The Tokyo metropolitan government on Friday reported 19 new coronavirus cases, down three from Thursday and up three from last Friday.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is seven, down one from Thursday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 51, down seven from Thursday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 121. Two coronavirus-related deaths were reported.
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Effective policy breeds effective results.
I hope the rest of the world is watching Japan and learning.
John Noun
Yes, as this is the most important thing to take from all this... of course.
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Cases slowly on the rise again. Complacency creeping in. Run for the hills!
John Noun
You might as well add socially or culturally as well, at least with regards to covid.
Some Japanese practices like no touch greetings are natural antitransmission measures
And they exercise their freedoms with a view of the welfare of others
Steve Eustace
Australia also stopped family members from visiting one another, and forced people to be confined to their homes like prisoners. Is that what you would prefer?
Japan: 146 deaths per million
Australia: 77 deaths per million
Bahrain: 781 deaths per million
Andorra: 1,692 deaths per million
The Netherlands: 1,115 deaths per million
So fair enough Australia has slightly fewer deaths but with horrible restrictions implemented to do so.
As someone who has lived in Japan for xx years, would you rather live in Australia? Especially over the past 2 years? Probably not, I would think.
Yes, definitely a good one too. I think a better case fatality would imply that the cases were diagnosed and then they got better. Whereas here in Japan, we probably had fewer cases being diagnosed due to less testing so it would skew to severe cases only being diagnosed who would be less likely to get better. I'd pick deaths per 100,000 as being a better comparator for how well a country has handled the pandemic myself. Though if other people suggested different factors such as % of population vaccinated, ICU bed capacity, lockdown restrictions, etc. I'd be open to including them in a metric as well.
Totally !
Japan is fragile and sinking (old population, less industries, less innovation, chinese hegemony in Asia) and wants to find other topics to glorify itself, to remain one of the leading nation.
Hence the cherry picking of topics and the silence about others.
Once the pandemic is over, whatever Japan did about it, the structural problems of Japan will remains.
Iron Lad
Good, decrease again!
Keep it up.