don't decry that, but the material doesn't need to be full frontal so as to speak.

Nothing wrong with designated shops with X - sections. Good for the dwindling brown paper bag industry.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

They have porn at Aeon?

Prudes gonna be prudes.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Lame capitulation. These are not even porno mags. Yet more censorship of the female body as something shameful.

6 ( +17 / -11 )

Just select an area away, (I would suggest the basement), from the gaze of children, sniggering testosterone fuelled adolescence,  and customers offended by the sight opus bundles of smutty suggestive titillation.

If the dirty mac brigade want to spend their hard earned and gorp at this material, why rain on their parade?

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

I wouldn't actually classify these mags as "porn", they are for the overwhelming majority of them, skin mags, and not porn.

What really boggles the mind is how people still buy/peruse these magazines when the internet is actually a thing. It's like they're stuck in the 70s and 80s.

Not if you consider that Japanese are voracious readers of just about anything in print. As a country that has more people connected on line than ever before, folks still get their news and other information, mainly from printed material.

I have even know plenty of students that have complained that they don't study well unless they have a book or paper material in front of them, turning on their computer to them is not about studying.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

with the internet I find it hard to believe people still buy paper

11 ( +17 / -6 )

When I was a kid in 1960 growing up in Gardena S Calif with large Japanese population we used to go to Japanese mom & pop stores to get a peek at those magazines, guess they influenced me 'cause I moved here in the 70's, funny thing is I never looked at those mags again.

15 ( +20 / -5 )

What really boggles the mind is how people still buy/peruse these magazines when the internet is actually a thing. It's like they're stuck in the 70s and 80s.

29 ( +36 / -7 )

It's about time! It bugs the hell out of me seeing guys standing and "reading" these magazines in conbini, and other places, in full view of other customers, including women and children!

If these stores stop selling these magazines, MAYBE it will put more pressure on publishers to stop printing them too!

-6 ( +20 / -26 )

Good - not before time either. These mags are invariably in full view of all, often near the toilets or household/electrical items, which always have lots of traffic.

3 ( +24 / -21 )

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