The Tokyo metropolitan government on Tuesday reported 2,909 new coronavirus cases, up 94 from Monday and 1,311 down from last Tuesday. It is the ninth straight day that the daily figure has been lower than the same day of the previous week.
The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 3,520.7.
People in their 20s (791 cases), their 30s (588) and their 40s (497) accounted for the highest numbers, while 487 cases were aged under 20.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo was 287, unchanged from Monday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 2,110, up 35 from Monday.
Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 17,713. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Osaka (2,347), Aichi (1,611), Kanagawa (1,541), Chiba (1,280), Hyogo (1,024), Saitama (996), Fukuoka (685), Okinawa (554), Shizuoka (475), Kyoto (446), Hokkaido (305), Gifu (322), Hiroshima (253), Kumamoto (238), Mie (236), Nara (196), Ibaraki (160), Okayama (139), Shiga (139), Tochigi (132), Miyagi (128), Oita (108) and Miyazaki (105).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 65.
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I won't argue if you want to blame it on incompetence. It's the conspiracy theories that bother me. I don't see any benefit to lowering the numbers just on Sunday. I also have a hard time believing Osaka is more competent than Tokyo, what with the gargling medicine BS and all that. But perhaps they're trying to make up for that!
Perhaps they have less people available to handle the testing. Tuesday is the day of reservation for the vaccination in the prefectoral center so perhaps part of the people in charge of coordinating testing have to help out with reservation.
Perhaps, to ensure every staff can have at least one day off a week, they had to choose 1 day where they will be less working people thus less tests and they thought a lot about it and decided it was the most convenient day.
Liam RobertsToday 08:13 pm JST
So wait we are to believe that not once on a Sunday even during the high daily cases a week ago not even 5,000 people in the 14 million population of Tokyo showed up on a Sunday to be tested!
But in Osaka people show up on Sundays in the 8,000, 9,000 even 18,000.
Well over 30 years in Japan.
I know the system well.
This is not the normal medical system as before covid, you think that the labs in most other countries work the same on weekends?
Hint, they don't.
But in most developed countries with a competent government, things on weekends regarding covid Keep running.
Which seems to be the case in Osaka but not Tokyo.
Testing on weekends being down I could understand.
But from 15,000, 18,000 20,000 to 3,000 that is either intentional, incompetence or plain stupidity.
Seems practical to give equal consideration to the daily “number crunchers” as well as to the shills who only ‘reassure’ people when numbers change to their favor and are absent the rest of the time(?):
Liam Roberts
Maybe because Osaka people are showing more symptoms than Tokyo that’s why they are going to get tested more. 1 plus 1 equals ?
No, it is a Japan thing. If you've ever lived in Japan and deny the clinics are closed, I don't know what to say. Often they are open in the morning on Saturday, and closed completely on Sunday.
Nothing about any of the numbers seems that consistent, so they're most likely tallying them up differently in each prefecture. But to the simple question of why they would be lower on weekends, I don't see how clinics being closed could not play a huge role.
Just came back to check on this number.
I was hoping that number of deaths will go down in the coming week/s but even if the number of positive cases continue to go down it will still add to an already strained healthcare system so it could go both ways
Amazing, that only Tokyo alone peaked. While the rest of the country is still bracing with increasing infection. If one thing, the virus has clearly shown that the CCP is not alone.
Why does Osaka's testing drop on Tuesdays? 8544 less than yesterday. Same thing happened last week.
therougouToday 07:42 pm JST
So is that a Tokyo thing?
Because 23,000 on Saturday and 18,000 on Sunday in Osaka.
Please let us know is Osaka special?
The majority of posters here can't understand why # of tests are lower on weekends (when almost every clinic is closed, lol). So perhaps this is rocket science, after all.
Liam RobertsToday 07:21 pm JST
Hey if everything is on the up and up in Tokyo.
Explain this simple question.
How is it that never once has testing gone up on weekends in Tokyo but has in other prefectures including this past weekend in Osaka going as high as 18,000 on Sunday but Tokyo has never managed to even come close to half that many on a Sunday?
Let me remind you.
The most Tokyo has tested on a Sunday since May was just over 4,500 generally remaining around 3,500
Osaka' lowest Sunday testing was 3,200 once remain mostly over 5,000 and this week 18,000 on Sunday.
Strange how things go in Tokyo
Liam Roberts
Anti ???????? Not difficult to understand your posts
Liam RobertsToday 07:21 pm JST
Yes I know it is difficult to understand the difference between the governments of over 200 countries and Tokyo government.
Take 10 toes and 10 fingers that is 20 and the think 10 of each.
Liam Roberts
Pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes quote from someone that says this government is doing the same every day for the last year or so
@Leighton Rutt
Not at the same time than the number for Tokyo. The system is not national, every prefecture goes its own way. That include the time they release their number. This is why JT use 2 publishing time. The national one is after 19:30-20:00, I think (there was change over time as some prefecture changed their publishing time).
Here you can get an idea of it :
Perhaps you should post a "Updated with national figure" in the comment section at the same time you update so that for people reading comment it is easier to understand if people are talking about Tokyo or national wide ; know death reported.
RobToday 06:53 pm JST
Do you know how ridiculous your theories sound?
For you to be right, countries like the USA, China, Russia, Iran, Israel, South Korea, North Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan, etc .. would all have to be in on it and be in agreement.
Countries that on principle would disagree if the other country said water was wet and the sun was hot.
But you would have us all believe that somehow all these countries came together and are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.
You better read your own post
So you think SARS and COVID-19 are the same? That explains it
Not just that but it's policy or established guideline.
Same for other diseases, doctors order tests for a disease if the disease is suspected based on the doctor's examination
Will go to 3,000,000 the day before the elections and then down to 499
Liam Roberts
If you have symptoms that you think are for Covid get tested by all means , if not why get tested at all ? Maybe that’s why the number of tests are maybe lower fewer people showing symptoms not rocket science. Regarding Osaka high numbers been there a few times over the last year( for work) and they I’m sorry to say have a blatant regard for the soe’s at those times that I was there
You also believe there is a conspiracy to conceal the true cases?
Think that those that hid away are the selfish ones. I did my best and supported local businesses daily whilst taking sensible precautions. Most around here did the same, enjoying life and supporting the community without the need for finger pointing and rudeness. I also ensured my business managed to be viable through extra work and adapting to the constantly changing situation.
If people wish to hide away and be in fear, ok it is your choice but please don’t try to insist normal people with a healthy mindset should be dragged into that life.
Lol why?
Sven Asai
As if you or me are asked. lol The viruses alone define beginning or ending , rising or sinking and that’s it.
Yep they don't have to.
It is interesting to look at the Tokyo covid site and notice that never not even once has testing increases or remained the same on Saturday and Sunday as the rest of the week always dropping to hilariously low testing.
Then looking at the Osaka Covid site and seeing increased testing on Saturday and Sunday.
Big fall in active cases today as over 40000 people have been newly listed as recovered from the virus. Things starting to look up.
atomuToday 05:48 pm JST
I wonder why?
Tokyo testing:
25th 16,600
26th 15,700
27th 16,000
28th 9,700
29th 3,500
30th 17,267 ( will be updated by 3,000 tomorrow)
Osaka testing:
25th 19,700
26th 21,099
27th 23,878
28th 25,000
29th 18,000
30th 17,000
Funny how Saturday and Sunday testing in Osaka ( 28th & 29th) don't seem to have the same no covid weekends like Tokyo.
I wish Tokyo would say how many ICU there are. Oh, I know, sending people at home to recover and sending them at oxygen stations. Tokyo is a joke.
The top of the wave has been reached. The downward phase is underway. Good news for Tokyoites... who ultimately represent a little more than a tenth of the country's population. Are people from Tokyo caring about the rest of Japan ?
The faster the SOE (dumbest decision made by a PM), the better indeed. I can't wait to return to my little local food and drink places.
The end of Covid in Japan ? Oh my, that is not going to happen. Covid is a worldwide virus. A worldwide problem needs a worldwide solution and we are far from that.
Ask any epidemiologist about virus and you will learn that this virus is not going to disappear before many years, that's no secret.
After this wave, there will be another one. It's not probably, it's 100% sure. And the more the virus spread, the more a variant can appear.
This month was the worst since the beginning for Osaka. The pos numbers for my town and the towns either side combined came to 696. The next worth month was April with 344. Double.
The numbers for Osaka for people under 50.
ICU 154. Previous worst was April, 101
Deaths 7. Second worst on record as May had 16.
Small numbers in context to other countries but absolutely no sign that things are getting better. With schools back and with the deaths always trailing ICU, next month could be worse. Although I have a gut feeling that things will get better as the government actually starts to concentrate of doing something proactive.
yes they probably have one, it's called sarscov2
Oh you again. Sounds like a bot with your disinformation sentences.
Yes, let's believe that the all world is doing useless PCR test since 2020. Okay. You are satisfied now ?
I always crack up reading the Tokyo centered comments on here. The numbers may be dropping in Tokyo (due to shady practices??), but there are no signs of this happening in Kansai. Most days still have records or near records. There is more to Japan than just Tokyo.
It boggles the mind how the majority downvote the most logical comment in the whole thread. It seems like most of you just like to complain about the Japanese government for the sake of complaining, even when the situation is clearly improving.
Even with the adjustments coming it will be over 5,000 fewer tests.
Ah the miracle Japanese covid method first lower testing then watch cases get lower.
The rest of the world should adopt this system as covid would be over ( at least officially) in a few weeks.
Why do all the other countries insist on waiting for cases to drop for a few weeks before lowering testing?
Look how well lowering testing worked to lower cases in Tokyo!
Suga and the Government are playing their people like puppets the way Bach played him and his Government ..
Kev James
Numbers are clearly dropping but I can’t see the SOE being lifted until end of September. The government will want to win over as many buyers as they can and declining numbers is their only way now.
Lets see what happens next week when all schools are back on. Hopefully for the students and teachers sake, there won’t be any crazy increases of clusters.
Hopefully deaths will drop off soon too, maybe around the 14th day
And if I had a dollar for every time this was said on JT
I’d be living in luxury on my own tropical island.
Nice to see the downward trend continuing.
The daily numbers seem to be getting lower - but this happened before when we were approaching the end of the previous SoE.
I guess tomorrow's numbers between 2,950 to 3,100
The numbers are compared with the previous week nit previous day, it states that clearly in the article.
Numbers continue to fall as we witness the end of Covid in Japan. The increased vaccinations and many with antibodies ensure the severe cases and deaths will not get out of hand and more than likely fall dramatically.
We now need to country to end the SOE’s so people can live normally and businesses start making some badly needed income.
Hurrah!!! The SOE is working!!!
Leighton Rutt
% Oops!
Leighton Rutt
Oh dear! What a month for Tokyo. A total of 125,606 cases, out of 343,574 since the beginning. That represents 36.55% of all cases. And 1,278 cases for those under 30 also represents 43.93$
When will the Govt. wake up that the state of emergencies they declare, is not doing anything at all to kerb the numbers.
Question: If JT know Tokyo's figures, surely they must know the nation's too?