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© KYODOStudent not covering nose with mask disqualified from taking university exams
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Haaa Nemui
Were these people also asked seven times? If somebody can’t follow the instructions after so many requests to do so, they deserve to be removed.
Perhaps he'snot interested to go to Uni, his parents made him do it.
Mr Kipling
Why did they ask him SEVEN times.
First time..... polite request
Second time..... Final warning
Third time..... marched out the building.
I feel better knowing that my doctor has a "stupid piece of paper". But he never yells at me about how clever he is.
Perhaps you have a chip on your shoulder.
Rumor has it (on good authority) that loads of examinees at other test-taking centres also exposed their noses when taking the test, with no penality. Go figure.
Lazarus Knows
NHK online reporting the following about the examinee:
aged 40-49
shut self in toilet after being disqualified
removed from building by police
Cyrus Wu
I guess he didn't study lol
Masks don't make it hard to breathe. They can make it hard to see, if you are wearing glasses. If that was this kids problem, he or she should've figured out how to wear glasses over the top of the mask by now.
I bet his mother will be up the wall.
Or he could have requested to take the test in a different room as allowed by test administrators, but he didn't make that request. Did you miss the part where he was asked 7 times to properly wear his mask? At what point has the examinee been sufficiently warned for administrators to take action? If I were one of the other students in the room, I'd be pretty pissed off.
Cannot blame the examiner on this case. In putting aside the ultility of mask use/debate, they had pre-warned and instructed in written form to applicants while at the same time offering special, alternative treatment if necessary and addressed in application. On site, the dissident was warned 7 times (!) before disqualification. As used to work for school exam monitoring, I may have a symphasy for them.
GOOD! More like this, please. Although I suspect the test center will be forced to apologize after parents’ complaints, let’s hope this is the start of a modicum of responsibility and consequences for taking none.
The difference being that when you choose to go into a restaurant you go in knowing full well that others are going to be taking masks off to eat. If you don’t like that, you can opt for a takeaway or bento or home cooking.
The students have been working for years towards this exam, they rightly feel that it’s very important, and the rules they received ahead of time assured them that everyone sharing the same air would be wearing masks.
Allow those sticking to the rules to get on with it, or let one covidiot spoil it for everyone.
The choice seems crystal clear to me.
Ok so if the exam starts at 9:00 and the student arrives at 9:30 they should still let them in under your rules are made to be broken.
Mr Kipling
And this is why the world is in a mess.... The last two posts.... Maybe the poor fellow was having a meltdown?
Sorry, but the middle of an important exam for OTHERS is not the place for YOU to have your little hissy fit.
You want "compassion"? How about the other students who can read, understand and follow simple instructions having their concentration spoiled by this selfish fool?
Squirt shaving cream on the glasses and wipe clean with a cloth without washing. No fogging anymore
Nothing. What it has to do with is following clearly laid-out rules regarding how people are allowed to take the test, and about not exposing the other examinees to three or four hours in a room in close proximity to someone possibly spewing virus-laden breath at them.
Why should the ones who are obeying the rules be penalized by having to be in the same room as this idiot? If he had made his concerns known a day in advance, whether it be fogged-up glasses or a running nose needing constant wiping or whatever, he would have been accommodated.
I was a proctor at this exam and aside from wearing masks (most of them inappropriately and had to tell them several times to wear it properly) there was no social distancing and no ventilation whatsoever, the doors and windows were closed. (This was for kyushu university though, so idk about other places)
When taking tests its very important to fully understand and follow instructions
This disqualified student is over 40 years old, and did a lot of bad behavior.
A supervisor showed him (or her?) a warning card, but he jut brush the card away so rudely.
He was taking a video of supervisor with smartphone while exam.
And because he refused to leave the room even though he's been disqualified, other students had to move to other room.
He should be ashamed to disturb young students.
Fogging eases after 7-10.4 minutes with glasses.
I bet this kid does fine in life and becomes the CEO of Yoshinoya eventually.
Perhaps this was his way of telling his parents, the Uni is not for me.
He / she didn’t have a reason...just tried to be arrogant! The written notice prior to the examination already stated wearing of mask correctly as compulsory. And he / she was given seven warnings yet didn’t follow. If he / she didn’t want to wear the mask then could have requested for the other room in advance. It’s evidently clear that this student is just an attitude problem and troublemaker. His / her teachers also might have been terrified and tied of this students failure in the classroom to follow instructions. We all have met problematic children during our schooling days who constantly broke denying that!!!
Don’t bring President Trump into this...he lost the election fair and square! Deal with the fact! Trump lost and Biden won and the world knows it! Let go of this never ending craziness about Trump!
Hit the wrong place. Cont:
he or she just thinks they are either better than others (come from some elite high school) or they are not so bright, or not bright didn't read the rules and possibly have a problem with wearing masks for some reason and didn't read the required one day notice to be placed in a separate room.
The fogging glasses thing give it 6 rest.
I cannot see much without my glasses, to bring the severity of how bad my eyesight is, I cannot even get contacts because they don't even make them for eyes as bad as mine.
I wear a mask constantly even before covid because my work creates dust particles that are not safe to breathe in.
So if I can spend all day working with a mask on this person could last a few hours and all they have to do if the glasses get to fogged up is wipe them off occasionally.
You'd have to know if he has the coronavirus to be able to (reasonably) conclude that.
You're acting like he didn't do anything, while having the same "little to no facts". Why is it reasonable for you to do so, and not the people you criticize?
Glasses still fog up with the glasses over the mask. It just fogs up the inside. Difficult to take a test when you can't see the test. I'd like to hear the person's side of the story in order to get the full story.
Steven Mccarthy
We need to get these exam police in charge of traffic enforcement . More than 1 friendly reminder was enough. Now if the whole country would stop being so selfish with other’s health,. we might get on the path to containment. We can sit and nag on the govt all day and they have their fair share of responsibility. But it blows me away at the utter lack of concern for others here. Peaceful blah blah blah.
Why do so many people go on criticizing Japan entrance exams system when many of their own countries have something similar.
The USA has SAT or ACT, the UK has A levels that the score determines where or if they can enter university as well as many private universities have their own entrance exams. The French also have their own extrance exam system for university.
Give it a rest.
Do you think American students looking to enter a very good university are not as stressed and study as hard to get a high SAT score as possible so they can get the university they want?
As for this student it is obvious he or she just thinks they are eith
Actually the compassion, etc... Has gone out the window since the me,me, me, and me thing became the norm.
This started with one side of the political spectrum and is now strong on both extremes.
One wants to do anything they want and no government, rules or regulations.
The other wants the same but expects everyone around to bend to their feelings and for the government and others to pay for their choices and supposed needs.
So no idea what this person was thinking but their actions caused problems for the others and it seems both extremes have their reasons to criticize them or say they were wronged.
One says why should the student be forced to wear a mask what harm does it do, his or her freedom not to wear one, rules are made to be broken.
The other side says the student should be treated special because they possibly have a problem or were stressed, or have issues, etc... So we need to treat them special with kid gloves.
And those of use in the middle that just want things to be functional and fair for the majority are caught between these to selfish groups/thinking.
According to Line News, it was a 49 year old man from Koto ward.
JJ Jetplane
Sounds like a stressed out kid that caved under the pressure.
You're totally right. The world is in a mess because there is too much empathy and compass in it. I forgot that the standard reply to someone disturbing the ‘wa’ is ridicule, condemnation and veiled threats. To make the world a better place we need more judgement and less understanding! /s
Thomas Tank
Just heard he got arrested. lol
Good !
I heard MacDonalds are always hiring.
So if I turn up with my underpants not fully hitched up in the frontal area, I get it. If a student doesn't have the mental ability to understand what a mask is for.... Then making biscuits probably beyond them. So huge fail. Intelligence might to be associated with a university NAME this story is more about future politicians then idiots unable to even wear a mask....oh they are the same.
Have a little compassion people. This test taker was in his 40s and after being kicked out locked himself in a bathroom until the police came to get him out. This is very likely someone with a disability doing something outside of his comfort zone. I hope he can get another chance to take the test if it’s something he really wants to do.
Yes this student should have complied. Nevertheless, I do not understand why so many are shaming him, acting like he is public enemy number one while having little to no facts. It is not like he did anything depraved, vicious or dangerous toward anyone. The only individual he essentially caused harm to was himself.
Trump is a self-effaced boorish jerk who thinks he doesn't have to follow the law, or the Constitution he swore to honor and protect.
That's what has happened in my life since the day I was born. No matter how much of a good dog you are, no matter how much you play the game - everybody gets the shaft and the rap because one or two brats has to cause problems for everyone and spoil it all. These imbeciles go on to become 'Donald Trump's.
I totally agree with you, most of comment here are shameful
Bjorn Tomention
Yeah stupidity is still believing in the archaic and ridiculous education system and business system that thinks you should have a degree to be considered smart.
Many of the cleverest and smartest people in the world never got a degree and they have done fine without waving their stupid piece of paper at others while yelling how clever they think they are.
The sooner everyone woke up to the current education scam the better off they would be.
It wasn't their child so they don't care!!! Rules are rules and rules are made to be broken to make another rule.
Sven Asai
What has coverage of the own nose to do with showing science, mother tongue and English language knowledge in an exam for university entrance? That student has some behavioral and social issues and is highly probable not useful for nursing or other social sciences and professions and the like, but that isn’t subject to or checked at all in these exams.
Sven Asai
You say it, nothing @cleo. He could be simply taken out and testet in a separated room or from home by videoconferencing. When you enrolled for university studies, did you have to show your heart for others and for example proving with a receipted payment for UNHCR or so? Come on, you and I know that this all should’ve played no role regarding an exam to show so far accumulated school knowledge .
It could have been an incident of bullying by the examination supervisor...
Nobody has heard this kid's defence (the article explicitly states that no reason was given for the refusal) but unilaterally condemn him or her. No wonder Trump's call for action on the election gained such traction.