The Tokyo metropolitan government on Saturday reported 2,268 new cases of the coronavirus, down 124 from Friday.
The number is the result of 13,683 tests conducted on Jan 6. The tally brought Tokyo's cumulative total to 73,450.
By age group, the most number of cases were people in their 20s (654), followed by 437 in their 30s, 337 in their 40s, 302 in their 50s, 151 in their 60s and 117 in their 70s.
Also, 188 cases were younger than 20 (56 younger than 10), health officials said.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 129, unchanged from Friday, health officials said.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 7,790. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (999), Osaka (647), Chiba (477), Aichi (362), Saitama (518), Fukuoka (327), Hyogo (324), Hokkaido (215), Tochigi (138), Kyoto (126), Shizuoka (116), Ibaraki (109), Gifu (105), Kumamoto (82), Okayama (80), Miyazaki (76), Miyagi (72), Okinawa (70), Gunma (63), Hiroshima (59), Shiga (57), Mie (49) and Nagano (41).
Fifty-nine coronavirus-related deaths were reported.
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I regret I had moved to Japan.
From the outside, Japan seems an efficient country, but when you start living here you understand that many many many aspects of the “efficient and wealthy Japan” are just a scam.
13,600 tests per day, during a pandemic crisis and a rising trend in progress. Really a ridiculous test number, especially considering that Japan is a 120 million citizens country!
Italy, which was one of the first countries to face the pandemic and is usually pointed out as an inefficient country and inefficient system, did over 27.4 million tests until now (data updated to January 7th). Japan, the efficient and unique nation where everything seems to be perfect and promptly solved, did 5.3 million tests until now (data updated to January 8th). Italy has about 60 million citizens (half compared to Japan) and did over five times more tests than Japan.
...during a SoE!
So far, a year into this, the Japanese government has dealt with this in almost the complete opposite way I would have expected them to.
With the Olympics upon us, I would have expected the government to over react, test the hell out of everyone, and implement really strict guidelines for socially distancing etc.
Instead they’ve just flip flopped around, significantly under tested, not made contingency plans for the situation getting worse, and failed to find out the real extent of the spread of this virus around the country.
My in-laws are both retired and still take their one 'holiday' per year during Golden Week - highway traffic jams and all.
There really needs to be a serious push to try and change the ingrained group behaviour in this country. I know it's culture and all that, but there really is no need for so many people to eat lunch at the same time, or go on vacation during the same 4 day period etc.
More flexibility will create more freedom, and with that will come more flexible ways of thinking and approaching problems - such as how best to react to a health pandemic.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Until mass testing is done these numbers are as much use as a chocolate tea pot.
Runtu DaHilz
When I eat out for lunch at my local cafe, I go at 11. I'm the only one there. At noon, when I am leaving, the mob arrives. Do they REALLY need to have lunch at NOON on SATURDAY? There are other hours to have lunch. Haven't they heard of brunch?
still a ridiculously low amount of tests.
There was a report in the news today, that Kanagawa has stopped contact tracing and testing for covid-19 cases, except for the immediate family members of an infected person. I.e., if e.g. one of your colleagues at work tests positive for corona, none of you will be tested.
They say the reason is they simply can't cope with the influx of cases anymore, and "don't have the manpower" to handle it all (all the while there's an increasing number of people looking for jobs...). But, this as well, could be the real reason for the ridiculously - and dangerously - low level of testing in this country.
Always compare with last same weekday. Eg today vs last Saturday, and so on.
On average it has been increasing 40% per week, with testing increasing at a slower rate.
Spreading is accelerating at a very alarming rate.
Even more alarming is to see people still queueing for restaurants etc.
Waiting for the good news of the vaccine to start being distributed, its just taking too long in Japan.
Erm, you know it doesn't work like that?
The people showing positive today were likely infected several days ago if not longer.
Ridiculous low testing. And tracking it's not happening. Dumb arse approach.
Only 13,600 tests per day in a highly developed country of 126 million? That's pathetic.
In reality with those testing numbers, Japan has no idea of the rate of infection.
Some interesting comparisons here:
The number of young people under 20 and youngsters under 20 is worrying...
Yes, it looks like its doubling every two weeks.
From the graph that has just been on NHK, it also looks like half of the 4000 deaths from Covid-19 in Japan have happened since late November. That graph is also steepening like an exponential function.
(I don't know who is Vince, but if the previous comment was for me) -
It was on NHK tv news. But google is a friend, and I found this article:
They'll basically limit the contact tracing/testing to old folks' homes. This article, to my understanding, doesn't mention the manpower issue, but it was on the tv news.
its easy to say stay home when your income does not depend on working outside. :(
doing my activities as usual, outdoor sport, etc.
A small restaurant/izakaya close from my place, within a residency area, seemed empty tonight. I might go there tomorrow to support the local business.
They are a part of the problem.
Stay home, stay safe, folks!
I’m staying home enjoined my video games
Up almost 8k, that's a lot and bed occupancy increased by 8% to 98% in just one day. I don't see this ending well ...
@didou: Absolutely - will do the same. or they simply won't be there in the Spring.
People comparing Japan to other countries but conveniently ignoring number of deaths as usual =)
Please stay safe.
Vince? Quote a link
I am not sure why the number of young people infected is worrying. Many, if not most are asymptomatic only found by the virus because of testing though contact tracing. Who knows the number more of asymptomatic young people out there and those already over it. Quite likely in the many thousands. The Japanese government knows this as no young people at all in Japan have died thus schools are left open ( but that about the teachers)
The number world wide for every country on Earth, even highly infected such as the UK show that very very very few you people get seriously ill from the disease let alone die. No amount of scaremongering can change these facts.
Vaccinate the old and those in danger by all means and the sooner the better including all the teachers
Yeah, Japan is so different...
Bjorn Tomention
Died in a car accident on the way to the shop to buy face masks?
Died from some medical complication?
Died because the disease ate away at their vital organs?
Or reported as died from corona because well,............ it makes great headlines ?
Or how do they determine it was corona that killed them?
Just curious is all and questioning everything.
The number of young people under 20 and youngsters under 20 is worrying...
Actually that's the good news.. as high majority of them will auto-recover..It's the 60's and 70's age group that is worrying..
Still busy out here bout to go grab some pizalla Japanese pizza for dinner
I ate lunch at 1:37 today with Japanese salarymen friends.
they are not stressed at all about this
Sittin here at shibuya hub @4:25pm and its packed. Were all gettin our drinks in before last call at 7pm
First day of SOE, and the numbers already going downward.
Good job from the government protecting its citizens