Japan Today

Tokyo reports 11,227 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 54,576


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Saturday reported a record high 11,227 new coronavirus cases, up 1,528 from Friday and up 6,666 from last Saturday. It is the first time that the daily count has topped 10,000.

By age group, 3,234 cases were in their 20s, 2,070 in their 30s and 1,524 in their 40s, while 1,313 were aged between 10 and 19, and 1,171 younger than 10.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 12, up one from Friday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 424, up 10 from Friday.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 54,576. After Tokyo, the prefectures withe most cases were Osaka (7,375), Aichi (3,457), Kanagawa (3,408), Fukuoka (2,833), Hyogo (2,727), Saitama (2,695), Chiba (2,296), Hokkaido (1,605), Hiroshima (1,585), Kyoto (1,533), Okinawa (1,313 plus 206 new cases among U.S. military personnel), Shizuoka (1,162), Kumamoto (773), Gunma (709), Shiga (701), Ibaraki (639), Okayama (565), Gifu (539), Nara (499), Niigata (494), Nagasaki (493), Tochigi (492), Nagano (485), Kagoshima (370), Mie (369), Yamaguchi (340), Oita (332), Wakayama (323), Miyazaki (319), Ehime (309), Aomori (277), Ishikawa (263), Miyagi (253), Yamanashi (202), Kagawa (188), Fukushima (119) and Fukui (106).

Seventeen coronavirus-related deaths were reported nationwide.

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the most noticisable thing related to the current covid status in japan may be we don't have to take a PVR test to confirm the infectiion. It is a horrible thing!

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Although Omicron appears milder than Delta it is still COVID-19 and making people very sick. There are over 200,000 Omicron hospitalizations in the U.S. so far and counting.

Are these hospitalizations FOR Omicron, or with Omicron? Isnt the pattern typically that people are hospitalized with something, the hospital routinely gives a Covid test, and when positive, you have a Covid patient, even if that is not the reason. You have references showing something else?

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Not undisputed. Research out of the U.K. claims the strongest response,

Not sure what research you refer to, and what "strongest response" is. Just antibodies? That is a very limited parameter. All the virologists I have seen on this topic agree that natural immunity is most broad based and best.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

How big is the true number if Japan actually tested like China or some Western Modern country? Unfortunately, the world will never know?

2 ( +5 / -3 )


If only people would stop serving alcohol at night, this thing would be over.

Seriously? Because the virus is an alcoholic? That must the reason why there is no Omicron in islamic countries.... err, scrap that. Pls tell us more about your theory.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Foreigner In Tokyo

No, it won't. Think about what's happening. People who have natural immunity are getting Omicron.

You do not know that, you just imagine that. We do know if people are vaccinated or unvaccinated, so we know that Omicron infects both. Nobody is testing for natural immunity, so we have no idea how far it prevents Omicron.

What is undisputed is that natural immunity is preferrable to vaccination induced immunity, as that is how humans always deal with infections (and which vaccination actually tries to simulate).

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 12, up one from Friday,

Omicron infects everybody. We all have it in the house here (me, wife and kid). Zero symptoms for me (unvaccinated), slight sniffle for the other two (vaccinated).

It is infectious as hell, get used to it. Meanwhile, the number in the article that counts is:

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 12, up one from Friday,

TWELVE. In a metropolis of 20 million. Let that sink in.
2 ( +3 / -1 )

Hospitals/beds designated to deal with COVID patients are limited,hence the risk/likelihood of another SOE. Unless the severity of those newly infected gets worse, the possibility that the government will downgrade this to something like the seasonal flu, which should free up facilities that can accept these and other patients. Let’s hope that’s the case… and then next step would be a more relaxed rules for cross border travels.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


I would say that the more infections occur means that this wave will be over sooner rather than later.

Consuming in alcohol in moderation has little effect on the severity of viral infections.

if it did then there would be an epidemic every year

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Well said Dan !!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Our 3rd year of preposterous quasi nonsense approaching...

Do away with this ridiculousness and get on with living !!!!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Perhaps it is better to stay in one's house because of Omicron . . . ?

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 12, up one from Friday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 424, up 10 from Friday.

So with 12 people with Severe symptoms, we are up for restrictions again?

ICU bed are 800 in Tokyo, so is it because of the flu we are closing?

31.5% is Tokyo Hospital bed occupancy, wonder are they filled with COVID people or something else?

There are 127,000 Hospital beds in Tokyo, so you cannot tell this is because of the COVID, that beds are filled.

Unless we are meant to live soon on a permanent medical state of emergency for any respiratory disease.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The Tokyo metropolitan government on Saturday reported a record high 11,227 new coronavirus cases, up 1,528 from Friday…

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 12, up one from Friday.

There it is.


0 ( +2 / -2 )

11k - Now we're talking business! Keep the exponential growth and we're done with all this nonsense in a few weeks.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


Factcheck: When I said it will be over I am of course talking about this wave, I thought that was obvious.

This variant is so contagious that everyone will catch it. You will catch it, you may have had already, you may have now.

Covid will be around for years, if typical of previous viruses, variants will become weaker each time like this one.

1 ( +14 / -13 )


Clearly I do know what I’m talking about. The number of cases compared to deaths shows the mildness of this. Variant. Comparing the Delta cases to deaths on a daily basis will show this. This variant is more contagious so more people catch at once, the true figure nut in Japan is likely to be in the millions at present, most unaware they are infected.

If you were to check the daily deaths by flu and pneumonia in a non Covid year you would see a higher total with far less cases.

The peak infections will be soon, Omicron will be round for a far shorter time than Delta and as it is milder the severe cases and dish will be lower than the last wave.

Lets no forget the average age of death from Covid is 82 in Japan, most will have no symptoms or cold or flu like.

Hope this helps to show you the difference

1 ( +11 / -10 )


Hardly worth worrying about based on those hospitalization stats. Omicron proving to be very mild.

I am having it right now (positive PCR test), with zero symptoms. Guaranteed that millions of people here have Omicron right now and dont know. Our Covid paniceers should really explain to us: What exactly is the problem with 12 (TWELVE) people having bad symptoms in a metropolis of 20 million?

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Clearly you don't know what you're saying falseflagsteve,

Already, we have a lot more dead than usual.

> Seventeen coronavirus-related deaths were reported nationwide.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Conspiracy theorist isn’t the correct term; extremely inaccurate is, however.

The goalposts have moved so much that everyone has a different claim of what this vaccine is supposed to do. Clippety thinks it reduces your risk of catching the virus (not true), Rexy thinks it reduces your chance of getting seriously I'll after you catch it. Others say it reduces your chance to pass the virus on to the vulnerable. So what's your take then? Let's get back on topic, will you be getting on the booster treadmill?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Time to think about forming panels! The "Pray it away" isn't working. Meanwhile, several schools in my area have had to close suddenly, and parents take paid leave or just be absent from work, because the government told them the schools would stay open and now infection is running rampant amongst their kids. And now, keep in mind -- this 11,000 + is the number on a SUNDAY, when 99% of all clinics and most hospitals are closed, and when getting tested is basically impossible, which means the number is likely ten times that, especially when you remember that they are limiting testing to those with symptoms (amongst kids, anyway).

Japan has had plenty of time to get this under wraps, but was too busy claiming to be ahead of everything. And despite all this they are too scared to call an official SOE again -- because that would require taking charge, and taking action, and it might just make them responsible for some compensation and support -- what we simply canNOT have from the J-government.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

The vaccine greatly reduces the chances of you contracting the virus.

This isn't true, who told you this?. Ask Rexy. You are parroting things you've heard that are not true yourself whilst accusing me of the same, ludicrous.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Everyone will catch this and it will be over soon. No reason to finger point at anyone for non masking wearing, not distancing or not having all the required vaccines at the time. This is mild for almost everyone, including non vaccinated. Still zero deaths in under 10’s in Japan from Covid, keep that in mind if you have kids.Flu effects kids under 10 worse than Covid and we only vaccinate those with health conditions.

Be positive, exercise daily, eat well including fresh produce and if overweight, lose weight as if you are a non senior, obesity is the biggest risk factor.

Ensure you take a daily vitamin D supplement during the winter months too and don’t be afraid and be in fear by those pushing conspiracy doomsday scenarios.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Were you under the impression efficacy was 100%?

I'm actually perplexed that question occured to you =)

Anyway no

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Not to be a stickler for details, but Tokyo’s population is 14 million, not even near 55 million.

Just easier to over exaggerate and make crap up and pass it off as "fact!" Far too many will believe it as "gospel truth" and spread it around their group and before you know it, the population of Tokyo is going to be 300 million people with 200 million being infected with corona!

That's the world we live in today! Thanks to carrots!

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Seriously though, if you haven’t been jabbed at least 6 times, you’re not fully vaccinated and are a danger to society.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

If these numbers were happening in Europe or America, there would be loads of people saying how much better Japan is doing.

Now Japan has these numbers, people say it's no big deal.

It is a big deal.

Umm, Europe and US are still in a vastly different league compared to Japan's "big deal" numbers.

Actual Data:

Daily cases per day per million population (7-day average):

Denmark, France: 5,000+

Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Sweden: 3,000-4,000

US: 2,100

Japan (today only): 436

Japan (7 day average, like the rest of countries above): 335

So, for Japan to be at 3,300 cases per million daily (the Euro average), the 7-day average (not one-day max) in Japan would need to be 410,000+. But this is actually impossible to ever hit since Japan does not even have this level of testing capability.

(oh, and Israel, the super-vax country, currently has a daily 6000+ per million 7-day average. Japan would be in the 800,000 range to ever be in that league)

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Ooh, I am tired with reading all your comments, to be fair, which are more interesting than the article haha. Stay safe folks, both those I agree and disagree with. Have a nice weekend.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Total lock down immediately. Be responsible for human lives and yourself.

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

It's very disappointing to see somany posts downplayiing the severity of Omicron with naive and flipant comments. I'm quite sure their attitude will be quite different when it's their turn to catch Covid. A couple of weeks of severe flu symptoms and a few months to get over it with possible ever lasting effects are enough to make any idiot wake up!

2 ( +11 / -9 )

More people getting the Rona makes me scared! Can’t wait until I get my 7th jab!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

12 people in ICU now in Tokyo. You think out of 55million people in Tokyo that 12 should be a burden?

Not to be a stickler for details, but Tokyo’s population is 14 million, not even near 55 million.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Lol people declining boosters because they're not afraid

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The most depressing part is how high the government’s approval ratings are.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Be afraid everyone! Fear is what unites us!

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Everyone was keen on taking Pfizer or Moderna before, astra zeneca and j&j don't even figure in most conversations.

Traditional and/or Asian vaccines much less so.

It's because we all knew the published effectivity rates, around 90% for mRNA vaccines, less for the others , about 50 to 80%

Whatever the figure it means effectiveness is not absolute.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

. And before you take any unproven meds/ or other drugs, please consult your medical doctor.

Tldr I just saw this tail end.

Everyone please do consult your doctors.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Many people dissing antivaxers for not understanding science.

Turns out they themselves don't understand what they doing and clueless about what they are taking.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

Then gradually it's become apparent that the vaccines don't provide immunity, don't stop us healthy people spreading it to the vulnerable or all of the other claims which have now been accepted as false. 

Misrepresenting the actual recommendations and conclusions from the experts is too obviously an attempt to strawman the discussion. You have been asked several times to provide a source where experts and health officials said vaccines would be endlessly effective against infection and transmission no matter what variants appeared. You have provided that source exactly zero times.

So yes, the claims are false, but they were not made by the experts but by antivaxxer groups trying to deceive people.

-5 ( +11 / -16 )

Nonesense, it was presented in exactly that way.

Presented by who? Who exactly told you that the vaccination would immediately signal the end of the pandemic? Your imaginary assumptions are your own fault. You are aware that new variants have arisen during the course of this? Who or what exactly are you angry with? The virus? Show some fortitude man and stop moaning about not being able to lick everyone elses' lollipops yet.

So being vaccinated does count for nothing

Define 'nothing'. The vaccine greatly reduces the chances of you contracting the virus or getting sick & dying from it. What more do you want?

healthy people who are not overweight, don't have underlying medical conditions do not end up in the ICU

Falsey, ridiculously and childishly false.

You've made a series of assumptions based on God knows what and are now angry at the world for those assumptions not being true.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

Gotta loosen those hospitalization restrictions in japan.


2 ( +2 / -0 )

It's a piece of paper which notes your vaccination status. Nowhere on it does it promise that 'it is over' or that you can travel overseas freely. You got a bit giddy, and the misunderstanding is all yours.

Giddy ha, yes giddy about getting my freedom back after complying with everything I was asked to do for two years. Nonesense, it was presented in exactly that way. Overseas travel, entrance to restaurants, bars and events. Then gradually it's become apparent that the vaccines don't provide immunity, don't stop us healthy people spreading it to the vulnerable or all of the other claims which have now been accepted as false. So being vaccinated does count for nothing, and no, healthy people who are not overweight, don't have underlying medical conditions do not end up in the ICU, another demonstrably false claim which you will walk back in a few months when you are told otherwise.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

It’s just not true, that anyone has said it’s over with two vaccinations. Right from the start with still Alpha variant in the accompanying product paper everyone could read that the vaccines have an efficacy in the range of about 70%(AZ) to 95% (mRNA) etc. So you can easily calculate the average probabilities after one, two, three jabs and so on. For example 0.7 multiplied by 0.7 is already under 50%, you see? Vaccinations are a good and necessary tool, but by far not the one and only decisive wonder weapon against the viruses. You’d better take that still rather low chance compared to no chance at all.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Out of curiosity, I ordered a rapid test off Amazon after experiencing mild cold-like symptoms for the last week - positive for COVID. I wonder how many people I spread it to by being at various places such as in a crowded train, at the gym, at the supermarket, over the course of the week? In any case, I'm glad to be doing my part to spread this milder variant and get the pandemic over with

A close friend of mine had this to share;

His son, 3 years old, has some allergies, and often times has a runny nose and what not, like many kids his age, tested positive for COVID, as other toddlers at his daycare tested positive as well, and all the kids got tested.

Low and behold, he "took" it home with him, and his entire family, that lives with him, grandmother, grandfather, mom, dad, sister and two older brothers ALL tested positive and from contact tracing, found it came from the 3 year old.

Everyone but granddad and dad have no symptoms, but granddad is not doing too well right now,

12 ( +15 / -3 )

I have a certificate from the Japanese government, called a 'vaccine passport'. Noting my full immunity, which makers vaccines I took, etc. Nothing mistaken about it, it was a false premise sold to us all before the goalposts were moved.

It's a piece of paper which notes your vaccination status. Nowhere on it does it promise that 'it is over' or that you can travel overseas freely. You got a bit giddy, and the misunderstanding is all yours.

You are a hamster on a treadmill swallowing everything you are being fed.

Charming. And yet you are the one swallowing things that you have not even been fed.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

Out of curiosity, I ordered a rapid test off Amazon after experiencing mild cold-like symptoms for the last week - positive for COVID. I wonder how many people I spread it to by being at various places such as in a crowded train, at the gym, at the supermarket, over the course of the week? In any case, I'm glad to be doing my part to spread this milder variant and get the pandemic over with.

-10 ( +7 / -17 )

assumption that you mistakenly made?

I have a certificate from the Japanese government, called a 'vaccine passport'. Noting my full immunity, which makers vaccines I took, etc. Nothing mistaken about it, it was a false premise sold to us all before the goalposts were moved.

You are a hamster on a treadmill swallowing everything you are being fed.

-4 ( +12 / -16 )

He's right, I took both jabs and applied for the government certificate on the understanding that this would be over, I would be immune and able to travel overseas.

Did someone actually tell you these things, or was it an assumption that you mistakenly made?

It was all a lie and those two jabs now count for nothing.

You not being dead or in an ICU counts for nothing?

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Do you feel any sense from Quasi-emergency? Why don't they request about work from home?

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Question to Gov Koike...

1,313 were aged between 10 and 19, and 1,171 younger than 10.

Why in the hell are you letting all these underage kids out and about drinking in izakaya's at night time for!

13 ( +18 / -5 )


Please cite ANY high ranking medical professional who claimed the whole pandemic would be over once some people had been vaccinated.

This is a once-in-a-hundred-year pandemic disaster. It is FAR from over worldwide. We are ALL "over it" - but this does not mean life is magically back to to normal.

He's right, I took both jabs and applied for the government certificate on the understanding that this would be over, I would be immune and able to travel overseas. It was all a lie and those two jabs now count for nothing.

2 ( +14 / -12 )

Notice that the sharp rise in positive test results is met with a nearly flat "severe" case number. Make what you will of that.

-5 ( +10 / -15 )

The deal was take the jab and live your life.



Please cite ANY high ranking medical professional who claimed the whole pandemic would be over once some people had been vaccinated.

This is a once-in-a-hundred-year pandemic disaster. It is FAR from over worldwide. We are ALL "over it" - but this does not mean life is magically back to to normal.

5 ( +18 / -13 )

If only people would stop serving alcohol at night, this thing would be over.

-10 ( +8 / -18 )

Peak will be soon, hospitals will not be full and deaths will be far lower than Delta wave.

-6 ( +15 / -21 )

Within the scientific community are cautiously optimistic that Omicron could be the pandemic's last act

Maybe that’s valid for your specific scientific community. lol Other scientists already found the latest ‘act’, the stealth omicron variant BA.2 , already spreading fast in UK, Denmark and parts of India. This one can’t be detected well by common PCR testing and therefore requires detailed genome sequencing. So in your little world is everything over, but surely not in reality.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Let me guess what’s contributing to the numbers.

“cool guys” with chin warmers or no mask at all

”cold” women that need to shut all the windows. Always.

izakayas packed with fools partying it up, maskless

chatty Cathys in cafes constantly conversing

and endless hoards of smokers in the same areas.

is that accurate?

0 ( +17 / -17 )

Only 33,912 currently hospitalised with Covid nationally, 2,375 hospitalized in Tokyo, sure, hardly worth worrying about, the health services will look after me if for any reason I need them, right? It's all about seeing what you want to see, thinking that you're okay now, you don't care about everyone else, and assuming you will never suddenly fall sick or have an accident and suddenly depend on the emergency services to bail you out. But societies count on people having a social conscience. If enough people disconnect from that social conscience, the society itself is in a fragile state and may break down. If you haven't experienced that kind of situation, you might be blase about it, but once you have lived it, you might find how valuable it is.

So if those who work in healthcare or with healthcare say their situation is reaching a critical stage and they may soon be overwhelmed, believe them, because they're trying to protect you.

And before anyone says these 33,912 cases are not all in the ICU, that's true, but having difficulty breathing is defined as 'mild' Covid in this country, and doesn't even guarantee you a hospital bed if your local health services are under pressure.

0 ( +14 / -14 )

I do not care anymore. No one is dying. People are surviving.

Fact: Within the scientific community are cautiously optimistic that Omicron could be the pandemic's last act -- providing huge swathes of the world with "a layer of immunity," and moving us closer to an endemic stage when Covid-19 is comparable to seasonal illnesses like the cold or flu.

If solidly proven we need to learn t live with it.

The deal was take the jab and live your life.


2 ( +22 / -20 )

ICU cases seem to increase in addition .... burdening the medical system more and more, not just for those with COVID.

12 people in ICU now in Tokyo. You think out of 55million people in Tokyo that 12 should be a burden? I would hope there are hundreds if not thousands of ICU beds for a population this size.

-7 ( +14 / -21 )

Hardly worth worrying about based on those hospitalization stats. Omicron proving to be very mild.

-3 ( +17 / -20 )

comparing the Japan Covid wave with others is lack of plan of vaccination. UK , Europe has completed their booster doses. Japan yet to start. Their vaccinations time is not so good enough

-4 ( +12 / -16 )

Don't care. Done with this.

I've done the 'take it seriously' part, I've done the vaccinations; time to move on and deal with it.

Covid19 is never going away.

1 ( +26 / -25 )

The news media in Japan opens with the same litany everyday;hospitals are not overrun in Japan and never have been

6 ( +22 / -16 )

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 12, up one from Friday

12 (TWELVE) people with severe symptoms in a metropolis of 20 million. Yes, it seems like a horrible pandemic.

-4 ( +31 / -35 )

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 12, up one from Friday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 424, up 10 from Friday.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

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