The Tokyo metropolitan government on Tuesday reported 1,629 new coronavirus cases, up 661 from Monday and 1,280 down from last Tuesday. It is the 16th straight day that the daily figure has been lower than the same day of the previous week.
The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 2,231.1.
People in their 20s (440 cases), their 30s (306) and their 40s (251) accounted for the highest numbers, while 290 cases were aged under 20.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo was 260, down seven from Monday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 2,209, up 11 from Monday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 10,603. Osaka had the most cases with 1,649, followed by Tokyo, Aichi (1,218), Kanagawa (738), Chiba (648), Saitama (647), Hyogo (620), Fukuoka (424), Okinawa (383), Kyoto (291), Shizuoka (213), Gifu (200), Hokkaido (137), Hiroshima (136), Ibaraki (125), Mie (120), Kumamoto (117) and Nara (116).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 62.
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upward trend
amazing that after 18 months of this there are those that don't know to compare to the week before, not the day before.
They only tested 2,693 people ( yes in a city of 14 million)
Today before the update they tested 14,000 nearly 10,000 fewer than 2 weeks ago when numbers were rising.
Tokyo miracle drop in cases comes right after drop in testing.
Opposite of every other country.
Indeed, it is hopeless for some people here. Just like the government of Japan, in fact.
Numbers are going down in Tokyo for sure but still same people complaining every day.....
Week on Week - Good news. Lets stop whingeing like old women about testing shall we. Not the policy of Japan to do random testing. Still.
weeks of upward trend but everything was fine, too many complainers, 2 days of low numbers (with low testing) and we should celebrate ?
The only way out of this is mass-vaccination and the shunning/denial of service/entry to the unvaxxed. And yes, this includes an in-law of mine whom I will not allow entrance.
Leighton Rutt
WOW! Suddenly a rise of 661 from yesterday? I guess someone may have missed some numbers from yesterday.
Anyhow to facts and figures.
Japan (as a total up to last night for this month only have on record a number of 92,149 cases. That now represents already 5.82% of all cases since the pandemic started.
And now today for the Tokyo prefecture.
Under 30's cases represent 44.81% of today's numbers, while for the month so far a5,618 cases from the 359,192 total cases. Again, at the moment, for this, it only represents 4.35% for this month as like Japan's statistics, but watch this space. Those percentages will rise every day.
As I finish off on my FB page, cheers for now and stay safe.
16 days in a row lower figures than the week before yet we have people saying the trend is upwards. Also the number crunchers are claiming deceit, I don’t get it.
Be pleased, it’s under control and numbers are falling. Not too long until normality resumes.
Sven Asai
Just believe an experienced math lover, everything above zero is a rising and adds up to the previous numbers, and the best possible is the zero itself meaning a stopping, while a decreasing is impossible. It’s not so difficult, or still is it? lol
Also the 17th straight day test are lower than previously just before the drop in cases.
I wonder why other countries don't adopt the Tokyo system.
Lower testing and voila fewer cases.
Funny that hospitals are still packed!
Jay Sol
Cases falling, test positivity rates falling, vaccinations increasing and very low incidents amongst high mortality cohorts. All good news unless you what you wanted was bad news.
Japan still has the lowest Covid mortality amongst all the G7 and all without any lockdown. If you dont believe the j-gov ask any life insurer. Their profits depend on it.
Also has the lowest testing and no autopsies.
It’s gonna bite them on their behind one of these days for not telling the truth to the people but then again it could be that people are not having them checked…
See, It's not a personal difference of opinion when one moron's "freedumb" can sicken and/or kill others.
We have all sorts of mandates from required Measles vaccinations to attend public schools, to no smoking in enclosed space, to no guns on planes PRECISELY BECAUSE doing those things represent a direct threat to public safety.
Oh, and a majority of the voting public agrees with me.... So.
Whatever logic and reasoning about the Japanese numbers is doomed to fail because the published information is pure garbage.
there’s not much to say: we will never know how extended the infection is and at this point one even wonders what is the point of the state of emergency really.
It used to be pretty much the same as normal except for the restaurants not serving alcohol past 8. Now that the alcohol ban has been lifted, it feels like that “state of emergency” is more like a “state of normalcy”.
falseflagsteve Today 05:30 pm JST
16 days in a row lower figures than the week before yet we have people saying the trend is upwards. Also the number crunchers are claiming deceit, I don’t get it.
Be pleased, it’s under control and numbers are falling. Not too long until normality resumes.
Yes, the peak of the wave is behind us, this is good.
But I totally disagree when you say it's under control. Do you really think the Japanese Government has something to do with this ?
コロナワクチン ナビ
For Those Seeking Vaccination Sites in Japan,
I see the number crunchers are still saying the numbers are being manipulated, without a shred of evidence of course. As numbers fall the Long Covid guys appear to spread more doom and gloom. Long Covid is another scare tactic to induce fear about a problem that will nit occur, like the hundreds of thousands that will die in Japan or the Olympics being a super spreader. Same old stuff, it’s tiresome.
Disco Biscuit
Mmmm… Japan doesn’t have the lowest death rate in the world that’s simply false.
Japan’s population is 5 times greater then Australia, and the death rate is 16 times worse.
This is a single comparison. More the half of the worlds countries, including some third world countries, have lower death rates.
Per capita is an amazing tool for balancing and debunking your argument, Fishbone.
Again for you because you don't want to see :
(with official documents inside)
Numbers on the way down, and they will continue to fall.
76M people now with one dose of the vaccine, that is 60% of the total population. 61M now fully vaxxed, close to half the population.
Active cases starting to fall at a decent clip, now under 200k after being 270k not so long ago at the peak of the current wave.
The news is good and will get better, as much as our conspiracy theorists would like to think otherwise.
And here in Aichi the numbers are growing and now nearly every day you here of some one who has tested positive.
This wasn't happening before.
Children catching it, parents worried, health centers inundated with calls and not able to do anything.
But the armchair experts say it's all hunkdory.
Not from what I can see with my eyes
You really like to lie, don't you. Long Covid is not a myth, unfortunately. This has been reported by many countries (at least in Europe and North America) . But of course, you think this is a conspiracy, just because you do not want it, you just deny the reality.
If Japan do not want to publish any report of it, that will not be a surprise at all.
I think the walls have closed in on your baseless long Covid claims.
I tend to go with the views of medical experts rather than the likes of Alex Berenson. As far as I have read, I have t come across medical experts backing up your claim.
It does remind me of an infamous post on here a while back from a poster who claimed to have read half the books ever written on WW2. He/she just didn’t know how much there was to know.
This is problematic when we are talking about serious topics like this. Some are just not cut out for it.
I have never stated that Long Covid does not exist I merely stated it is over exaggerated as most things have been by much of the media and those that fall for their fear mongering. The apocalyptic meltdown and hundreds of thousands of deaths didn’t happen and nor did the Olympic super spreader strain. I would have thought people would have learned their lesson by now instead of believing everything they read.
Explain what means 'over exaggerated' for you ? What is the percentage of covid patients developing long lasting effects ?
This is concerning, particularly in children. This is something which obviously requires more study before drawing conclusions.
To dismiss it as trivial to fit a narrative is quite appalling.
You claimed it was a trivial matter over in a few weeks affecting very few.
Back this up. It’s a serious matter.
Nobody knows how many will have it but it has been exaggerated by many in media and many posters here to be a terrible debilitating outcome. However in the majority of cases there are just short term minor issues such as loss of smell, insomnia etc. Most are gone in weeks or a couple of months. After a virus it is common to have symptoms that continue for a period after, it’s nothing new with Covid, I had myself before. We have had claims that millions will be suffering the rest of their lives yet these are the exaggerations that I mention.
Pick a ridiculous worst case scenario, go with it and when it doesn’t happen, move onto the next thing with acknowledging they were wrong as is the case with the super spreader Olympics, hundreds of thousands will die in Japan etc. so much fear mongering of things that don’t and won’t happen.
Leighton Rutt
Now I have Japan's total cases for today, and I did earlier post Tokyo Prefecture's figures, let me refresh it all for you.
Japan today, 10,603 cases, and for the month 102,752 cases, making it 6.45% of cases.
Tokyo, 1,629 cases, and for the month 15,618 cases, making that 4.35%
Now when we look at Japan versus Tokyo, on the daily figure, (10,603 V 1,629), that equates to 15.36%
Japan Versus Tokyo for the month to date, (102,752 V 15,618), that equates to 15.36%
And finally overall since the pandemic began, Again Japan versus Tokyo, (1,594,040 V 359,192) works out to 22.53%.
Although numbers they say are dropping, compared to last month at the same time, Japan had 91,455 cases, while Tokyo had 27,251. One up, one down.
Let's hope the trend for Tokyo continues, and Japan drops away quickly.
To the long Covid denier.
It was always around just over shadowed my the deaths .
How hard is that to understand.
I had no idea that the documents compiled by the national health institution in my homeland regarding the long effects of covid based on medical reports from hospitals and doctors who follow patients were in fact big lies to scare the public . I imagine you are an expert in the field.
My wife got her first dose Sunday. I will get my first in 12 days. This is still a problem. People that have wanted to be vaccinated for months are only now finally making it onto the lists.
Anyway.. Count us in the fully vaccinated club in a bit over a month.
Links to back up your claims, please.
You can’t just spout off on this issue. We are not talking footy in the ale house here.
Links of long term peer reviewed Long Covid studies please.
I think it would be very hard to get control of this virus in Japan. The reason being is, there is so little space for so many individuals in many confined areas. Take the trains for example many people use them to go to work some with mask and a few non-complaint people with out them. Even though some of the individuals may wear mask but they could touch things and past the virus on to someone in another way. The same for in offices how employees work in close spaces and out and about in shopping areas. This will be tough to beat. When this pandemic was announced last year Japan seemed to have control over it but as soon as Golden Week came and the people let their guards down thinking everything was back to normal the numbers just continued to climb. People do not want to confine themselves to their small apartments like before when the pandemic started they just simply want to enjoy life, and go to work. This virus is here to stay and the only way to beat is protecting and respecting ourselves if not it will become a bigger monster than it already is.
Great comments.
I always appreciate your insight.