The Tokyo metropolitan government on Friday reported 1,359 new coronavirus cases, down 620 from Thursday.
The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 1386.
People in their 20s (492 cases), their 30s (276) and their 40s (204) accounted for the highest numbers, while 183 cases were aged under 19.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 68, up three from Thursday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 431, up 39 from Thursday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 4,225. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (652), Saitama (401), Osaka (379), Chiba (334), Fukuoka (152), Okinawa (100), Hokkaido (79), Aichi (69), Hyogo (61), Ibaraki (54), Shizuoka (54), Kyoto (53), Ishikawa (47) and Tochigi (40).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was eight.
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1,359 positives, out of 2,340 tests. Only 55.9% positive. Lol
Rocket Lees
Big increase. Weekly total now stands at 8,292, which is an increase of 1,208 over last week (and there's still one day to go).
Nothing like a long weekend to bring those numbers down. See you next Tuesday. I'm predicting near-3,000.
John Noun
Cheers @zoroto
That's even worse! What a ridiculous nation at times
Is this the first crowd you've seen since the pandemic?
You should try getting on a train at Shinjuku station every day of the week. I think you'll be shocked.
How do you get that conclusion?
You cannot compare to the previous week because yesterday and today are holidays and like during Golden week testing will be around half that of the same day during non holiday.
The week day prior to golden week they were testing around 12,000 a day during Golden week the didn't even test 6,000 and as low as 3,000. The first full working day after Golden week testing jumped to 15,000 and the number of positive daily cases doubled overnight.
The Japanese covid virus is oddly cooperative taking the weekend and holidays off.
Yeah sure!
Australia is also gonna shut down when someone stubs their toe or gets a papercut.
Japan wishes their amount of tests would yield a grand total of 120 positives. Instead they're holding an Olympics.
If you can answer why they don't want to test it might probably answer your question, One reason they are not testing is out of fear that more cases will be found requiring care and probably admission into hospitals which in turn might impact the medical system, kind of weird but that is the reasoning. The welfare centers claim they are understaffed yet nothing has been done to alleviate the shortage so they do everything to limit testing or contact tracing.
Kind of trying to save a burning house and not the human being trapped in the house.
So hot countries with lots of UV have lower Covid infection rates....countries like India and Brazil?
A check on The Tokyo government site shows an alarming number.
While only half the supposed available beds are being used, the number of those awaiting guidance on hospitals admission has gone for just over 900 last week to 2,276 today.
Why are they not letting people into the hospitals?
Tokyo gov posted yesterday's and today's testing numbers
6,200 test conducted for yesterday's 1,979 positive cases 32% positivity/infection rate
2,430 tests conducted for today's number of 1,359 positive cases, that is 56% positivity/infection rate.
Wow things are far worse than we thought.
Even dropping testing isn't hiding the facts anymore.
Let’s see if THIS photo is still available when “Today’s Numbers (Fri, Jul 23, 2021)” are announced when?… Next week?
clown world
People gather around the Tokyo Olympic countdown clock at Tokyo Station on Friday.
Why on earth do this? Stay home. Protect yourself and family.
I assume you are referring to the Chen et al article from April 2021 "Climate and the spread of COVID-19"
Unfortunately that article did not take population density and population migration into account for their results, not their fault as that itself throws in enough variable to kill any MANOVA.
Evaporation is lower in humid environments, obviously., but in aerosol form, the virus is active for a reasonable amount of time. A paper by Azuma et al (Environmental factors involved in SARS-CoV-2 transmission: effect and role of indoor environmental quality in the strategy for COVID-19 infection control) looked at surface variability on viral survivability, since transmission events are not limited to the outdoors. Take home is that summer or not, people exists indoors (and on trains, bars, offices, etc) and outdoors, so droplets are existing in numerous environments, many w/o exposure to aspects which increase their evaporation.
It's a Friday night, so no reason to puke out more citations.
Could you please provide where you got the testing number.
Tokyo gov site is as usual not updating that part on holidays and weekends.
Seems to me more like the fire service taking the phone off the hook and saying 'there are fewer fires today'.
So let's recap the week:
Total hospitalisations up.
Total severe cases, Up.
Total number of cases, Up.
Number of people waiting to be admitted to hospital Up more than double.
Positivity rate, Up.
Deaths holding steady
Testing Down.
Now this is the reality we are living in.
Just commented @5pm on the topic & images media presented here Today and ‘not on the other comments & commenters themselves’ @Tokyoite 5:09p. (Must be ‘a thing’ for some?)
No. Not shocked. See it all the time. - Your next ‘relevant’ point?
Not the Olympics yet. They will, more than likely, be blamed for ANY severe reported increase later.
Up to now, it’s been the repeated failures & overall ineptitude of the J government to control the spread of the pandemic and to control the ‘barbarians at the gates’, so to speak, demanding their ransom & profits for the Games.
Accompanying photo: “[+or- 1359(?)] People gather around the Tokyo Olympic countdown clock at Tokyo Station on Friday”, tightly packed together as ‘selfie’ photo opps in the raging 36℃ heat & humidity.
Isn't the 2,340 tests from yesterday's figures? I thought the system now was that the data for testing numbers is released the following day.
Today's data (including how many tests were done on the 22nd)
Yesterday's data (excluding how many tests were done on the 22nd)
If I'm not misreading this, that would mean it's actually 1979 positives from 2430 tests - an 81.4% positive rate.
Not unless 1+1 no longer equals 2.
Go to
Use the total the number of cases for 7 days starting with yesterday's don't use today because the full testing results are not in.
Then go to
Again manually total the number of tests for 7 days starting with the 21st ( yesterday's testing updated today 500 higher than the first posting) again skip today's as it will be updated as more numbers come in.
If you come up with 12.2% let us know.
I guess the forums don't like the less than symbol. Continuing... studies have found roughly less than 10% of all COVID infections were acquired outdoors. Compared with an izakaya, the Keihin-Tohoku, or a family dinner, this is a statistically much safer environment. Taking a quick selfie is not putting many in danger, and those that do are taking their chances.
On the contrary, the heat in those countries is likely a contributor to the spread because it makes people want to go inside. Mad dogs and Englishmen, etc.
COVID viral transmission is through droplets. Those droplets fall to the ground or get wafted away much more quickly when OUTDOORS (pay attention here). And water droplets evaporate faster in heat. Thus, being outdoors AND in the heat is significantly (90%, without mention of masks) less likely to transmit the virus.
That supposition, however, does not take into account variables such as masks (both presence and quality), distance, how loud you're speaking, etc.
I'll get many down-votes for this. Yes, they are not distanced, but that's about the only thing they're doing wrong. They are outside and they are masked. It's also a high-UV day and droplets are going to burn off faster. Studies have found roughly
The rate of increase is slowing down. Might peak at around 3000 and then go down.
Numbers are improving, this is great! The olympics truly show the solidarity and strength of the people of Tokyo, and that the virus is defeated!
Big decrease. Happy to see.