Japan Today

Tokyo reports 3,616 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 24,903


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Saturday reported 3,616 new coronavirus cases, up 70 from Friday and up 1,456 from last Saturday.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is five, up one from Friday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 55, up three from Friday.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases was 24,903. Other prefectures reporting high numbers were Osaka (2,545), Kanagawa (1,749), Okinawa (1,695), Aichi (1,470), Fukuoka (1,341), Saitama (1,220), Chiba (998), Hyogo (980), Kumamoto (874), Hokkaido (626), Kagoshima (497), Shizuoka (451), Kyoto (445), Hiroshima (427), Shimane (424), Ehime (304), Saga (390), Mie (286), Aomori (275), Gifu (273), Shiga (272), Ibaraki (268), Oita (250), Miyagi (246), Miyazaki (214), Okayama (208), Wakayama (189), Gunma (176), Nara (166) and Yamaguchi (163).

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 11.

© Japan Today

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The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is five, up one from Friday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 55, up three from Friday.

Strap in people, it's going to be a wild ride.

-19 ( +2 / -21 )

Still using the PcR Test? Go figure!

Oh sorry let me behave correctly. OMG we are all going to die!!!! Stay home and wear those mask 24hrs a day 7 days a week for the rest of your lives.

-3 ( +13 / -16 )

These numbers are seriously headed in the wrong direction…. The number of those people who are actually hospitalized had been going down…. But it’s getting outta control again ….

Hospitalizations 150,048

Change from previous day +9,686

I don’t fabricate or spin the actual statistics…. I only copy/paste them . The numbers are supplied by the jgov . The Covid Lark has spoken …. The jgov sees the trends before the minority does …. Hence the new warnings in areas such as Tokyo…. The scorching heat has driven people inside …. Hopefully schools can make it to their respective summer breaks without any major outbreaks…

-10 ( +10 / -20 )

Japan has the toughest travel restrictions in the world, and its preparing the next SOE.

The vaccination numbers are proven to be wrong since the beginning.

It's ridiculously difficult to be officially tested to get to that infection list.

There's lot of place to improve the handling of the pandemic.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Life has to move on! If you're afraid of the virus, stay home and use aircon!

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Life has to move on! If you're afraid of the virus, stay home and use aircon!


Life has to move on. When out and about, assume you are infected and take proper precautions so you don't infect others. Just because you're low risk, doesn't mean the spouse or child of the person sitting next to you isn't.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

The dead cat bounce has happened elsewhere too - I expect to see numbers going back up to around 10K per day in Tokyo over the next couple of weeks before settling back down again. It's endemic, it won't go back to zero, rather it will continue to go up and down for the foreseeable future. Those advocating for masks and other restrictions are effectively advocating for that for the rest of our lives - for a virus which leads to little more than flu-like symptoms in most and for which vaccines are readily available for those at higher risk. No thank you.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

Covid is currently NOT scientifically considered “endemic.” Not even close ! For those who can comprehend:

Let’s start with basic definitions:

AN EPIDEMIC is a disease that affects a large number of people within a community, population, or region.

A PANDEMIC is an epidemic that’s spread over multiple countries or continents.

ENDEMIC is something that belongs to a particular people or country.

AN OUTBREAK is a greater-than-anticipated increase in the number of endemic cases. It can also be a single case in a new area. If it’s not quickly controlled, an outbreak can become an epidemic.

Those are not my definitions …. However, they are 100% accurate! Hence I agree with basic scientific facts! What is endemic is the spread of patently false information, and the anti everything clan…. The minority of naysaying anti science cultist who keep whining about moving on when they never define what that means to them . Because here in Japan, we’ve never had a single meaningful restriction. The borders are open…. For those who don’t want a guided tour, get vaccinated, get your vaccine passport from your country , apply for a visa , book your trip … get tested upon departure and arrival here ! Not that complicated and not that different from some other countries.

-11 ( +8 / -19 )

Hospitalized in Tokyo with Covid - 952.

Occupancy of availabe beds - 18.9%.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )


I am vaccinated, boostered, have a vaccination certificate, am ready to make the PCR tests and wear a mask. But to my acknowledge it is NOT possible to get a tourist visa except if you book a guided tour from one of the few authorized travel agents. So, how to get a tourist visa if not for a guided tour???

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Apply for a tourist visa …. Follow the instructions… for those willing to go through the hoops …. The borders have been open for quite a while.

-20 ( +1 / -21 )

That's very inaccurate.

Actually you can only travel to Japan on a homologated travel tour.

Say that - Borders are slightly open -. would be more accurate.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Peter W,

don’t listen to Mr Mccathy, you are well aware all tourists require a group tour to visit Japan.

He also would have you believe there are 157,000+ people in hospital. Of course that is false because he didn’t bother to read the fine print on the Ministry of health and wefare website:


The number of case-patients who require inpatient care is calculated by summing the following numbers of case-patients, published by each jurisdiction: those currently hospitalized (includes those in the process of being hospitalized), receiving care at a dedicated facility, or receiving treatment at home.

So all patients at home receiving Tylenol are included.

Current hospitalizations are approx. 20% of 50,000

available beds.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

There are 125 million people in this country. Hardly anything to panic about. Enjoy your summer out with family and friends!

6 ( +12 / -6 )

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