Japan Today

Tokyo reports 17,526 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 89,145


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Sunday reported 17,526 new coronavirus cases, down 3,596 from Saturday and up 1,631 from last Sunday.

By age group, 3,055 cases were in their 20s, 3,194 in their 30s, 3,016 in their 40s and 1,619 in their 50s, while 2,053 were aged between 10 and 19, and 2,530 younger than 10.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 45, up one from Saturday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 1,134, up 35 from Saturday.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 89,145. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Osaka (12,555), Kanagawa (8,411), Saitama (6,216), Hyogo (5,386), Chiba (5,113), Fukuoka (3,946), Hokkaido (3,464), Kyoto (2,593), Ibaraki (1,668), Shizuoka (1,465), Hiroshima (1,109), Okayama (1,039), Nara (838), Gunma (811), Shiga (791), Mie (776), Tochigi (736), Gifu (725), Kumamoto (653), Miyagi (617), Okinawa (595, including 84 cases among U.S. military personnel), Nagano (557), Kagoshima (523), Fukushima (514), Ishikawa (502), Wakayama (452), Aomori (428), Nagasaki (422), Oita (388), Niigata (370), Saga (335), Kagawa (332), Miyazaki (323), Toyama (320), Yamaguchi (286), Yamanashi (237), Fukui (236), Kochi (220), Yamagata (195), Ehime (179), Akita (174) and Tokushima (174).

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 67.

© Japan Today

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cases are on the way down!

up 1,631 from last Sunday

7 ( +13 / -6 )

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 67.

Weekend number, but still good to see a lower one

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Steven MccarthyToday  05:56 pm JST

FFS, I could debate you all day long but it’d be pointless. I live in the world of reality and not fantasy land where facts are just that and cannot be made up. Stating your opinion is one thing . Stating false information is another . You have so many purported college degrees it’s hard to keep up with your daily spin. You claim to be the world’s leading expert and source for all things Covid , yet when I posted a link to the jgov Institute of Health, you’re still stating your oft repeated lie.

Took a quick look at the link, the graph"

Age Sex Structure of COVID-19 Deaths in Japan(as of 2022/1/31)

has no figures for ages 20s and below.

Endnote at the bottom of the graph says

※ Above figure does not include 4,274 deaths where sex and/or age were not disclosed by the municipality goverment.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

It’s not so very difficult to handle. I just calculate from the available data the current number of infected people. Let’s say , 1 currently infected in about 200 people for example. So I can easily enjoy my favorite yakitoriya and drink even beer or sake without even thinking about the pandemic, because there are less than 20 people including staff, so there’s almost no risk, especially because everyone takes measures and severely or obviously infected usually don’t go out for restaurants or drinking places. But I begin of course slightly panicking and take care at places that are crowded with near or even over those 200, train platforms, department stores, events etc. , and I avoid that as much as possible, as they also contain the infected highly probable, those going to tests or hospitals or continue commuting because they need their job even when sick and as a known source for cluster infections. Supermarkets , especially bigger ones, are between those risk levels, so it’s more like a 50-50 lottery, wearing the mask and disinfectant can help but not necessarily will in every case, a few infected could be present or shortly before have touched the baskets, products and so on, also the precarious personnel continues working etc. Summed up, you have places to avoid, some places as a little gamble and places where you can live your former life and enjoy.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Happy DayToday  06:00 pm JST

And only 45 hospitalized? Have they figured out case counts are irrelevant?

45 patients in Tokyo under ECMO omly. What about the ones in ICU ?

0 ( +7 / -7 )

For Moderna & Pfizer Vaccines Remember to get fully vaccinated, means 2X - twice - 二回

Those fully vaccinated should get BOOSTER after 5 months, 五ヶ月 事後, ブースター after being fully vaccinated.

For Those Seeking Vaccination Sites in Japan,


コロナワクチン ナビ


0 ( +6 / -6 )

3 years of constant boredom...

Had enough.

-1 ( +13 / -14 )

The media headlines and TV news continue to talk about "cases", which is a completely meaningless number, especially in the time of super-infectious Omicron. "Cases" simply reflect testing.

The number that is relevant is hospitalizations with severe problems (as people without symptoms or with a sniffle are not a problem), and here we see:

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 45, up one from Saturday, health officials said.

Fortyfive. 45. Out of a population of 14 million. Which is fundamentally nothing.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Should be pretty clear what Mr McCarthy says

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Omicron is very infectious but :

Almost no one does physical distancing,

Most people don't know how to sanitize or wash their hands,

Many people don't wear masks effectively,

Telecommuting is absolutely not the norm...

Simple things that could decrease the spread !

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Every other country realizes now that Omicron is far less deadly than Corona 1.0 and Delta,

Can you offer me some insights about USAs current daily death statistics?

A quick look at worldometer seems to indicate that current wave seems to be killing more than all the previous waves except one


-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Some people never learn. Even after years...

no they don’t.

after two years to be precise, people are still complaining, whinging & whining about the numbers

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Steven Mccarthy

There’s no “retreat in the numbers.” For the week ending today , y’all should be horrified. From Sunday -Sunday , the top age group by positive cases is in CHILDREN.

Horrified by 45 people in hospital in Tokyo? Seriously? And about children, yes they are infected but have no problems.

-4 ( +11 / -15 )

And only 45 hospitalized? Have they figured out case counts are irrelevant?

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

so the quasi state of emergency ends next weekend but has had zero impact on decreasing the numbers.

so let’s extend it anyway?! Maybe close bars at 7 instead of 8. /s

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

V.M.Today  05:59 pm JST

"looks good to me though. Peak has obviously been reached and cases are on the way down! Open up and move on! Let’s try and return to a normal life!"

Some people never learn. Even after years

pot meet kettle….

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

There’s no “retreat in the numbers.” For the week ending today , y’all should be horrified. From Sunday -Sunday , the top age group by positive cases is in CHILDREN. Would y’all stop your selfish and dangerous behavior if any one of these 35,000 children was yours ? Maybe , just maybe if the jgov would add some context or language some of you might better understand by reporting the number of deaths of children in any age group, y’all might just stop being so wreck less, careless, stop spreading false information or fake medical advice. But the jgov does NOT. Fact checked ! https://www.ipss.go.jp/projects/j/Choju/covid19/index-en.asp

As a parent, a teacher , a long term permanent resident, I am shocked daily at the aforementioned. Seems most care more about businesses and spreading the virus than you do human life including the lives of Children! It’s beyond time for hard choices and a hard lockdown. We’ve never had one in Japan so don’t remotely try to compare to other countries when your usual position is just that . If children being the leading age group for over a week doesn’t get to you , nothing will. You’re a lost cause. And Omicron IS as deadly as other variants here in Japan. Most here are not “morbidly obese Americans.” I’m American, not obese. My wife is Japanese, and our 3 children are both . I care about the elderly, the fat, the slim or fit, all others who through no fault or maybe a fault or two of their own have other medical issues. But with CHILDREN leading the surge, the jgov needs to change the law and if by force, change the way people don’t care about others . Businesses can wait with all the corporate welfare they’ve been receiving.

-7 ( +9 / -16 )

Steven Mccarthy

FFS Fact-check: Zero deaths of any under 10’s from Covid. The risk of severe illness from Omicron for young children is less than from flu.

There is no stopping this variant, lockdowns, vaccine mandates and other draconian measures all fail. It has to run its course, due to its mildness it has minimal effect on 99.9% of people.

Unvaccinted hospitalization is 0.81%, vaccinated is 0.1% and that includes elderly and obese.

im shocked that some still think this is a plague like virus and compare it to Spanish flu with had 90x increased fatalities to Omicron.

Most people are carrying on with their lives as the have realized the low risk of Omicron and the importance of getting on with daily life

Stress and panic reduces the immune system and causes other issues also to those in the same household.

-7 ( +15 / -22 )

“so the quasi state of emergency ends next weekend but has had zero impact on decreasing the numbers.”

why don’t you ask like if without it we would have had nearly a million deaths like in the US? Otherwise show us a perfect solution. thanks!

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

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