The Tokyo metropolitan government on Monday reported 12,211 new coronavirus cases, down 5,315 from Sunday and up 460 from last Monday.
By age group, 2,051 cases were in their 20s, 2,080 in their 30s, 2,040 in their 40s and 1,264 in their 50s, while 1,399 were aged between 10 and 19, and 1,797 younger than 10.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 48, up three from Sunday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 1,143.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 68,039. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Osaka (8,308), Kanagawa (6,558), Saitama (5,722), Chiba (4,695), Aichi (4,109), Hyogo (3,459), Fukuoka (3,191), Hokkaido (2,687), Kyoto (2,259), Ibaraki (1,487), Shizuoka (1,023), Nara (929), Hiroshima (748), Okayama (613), Gifu (561), Kumamoto (494), Gunma (494), Tochigi (466), Kagoshima (450), Mie (446), Saga (420), Wakayama (400), Ishikawa (386), Nagano (372), Fukushima (338), Niigata (333), Oita (322), Okinawa (316), Nagasaki (297), Aomori (260), Yamagata (221), Kagawa (206), Ehime (159), Yamaguchi (150), Kochi (136) and Tokushima (146).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 113.
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Small rise as we reach the peak of cases without serious disruptions to the health services due to the mildness of Omicron.
Cases will fall quickly in the major cities but may rise in some more furfural areas where Omicron has not taken hold as much. The overall numbers will begin to fall and shortly after severe cases and deaths will too.
Do they not realize it takes two weeks for the vaccines to kick in?
Predictable Sunday dip. Back around 20K by the second half of this week.
With boosters still way off for the majority of the population despite today's announcement, we'll likely see the numbers remain high for at least a couple more weeks.
The duration and peak of the wave can be Donne by analysis. The data from other countries which had Omicron outbreaks first and the current data here. We can see that this spreads much faster in the cities so they will peak faster than rural areas.
This is literally something people on this message board have invented by themselves. It is of no scientific consequence.
Nihon Tora
According to here:
the positivity rate in testing is 39.2%. That is still incredibly high though, considering the recommended maximum is 5%. It means that we are probably missing an awful lot of cases in testing - especially considering that Omicron often gives mild symptoms that do not fit the classic COVID symptoms of high fever and persistent cough and loss of taste/smell. It's anybody's guess what the real numbers are - could be double, could be 10x.
Cheradenine Zakalwe
Small rise as we reach the peak of cases without serious disruptions to the health services due to the mildness of Omicron.
Contra FFS Fact check:
One; that is an annoying preface to many posts.
Volume and repetition do not equate to veracity.
Nor rapidity of posting.
Nor intimating in your user name that the pandemic is somehow a "false flag event".
Nor daily repetition of talking points about the inconsequence of the pandemic.
The signal to noise ratio should be modulated.
Nihon Tora
Not too sure about it. On the website I linked I think it is including PCR and antigen tests, maybe some sources are only counting results from PCR tests?
Expect the decline after the peak to be as sudden and rapid as the initial increase
“Do they not realize it takes two weeks for the vaccines to kick in?”
No, we are very dumb here. Thanks for the enlightenment.
And how do we know that half of Tokyo is not infected already?
Cases are peaking and although deaths will continue to rise slightly, the hospitals are hardly collapsing. I would wager they are no more busy than any other cold and flu season.
All this with 95% of the population unboosted.
The utter failure of the Israeli experiment and their capitulation is there in black in white for all to see.
Think very hard before you continue with this bizarre experiment.
Don't worry. Japan is aiming to do 1000000 vaccine doses a day to stem the virus( now just about at its peak unless the numbers are just flattening out because they have reached the limits of their testing) After promising to talk about giving boosters in various headlines since December they have now well into February upgraded their reporting to a definite aim to give many doses. ( of course many people still have a couple months to wait until they get their coupons so will only be getting their booster after the current wave has subsided)
There is a limit on the number of hypochondriacs who want a pcr test for a runny nose.
Appreciate your respectful reply and your explanation.
I'm afraid I can't agree with you that a positivity rate based on case numbers and positive tests is a good way to try and align pandemic management with that of other countries. There are too many factors that affect the number of people submitting themselves to testing on a day to day basis and testing itself just isn't accurate enough (especially with omicron). I believe we can use hospital occupancy and deaths as an accurate comparison of how effectively the pandemic is being managed here.
I do agree that basing travel policies and bans on the numbers alone is flawed but they have now moved to serious hospitalizations as the index for restrictions at least. I am hopeful that travel restrictions and quarantine requirements will be relaxed next month.
I think this is by and large true though. Western countries have had a tougher time containing each variant of the virus. If you don't think this, you'd have to explain why there are far fewer deaths per population in Japan, South Korea, Thailand, etc. than in Western countries.
Steven Mccarthy
Saying that you’re posting facts and/or data with absolutely no verifiable information is just your warped opinion. If I say spring is coming soon , just wait for it and post it everyday, eventually it will come true . Omicron is as deadly as any variant in Japan. With children leading the surge in new case numbers , I thought others would start to come around . But these are the same people that think it’s totally okay that the elderly, morbidly obese Americans (only Americans are obese , I guess ) and those with pre-existing conditions get seriously ill and die from Covid. No healthy , not a single healthy person has had a negative outcome from Covid . Right ? The wannabe scientists and doctors that continue to post false and outright misleading statements here should be banned by the mods for it. They toss around insults because most of us can read facts for what they are . We are nowhere near the peak. Numbers are NOT falling. Go tell the friends and family members of the 600+ who died this past week from Covid that there’s nothing to see here . Go tell parents not to worry. Daijobu! Even though Japan does NOT publish the mortality rate , serious infection rate, or recovery rate of children in any age group. Yet that’s the group leading the national surge . FACTS. Just plain old fashioned facts !
David Van Cleef
Yes you can, the positive cases include clinical diagnoses without actual lab testing.
Again, I appreciate the respectful reply. Unfortunately, I again do have to disagree with you on the application of CFR as a comparator between countries as it is influenced by the type of testing. Case fatality is the ratio of confirmed deaths to confirmed cases. So if a country is carrying out testing of all cases including mild cases or asymptomatic cases like the UK or France, they attain a better CFR than a country like Japan which carries out fewer tests on asymptomatic or mild cases and only testing severely symptomatic patients who are more unlikely to recover.
I think deaths per million is a better metric,
France: 2,023
UK: 2,313
Japan: 154
I don't think that this is likely to be a significant number. This would suggest that there is a very large number of COVID deaths that are happening a home that are not being later investigated/questioned by doctors and their families.
I think the more credible theory is that Japan has just fared better due to cultural (and maybe genetic) reasons.
It's indisputable that those factors also affect the death rate. There are numerous papers showing that the pathology of COVID is connected to the inflammatory response - poor diet, a higher distribution of fat tissue, cardiovascular disease and diabetes would exacerbate the inflammatory response and the course of the disease. Not sure why people are arguing about this...
By the time the boosters are available the wave will have passed and cases will be non existent.
Covid-19 will never be 'non existent'. Surely you know this by now.
That's actually cause for worry if a country has comparable cfr with Japan. Testing more should drive down cfr, like positivity rates.
Because of Japan's stricter approach to testing it should be expected that Japan's cfr is significantly more.
Having comparable cfr with Japan together with a high number of cases means a high number of deaths