Japan on Wednesday reported 249,830 new coronavirus cases.
The Tokyo metropolitan government reported 38,940 new coronavirus cases, up 8,098 from Tuesday.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 35, up one from Tuesday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 478, up 14 from Tuesday.
Other prefectures reporting high numbers were Osaka (24,038), Aichi (17,778), Kanagawa (15,730), Saitama (13,780), Fukuoka (12,812), Hyogo (11,201), Chiba (10,345), Shizuoka (7,320), Hokkaido (6,930), Kyoto (6,891), Okinawa (6,180), Kumamoto (4,414), Ibaraki (3,984), Mie (3,658), Hiroshima (3,549), Miyagi (3,471), Gifu (3,464), Kagoshima (3,356), Miyazaki (3,126), Okayama (2,996), Niigata (2,957), Nagasaki (2,605), Gunma (2,538), Nagano (2,350) and Fukushima (2,063).
The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 169.
© Japan Today
Derek Grebe
Nothing to see here. Everything is under control.
Comments section locked in 3...2...1...
Peak looks to be late this week or mid next week, fingers crossed! Severe cases lag behind total cases but hope it doesnt get much worse than a couple of hundred nationwide.
Sven Asai
No, we only have to go one step, the NoCovid one. Because you might already know or just still learn, that only NoCovid is good Covid.
I can't believe people on here are still promoting nocovid despite leading experts the world over recommending the very opposite.
Just yesterday:
"Shigeru Omi, who heads the government’s coronavirus panel, and 17 other medical and economic experts on Tuesday called on the government to downgrade the classification of the coronavirus to something similar to that of seasonal flu, in order to ease the burden on hospitals and public health centers.
In a 19-page proposal, the experts also urged the government to adopt a flexible approach to COVID-19 that would prevent the health care system from being overwhelmed, such as by no longer identifying close contacts and allowing general clinics to treat patients."
Quite a jump in week to week cases: 38,940 today versus 29,036 last Wednesday.
Might mean I was wrong about the current wave ending but let's see what happens tomorrow as last Thursday was also a bit of a high-case outlier at 40,406 cases.
At least it implies that testing limits aren't really an issue.
Steven Mccarthy
The bad news …. We’re nowhere near some elusive peak …. The worse news …. The jgov just hired 125million Drs …. That’s right …/ we are going back to the dangerous methods from the beginning. Even if you’re sure you have Covid, just stay home and hope you don’t die because the healthcare system is completely broken …. No longer on the brink…. Get ready for thousands of unnecessary deaths…..
Time for a complete lockdown.
Perfect timing with schools closed.
Let's get it done.
John Noun
All this predicting of peaks. Nobody is ever correct.
It'll peak when it peaks, basically.
Stay safe everybody
No thanks & won't happen.
You stay home dear.
Hervé L'Eisa
Be afraid.... Be very afraid... Or, live your life as you want.
People passing out from wearing masks in this heat is more of a threat
How about a middle ground where we live our lives, but also take precautions to protect those who at risk?
When we all go back to pre-2020 "normal," it forces at risk people to remain in isolation and economic despair for many people. I don't understand why for so many people the response is black or white. We can take measures to make society safer for at risk people.
Fra poke
478 hospitalized severe cases, that’s about one every 260,000 Japanese. I think the nation needs to relax. Push forward with the 4th vaccination for vulnerable groups and fast track the introduction of new vaccines for the new variants and start to live with this. There are far bigger problems, food inflation, energy security, Ukraine, Taiwan….
Couldn't agree more, that felt like reading one of my own comments
Covid knocked the stuffing out of me. Do not take it lightly
@painkiller : Does your lockdown stop me from going to work.? .. It is impossible for me to work from home. Quite literally.
Correct, even a mortality like the current strain of 0.27% is not to be simply ignored. I would advise anyone who hasn't done so to at least consider vaccination (ask for aspiration to mitigate odds of side effects) and keep masked up in public if their last shot was a long time ago and you're planning on a booster... otherwise live normally and hope that you get infected while the vaccines benefits are still in effect in your system since it quite significantly reduces severe symptoms/mortality but barely helps prevent infection.
Up 9900 from last week in Tokyo
And over 240000 for the country
Still going up
Indeed it is, though the increments in which it has been going up are decreasing which leads the current graph of infections to have almost totally rounded off. It will be interesting to see the gradient of decline through august and whether its a steady slope or a sharp drop.
The folks who are commenting about numbers in Tokyo, fail to understand it seems, that Tokyo is not the real problem right now.
There are 23 severe cases alone here in Okinawa, 2/3rd's or so the total number in Tokyo, with less than 10% the population. First time over 6,000 reported cases and cases per 100,000 at 2325.20.
Over 370,000 total cases in a prefecture with only 1.4 million people, and hospital rates at pushing 90%, putting an extreme amount of pressure on them and the people working in them.
It was also reported that something like 35,000 to 40,000 people are under quarantine orders from the health officials, and it is next to impossible to get a timely PCR test, the free one's ordered by said health officials, that people are paying between 2,500 to 10,000 yen to get tested on their own, mostly as a precautionary move, to ensure they are not bringing it home and affecting their families.
But tourists keep on coming, and local bus services have been officially curtailed for a number of the companies here, because their drivers are out sick. Oh did I mention tourists are still flooding the island?
Tokyo is perhaps better able to deal with the large numbers, as they have more facilities and doctors/care givers available, but not here, and not other smaller prefectures either.
Oh and 4 more people died today too.
Sven Asai
Sorry, but after now already in the 7th infection wave, the concepts of your so-called ‘leading experts’ are more then ripe for throwing into the garbage can quickly and trying something else, which not even hasn’t to be the very opposite, but obviously at least something quite different.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Gotta love that pic of a nice quiet train. Is it to make us think Tokyoites are not squeezed in like sardines per chance? Of course they aren't what was I thinking.
More fear mongering to manipulate the masses. Not that serious. Most people getting infected now and passing it are the vaccinated.
We know Japan is not only Tokyo.
I am not a provax at all and rather against this vaccine, but Okinawa is the less vaccinated prefecture, even among the elderlies, and the population at risk
Light for me, much less than the flu. The main issue was the impact on my job.
248,000 people with a runny nose
478 in hospital with serious problems though probably for something else but contracted Covid as well.
169 should who have passed on sadly but, who likely also were not in a good way to begin with not due to Covid but due to old age and or other comorbidities…
Life happens as does death you can’t have one without the other… 4000 people die everyday in Japan! What did the other 3831 people die from today?….enjoy every moment of life!
Poor the wine
roll the dice
another time for sorrow
one never knows when death may tweak your ear and say
tis your turn
Creak creak.
Is that the sound of the borders opening???
There are 23 severe cases alone here in Okinawa
My goodness!!!
Okinawa island has a population of 1.4 million!
Naha about 300.000
For Okinawa island 23 cases mean: 0,001%
For Naha 23 mean: 0,007%
Do we really need this fearmongering BS?
That doesn't help anyone!
Maybe you do, but far too many dont. Everything is Tokyo-centric here.
Thank you!
RedstormToday 06:22 pm JST
Not true; open to interpretation. Government can impose one and see what happens.
I don't "claim". And my country did not have lockdowns. And how is that relevant to Japan?
Lock it up, lock it down.
The only good Covid is zero covid.
Imagine yourself being slapped upside the head, with a virtual cast-iron fry pan!
You cherry picked the post, and have a difficult time with comprehending what I wrote as to what the true problem is. It's not about the statistics of severely ill patients, nor the numbers of people who died.
When the medical services are impacted to the level they are now, it adveresly affects the overall health and well being of everyone. Emergency room services at hospitals are backed up with waiting times as long as 8 hours. That isnt "fear-mongering" its FACT. Public transportation is curtailed, that isnt fear-mongering, it's FACT. People can not get to necessary medial facilities, because they are ill, can not go in a taxi, bus, monorail, nor walk, and have passed their illness on to others, who took them by car. That's not fear mongering, that's FACT.
There is more, but to folks like you, who only see numbers, reread my first line in my "virtual" response to you!
Squabbling needs to end right here right now and normality must return for all. Maintainable a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) is essential for everyone.
@painkiller: I can't work from home - Will your draconian rule let supermarkets remain open post 7PM? How about my lunch? Where should I go? I can't work from home. Simply impossible. Answers please.
By the way, it will NEVER happen in Japan, so you can stop bleating on about it.
Brian William Meissner
Remember everyone statistically 1/5 of those infected go on to get long Covid. People are starting to get disability for it in the US. It’s not just about living and dying, stay safe.
Brian William Meissner
Getting the vaccine is not going to protect you as much from long Covid but it will prevent Covid infection and that’s good enough
Brian William Meissner
You can dislike my comments all you want but I’m going to post it here everyday to help spread awareness
Awareness? More like ignorance! The vaccine does NOT prevent covid infection! And your statement is contradictory as well, "not protect you as much from long covid" but "it will prevent covid infection"
The vaccines do NOT prevent covid! They lessen the symptoms if contracted. Get it together
You aren't "spreading" awareness, but ignorance!
7% of confirmed cases get Long Covid according to a US study. The effects are mostly very mild for the majority and will go within a few weeks or months.
All these types of viruses and diseases have problems that can continue for a while, nothing unique to Covid. I had problems after acute bronchitis for months.
You are being fearful of something that is not reality.
Brian William Meissner
Thank you sir for your 2 cents… I take it you’ve never had long Covid so you have no idea what it’s like but you are entitled to your opinion, it’s not ignorance it’s fact you can look it up yourself. I’m officially diagnosed with long Covid it’s no picnic
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2022/20220622.htm. CDC reference 1 in 5 people
“Gotta love that pic of a nice quiet train.”
yes. Lovely. But it’s not like that all the time. Trains are packed until 9-10am these days… and will be again from 5pm… Not sure about after 5pm into the night coz I often leave work early these days to ride more comfortably in the trains/subways in Tokyo.
Brian William Meissner
thats directly from the cdc no ignoring that
Brian William Meissner
Say again it’s not a reality please
Uou need to seek therapy for your obvious depression mate, You’re having a pop at people here because you are unhappy and unwell.
Brian William Meissner
It’s more about ignorance of the reality
Brian William Meissner
From people in the general public who have never had long Covid but I don’t blame you guys you cannot possibly know what it’s like
Steven Mccarthy
The science denying needs to stop right here right now! The anti everything as related to Covid clan needs to stop with their wild and patently false conspiracy theories, fabricated facts, citing of junk science from 3rd world countries with amateur healthcare professionals such as the UK right here right now! The anti vax infowars needs to stop right here right now ! Life needs to get back to some sense of normalcy right here right now…. Oh wait … this is Japan … things haven’t actually changed since the beginning…. The devaluing of peoples lives needs to stop right here right now! The borders are open for all ! Stop whining about it right here right now! If you’re in the highly irresponsible minority of anti everything, get vaccinated right here right now! Mask up right here right now! Follow the 3 C’s right here right now! Just stop whining right here right now! Keep safe people… the jgov publicly affirmed today the entire healthcare system has collapsed and as for Covid…. You’re on your own….
Steven Mccarthy
Brian …. I have 2 coworkers with long Covid…. Over a year …. And I’d have to say they are equally are 2 most responsible and healthy teachers …. Don’t let some of these fact denying clowns bother you…. Karma will eventually catch up!
Its a virus and it is not going anywhere!! Wearing a mask or not wearing a mask. It is, what it is, and that is COVID!!!
John Noun
Feel for you mate. Tourists should be prohibited for a while from Okinawa I reckon. They're very selfish.