Japan Today

Tokyo reports 4,066 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 14,472


The Tokyo metropolitan government on Sunday reported 4,066 new coronavirus cases, down 500 from Saturday.

The average for Tokyo over the past seven days stands at 4,037.

People in their 20s (1,367 cases), their 30s (797), their 40s (682) and their 50s (475) accounted for the highest numbers, while 541 cases were aged under 19.

The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 151, up one from Saturday, health officials said. The nationwide figure is 1,138, up 70 from Saturday.

Nationwide, the number of reported cases as of 6:30 p.m. was 14,472. After Tokyo, the prefectures with the most cases were Kanagawa (1,860), Saitama (1,364), Osaka (1,164), Chiba (968), Fukuoka (702), Okinawa (574), Hyogo (450), Aichi (375), Kyoto (333), Hokkaido (308), Ibaraki (299), Shizuoka (206), Gunma (117), Hiroshima (107), Kagoshima (104), Tochigi (98), Miyagi (96), Shiga (89), Nara (88), Okayama (87), Kumamoto (82), Fukushima (81), Niigata (73), Mie (73) and Ishikawa (55).

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 14.

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Up almost 1000 from last Sunday - 6000 this week I think.

20 ( +26 / -6 )

Wow - down 500 cases.

-32 ( +6 / -38 )

From last week 1008 higher number - by far the highest number recorded on a Sunday since the start of pandemic in Japan

21 ( +25 / -4 )

Test less find less. Well done.

Should Japanese authorities grab perfectly well people off the street and forcibly swab them for the virus?

-21 ( +9 / -30 )

Numbers will drop soon I predict.

Almost at the 100m dose mark for vaccines, with over 45% of the population having had at least one dose, and a third of the population fully vaccinated. These high infection numbers can't last as the vaccination rollout keeps going.

Deaths low at the moment due to the fact that 80% of over 65s are now fully vaccinated.

-17 ( +9 / -26 )

Clear to see the government can’t do anything more. They are inept at the best of times, but with Obon upon us now and people going away here, there and everywhere, it’s clear to see that the government will only “hope” that either they achieve herd immunity soon or the numbers magically go down.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

We should all just be thankful that today wasn’t the day that it all fell apart.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

MordacToday  05:10 pm JST

Test less find less. Well done.

Should Japanese authorities grab perfectly well people off the street and forcibly swab them for the virus?

No but perhaps they should test those that request like other developed by do.

Dod give us the false "Japan uses targeted testing" thing. Or the cost of mass testing like others.

Targeted testing doesn't go from 18,000 tests on Monday drop every day there after and culminate with only 3,000 on Sunday, every week the exact same pattern.

That is called controlled testing in order to manipulate the numbers

And if they could afford to test 15,000 athletes and more every single day, then they can do the same to anyone that requests.

11 ( +14 / -3 )


The absence of reporting on it could indicate there were no deaths (or very few deaths). Japanese people are good at math. If you give them a story that says 4066 people tested positive but only four people died, they do the mental soroban, calculate the odds, and then take their chances by heading out to their favorite bars and izakayas tonight, or go somewhere during their O-bon company vacation this week. (*Four deaths is used for an example, not a fact. It could be higher or lower. Later posters will surely add the numbers they find.)

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

joffyToday  05:28 pm JST

95% of all these cases are people under 50!

Over 50s total 679 that is 16.6% of cases.

Add in the 683 over 40 and we have 1,381 cases or 33.4%

This is what is called mathematics.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Almost at the 100m dose mark for vaccines, with over 45% of the population having had at least one dose, and a third of the population fully vaccinated. These high infection numbers can't last as the vaccination rollout keeps going.

Deaths low at the moment due to the fact that 80% of over 65s are now fully vaccinated.

Again, the most logical comments in the thread never fail to be downvoted by the Chicken Littles who would prefer to have everyone forcibly couped up in their homes.

-10 ( +8 / -18 )

No but perhaps they should test those that request like other developed by do.

Right. So if I go into the hospital with a torn muscle, as I did a month ago, they should test me for coronavirus? A very nice lady approached me when I went in. She asked me in English about any coronavirus sympyoms. I told her it was an injury, not sickness. The end result was that the incompetent morons didn't test me for corinavirus.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

95% of all these cases are people under 50!

no it is not. JT ignore case for people over 60 as it is now a minority but it is not 0, so you have 679 people over 50 years old. It is not at all 5%, including within them 200 people over 60 years old.

then ok for people over 60 years old you could say 5% but as Zorotto mentioned when you start hovering at such a high level of cases per day then even 5% starts to be a significant number.

The increase of serious case is probably the important number to watch out and it doesn’t look like it is going in the right direction now.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

You left out that the majority of those 5% are now fully vaccinated. They were not earlier in the year. You didn't bother to think about that since it doesn't support your opinion

well actually if they were tested there is a great chance they had symptoms like fever and cough requiring testing, otherwise you will never get tested ( they even stopped testing you if someone in your family has covid19 unless you show fever or symptoms ). So either they were not vaccinated or the vaccine partially worked.

i don’t think the vaccination covers 100% of Japanese over 60 years old, even at 70% we are not out of trouble as we can see in other countries more advanced in terms of vaccination ( France / Israel / IS / UK though it is getting better there ).

3 ( +6 / -3 )

My country has a population of almost 12,000,000 (Tokyo prefecture is about 14 millions). During the 3rd wave in April, the number of hospitalizations reached 3215 (maximum of beds available for Covid was set to 8000 including 2000 for ICU). Considering the current wave in Japan is not yet at its peak, I wonder how many more hospitalizations will be needed in Tokyo (currently at 3485). As the Japanese government decided to do nothing to prevent the spread of the virus, this is scary for the medical system !

3 ( +6 / -3 )

MordacToday  05:44 pm JST

No but perhaps they should test those that request like other developed by do.

Right. So if I go into the hospital with a torn muscle, as I did a month ago, they should test me for coronavirus? A very nice lady approached me when I went in. She asked me in English about any coronavirus sympyoms. I told her it was an injury, not sickness. The end result was that the incompetent morons didn't test me for corinavirus.

Oh common you expect us to swallow that story!

I did the same a month ago torn ligament not only did they not offer to test me they would even Let me try and register before getting my temperature taken if any fever it was get out!!

Many here have said how difficult it is just to get into a hospital forget trying to get tested.

2 out of a working group of 10 my daughter works with had covid hospitalised, the other 8 were refused testing that includes my daughter. The company had to resort to Private lab to get the other 8 tested and 2 more had covid.

Give us a break with this no other developed country has the most perfect rollercoaster testing graphics of up high on Monday gradually dropping all the way to Sunday and Rockey straight up again on Monday every single week like Tokyo has been doing for months.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

These high infection numbers can't last as the vaccination rollout keeps going.

Deaths low at the moment due to the fact that 80% of over 65s are now fully vaccinated.

Again, the most logical comments in the thread never fail to be downvoted by the Chicken Littles who would prefer to have everyone forcibly couped up in their homes.

It was inaccurate in part. Take a look around the world. High vaccination numbers do not necessarily mean high infection numbers can’t continue.

Poor knowledge. Best read things properly.

I agree that vaccinating the elderly will help to keep deaths lower.

Get vaccinated as soon as you can. Try to help the conspiracy theorists over their fears. Lure them out of their basements with treats.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

I would not want to put anything from Russia in my body.

What about vodka?

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Russia made the mistake to not release data on Sputnik in the beginning. Because of that many Russians refuse to be vaccinated. The percentage of fully vaccinated people in Russia in less than 20%. It's really sad for this country because now, the delta variant is spreading a lot and there are countless of deaths. To sad for Russian population.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I would not want to put anything from Russia in my body.

No one is asking you to do that. Just that many people vis-a-vis Big Pharma feel the opposite way. Mostly people with a border close to Russia who have experienced Soviet medical care and don't pay any attention to corporate media. But now it's more serious, I don't care if you die from Covid but in the absence of the only safe and highly effective vaccine, you will infect 100 people before you succumb.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

They probably censor the Sputnik comments because it is another pointless spam post technique from anti-vaxxers.

Trying to push a vaccine that they know won't be available here and bad-mouthing the ones that are.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Big Pharma

Who do you think produces the Sputnik vaccine if not russian "Big Pharma"? Mom and pop apothecaries in Siberia?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Steve + CommordoreFlag

Great points made

We are seeing less doomsday predictions here now, which is good. People are realizing that as far as being a fatal virus, Covid is on its way out. Let’s all enjoy the summer sun and take sensible precautions

-12 ( +7 / -19 )

Let’s all enjoy the summer sun and take sensible precautions

Haven't you stated several times that you will not get vaccinated?

I mean, that seems like a pretty sensible precaution.

I'll take my hat off to anyone who can actually enjoy the summer sun in Japan, unless they're in Hokkaido or something.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Again, the most logical comments in the thread never fail to be downvoted by the Chicken Littles who would prefer to have everyone forcibly couped up in their homes.

Chicken Little or people like my children's Japanese grandparents that know the history of how the LDP has handled health crisises in the past, to name just 2 Minamata add Tainted blood.

Look them up then say we can trust a government that as we can clearly see from testing is doing everything it can to control the narrative by controlling the testing lower than just about every other developed country.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

The number of cases is not important, the seriously ill and deaths are. We need to know if the one death yesterday was a person with bad health and underlying issues. We are being fed false or zero information that enables es us to think clearly - This is an obvious faw with the system

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

The number of cases is not important, the seriously ill and deaths are. 

Let me remind you and others.

In the last international health crisis.

Japan claimed it had very little AIDS and few deaths.

Decade later we find out that there were far far more and the government covered it up along with the fact tainted blood and blood products were permitted to be used knowing full well the dangers.

So do we now trust the same LDP government?

11 ( +15 / -4 )

boToday  06:29 pm JST

The number of cases is not important, the seriously ill and deaths are. We need to know if the one death yesterday was a person with bad health and underlying issues. We are being fed false or zero information that enables es us to think clearly - This is an obvious faw with the system

So you do not care about most of the hospitalizations ?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

So do we now trust the same LDP government?

Stepping out of character for a moment...

I wouldn't trust that brigade of jijis as far as I could throw them.

But then again, the older we get the more we realise that the significant majority of politicians are among the worst people in the entire world.

I don't think I'm in quite the same age bracket as Mr. Antiquesaving, but I've been around a bit and I can honestly say that the number of politicians I've come across who are in it for genuinely good reasons can be counted on the fingers of two hands. And that assumes those hands belong to incompetent yakuza, if you know what I mean.

I would wager that the figures being reported from Japan are so far out as to be meaningless. Unfortunately, I would also wager that if this is ever made public and official, the general reaction in Japan will be a shrug, because the level of political apathy here is really quite staggering...

15 ( +15 / -0 )

I would wager that the figures being reported from Japan are so far out as to be meaningless. Unfortunately, I would also wager that if this is ever made public and official, the general reaction in Japan will be a shrug, because the level of political apathy here is really quite staggering...

I agree with you. I really do not understand the political world in Japan.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Targeted testing doesn't go from 18,000 tests on Monday drop every day there after and culminate with only 3,000 on Sunday, every week the exact same pattern.

That is called controlled testing in order to manipulate the numbers

Common sense would say it is due to most hospitals being closed on Sunday, but if you want to believe there is some conspiracy involving almost every medical professional in Japan, be my guest.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Common sense would say it is due to most hospitals being closed on Sunday, but if you want to believe there is some conspiracy involving almost every medical professional in Japan, be my guest.

Sure so they close when? Wednesday, Thursday, Friday?

Monday 18,000 Friday 10,000 and in between a near identical drop daily, makes for a very beautiful graphic every week the same.

And I will again reminded you the LDP government hiding serious health issues is nothing new, ask Japanese hemophiliacs those that survived!

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Despite what the censors want I think everyone in Japan should think about Sputnik V. The data coming out of many countries demonstrates it's over 90% effective agaist the virus and every known variant. If people don't trust Russian science, that's great. No one is asking them to do otherwise. But why not give us a choice? For the people who want the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, let's do everything possible to make sure they can get it. For people who want Sputnik V, why not give is a choice?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 14.


Is this the Olympic covid disaster people warned of for a whole year?

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Is this the Olympic covid disaster people warned of for a whole year?

these people will be disappointed that the super spreader didn’t eventuate.

What a waste of a whole year & 1/2 of constant whining

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

TokyoiteToday  07:31 pm JST

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported nationwide was 14.

yep the "official" number.

And you are sure the LDP can 100% be trusted on this? Remember 薬害エイズ事件 among others.

Official numbers and reality turned out to be very different and took over 2 decades to get the truth.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

these people will be disappointed that the super spreader didn’t eventuate.

What a waste of a whole year & 1/2 of constant whining

But it did.

We are in it now, why because instead of taking the problem seriously, they were hellbent on having the Olympics, diverted resources, government was far more focused on making sure the Olympics happened, that the illusion of everything is fine instead of showing the people the facts, getting vaccine out promptly and efficiently.

No Olympics and the governments of Tokyo and Japan would have had a single thing to focus on, Covid!

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Sure so they close when? Wednesday, Thursday, Friday?

Monday 18,000 Friday 10,000 and in between a near identical drop daily, makes for a very beautiful graphic every week the same.

If they can't go on Sunday they have to go on Monday, so the numbers rise on Monday and drop down again after. Again common sense, and I shouldn't have to explain this. Unless the numbers are going down from week to week, it's pointless to constantly talk about it.

And I will again reminded you the LDP government hiding serious health issues is nothing new, ask Japanese hemophiliacs those that survived!

And again I will remind you this would have to go way further than the central government to pull off.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Wondering if any one has any evidence of the following regarding the numbers. Anything to show case numbers are being manipulated and that Covid related deaths are being concealed. We see these stated as facts daily by numerous people here yet there is zero evidence to back up these claims.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Wondering if any one has any evidence of the following regarding the numbers. Anything to show case numbers are being manipulated and that Covid related deaths are being concealed

Japan Circa 1980

Wondering if any one has any evidence of the following regarding the numbers of HIV Anything to show case numbers of HIV are being manipulated and that HIV related deaths are being concealed.

Jump forward

In January 1996, Naoto Kan was appointed Health Minister. He assembled a team to investigate the scandal, and within a month nine files of documents related to the scandal were uncovered, despite the Ministry of Health's claims that no such documents existed. 

Still trust the LDP and officials numbers. Would you like a few more like this?

2 ( +6 / -4 )


Can you show anything or did you misunderstand my question?

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Should Japanese authorities grab perfectly well people off the street and forcibly swab them for the virus?

Nope, thousands of people call the welfare centers and are refused free testing based on some obscure criteria meanwhile Tedros was tested daily while he was here with the main purpose of making him think that Japan was testing massively like other countries.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

@falseflagsteve - Wondering if any one has any evidence of the following regarding the numbers. Anything to show case numbers are being manipulated and that Covid related deaths are being concealed. We see these stated as facts daily by numerous people here yet there is zero evidence to back up these claims.

A couple articles here that may interest you:

Over half of Japan pathologists' requests for postmortem coronavirus tests rejected


"... since private clinics are not obligated to inform the government of positive results, there is a fear that infection numbers are being underreported..."


7 ( +10 / -3 )

Look, with the Para Olympic on the horizon, lets thing logically and rationally.

Some, may I suggest many, could be venerable to the pandemic variants.

They came, they competed,

lets not offer up the possibility some could remain here indefinably.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

95% of all these cases are people under 50!

This is a MUCH better situation that earlier in the year since this age group statistically recovers fully from Covid.

There are 541 under the age of 19 today alone, we should be happy for the infected elementary grade aged children and babies whose system are not yet perfectly strong.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

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