Japan Today

Tokyo reports 369 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,884


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Tuesday reported 369 new coronavirus cases, up 134 from Monday.

The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 408.3.

People in their 20s (114 cases) and their 30s (72) accounted for the highest numbers, while 41 cases were aged 60 and older.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 6o, down one from Monday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 1,099, down 21 from Monday.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 1,884. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Osaka (190), Kanagawa (179), Aichi (170), Hokkaido (120), Okinawa (159), Saitama (83), Chiba (81), Hyogo (68), Fukuoka (57), Kyoto (44) and Yamanashi (43).

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 99.

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And, as usual, the number of tests is not reported, making this number meaningless.

Why, it's almost like they are pumping out low numbers to prove something...that the $25K debt every man woman and child in the country is on the hook for is fine and dandy because the hop-skip-jump show has to go on.

19 ( +26 / -7 )

"Cases, cases"... from an infection with a mortality rate of practically zero for those under 70. Enough already.

-26 ( +5 / -31 )

Of more note is the drop in numbers across the country. Active cases falling everywhere, and now are at about half of their peak, and likely to continue to fall.

Japan will hit 20 million vaccination doses later this week. Much later than it should have been, but things are definitely looking better.

Unfortunately there are way too many doom and gloom merchants on this site who refuse to believe the official numbers.

-23 ( +6 / -29 )

So back up and up again like every week after not testing on weekends.

Now people are pay for private testing we will see the numbers go up until the weekend as private testing stops and the " look no more covid" propaganda group will claim again numbers are falling.

Strange how public tested keeps going down but private remains the same all week days.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

The numbers aren't being fiddled as such, the MHLW has just "revised" its way of counting cases. That this "revision" has led to a miraculous decrease in numbers, so that Japan is now no longer in Stage 4 of the pandemic is just a coincidence. Medical advisors say that the Olympics should not proceed if Japan is at Stage 4 of the pandemic. Now it's not, so the Olympics can go ahead! Hurrah!



Kyoto residents might be interested in what's happened to the testing numbers in their city.


Just when you think it can't possibly sink any lower, it finds a way.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

Oh and let's not forget Okinawa closing schools to try and control the spread.

I guess those Okinawans are not super humans like the rest of Japan and especially Tokyo.

Anyone honestly stupid enough to believe that 1.4 million population of Okinawa have more cases yesterday than the 14 million population of Tokyo?

If so I can sell you Rainbow Bridge for a good price.

20 ( +23 / -3 )

The numbers aren't being fiddled as such, the MHLW has just "revised" its way of counting cases. That this "revision" has led to a miraculous decrease in numbers, so that Japan is now no longer in Stage 4 of the pandemic is just a coincidence. Medical advisors say that the Olympics should not proceed if Japan is at Stage 4 of the pandemic. Now it's not, so the Olympics can go ahead! Hurrah!

Japan. Fudging numbers since 1868.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

Could we get a 7 day average of tests? Thanks!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

And, as usual, the number of tests is not reported, making this number meaningless.

and as usual, the number of people complaining & whining about the numbers continues

-18 ( +4 / -22 )


go, take a look!


pretty obvious evidence of falsifying number through changing the definitions of the totals.

Do we need to re-define the stage-4 numbers now the rules have changed?

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Can someone please point me towards a website that is publicly available (not twitter as I am not on it) and provides data on the actual test numbers?

Thank you in advance.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Whatever everyone thinks there is one number that can be used to assess/evaluate the gravity of the situation, number of deaths.

Go look for the bodies

2 ( +6 / -4 )

@ Alice and bokuda

Thanks to both of you for sharing Jack Adelstein’s Japan Subculture Research Center site’s details and the article “Japan Solves Coronavirus Crisis With Magical Math”


12 ( +14 / -2 )

Sorry, that was supposed to be “@ Alfie”.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


Things are almost normal again yet some refuse to believe it.

What is "normal" for you? stage-3, stage-2, or stage-1 ?

'cause we are on stage-4 in 20 prefectures.

8 ( +10 / -2 )


As has been said and pointed out numerous times, no evidence is good enough for you, even though that URL they've shared clearly shows via the actual charts used by the media (not charts made by the authors themselves) how the counting of the numbers has changed.

Maybe take another look, if you're ready to leave your bubble?

Jake Adelstein is a part of that piece @blvtzpk, @Alfie, and @bokuda shared.

He is a renowned journalist in Japan and would never participate in something false or some conspiracy theory to ruin his excellent credibility. He's also been a wonderful champion for the Japanese people, so I have no doubt he participated in that article with the hopes of improving their situation, and the situation of all of us here. Stop making his job harder.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Numbers decreasing thats a good sign and the sweet spot is 300s for Tokyo.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

go, take a look!



Very interesting read, it help explaining and putting in context what everybody already suspected about how the government treats its own reporting of the pandemic.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Numbers decreasing thats a good sign and the sweet spot is 300s for Tokyo.

Going berzerk in Yamanashi this week. 43 today in one of Japan's smallest prefectures, 34 of which are the mutated virus. Great care must still be taken by people until the Olympics are behind us, then who cares eh?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Akula, I think you need to know the (official) numbers they are testing to know if it's under control. Limited testing = Limited positives and keep many simple folk happy. The low testing numbers in Japan is an absolute joke. Melbourne tests 10,000 or more daily for a handful of positives and the city goes into lockdown. It's no co-incidence that Australia is the only G7 country who's economy has recovered and is now better than pre-COVID. High testing, contact tracing and strict lockdowns something Japan is yet to try.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

And again, high positivity rate.

3 people in my company were diagnosed with covid this weekend.

If my company were Tokyo, then 4 million people are infected right now. here

10 ( +11 / -1 )

So those that claim thing are getting better keep asking for proof the government is manipulating the numbers.

Well it seems that someone actually did just that and they are Japanese with a full breakdown of how it is being done


So go ahead now and tell us all this is not manipulation!

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Whatever everyone thinks there is one number that can be used to assess/evaluate the gravity of the situation, number of deaths.

Except if you play with the cause of death ...

Because of covid, you can die of heart attack, pneumonia, ... eventually.

So number of deaths is not reliable as well.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

the vaccine rollout is going at full steam pace and we can clearly see its affects

-15 ( +2 / -17 )


Can someone please point me towards a website that is publicly available (not twitter as I am not on it) and provides data on the actual test numbers?

Here you can find the official numbers for Tokyo:


It's a Tokyo Metropolitan Government website. It's based on data collected by its Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health.

It uses lots of graphs to see trends. You can place a mouse curser on any of the graph item to see its numeric value. You can also click "View Table (テーブルを表示)" to see all numbers in table format for each day.

One thing you need to know about it is that most recent data are so called "Sokuhochi (速報値)" or "Quick Report Data", which will change over time (usually it increases), at least for a while, due to a simple fact that collection of data takes time: Not all medical facilities report to them immediately. For instance, the number of PCR tests on Jun 3 was 5,848 yesterday, but the data for the same day (Jun 3) is 6,520 today. In other words, over last 24 hours, more reports came in even for the data 5 days ago (Jun 3), and the reported number of PCR tests increased by 672 in one day.

Hope this help you.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Is funny that Japan uses faxes and hankos to fight a pandemic on the 21st. Century.

Only a miracle would save us.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

In what reality does a place with 14 million people at a density of 6,100 people per square kilometre only have 369 new cases but a place with only 1.4 million and a density of 580 per square kilometre get 159 new cases?

Ten times the population, ten times the density but just a little bit over double the cases!

And some here actually believe that is possible!?

If you believe this is possible, my offer to sell you Rainbow Bridge still stands, I will give you a good price.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

And some here actually believe that is possible!?

No one has ever shown anything to show it's not. Just a lot of speculation. As always, I ask "where are the bodies?" If they are burying the numbers, where have they hidden the numbers for all the people who have died that they're not reporting. It's not like they can't log those deaths, Japan has very strict family records. So they must be recorded as other deaths, which would be visible as an increase over those same types of deaths from previous years. Where are the bodies?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

In what reality does a place with 14 million people at a density of 6,100 people per square kilometre only have 369 new cases but a place with only 1.4 million and a density of 580 per square kilometre get 159 new cases?

Ten times the population, ten times the density but just a little bit over double the cases!

Okinawa's local population is heavily concentrated in and around the capital Naha whose density is higher than that in Nagoya or Fukuoka. Besides, higher human mobility, younger population, big family domicile (rather than single residency) can also be pointed out.



The Okinawa governor's failing leadership is also coming under criticism.

感染拡大の沖縄 「人災だ」 知事への批判高まる


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

That number equates to 2.6 cases per 100K which puts Tokyo into the "Moderate" risk category per US guidelines. Based on the other comments which are probably from people living in Tokyo, I would guess the number is derived of those sick enough to see a doctor. It's probably considerable higher since the majority do not get tested nor incur any real symptoms. So, if you combine the 20% who are vaccinated with the ?% who already have acquired immunity, Japan is probably near 40% immunity. This correlates exactly with a 2.6/100K infection rate. At this speed Tokyo will become covid free by July 23, 2021. Just in time to enjoy the Olympics all by themselves.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

The number of serious cases is down 21 and number of deaths is 99 how come the number of deaths is always higher than the reductions in serious cases, does it mean there are deaths from less serious covid cases ? I am sure there are some serious cases that became less serious. Doesn't add up.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


That is simple don't test the person dies of pneumonia or other over 65 and no autopsies under the current rules then it is not recorded as covid related.

In 2020 had a low influenza related pneumonia deaths (because all hospitals can test for influenza on site) but a high "unknown cause" number of pneumonia deaths no autopsies.

It is like in Canada the number of deaths at one point took a sharp up turn once the governments investigated the care homes involved in the biggest part of the fiasco.

Not tested a very large number of those deaths were just put down as age or pneumonia as the care homes corporate owners tried to avoid the authorities getting wind on the problem.

After autopsies, proper investigation thousands of deaths were added to the numbers.

Canada at least investigated Japan has actually done the opposite and refused any investigation, autopsies, etc...

Now check out how the numbers are being manipulated.


The above shows clean intent by the government to hide the true nature of what is going on.

But no it couldn't be, right?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Out of control. Shut everything down. Learn from all the other lockdown countries. Otherwise we will have mass graves to look forward to.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Well, the numbers do seem to be dropping - if the data can be trusted.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Must be in the tens of thousands of those actually infected in Japan.

Stay off of trains. Stay out of stores. Stay home.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Must be Could be should be.

Quantify your fears people, and most probably your fears will lessen

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Start with the bodies. How many deaths were attributed to unknown causes? You don't have to test them, just count them outright as covid deaths to see if there's basis

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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