The Tokyo metropolitan government on Wednesday reported 1,149 new coronavirus cases, up 319 from Tuesday. It was the first time since May 13 that figure has surpassed 1,000.
The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 823.3.
People in their 20s (326 cases), their 30s (214) and their 40s (209) accounted for the highest numbers.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 54, down four from Tuesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 412, down 12 from Tuesday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 3,194. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (361), Osaka (349), Saitama (243), Chiba (208), Fukuoka (95), Okinawa (83), Hyogo (78), Hokkaido (75), Aichi (71), Kyoto (46), Miyagi (41), Shizuoka (40) and Ibaraki (37).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 20.
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The Nomad
Wow, over a 1000. The numbers guy will have return his summer bonus for not delivering the promised 500-800 daily numbers
i think they don't understand "lockdown" in japan or maybe there's no word in Japanese that have a similar meaning.
it's really sad to see a country have such poor covid19 outbreak management.
1149 with the pics coming, bach in town, numbers surpressed. Wow just wow, gotta laugh or you'll cry!
WOW! I hope Bach is watching the news and taking notice. Now is really the time to put people's lives ahead of self-interests. I know it doesn't compare to the US or India, but it's big time for Japan.
This was inevitable - crossed 1000 mark for a day to show 1149 number for Tokyo today
Todays number is 229 more than previous week and this will only increase the way things are presently - two days running more than 200 higher than previous week
For few posters who come in later in the night time (due to work during day time or to avoid mods) - full disclosure - my comments are not fear mongering - it is just stating actual numbers and facts - it is for you how you want to read and treat the same.
Also the reason I do not mention about the number of deaths in my comment is that if you take note of time stamp of my comment and at this point of time the number of death is not reported on this news at JT - this news gets updated during later part of evening to cover deaths, whole country stats and other high number city details.
Lastly, even if number of deaths are declining - it could be due to vaccination for older people impact kicking in or time lag between higher positives turning into severe cases to unfortunate death - I am not an expert to comment as to which scenario is presently playing out here.
But on a personal level fact remains that I am still waiting for vaccine vouchers - without which we cannot even “TRY” to make appointment for first shot. So yes on a very personal level I am worried for own health and my family as the positive number goes up (and likely to continue to increase in near future). You can take it as fear mongering but this is my point of view and personal status.
Very troubling numbers, but we all expected 1000 plus.
Tokyo Gov't is not doing enough to stem this disaster.
Derek Grebe
Safe and secure Olympics, my foot.
The State of Emergency only works if it's real. The trains are packed as always, and the Delta variant is on the loose in a largely unvaccinated population.
This is going to be messy.
Still I'm sure Bach will lose no sleep in his non-cardboard five--star bed tonight.
Deadly case are the most important.
If we got this virus but can easily recover, it’s like influenza.
People have to stop panic and think about.
They are just manipulating the data numbers to make people scared.
Gove us raw data and we could analyze it fairly
Koike-san, seems to be a troublemaker, like the osaka mayor? she must to control this. The whole world is to looking at tokyo soon. this is too much
Its OK everyone, put your minds at ease: the Olympics will be fine! I know that is what everyone is worried about right now because there is a heck of a lot of money for the IOC at stake. But don't, Bach himself has assured us that no matter what the games will go on. No worries at all. This won't affect anything.
Well 1149 not surprised I feel sorry for the athletes an Olympics to forget for sure
Which makes absolutely no sense!
That's 5 times as many as when the Olympics got postponed. Let that sink in.
We are not scared, mate. We're just pissed. Very pissed.
Michael Machida
Tokyo reports 1,149 new coronavirus cases
In reference to this article:
Wow! Now I am worried.
Oops the numbers aren't what they like and they start to eat their own!
I expect the numbers to fall back below 1,000 on Friday. The pattern has been Yo-Yo throughout this pandemic.
The numbers can easily be regulated by the number of tests and that has been the case throughout this pandemic. Unfortunately mitigating the spread of the virus has never been the agenda.
Many countries are experiencing a surge in this virus. Most likely because of the Delta variety which is incredibly easy to transmit.
Will Suga have the ‘nads to call the Olympics off or ban athletes from countries with surging coronavirus numbers like Japan, the US, Indonesia et al?
Or will he parrot ‘Safe and Secure’ ‘For Fukushima’ ‘Victory over Coronavirus’ platitudes again?
What exactly does this mean? Is this the number of ICU patients? The number of patients on ventilators or oxygen? When the number goes down - is it because the patients died? How many ICU beds are there in Tokyo? How many total beds are there for Covid patients? What is the daily utilization rate for each type of bed? What is the admission rate for Covid patients in Tokyo? What is the admission criteria? How many patients are turned away each day?
54 serious patients in all of Tokyo? That seems awful low. Are “they” limiting admissions to maintain the agreed upon utilization percentage? It’s possible. Where are the new ICU beds? Could have easily set them up in tents.
I thing we will se an explosion in numbers soon, since NOTHING is being done to keep it from !!? yes you guessed it.
I am not sure the numbers can go up so much more in Tokyo like to 2000 or more.,( new records.) They limit tests so there is a limit to how many they can find and when The Olympics get going testing capacity will be shifted to the athletes and the general public will be tested even less. And olympic cases will be unreported as an earlier reported today.
For the sake of their precious Olympics they have to put a stop to the rise somehow. Timing couldn’t be worse.
The IOC doesn’t care whatever they are but the Japanese politicians must feel a little unsettled by them.
Vaccination outreach should continue . . . .
Do the hustle
I’m quite sure that if you were one of those who tested positive your response would not be so flippant.
That's that. Adorned and dismissed.
Closing bars, restaurants and department stores an hour early didn't work again? Who would have guessed?
My suggestion to fix this issue is to shorten hours for restaurants, department stores, etc., even more so that we can jam as many people as possible into a small shop, department store, etc., and just get it over with and let the virus go at it.
Who in their right mind thinks that opening department stores and food stores later and closing them earlier will trick the virus from spreading. Man, get a clue. Do what America did. Open super early, and close super late, and have designated times for age groups. This country is backasswards.
There is no lockdown in Japan; something about the Constitution guaranteeing personal freedom to go about your daily business unimpeded.
I suppose they could've passed some emergency law to get around that, but they were too busy focussing on Sports Day.
BS! Provide a scientific study with scientific data and analysis, not an anecdote originating from the media frenzy.
Some dude
The two acronyms currently running Japan - the LDP (nominally) and the IOC (essentially) - might want to start thinking outside the border of Japan. If these case numbers are turning being reported even before the majority of athletes, coaches, drug peddlers (sorry, “performance experts”), etc. turn up, then logic suggests that at least some athletes and members of their entourages are going to get infected even if everything goes to plan. If the testing is insufficient or inaccurate, they will then get on a plane headed for home and liberally give it to a bunch of other people. Japan and the IOC would be in for some seriously negative press. Bach of course won’t care because he will be sleeping on top of a pile of gold, but Japan, which we know can be a bit sensitive to outside criticism, might not be very happy…
Many of the shoebox aparments people live in have ony the most elementary of cooking facilities . . . if that.
A complete lock down would never work in Japan as many people would need to go out almost daily just to get food.
I dont think that the Olympics will be canceled because:
Point 1:
Experts say Japanese roaming around during their summer vacations and the Olympics could be a greater risk than athletes and other participants
Point 2:
It is anyay already too late to cancel the Olympics.
Those going on about sever cases down.
Why not wait until they give us the number of deaths.
Because up to now nearly every drop in severe cases has been due to people dying and slightly few new cases being added.
Example down 5 but died 10.
What that means is 10 died and 5 new severe cases were added.
Now with far more having covid each day, the reality is we have a high chance of severe cases rising.
Now I know the comeback.
"Fewer deaths" we all understand we are not going to see the high death rates as a combination of better treatment, more experienced medical personnel and Vaccine.
But more cases means more people will have long Covid, which can be fairly devastating to many.
Try looking at reality.
Osaka numbers are posted on the city website.
349 cases up by 124.
Just watched the NHK 6 o’clock news, not a mention of the Tokyo infections. Maybe now IOC have said nothing will stop the games, what is happening here does not matter anymore.
1149 is a mystical and magic number for me. I wonder what were the deaths in correlation to the marginal propensity to consume the virus within droplet loads as opposed to touching contaminated surfaces. These are all I ,important aspects of understanding the espred and reachin 1149
So it is Okay to you even if it fell because the people passed away ?
The severe cases is written with the intention to obscure the reality, I don't understand why they state
the number of serious cases has reduced without stating the reason for the reduction when there
are clearly two possibilities either their conditions improved and were upgraded to light cases or they
unfortunately passed away.
No big surprise the 'Lets all wear masks and hope for the best' approach isn't quite going to plan. I just wonder if the Delta variant, originating in India, is better able to survive the summer heat. Normally flu-like virus don't do well in hot humid conditions. Would be interesting to get a breakdown of variant numbers.
The surges around the world are due to Delta and those unvaccinated.
The USA is being hit hard due to low vaccination rates in certain areas and population groups.
Japan has an even far lower portion of its population Vaccinated.
And with the shortages of vaccine things will not change quickly.
That's 749 so who are the other 400?
Well if we go by the simple logic that a large portion of those over 65 have been vaccinated,
Then that leaves under 20's but more likely 50's to mid 60's or basically people like me still waiting to be vaccinated.
Which can easily become a problem fast.
Yes we all know the drill, testing will be lower each day from this point giving the illusion of cases dropping but that doesn't change the reality that we are in the middle of a surge.
Indeed. "Mr. Bach, hello is there anybody home?" (Taps Bach's head repeatedly).
Some people just don't like the truth, why would anyone Zoroto for stating a fact. What he wrote really happened in Australia and is a fact and not some made up stuff to scare people or buttress a point. Yes the delta variant is a beast, Take ample precautions and don't let the numbers deceive you.
Tokyo has some strange rules and hoops sick people need to jump through.
Seriously a sick person needs to go through the above before Tokyo will help.
Will the National definition includes any covid patient in covid ICU but Tokyo doesn't follow that guideline.
Its like they are trying to make it harder to be hospitalised in a designated covid ward and not having higher severe cases.
Bob Fosse
Yes, this absolutely.
Do the hustle
And just like that, Tokyo is right back to where it was well over a year ago despite all the inconveniences of numerous SOEs. You had one job Tokyo and you e had over a year to do it. Now, 9 days before the Olympics commence the new case numbers are the same as they were last year when the games were postponed. You had one job!
Not it's not. I personally have two members of my family that got COVID. While they are out of danger, they still have long-lasting symptoms such as partial loss of taste/smell and shortness of breath. In particular, damages to the lungs are usually irreversible.
This is known as "long covid" and is going to cause a lot of issues for a lot of people in the coming years, and cost a lot of money to the healthcare systems.
The news is here .
No need to focus anymore on the few foreign athletes who are covid positive at the airport and soon isolated. The virus was here before they arrive, as we can see from today’s results.
I mentioned this before but my doctor (also a good friend for over 30 years) has a small hospital.
Only 15 beds usually only for minor things like overnight stays for IV treatment for dehydration due to fever, etc..
His hospital has 15 covid patients all older regular patients he has treated for years.
These people are not counted as hospitalised because his hospital is not designated as a Covid hospital.
Why are these people there? Because under the government criteria they do not qualify for a Covid bed in the designated hospitals.
Many are elderly live alone but are told to just take care of themselves at home despite, fever, etc...
So he feels he cannot turn them away.
He says many other tiny hospitals are doing the same because they have no choice.
Does anyone actually care anymore?
Who could have foreseen case numbers increasing so alarmingly? Less testing, no contact tracing, delta varient in the wild for several months now. I just can't understand what could be going wrong. I know, if we fly some jets over Tokyo Tower it will uplift the people's spirits and defeat this invible tyrant!
It seems the numbers are rapidly rising. Is it a good idea to bring more people in to Tokyo now from all over the world? It could cause more cases and cases to be exported from Japan as well.
Maybe some Olympics participants and staff are now quite worried.
The honorable and great Lord Bach has difficult decisions to make due to these numbers.
UK is testing around 300,000 per day.
Japan around 60,000 with twice the Population.
While you are at it with your comparison, can you give us the number of tests the UK and Japan do ?
Still numbers climbing ever higher, but still no sense of urgency to get everybody vacinated. The bureacrats did a sterling job of getting the vouchers out, I got mine on 21st June. However, they didn't bother to order enough vaccine so they've now run out in my prefecture. Incompetent, irresponsible, reactionary, illogical, useless and arrogant Japanese government strike again.
So that means severe cases:
424 - 20 deaths = 404 remaining severe cases
Today 412 severe cases
412 - 404= 8 new cases added to the severe list.
So +8 severe cases and 20 deaths
People still want to go on about how severe cases are down as if it is a good thing?
carpslidyToday 06:57 pm JST
Does anyone actually care anymore?
Well, Carpslidy I think you'll find there are a very large proportion of people who care, and generally they've stayed well informed since March last year.
You'll also find a vocal group of...well...I'll be charitable. Others.
So an increase nationally if 808 new cases.
Just for perspective and I am in the camp that the worst is yet to come given the Olympics, Delta variant and pace of vaccination:
July 14, 2020-143 new coronavirus infections
July 14, 2021-1,149 new coronavirus infections
Just tip of the iceberg.
The number of calls to the welfare centers will give a good indication of what the situation is with this virus.
The big question now is, will the delta mutation fill the hospitals up or not ?
Well, if that is true, then what is the point with all the maskery? If those things are useless, lets stop using them and clamouring for them.
First off, why is 1000 such an important number to media? This 1000 marker really means nothing. We must look at the other numbers given to us. We can assume that there are WAY more cases in Tokyo but we will never know. The data that is important today is that 65% of those confirmed with Covid are under 50 years old. This means that ALMOST ALL of those people will not take up valuable hospital beds. This is MUCH different than earlier in the year.
Also, the 19% fully vaccinated rate increases daily, skewing high with seniors, so it is obvious that the elderly are getting protected which will reduce the number of that demographic being infected. The delta variant may be more transmissible but it isn't deadlier and it is showing that the youth, with stronger immune systems, are getting it in higher proportion.
Finally, if the argument is to save every life possible within Japan we could get silly and draw up plans to prevent every vehicle accident in Japan. But you all know what that would require and it doesn't make sense.
Japan was slow to rollout vaccines. But they are doing it fast now. The whole time the economy could function and the public had no freedoms taken away. We have been able to go on with our lives in a very normal matter. When the world looks back on the pandemic I think Japan will be seen as having a very sensible approach. Countries like Australia will be the laughing stock.
John Noun
People have behaved selfishly and appallingly here regarding virus. Still going out, not getting vaccinated, drinking.
This is karma, sadly. I hope everything will work itself out
Please stop the Olympics as u promised, Prime-minister suga. The Corona virus figures are going up.
I'm not sure how this is even related to the Olympics. The idiot 20 and 30 year olds I see everyday in Shibuya and other areas, not wearing masks, eating and drinking on the street with no no masks, or wearing masks on their chin not covering the whole face is spreading the virus, the data shows it, not people related to the Olympics. They are going to do this Olympics or no Olympics. The lack of enforcement , during the "State of Emergency" the izakaya near my office was always packed even at 11pm!
Any case, still compared to other places in the world in a place like Tokyo, over 1000 but number of serious cases declining. Japan needs more enforcement, staff at shops need to enforce mask wearing, they don't because Japanese don't like conflict, I see it all the freaking time, person no mask, shop staff says jack to them.
Kitchener Leslie
You’ve got 2 weeks left to declare your victory over coronavirus LDP.
Since you are not providing (and I was not holding my breath you would) any scientific background for what you claimed based on BS media reports, let me do it for you since I can't leave the BS you are speeding uncorrected. A recent simulation was done using droplets dynamics assuming that the Indian variant is 2.5 times as contagious as the original strain (could be well overestimated but let's assume that). With an infected person speaking and not wearing a mask, a person standing 2 meters away has a possibility of getting infected reaching 10% in 45 minutes for the original strain and less than 20 minutes for the Indian variant. Again that could be well be an overestimation and I did't check how they handled the fluid dynamics. But that's a far cry of the mere seconds needed for people just passing each other BS. Here you have it, real science, real math, real physics. Not silly nonsense based on anecdotes.
But I am not surprised anyone of the fearful people spreading silly nonsense whenever they can, nonsense particularly coming from a country (Australia) which is trying everything to scare its population in oder to justify its authoritarian lockdowns.
The government failed getting the vaccine out quickly.
However, can we really blame the government for the numbers going up? Sure, they can lock everyone in their houses like China, that would get the numbers down. But, I don’t think anyone wants to go that way.
People need to take responsibility. People’s guards are down. I’m shocked by the irresponsibility I see from people in smoking rooms and bars across Tokyo. They gave up and this is the result.
Any data to support your statement that the delta variant isn't deadlier. So how many deaths before it can be viewed as deadly ? It was announced yesterday that, a guy in his 30s married with one child was found at home collapsed and dead from Covid-19 by the wife, he had no underlying disease. Prior to passing away, the guy complained of feeling fatigued and having headache
I am sure the wife and loved ones will agree with you that the delta variant isn't deadly
below is the link
Actually yes!
Here is why, Instead of behaving like other countries the Japanese government actually encouraged the idea that Japan is special, and that the virus was not a big problem for this "special" country and "special" people.
So the result is complacency, companies not seeing any danger in having full offices, people traveling daily by train, going out drinking, etc...
By the time the government did try to do something, it was too little too late and near impossible to reverse the belief that Japan and the Japanese are special.
And all you have to do to see how people swallowed that belief is read some of the comments here by Japanese and Foreigners who will go on and on about Japan and the Japanese being special.
Objective said it wasn’t deadlier not deadly. Why do the Covid conspiracy theorists always pull at the heartstrings with comments about a deceased person or things like Long Covid.
Cases may rise but we won’t be in a dramatic deadly situation like some paint here. Life goes on, normal people are out living their lives and enjoying the summer with their loved ones and friends.
I went to a nearby city today with my partner door lunch and a business meeting, came back and had beers and a lovely meal in a packed bar that Wataya open until 11pm. It’s normal nit selfish like the fear mongering types say here. Hide away and live in misery whilst the majority live their lives. Of course it’s sad Covid is about but it’s not causing the chaos these people claim.
From what I saw and heard on TV was that authorities were going through videos of places a man who was believed to be the initial spreader of the delta variant went to, so as to find those who were close contacts with this man and it turned out that a women he bypassed (yes bypassed) for a few seconds in a shopping mall was found to have been infected by this man. Whether the woman was really infected by this man she just bypassed is open to debate but to rubbish it as BS media report is without basis on your part.
Any data to support your statement that the delta variant isn't deadlier. So how many deaths before it can be viewed as deadly ?
There is no data to support it is deadlier. I never said it wasn't deadly and I agree that a statistically tiny amount of younger people will die from Covid as they do from the flu. And no, I am not comparing the two in terms of disease. The government has to apply a risk assessment and make decisions based on those numbers. They must accept that some people will die because it is a pandemic that targets mainly seniors and unhealthy folks. You cannot shut down an economy based on the numbers we are seeing. If Japan was seeing deaths like in Europe, then they would likely consider taking stronger measures.
When you say deadlier means it is in comparison to something and since we are talking of the delta variant it is safe to assume he implies the delta variant isn't deadlier when compared with other variants that are deadly, so how is it not deadly ? when it is not deadlier than something that is deadly.
Since you have volunteered to stand in for the defense objective, it would be nice if you would provide evidence on his behalf or data that the delta variant isn't deadlier. Seems you and Objective have forgotten where the delta variant originated from and the record number of people that it killed there or presently being witnessed in Indonesia.
it’s more contagious but no more deadly maybe less so according to experts. More deaths especially in India and other third world countries because of that. As with Long Covid dibilitating 25% of Covid sufferers for life being nonsense so are the claims Delta is more deadly
Are you saying long Covid is just in the minds of conspiracy theorists? It could be construed that way.
I usually don’t bother with these threads too much ( too many trolls and new sock puppets popping up talking and very probably lying about their travels, eating out habits, eating pocky on trains, maskless gaijin in Starbucks, go to travel etc. ).
Childish trash.
Anyway, back to the adult world. What’s your take on long Covid?
Its the same as with any other debilitating illness. Pneumonia and bronchitis for example have long term symptoms for many of those recovering. Similar symptoms to those found in Covid. These usually last a few weeks and sometimes months but can in some isolated cases cause lifelong problems. I’m not saying Long Covid is fake, far from it but we have people making it out to be far more serious than it is. It’s normal for someone who has suffered like this to have problems related to the illness for a period of time after. Most of those are minor such as some insomnia, headaches eyed, not life changing or threatening, I had similar after a very bad case of bronchitis before which included loss of smell and taste for periods of time.This took 2 to 3 months to recover from fully.
Definitely not downplaying the situation, yet certainly not going to accept wild exaggerations of the problem.
Commodore Perry
The Tokyo numbers look basically legit, but only about 2000 more cases nationwide? That is where I cast my doubt.
According to whom? Is this your homespun medical opinion? Who’s saying this?
You are very big on narrative but very short on substance.
I’m not having a go at you, and I’ve had a go at the delirious people on both sides of this ( those predicting bodies in the streets and the hysterical, incontinent anti-vaxxers soiling themselves ) but you do seem to be more cheerleading than dealing with inconvenient facts.
No decline likely anymore !!
He much going on ?
There is no hanging matter absolutely no say !!
John Noun
Erm, no. Australia will be seen as having the correct idea. Japan will be viewed as being ridiculous.
The important (and more reliable) numbers are the hospitalisations (down) and the deaths.
There will be a lag on these figures, but that can't be helped. The vaccination numbers should also be publicised.
Case numbers are dependent upon testing. The actual figure may be much higher and may have been throughout the pandemic. Reporting it going up or down is consequently meaningless. Covid is asymptomatic in many and others will not bother testing to avoid being dragged off and imprisoned in a hotel. Manipulating the case results might scare people into better behaviour, but if Delta is spreading in Japan, the numbers will go up anyway.
About 28% of the population of Japan are over 65. Add younger vulnerable people and health/care workers to this. Maybe 32-35% (of 126m people).
So that is 40-44m people need to be fully vaccinated, to minimise severe illness and deaths in Japan.
So far Japan has administered 60m doses. Still about 20-28m to go, as long as too many of those early jabs were not given to younger people.
If the target of 1m jabs a day is maintained, that is under a month.
If the government had implemented an emergency protocol to clear the jabs for use, and had used its Astra Zeneca stocks, Japan might well be there by now.
@John Noun Any country running with a zero Covid policy will have to remain closed permanently, as the RotW will be living with it and allowing it to pass like flu.
Bach gives us this bad souvenir!!
At last reached the red zone 1000before the Olympics !!
Mucking up even no fans only media & invitation guests !!
Commodore Perry
GBR48Today 11:05 pm JST
Not necessarily. Small sample, but a friend in the US came down with Covid last year in March, and he has not been able to function like before, or work the same full time job because of the lingering effects. He suffered for the initial two weeks but was never hospitalized.
The larger number of cases the higher the chance more people will also suffer from long Covid.
A retired 88 year old dying from the covid virus versus a 30 year old suffering long term---is one better than the other?
How many of these 3194 cases today will suffer from the long term effects?
The hospitalisation being down doesn't necessarily mean it is truly down, there are alot of people told to wait at home or in hotels and not moved into hospitals when beds become vacant as their cases are deemed not serious by the local welfare and to prevent the medical system from not being impacted.
Down 12 hospitalized.
20 deaths.
= 8 new with severe symptoms hospitalized.
Long covid has been advertised since the start. You anti-vaxxers just started paying attention and are getting all freaky about it trying to pretend it's some kind of new conspiracy.
The gov't that has the printing press and is supposed to support businesses is not doing it and you expect us to support businesses when we can barely support ourselves.
So, what happened to the flu? It has disappeared from the planet.
Wow, 1,149 cases of an infection with a virus that will leave almost all of them OK, and based on the PCR test, which never was designed for population testing, and with which one can detect almost anything one wants depending on how many cycles are run. But the panic must be kept up.
Fear mongering numbers at it’s best . Japanese not afraid of covid they think they are 100 percent protected with them masks
Robert Hancock
The 7-day running averages suggest a new wave is coming, and the recent Scientific American article on the inadequate preparedness by the IOC is not a comforting read at all.
We're down the rabbit hole into Mad Hatter IOC land next month and all in the name of TV broadcast rights and CM money to keep the corrupt IOC rolling in funds.
I hope the family of every dead post-Olympics CV-19 victim sues the IOC and Japanese government for forcing these games on the people of Japan who clearly, by a LARGE majority, do not want them.
It's not that bad, take precautions and worry more about yourself than everyone else
Both my train and bus trips were busier than pre the emergency status. When is suga going to be called out for his complete incompetence. Is he really the best Japan has to offer? The best of the best politicians? Can the man even tie his shoelaces without screwing up?
It is simple!
Anybody with half a brain knows that the rise in infections has to do with the incompetent J-government. Too many unvaccinated people.
You open up business as usual then the unvaccinated will get sick and spread it to other unvaccinated. Those who are vaccinated can still be carriers without suffering the symptoms of the virus, so anti-vaxxers still get infected and sick.
I am also starting to see more people walking on the street with no mask on. I do not know if it is because of the heat, the have gotten the vaccine, or just do not care.
Either way! My train commutes have gotten even more crowded which increases the chances of infection.
Cycling and and buses are a better option!
One more shot to go!
People are simply going to have to live with this. Being subjected to a perpetual cycle of inoculations of experimental concoctions is ill advised.
Wait until the long side effects increasingly become the more dominant issue. The short term effects have been bad enough for an unacceptably high number of people.
Now, the Israeli Health Ministry has discovered that the number of patients who had been infected prior to becoming infected again during the latest Delta-driven wave of the pandemic were less likely to be reinfected than patients who have only been vaccinated. The finding directly contradicts research spouted by American experts like Dr. Fauci, along with Pfizer and Moderna, who have previously insisted that the antibodies created by their jabs are more powerful than antibodies produced by natural infection (which is one reason even the previously infected have been asked to get vaccinated).
According to Israel National News, more than 7.7K new cases of the virus have been detected during the most recent wave (beginning back in May). However, just 72 of the confirmed cases were reported in people who were known to have been previously infected - that is, less than 1% of the new cases.
Roughly 40% of new cases – involving more than 3K patients – were infected despite being fully vaccinated.
By this count, Israelis who had been vaccinated were 6.72x more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection, with more than 3K of the 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of Israelis who were vaccinated getting infected in the latest wave. The disparity has confounded Health Ministry experts, with some saying the data proves the higher level of immunity provided by natural infection versus vaccination.
But hospitalisation down....hmm maybe it's the flu after all...
Wound Japan be willing to ask China for help on managing the virus?
Imaginary situations not supported by science are not good arguments, because they can be discarded without problem precisely because lack of fundament. There is no scientific evidence of any need of perpetual boosters for COVID.
Crystal ball arguments are also irrelevant, can you prove vaccines will have even a comparable risk of long term effects with COVID? the infection already is producing it, (the current situation is obviously the opposite) imagining the vaccines will be problematic, and in the same or higher rates than COVID is meaningless, someone imagining the opposite situation would disprove it using "evidence" of the same quality.
A lot of information necessary for your conclusion is lacking in your source, were the infected people also vaccinated? how about the degree of infection, are asymptomatic people more protected than those vaccinated? To say this contradicts the opinion of experts you obviously need these details, without them you are just guessing.
And more importantly, what is the consequence of being infected after vaccination? this is important because the main purpose of vaccination is to reduce complications and deaths, so if they are being reduced without the need of the risks from the natural infection that would still make vaccines vastly superior.
Try and help yourself by reading the link.
Imaginary situations not support by science? Really. How about imaginary science based on a narrative crumbling under facts.
@John Noun: Japan is still more likely to achieve herd immunity long before Australia.
That is why I wrote that none of that necessary information is included on your link, which make your conclusions invalid.
Can you bring a scientific source that proves your suggestion of "perpetual cycle of inoculations" will be necessary? because if you can't that means the situation you propose is just a product of your imagination.
Shinichi Hamada
So what if "Tokyo reports 1,149 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 3,194"?
The vast majority of these people won't even experience ANYTHING, let alone get sick and need hospitalization.
By the way, does anyone know how many times these PCR tests are being cycled?
If it's more than 25 (and likely is), the results are meaningless.
Shinichi Hamada
Deadly case are the most important.
Exactly. Most of these cases are nothing to be concerned about.
If the Japanese government would just let the doctors treat with HCQ and Ivermectin, there would be no worry about anything.
But leave it to the technocrats like Youtube to censor videos about Dr. Ohmura who was a key developer of Ivermectin back in the early 80s.
How diabolical it is that effective medical treatments are being aggressively SUPRESSED from the public to make people think they must take an experimental shot in order to get back to normal.
It's criminal.
The purpose of checking the number of cases is to know in advance how the disease is being controlled, or not. If the number of cases keep increasing eventually hospitalizations and deaths will also, which is too late to prevent the problems, experts prefer to do something at opportune times instead of acting too late.
That is a repeatedly debunked myth. The presence of many other controls for the reaction make sure false positives are in the level of 1 in 1000, no matter the number of cycles.
As mentioned, PCR tests are typically run with up to 40 cycles. During periods of low coronavirus prevalence, such as in summer 2020 or spring 2021, the PCR positivity rate in England has fallen below 1%.
At those times, even if every single positive case was false, more than 99% of PCR tests were still returning negative results so it’s just not true that if you run PCR tests using more than 25 cycles “you will find anything that you’re looking for”.
That is false, HCQ has already been found to be worthless as a treatment for COVID, and ivermecting is still in study because in many reports it has very limited protective effect, or none. Neither have even a fraction of the efficacy of vaccines (for example) at preventing complications and death from COVID.
Never mind the diabolical, the illogical of the supposed conspiracy is what proves it false, who can believe that literally thousands of doctors and scientist actively hide effective drugs that could be saving friends and family? for money?
Well this week will be the first week not to look like all the rest on the testing chart for Tokyo
Usually test conducted on Tuesday are about 10% to 15% lower than Monday's testing numbers.
But this time they tested even fewer down by about 23%.
Despite dropping testeing they still came back with 1,149 cases and a rise in day to day cases.
Only 8,500 tests done.
If anyone is interested that is 13.4% infection rate.
Raw Beer
A comparable (per capita) rise in cases can be seen in highly vaccinated Israel. New variants come and go, more or less regardless of how each region handles it (except when they distribute Ivermectin).
Raw Beer
Yes, very true! Hundreds of peer-reviewed studies have confirmed HCQ to be very effective when given early in combination with azithromycin. There have only been a few pharma-funded studies that showed no effect or negative effect because they were intentionally designed to fail.
Ivermectin has also been found to be very effective prophylactically. And both HCQ and ivermectin are extremely safe, having been widely used for decades.
But I will admit that vaccines are actually extremely effective at preventing deaths in leaders.
Not comparable at all, if you see the positivity rates it becomes very clear Japan have much serious problem than Israel. Ivermectin has no demonstrable effect on number of cases.
No, that is completely false, low quality studies (as well as some scientific frauds) suggested this, until they were disproved by much better studies that clearly show it has no effect at all. This is the reason why no recognized medical or scientific organization of the world recommends it.
Ivermectin effects are all over the place, including no effect at all, better studies show less effect and that is why it is still being tested, to see if it is a repetition of the HCQ fraud or if it actually has any use. Safety for any new use (specially active infectious diseases) can't be blindly assumed from previous kinds of use.
Vaccines are extremely effective at preventing deaths in all vaccinated people.
@Raw Beer:
'hundreds of peer reviewed studies' Where? I can't find anything credible.