The Tokyo metropolitan government on Monday reported 968 new coronavirus cases, down 885 from Sunday and 947 down from last Monday. It is the 15th straight day that the daily figure has been lower than the same day of the previous week. It is the first time for the number to drop below 1,000 since July 19.
The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 2,414.
People in their 20s (244 cases), their 30s (191) and their 40s (188) accounted for the highest numbers, while 181 cases were aged under 20.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo was 267, up three from Sunday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 2,198, down nine from Sunday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 8,234. The prefectures with the highest numbers were Aichi (1,190), Tokyo, Kanagawa (971), Osaka (924), Chiba (665), Saitama (450), Fukuoka (420), Hyogo (357), Kyoto (258), Okinawa (167), Ibaraki (158), Hiroshima (145), Shizuoka (135), Gifu (125), Hokkaido (123), Nara (116) and Mie (109).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 40.
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2000 tests. Give me a break
Why do you have a mask now ?
Brush your teeth more often, and increase your fluid intake (preferably lightly acid such as tea or carbonated water). I guarantee you your mask won't be smelling this bad..
Thank you for you usual bla bla about cycle count on the PCR, this is useless as usual.
Number of infections is down because the peak wave has been reached since several days, no mystery at all.
Offical website of Tokyo regarding covid19 numbers
Cases falling around the country. The conspiracy theorists won't like it of course, and so will quibble with the numbers. First time under 1000 for Tokyo since July. That is testament to the efficacy of the vaccine, given that around 75M people in Japan have had at least one dose.
Wow, that's a big drop. I want to get all hopeful, but, I think I'll check how all the surrounding prefectures are doing before getting my hopes too, high.
Some areas imposed states of emergency later, so they will likely peak later, but it sure would be nice to feel confident that the GTA areas efforts are starting to pay off.
We really do need these reports to contain more information to provide context and understand their significance. The headlines are clearly designed to convey an impression that case numbers are easing, yet we have no way of knowing if that is actually the case or if it is just an effect of fewer tests being conducted.
Sydney Australia MORE cases than Tokyo today had 1281 cases in its 11th week of harsh lockdown that includes curfews in some areas and limits on leaving your home and how far you can go when you are briefly allowed out. Harsh fines if you are found breaking the numerous rules. Travel within the country is banned even for people to see dying relatives and thousands of Australians are overseas unable to return to their own country. Yet Cases still going up up up, whilst Tokyo is going down down down. Lockdowns really work don’t they! Is there any better proof than Tokyo that they are unnecessary and that the Australian totalitarian approach is an unnecessary overreach.
Although the CTs know fully well that Japan doesn't test asymptomatic people, they still harp on the number of tests being conducted. Give it a rest, please. It's kinda sad and pathetic at this point.
Leighton Rutt
Hmmmm! Can we really believe these numbers?
It's great news if true. But, in saying that, people under 30 still account for 43.9% 0f today's figures.
Also the 968 cases brings this month's total for Tokyo to 13,989 from an all out figure since the beginning of statistics last year, to 357,963 cases.
Let's not be TOO complacent and let our guard down, hey?
From a concerned, and vaccinated resident from overseas.
Have a great day!
Perhaps @rainyday 5:20pm you are asking too much when we have been routinely ‘reassured’?: /s
Can’t we just ‘consume without questioning’? /s - Like confessions, perhaps “It’ll go easier for you” if we just ‘accept’ and move along.
At this level of testing, it's not worth reporting.
Clearly Tokyo doesn't want to know how sick it is.
Ah! There’s some DAILY numbers we can perhaps trust from a self-described “independent and ‘outside’ source”:
“**From a concerned, and vaccinated resident from overseas.” - **Have a great day!
If you think that just the vaccines will be enough to prevent other waves to happen soon, you do not know how works a pandemic.
Why always comparing Tokyo with Sydney Australia ? That make no sense at all.
Focusing on cases became senseless in Tokyo for sure.
Japanese Government should have a plan to manage the daily live in the coming waves but so far this is no plan because there is no brain in their head.
85 to 90% of the population need to be vaccinated in order to live with the virus and the coming waves. This will allow the medical system to take care of the ill patients for both covid and non covid diseases.
Aichi the prefecture with the most cases today, Osaka also under 1000 for the first time in a while. This will likely be the first day in a while when Japan has recorded less than 10k cases nationwide.
Sven Asai
That’s the deal, stepping down, yes, but only with good numbers for a lovely remembering in the history books. lol
Mass testing is not pointless. It can help give a clearer picture of exactly what we are dealing with in Japan, and identify any new strains as early as possible.
This is far from pointless.
Then again, I’m looking at this from the angle of wanting to know as much as possible rather than pushing a narrative.
Let's hope the numbers drop quickly, I cannot wait to see my favourite small local bars and izakaya to reopen soon.
Mass testing is very useful to prevent infections. Not all the time of course but at adequate moments in order to manage the wave. But with the ultimate inefficiency of Japan government, the mass testing would be a waste. So no need for mass testing in the wonderful land of the rising sun.
Too funny the numbers now dripping because Olympics are now over gives Japan something to blame
Iron Lad
Good news!
Good to see the numbers falling again. Let’s hope this can encourage some with irrational fears to get out and support the local economy. I did the right thing and supported local businesses from day 1, they got my money not Amazon.
The vaccines are doing well to protect the elderly and obese which means less severe cases and deaths. Though vaccines don’t work so well on obese, so they are still in much more danger than healthy people.
We should be looking at normality very soon, hoping the Go To Campaign resumes, can save a few yen on my monthly trips.
Foreigner In Tokyo Today 06:18 pm JST
I support them already because they have takeout options or lunch menu. But I cannot wait to enjoy an evening there with some nice local sake or craft beers and delicious food cooked in front of you.
I never make use of the Go To Travel insanity and did not take any holidays since the pandemic started. I am taking all precautions regarding the virus since last year.
I do care about local business and I have compassion.
The current measures taken with the SoE are almost useless to prevent spread of the virus and it hurts the local business, this is why it should be ended and this can only happen if the number of infections goes down.
Closing drinking and eating places at 8pm is just idiot. And not serving alcohol only is so ridiculous that the people outside Japan who knows this situation are laughing at here.
Corona has been widespread in Japan for 18 months, whereas Australia has tried elimination. It stands to reason due to naturally gained immunity Japan would eventually have lower numbers.
Hopefully Corona is turning into the flu
Knowing that Suga won't be running the show much longer the virus is running scared
Tokyo’s strategy for dealing with COVID-19 is to do limited testing with 50+ % positive rate and claim that the infection rate is declining dramatically! The number of test should be such that the positive rate is around 2-3 % as recommended by World Health Organization and as done by almost every other country globally!
Pacific Saury
Paralympics end, numbers go down. Correlation, yes, but causation? Thoughts?
Jay Sol
The test positivity rate is currently around 15% in Tokyo and I don’t think it’s ever been over 40%. Where are you getting this data?
Alan Bogglesworth
But according to the numbers, almost no one has had it out of the entire population right?
Tokyo positivity rate (on a 7 day average based on consolidated date) reached 29% at worst last month. Currently it's around 19%. So it's not a 50+% as you stated.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Miraculous. It's almost as if the numbers were being manipulated. That would never happen now would it.
Mr Kipling
Not bull, not a miracle... Just Sunday's numbers.
As I have posted about a zillion times before, to get a test on a Sunday you don't need to be sick, you need to state that you are having difficulty breathing. If not they will tell you to wait until Monday or Tuesday.
So 50 % of those who said they had breathing difficulties pinged positive.....
BTW.. it will be the same next week, the week after and so on... Just like it is EVERY MONDAY!
A bit skeptic . When the Olympics started the numbers went up . Olympics over and now the numbers will drop. 99.9 under 50 you survive
Sven Asai
First you have made nothing or only mistakes all the time , almost two years, and now have the guts to declare all people who had solutions as foolish. That’s quite an attempt, my dear…lol Well, so try to live with it, if that’s what you wanted right from the beginning. I just only predict , you won’t be able for that too, on average and in the long run. In contrary, it’s getting more and more lethal for society, businesses, individuals and don’t cry then, when it’s too late.