Japan Today

Tokyo reports 220 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 570


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Friday reported 220 new cases of the coronavirus, up 49 from Thursday. The number is the result of 5,196 tests conducted on Sept 15.

The age groups with the most cases were people in their 30s (53), 20s (49) and those in their 40s (35).

The tally brought Tokyo's cumulative total to 23,828.

The number of infected people in Tokyo with severe symptoms is 26, one down from Thursday, health officials said.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 570. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (78), Osaka (60), Aichi (40), Chiba (40), Gunma (27), Saitama (24), Hokkaido (17) Hyogo (12) and Okinawa (12).

Seven coronavirus-related deaths were reported.

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Up, down, up, down.

People being sent back to offices, and walking around inside the offices without masks and not respecting social distancing anymore.

Expect many clusters to start appearing in offices - just wait for it.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

"Up, down, up, down.

People being sent back to offices, and walking around inside the offices without masks and not respecting social distancing anymore.

Expect many clusters to start appearing in offices - just wait for it."

People have been saying that for months now and things continue to remain under control.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

4.2% positive rate is not good

8 ( +11 / -3 )

The number of infected people in Tokyo with severe symptoms is 26

So out of 9M people in Tokyo we have 26 seriously sick with corona.

That's .0000028% of the population. The total number of people with corona is .0026% of the population. But yeah, let's keep making everyone wear masks, and keep making a lot of people wear gloves, force shops to use plastic shields and close early.

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

The total number of people with corona is .0026% of the population. But yeah, let's keep making everyone wear masks, and keep making a lot of people wear gloves, force shops to use plastic shields and close early.

Are suggesting that the mitigation and prevention measures have worked, therefore we should abandoned them?

People have been saying that for months now and things continue to remain under control.

Interesting take on it. My recollection was an uncontrolled spike in March, followed by an SOE which brought things under control and down to less than 50 cases a day, and almost zero deaths per day. This was followed by a push to resume economic activity and claims of success and victory, which in term led to an uncontrolled spike again, which was again followed by the reintroduction of numerous measures such as early closures, as well as the public returning to preventative behaviours (for example the massive drop in travel during Obon). This has scaled back cases to what appears to be around 500 cases and 8 deaths a day nationally. I think its fair to say there hasnt been a consistent sense of control as much as ebb and flow, and as people now adjust to think 500 a day is fine and we can go back to normal, we will see another spike, followed by more mitigation, followed by a new baseline of maybe 1000 cases and 20 deaths a day slowly becoming the new normal... But yeah, it is what it is. To be honest, life with corona now is not so bad, so I hope people are smart enough to at least continue as we are now until there is an effective, available vaccine, rather than being fooled into letting their guard down.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Just in time for the GoTo campaign to open up in Tokyo.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

So out of 9M people in Tokyo we have 26 seriously sick with corona.

That's .0000028% of the population. The total number of people with corona is .0026% of the population. But yeah, let's keep making everyone wear masks, and keep making a lot of people wear gloves, force shops to use plastic shields and close early.

Tou'd have the same rhetoric with AIDS ? Let's take our chances with unprotected sex ?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

That's .0000028% of the population. The total number of people with corona is .0026% of the population. But yeah, let's keep making everyone wear masks, and keep making a lot of people wear gloves, force shops to use plastic shields and close early.

Wow, this comment is so reckless that I have to fix you.

The masks will have to be worn until 2 weeks after the last person is vaccinated.

So buckle up, stop complaining, get used to it. If you want to go back to normal, keep your mask on.

The science is clear.

Don't be a knucklehead.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

@ longtimenosee - well stated. Some people are just childish whiners.

Just wear a mask, its not exactly an ordeal.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Summer almost over just wait until November when sniffles season kicks in. We all be in Like defcon 3 mode all over

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Don't let anyone on this program unless their prefecture's total coronavirus count is less than 50 or at least less than 3 digits.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just wear a mask, its not exactly an ordeal.

For how much longer? A year? For one virus out of all the viruses that come and go?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The masks will have to be worn until 2 weeks after the last person is vaccinated.

Haha, omg, as if every last person on the planet is going to receive a vaccine for this virus. I guess we'll be wearing the masks forever then. Because there is no way every last person on this planet is going to get the vaccine. The science is clear.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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