The Tokyo metropolitan government on Sunday reported 1,546 new coronavirus cases, up 20 from Saturday and down 38 from last Sunday.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is four, unchanged from Saturday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 66, down three from Saturday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 13,394. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Osaka (1,151), Okinawa (1,126), Hokkaido (812), Kanagawa (718), Aichi (714), Fukuoka (654), Saitama (590), Hyogo (518), Chiba (427), Hiroshima (389), Kagoshima (298), Kyoto (292), Kumamoto (265), Ibaraki (235), Shizuoka (234), Okayama (218), Miyagi (214), Gifu (194), Nagasaki (174), Ishikawa (169) and Fukui (164).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was nine.
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Cases halved in the last month, though the downwards trajectory has slowed somewhat in that time. Exponential growth but logarithmic fall, quite tedious but its getting there. Pre-pandemic life doesn't seem likely before late Summer.
It could be 'nipped in the bud' pulling off the proverbial bandaid by dropping most measures and returning to normalcy sooner... This may cause avoidable deaths, but then every government has an intangible price on a life (I mean, we all could just live in a permanent shanghai-style lockdown and see fantastic results for all forms of contagious disease, accidents, violent crimes etc but we dont do that)
Curious as to how low infection rates are predetermined to go before the next major reform to measures. Has the government acknowledged how unconventionally they're handling covid compared to other developed countries and given an explanation?
These are still huge numbers.
Keep your masks on, stay home.
Infections are actually on the rise. Too risky to let our guards down.
Japan does not have a cohesive strategy to deal with Covid, and unfortunately, the population is suffering as a result.
Oh yes, the population is suffering isn’t it? The streets are quite, the shops are all empty, only the hospitals are full. Is this the dystopian version of reality which you see the present days as?
The time for a clear head is now old chap, you’re worrying yourself silly and it’s time to recover and get on with normal life.
any and all measures didn't save a single life. Both real world results and studies from the past 2 and a half years of failure have taught us that. All they managed to do was delay the inevitable and destroy our economies.
falseflagsteveToday 09:44 pm JST
As for "normal life", in the past month, was in the US, Europe, and Thailand. Cases are increasing still in the US, and the economy is spiraling downward. Like Japan, the US has no cohesive Covid policy.
Same as in Germany--no masks, and their government is predicting a Fall wave.
Thailand is totally masked up--even the TV newscasters wear masks--when they are the only ones on the set; but their streets are basically empty; just like Japan, their economy got crushed.
Since you bring up worrying, in Japan people walking around outside everywhere in masks; lines at McDonald's drive thrus---counted 18 cars lined up in the street at one--maybe they are afraid to eat inside----seems like people are worrying.
So, I am not sure what you mean by "normal life"--as mentioned, I visited 3 continents recently, and if at this stage in the game you believe an increase in Covid infections where maskless people abound, and people staying in their cars to go eat is normal, well 'ole buddy, I will take my version of a normal life in which I take precautions and severely limit risks to myself and others, but do basically what I did before.
Next week we’ll see the words “up from last” week again…
In my view we're past the emergency phase, can't see any point in publishing the daily counts. isn't it time to move on?